
My Embrace
Pairing: Daehyun x Young Jae
Additional Characters: Ae Sook (OC)
Setting: Modern Day, Lotte World
Inspiration: None?
Request by: Anonymous


(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking



The ceiling fan above continued to make its rotary noise as it tried its best to circulate the air all around the room. It wasn’t really necessary to have it on since it wasn’t all that hot yet and the air conditioning was on, but it was more of a preferred sound at this point. Having the silence looming made things a wee bit uncomfortable sometimes. In a way, the sound from the ceiling fan made was somewhat... comforting.

Of course, one had to be careful. The room wasn’t exactly big and the male that owned this room had decided to choose a bunk bed as his main source of sleep. So, when getting down, he had to be careful not to move too far away from the bed unless he was firmly planted on the ground below. For now, he didn’t have any thoughts of leaving the room just yet.

A small yawn escaped his lips as the dark haired teen read the book he held with boredom. The book was something that he was practically forced to read for a class, but it wasn’t something he felt like doing. Still, it needed to be done before he could do anything else. Of course.. what else could he do? Besides playing video games or searching the Internet for various things, he was basically stuck at home.

Now, why would he be stuck at home? It’s not like he was in trouble or anything. Nope. As wild and active as he usually was, he normally made certain not to get into any sort of trouble. No, the reason was definitely something that usually occurred to most people. Yes, this reason was probably the only reason why he wasn’t as hyper as usual.

This young male was currently sick. It wasn’t anything too bad as long as he got enough rest and took the necessary medicine, which he has. That was probably the only reason why he was feeling drowsy at the moment, but that didn’t mean that he was going to go to sleep any time soon. Nope. It was an hour until noon, so it was far too early to be going to sleep and although it was the weekend, he decided to at least get his homework done on time for once.

That didn’t necessarily make the book any less boring. With a small sigh, the dark-haired male placed his bookmark into the book and set the book off to the side as he placed a hand between his head and the pillow. Looking up at the ceiling, he blinked sleepily before randomly smiling. Raising his hand up, he attempted to touch the ceiling. He stretched, flapped his arm around as best as possible, but his arm just wasn’t long enough. If he sat up, he would be able to reach the ceiling then, but he was feeling far too lazy to do it.

His ears pricked up as he heard the buzzer go off. He slowly lowered his hand as he turned his head slightly towards the door. Staring, he waited patiently almost as if he was expecting to know instantly whom had been at the door. His room was the farthest from the front door, so he couldn’t necessarily hear any voices if they were talking. Slowly, he counted as he waited to see if it had been someone for him. He did wish hope that it was for him, but at the same time, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep up with whomever it was. The medicine practically drained him of all his stamina and it was a downer, but he only had to put up with it for a few days hopefully.

Waiting until a full minute had passed, the teen let out a small sigh before turning his head back towards the window by his bed. Moving his hand from under his head, he reached forward and moved the blinds off to the side as he looked out the window. His family lived on the seventh floor of the apartment complex, so the view was usually nice to look at to let time pass by.

A small knock on the door quickly turned his attention before it opened without him answering. His eyes widened a bit, surprised to see just whom it was that was carrying a tray of food for him. It was Young Jae, his rather lovely and y boyfriend. As happy as he was to see Young Jae, he just didn’t have the energy for the male today. Just like him, Young Jae was just as hyper and active and, well.. it would be difficult keeping up with him. “Omo.. What are you still doing in bed, Daehyun?! You even have to have your mom bring in a tray of food for you?! Tsk tsk tsk.. being so lazy!” (YJ)

Daehyun chuckled a bit as he pushed himself up to a sitting position. It didn’t seem like Young Jae knew he was sick, so it was probably best if it stayed that way. Of course, Young Jae could just be poking fun at him, but at least Young Jae was acting normally around him. As Daehyun moved back a bit, Young Jae set the tray down in the middle of the bed before he climbed up the bunk bed’s ladder. Sitting down at the opposite end of the bed, Young Jae picked up one of the fluffy pancakes before pulling it apart and putting the piece into his mouth. Young Jae looked up, a smirk playing on his lips as he looked down at Daehyun’s body. Daehyun didn’t necessarily understand Young Jae’s smirk for the time being, so he just simply reached forward before he began eating as well. “So, what plans do you have for today?” (DH)

