7 - 60 Days Past

You Make Me Want To Live Again

Two months had past since Kyungsoo said goodbye to another special person in his life. Sixty days after a tearful goodbye at the airport.



Kyungsoo and ____ sat side by side at the flight gate, their hand entwined in a grip lock. It was almost two in the morning and the flight bound for New York was nearly full, with passengers either sleeping now or trying to stay awake with various cups of coffee.

Beside the two, stood two cups of now cold caramel cappuccinos. Neither Kyungsoo or ____ could drink or eat anything, for nothing could stop the pain in both their hearts as one would be leaving the other.

During the past month, the two were inseparable. They spent day after day in each other’s comfort and never dared to let go. Kyungsoo couldn’t believe what was happening; this was supposed to be his happily ever after and now ____ was just leaving, just like his father did. 

____ was resting her head against Kyungsoo’s shoulder while Kyungsoo rested his head on top of hers. She was asleep and Kyungsoo couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail that showed off her flawless features. Her cheeks were stained with dry tears that fell from the train ride over. During the hour and a half they spent at the airport, Kyungsoo never let go of ____’s hand. He knew the next time he would see her in person was a few years away, so he wanted to hold her for every possible moment he had left.


“Passengers travelling to New York, United States of America on flight Q3971, please begin to line up and present your boarding passes upon entry, thank you and have a good flight.”

The intercom echoed through the terminal and people sitting around Kyungsoo and ____ began to move about to line up at the entrance doors. Kyungsoo looked down at ____ once again in her sleeping state. He patted her shoulder in an attempt to wake her, but when he saw a single tear fall from her closed fluttered eye he knew the announcement awoke her. He kissed her head and pulled her into a hug before helping her stand out of the chair. ____ quickly wrapped her tightly around Kyungsoo’s body, which he gladly accepted. They held each other until there was no one left in the gate lounge and unwillingly, Kyungsoo let go of ____.

“You’ll miss your flight,” he said as he pressed his forehead against hers.

____ nodded her head. “I’ll call you when I get there.”

“I’ll be waiting,” Kyungsoo pressed his lips to her forehead and handed ____ her bag. She began to walk away and Kyungsoo see the connection between them pulling tighter as she left. ____ reached the woman at the counter and handed her ticket while never leaving Kyungsoo’s stare. She was about to leave when she stopped and turned around to see Kyungsoo, standing with his hands to his sides. He smiled and waved, which drove ____ to tears.

Kyungsoo watched as ____ cried and made his way over to her, only to be nearly tackled down by ____ who ran over and pressed her body and lips against his in one final moment of physical contact.

Kyungsoo held onto her waist tightly as he pushed open with his tongue, moulding it with hers. ____ had her arms around Kyungsoo’s neck in a grip lock, never wanting to let go. She pulled away first to make the goodbye short and painless, even when it slowly killed them inside. She grabbed her bags once more and made her way to the gate entry. Kyungsoo watched intently as the love of his life slowly disappearing through the long tube. At the end of the walkway, he saw his angel waving from a far, but the doors closed before he could acknowledge her farewell. For the second time in his life, Kyungsoo had lost a piece of himself, one the angel gave back and took away once more.

~End Flashback~


About a week after ____ left, Kyungsoo fell back into his old habits; not paying attention, distant-minded, much when before he met her. His mother watched in sadness as her son reverted to the quiet person she remembered for seven years prior. For two months, she saw the lively Kyungsoo wither once again.

Jongin noticed this as well. Whenever he tried to get Kyungsoo out of the shop, he would brush him off and say he wasn’t feeling well, which was true to an extent. He usually hid in his room for most of the time he wasn’t in the shop. Kyungsoo’s mother neither saw him eat, but would always come back to an empty plate of food by the foot of his door.


Days turned into months slower than Kyungsoo could ever imagine. Drawing close to the third month, he wondered what ____ would be doing right now. Kyungsoo had only just spoken to ____ via online chat because the video stream lagged too much for ____’s liking and insisted on not seeing morphed images of Kyungsoo; much to Kyungsoo’s disagreement. The conversations were short due to time differences, work schedules and ____’s classes. Now Kyungsoo understood why long distance relationships were never easy.


The day was drawing to a close when Kyungsoo walked down to the shop. Jongin was finishing his shift for the day and his mother was shuffling through some old merchandise.

“I’ll see you next week, Mrs Do.” Jongin called out as he was leaving. He mentioned it to Kyungsoo briefly that he was leaving town for the weekend to catch up with his family and friends. He offered Kyungsoo to tag along but Kyungsoo declined.

“Have a safe trip, Jongin.” His mother said as her head was hidden in the boxes beneath her. She huffed and stood up, “Kyungsoo dear, could you head to the basement and find some price tags?” she said. “I think I put them down there a while ago.” Kyungsoo nodded and left the room with a blank expression. His mother sighed and placed her hands on her hips, going back to her work.


Kyungsoo headed down into the dim basement, illuminated by the single light in the middle of the large room. The space was a large as the store, making it a dumping ground and storage for the family’s belongings.

As Kyungsoo began to dig through some boxes, he caught the glint of gold in the corner of his eye. Curious, he stood up in the direction of the shine and stepped toward a large sheet at the far end of the basement. Pulling back the curtain, his vision was clouded with dust, which then dissolved for Kyungsoo to find something he hadn’t seen in almost seven years.

Half the wall was covered with gold and silver chromed trophies, ribbons and framed certificates; all bearing Kyungsoo’s name. Now Kyungsoo remembered why he never came down there. Looking down, he saw some boxes with the family’s names on them. It was when he saw his own name in faded back writing, when curiosity took the better of him.