“Well, seeing my shirtless boyfriend can be checked off the list!” (YJ) Daehyun thought for a moment before looking down at his body. He instantly turned red as he set the pancake he held down before quickly reaching for his shirt and putting it back on. Young Jae laughed a bit before popping another piece of pancake into his mouth. “Besides that, let’s go play today! I wanna go to Lotte World. It’ll be great! All of the rides and the food! I even did all my homework yesterday, so we can definitely do it today!” (YJ)

“Lotte World?” (DH) Daehyun picked up the pancake he had set down as he thought on the possibility of going. It seemed rather difficult, especially since he wasn’t really feeling up for it, but maybe he should go anyway. After all, Young Jae seemed to want to go and it would be out of place if he ended up denying Young Jae’s request to go. “Uh.. Sure! Why not?” (DH)

“Great! Finish your food and then get dressed! I’m gonna go wait in the living room.” (YJ) Putting his hands on the railing, Young Jae jumped down from the bed as he attempted to land without making too much noise. With a grin, Young Jae looked back up at Daehyun and gave a thumbs up before making his way towards the door. Opening the door, he paused for a moment before turning to look at Daehyun. “Don’t keep me waiting for too long or I’ll come back in without warning!” (YJ)

Young Jae let out a maniacal laugh as he left the room and closed the door behind him. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he shook his head a bit. Looking back down at his food, Daehyun took in a deep breath before he went back to eating. What exactly had he gotten himself into? Was it too late to back out? Well, he shouldn’t worry too much. Daehyun was certain that he could keep up with Young Jae today. Yes! Everything was going to be extra fun for the two of them. He just needed to finish up before Young Jae decided to walk in on him while he was changing.


“Yah..! Daehyun! You’re too-” (YJ) Daehyun held a finger to Young Jae’s lips, cutting him off in the middle of his sentence.

“Ah! Don’t say it!” (DH) Young Jae grunted as he tried to carry his all too heavy boyfriend. He adjusted his grip a bit, moving his hands up Daehyun’s thigh a little bit just so that Daehyun didn’t end up falling off. Daehyun raised a single brow, but merely grinned as he rested his chin on Young Jae’s shoulder. “Ah.. Isn’t this so much fun? Come on! Go a little faster, yeah? Lotte World isn’t going to come to us you know!” (DH)

“Aish..! Why do I have to carry you?! Shouldn’t you carry me, mister muscles?!” (YJ) Daehyun let out a small whine, which Young Jae responded with an exasperated groan. “You have to carry me later, alright?!” (YJ)

“Ah.. But I’m special! You should just take care of me, neh?” (DH) Daehyun chuckled as he reached up and ruffled Young Jae’s hair. Young Jae furrowed his eyebrows and pouted as he continued walking. If it hadn’t been for the fact that Daehyun had taken him by surprise by jumping onto his back earlier, Daehyun could at least be walking next to him! He would just have to make certain to stay on his guard next time. “Look! The food over there looks tasty. Let’s get food over there. Pali-pali!” (DH)

Daehyun swung his legs, causing Young Jae to nearly lose his balance. He let out a small huff before finally releasing his hold on Daehyun. Instantly, the weight he had been carrying fell off of him, allowing him a small sigh of relief. Turning around, Young Jae placed his hands on his waist as he looked down at Daehyun. “You pali-pali then! Aish.. I’m not gonna carry you anymore.” (YJ)

Young Jae stuck his tongue out before walking over to the stall that Daehyun had been looking at. Daehyun let out a small groan of pain as he leaned to the side a bit to rub his bottom. He hadn’t expected Young Jae to drop him, so he hadn’t been able to brace himself for the impact. Slowly getting to his feet, Daehyun let out another groan as he followed after Young Jae while still rubbing his poor bottom.