Inside, he found old baby clothes and toys from when he was a child. Folders of his old written music compositions, some of the pages tattered and beginning to fade. What caught his eye was a medium sized object wrapped in a blue clouded sheet. Unravelling the contents, he sighed as he held his old keyboard in his hands, not a single drop of dust covered the exterior and it looked like it did when he first received it. He sat on the cold concrete floor and crossed his legs, placing the keyboard on his lap and turning it on. It was just as Kyungsoo remembered it, even the small ‘play’ light in the top corner still lit up vibrant as ever. Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows at this and pressed the play button to hear a soothing tune come from the toy. Kyungsoo couldn’t recognise the tune, but it did seem familiar to him. With the song still playing, Kyungsoo placed it aside and rummaged through his box once more. Nothing of interest was inside, expect for a single envelope addressed to him, in his father’s recognisable cursive.

Kyungsoo stared at the while envelope, unsure of what to do with it. He had never seen it before and wondered if he was supposed to read it or not. “To hell with it,” he said as he tore it open and took out the contents. Inside was a letter hand written by his father, Kyungsoo sighed and began to read it while the keyboard supplied some backing sounds.



If you are reading this, you are probably about to jump on a plane to New York City. I asked your mother to give this too you and to read it on the ride over.

If you are reading this, it means that I’m probably not here anymore. But at the same time, I always am in a way. I never thought it would come down to this; saying what I have to say on a piece of paper. But you know I like to be old fashioned.

If you are reading this, it means that I haven’t had the chance to say that I am so proud of you. You had never stopped fighting for your dream, and I am so proud to be the father of a boy like yourself. Ever since you were little, you never ceased to amaze me. Your mother always used to say that you remind her of me. The way you played the piano was just like me, I’m still the better looking one though.

All that aside, I feel honoured to be your inspiration. But, I hope you know what was my inspiration, my motive to do what I did.

It was my love for you and your mother. My love for you made everything possible. And by the time you find someone special, you can feel the same way I do. You can realise that music is not the centre of life. It’s love. Hopefully you can realise this soon when you meet a cute girl. I know you’ll find a good one, I know I did.

If you are reading this, it means that you have achieved your dreams, shot for the stars. Just remember Kyungsoo, you’ll always be the little bug-eyed boy I taught the piano too. I love you son, don’t ever forget that.




Kyungsoo dropped the letter in his hands; everything he had believed was wrong. It wasn’t because of the music, it was because of love. His father loved him and his mother, and that was the reason why he loved music.

Kyungsoo couldn’t believe it took him that long to realise what he had been missing all along. Loving ____ brought back his love for music, being with her was like being with his father again; for both had the same passion as he did.

It was at that moment Kyungsoo knew what he had to do for himself, and for ____.


For the next few months, Kyungsoo tried everything to apply quickly for Julliard. He sent letters, emails, and auditions but there was still no reply. During that time also, he managed to make contact with ____, but only briefly which made Kyungsoo that more determined to reach her.

That week, Kyungsoo was browsing once again through his emails with no luck. It was Wednesday so he had the free time in the store. His mother walked in holding the mail in her hands.

“Nothing interesting today,” she sighed as she flipped through the stack of envelopes. She came to the last one and a smile appeared on her face. She took the letter and handed it to Kyungsoo, which he gave her a puzzled look. “That one’s for you; open it.”

Kyungsoo obediently tore open the envelope, unfolding the paper inside and letting his eyes widen at the first sentence on the page.


‘Congratulations! It gives me tremendous pleasure to inform you that the Julliard Piano faculty and the Committee on Admissions have granted you admission to the Classical Music – Bachelor of Music program at The Julliard School-‘


Kyungsoo couldn’t believe it, he imagined it would be much more difficult to be granted admission to the school.

“Mum,” he said, “I got in!” For that split second, life had entered Kyungsoo’s body once more and he jumped into his mother’s arms, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

“You’re welcome dear,” she said. Kyungsoo pulled back confused.

“Aren’t you supposed to say congratulations?”

She shook her head, “since you turned down the first acceptance letter, I kept you on the waiting list until the time was right, we’re lucky we get so much business to pay for it.” Kyungsoo looked at her with tears in his eyes and hugged her even tighter than before.

“Thank you.”

“When do you leave?” She asked.

Kyungsoo glanced down at the letter and read on; he made a face of slight disappointment as he did. “Next year in February,” he said.

Kyungsoo’s kissed his cheek lovingly, “that’s only a few months, and you’ll be reunited with that angel ____ before you know it.” She walked away to open the rest of the mail in the office, leaving Kyungsoo dumbfounded by what she said.

Jongin told her. He’s so dead.

Hi everyone....

Remember when I said I'd update more frequently? Sorry about that haha. I've had heaps of stuff happening these past weeks. 

At least I'm updating right, I might upload a few more chapters because this story is almost finished! I'm still so happy with this story, and I hope you are as well.

Comments are loved!!

Andy ^^

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Chapter 10: Wow..i love this..thank you so much
Chapter 10: Aaww!! This was so cuteee, thanks a lot ♡ !
Chapter 10: A decent Kyungsoo fic I weep. Huhuhu thank you for writing this. ♡
Chapter 8: Omg! I finally found a good D.O fan fiction! The feels! waha!
Chapter 7: There is something will happen between them before ____ go! I know it..update soon!
Chapter 7: There is something will happen between them before ____ go! I know it..update soon!
ShawolMBLFT #7
Chapter 7: Omg I currai
Chapter 4: pp mog fg yO kyungsoo rlly cute i mean,.... dan g.........
XOaddictedXO #9
I like your story : D
i'm looking forward to the next chapters :)