Once he had caught up to Young Jae, Daehyun gave the side of Young Jae’s head a death glare before looking at the food out on display. It took a second or so later for Young Jae to shiver from the death glare, but by then, he had no idea where the chills had come from. Turning to Daehyun, Young Jae blinked a few times before nudging him a bit. “Did you touch me inappropriately?” (YJ)

“What are you, crazy? I wouldn’t dare touch something like you.” (DH) Daehyun stuck out his tongue before looking back at the food. Young Jae scoffed before playfully pushing Daehyun. Daehyun chuckled slightly as he wrapped his arm around Young Jae’s waist. “What are you gonna get?” (DH)

“Eh? Ah.. the chicken of course! Meat’s the best.” (YJ) The two looked at one another before they looked away, trying hard not to break out into laughter. Their little erted minds had instantly gone to a certain thing that was best not to talk about while out in public. “What about you?” (YJ)

“Hm.. I think I’ll get chicken too.” (DH) Young Jae quickly looked at Daehyun with disbelief before he reached up and pulled at Daehyun’s cheeks.

“Yah! You can’t get the same thing as me! How am I supposed to steal food off of your plate if it’s the same thing?!” (YJ) Daehyun pulled in the opposite direction, but that only seemed to increase the pain he already felt on his cheek. Reaching up, Daehyun somehow managed to slip his poor, stretchable, cheek out of Young Jae’s grasp before he began to rub at his cheek.

“Do I look like some sort of laffy taffy to you?! Aish! Fine, I’ll get something else!” (DH) He grumbled quietly to himself as he looked down at whatever other choices were there. Chicken had really caught his attention, especially when Young Jae brought it up, but he just didn’t know what to pick now. He did need to get something that didn’t require him to use a utensil of any sort. After all, since Young Jae really was going to end up stealing food from off of his plate, then he didn’t want to end up getting Young Jae sick as well. “Ah... The potatoes on the skewer and the French fry corn dogs and I want noodles too..” (DH)

“Money please!” (YJ) Young Jae held his palm out, closing and opening his fingers as he waited patiently for Daehyun to hand him the money necessary to buy the food. Young Jae definitely wasn’t going to pay for Daehyun’s food, considering how many things he wanted. Heck, would he even be able to finish it all?! Though, he did feel a bit bad as he watched Daehyun fumble around in his pockets. Was he really going to get all of that food? Did he not know how much that would cost?! Pulling out his wallet, Daehyun pulled out the money that he assumed would be enough before putting it into Young Jae’s hand. Putting his wallet away, Daehyun smiled a bit, though it couldn’t really be seen with the face mask he currently had on. “Do you really want all of that?” (YJ)

“If we’re sharing, then it should be fine! I’ll go get us a table while you get the food, okay?” (DH) Raising his hand, Daehyun waved a bit before he began walking off to find a table. Lotte World’s food court normally had a lot of people in it, so it was usually difficult to find a table. Looking here and there, Daehyun hoped to find a table soon. Almost as if the gods themselves had graced him with what he was looking for, his eyes instantly landed on a perfectly good and empty table nearby. He began walking forward, his eyes looking around as he tried to find potential threats that would take the table away from him. His eyes honed in on a couple of guys heading towards HIS table. Narrowing his eyelids, Daehyun practically dashed forward as he made a beeline towards the table. No one was going to take a table away from the great Daehyun! Of course, the great Daehyun did have his own flaws, but no one needed to know about those.

Once he reached the table, he practically fell into one of the chairs before almost slamming his forehead onto the table. That running made him a little dizzy, but that didn’t matter. Now that he had a table to sit at, he could get as much rest as he possibly could. Knowing the lines at every stall, Daehyun knew that it would take a while before Young Jae gathered all of the food that he had requested. “Um..”

Daehyun stiffened upon hearing a voice directly across from him. It was a little kid’s voice, which made things all the more awkward. Slowly, Daehyun lifted his head before his eyes landed on the small frame of a little girl. She looked lost, almost scared, as she stood by the seat in front of him. “Do you need something..?” (DH)

“Um.. Do you know where my mommy is..? I can’t find her..” A lost kid?! Daehyun sat up as he scratched the side of his head. What was he supposed to do? Well, the smart thing to do would be to bring the little girl to lost and found, however.. Daehyun didn’t necessarily know where that was. So, the only other option was to look after the little girl until her mommy came to pick her up! Yep. That seemed like the best option.

“I don’t know, but if you want, I can keep you company until your mommy finds you! My mommy told me when I was younger that I had to stay in one spot until she found me. Did your mommy tell you that?” (DH) The little girl seemed to think on the question for a moment before nodding. Slowly, the little girl slid into the seat across from Daehyun before wiping her eyes. Sniffling a little, the little girl let out a small gasp before sitting on the edge of her seat. “So, what’s your name? My name’s Daehyun!” (DH)

“Mm.. My name is Ae Sook.” The little girl was so cute with her big round eyes and slightly puffy cheeks. She also had really long hair with a cute headband with a bow off to the her left side. If he ever had a daughter, he definitely wanted her to look just like this little girl! Placing his elbows on the table, he rested his chin in the palm of his hands as he tried to think of what else to say.

“Omo.. Do you like games?” (DH)

“Games? Yeah! I like games!” Daehyun bit his bottom lip as he smiled, seeing the energy practically radiate from the little girl at the mention of games. Placing his hands onto the table, Daehyun leaned in a little as he held his smile.

“Ah, really? Then do you know I Spy?” (DH) The little girl nodded excitedly as she placed her hands on the edge of the table. Daehyun chuckled a bit as he looked around a bit. “Okay.. I spy with my little eye.. somethiiiiing... white!” (DH)

As the little girl began twisting and turning in her seat to find whatever it was that Daehyun had spotted, Daehyun quietly chuckled to himself as he looked down at the tables all around them. All of the tables were white and the walls were white, so it may have been a little too easy for the little girl. Then again, judging by how hard the little girl was looking, it seemed like she hadn’t caught onto Daehyun’s little trick yet.

As time passed, Daehyun and Ae Sook continued on with their game of I Spy. Daehyun couldn’t help but adore the little girl’s cuteness. He knew that all kids weren’t going to be this adorable, but he couldn’t help but hope that he got a kid as cute as her! “My turn! I spy.. someone carrying lots of food!”

Daehyun perked up, his head turning here and there before his gaze landed on whom he thought that the girl was speaking of. In that instant, his eyes widened with realization as he finally recognized just whom was heading their way. The closer the person got, the more evident it became. Coming to a stop, Young Jae looked at the little girl as he set the food onto the table. “Omo.. Did you kidnap a little kid?” (YJ)

“Eh? Who said I kidnaped her? She’s my daughter.” (DH) Young Jae raised a single brow as he soon took the seat right across from Daehyun. Ae Sook had moved to where she could sit next to Daehyun since she had gotten comfortable enough to sit by him. Leaning in close, Young Jae looked at Ae Sook, whom slowly began to hide behind Daehyun.

“Ah! Why so scared? I’m more friendly than the pabo next to you!” (YJ) Young Jae laughed a little as he sat up straight. He attempted to make a few funny faces, but the little girl only seemed to stare either in confusion or continued worriment. When it was evident that Ae Sook wasn’t going to be laughing any time soon, Young Jae let out a small sigh before looking at Daehyun. “Yah.. Where did she come from?” (YJ)

“I told you, she’s my daughter. Ae Sook, this is Young Jae. He’s my boyfriend.” (DH) Ae Sook instantly turned her head towards Daehyun, looking up at him with big, wide eyes. Daehyun didn’t necessarily know how old the little girl was, but this must have been her first time hearing of a gay couple.

“Boyfriend?! Does that mean you two love each other? Are you going to get married? Can I be your flower girl? But if you have a baby, how does it work? You’re both boys!” Daehyun rubbed the back of his head while Young Jae stared at the little girl with slight awe. Neither one of them had expected the little girl to ask so many questions at once, especially when it came to marriage and babies.

“Ae Sook, settle down! Here, have some food. You’re hungry, right?” (DH) Ae Sook quickly nodded before turning her gaze towards the food laid out in front of them. her lips, Ae Sook quickly took hold of one of the potato skewers before she began happily eating it. Young Jae let out a small sigh as he took his pack of chicken before looking at Daehyun.

“We should bring her to security. Her mom or dad must be worried sick you know.” (YJ)

“Yeah.. I know. I would have brought her sooner, but I don’t know where it is.” (DH) Young Jae scratched the back of his head as he tried to think. He recalled seeing signs before, but he wasn’t entirely certain where it was either. Still, at least he had some sort of idea as opposed to Daehyun’s idea to just sit here and play games with her.

“We’ll go after we eat, then you can play with me next!” (YJ) Ae Sook puffed out her cheeks and furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up at Young Jae. Young Jae had just briefly glimpsed at her, but his gaze remained glued to her as he noticed the look that he was giving her. “Yah. What kind of expression is that to give to your elders?” (YJ)

“You’re trying to steal Daehyun-oppa away, aren’t you?! I wanna play too!” Young Jae puffed out his own cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned in close. The two stared angrily at each other, Ae Sook being serious while Young Jae was merely playing around with her. Soon, though, Young Jae chuckled a bit as he leaned back.

“Aish.. I’m not trying to steal oppa away! He’s my boyfriend, so technically, he’s already mine!” (YJ) Young Jae nodded in approval with his own comment before looking back at Ae Sook. He popped a piece of chicken into his mouth before a smirk played across his face. “So I win. I get to play with him once we drop you off.” (YJ)

“That’s not fair! Daehyun-oppa is more handsomer than you!” Daehyun burst out laughing, earning him a glare from Young Jae. Daehyun didn't necessarily know how Ae Sook even knew how he looked, considering the fact that half of his face was currently covered, but at least he got a compliment. Ae Sook giggled a little bit as she ate another piece of potato. “But okay.. I’ll let you play with Daehyun-oppa too.”

“Aish.. this kid.” (YJ) Young Jae may not understand kids, but he knew that he didn’t want too many of them. Once they dropped Ae Sook off to security, then that would be the end of that anyway. He wouldn’t have to deal with this girl trying to steal his boyfriend anyway - not that it would ever happen. Either way, at least they got their food.


After dropping the little girl off to security, Daehyun couldn’t help but already miss her presence. She was already like a daughter to him, but it had to be done. It’s not like he could keep the little girl.. could he? Nah.. He definitely would get into trouble for doing something like that. Either way, he hoped that Ae Sook with reunite with her mommy soon. It was always a terrible feeling to be separated from one’s parent or child.

“Yah! Daehyun! Come on, let’s play already!” (YJ) Daehyun looked up at Young Jae before nodding a bit. Young Jae quickly took hold of Daehyun’s hand before he began running, pulling Daehyun along. Daehyun had no problem keeping up at first, but his current stature wasn’t exactly going to be able to keep up for too long.

Raising his arm up to his mouth, Daehyun let out a few small coughs. Even with his face mask on, Daehyun wanted to most definitely make certain that he didn’t get anyone else sick. Although Young Jae had noticed Daehyun’s coughing, he didn’t really think much of it as he continued pulling Daehyun along. A cough didn’t usually mean anything, right? It took them a few minutes, but they finally came to a stop in front of the one roller coaster that Young Jae really wanted to try. Looking up at the ride, the blood practically drained from his face as his body froze in place. “Look at this! Doesn’t it look great? Come on! Let’s get in line.” (YJ)

“D-Do we have to? Don’t you want to go on another ride like.. uh.. the beach?” (DH) Young Jae looked at Daehyun, whom slowly looked back at him. Young Jae had a look of disbelief on his face before he chuckled a bit and playfully shoved Daehyun.

“Stop joking around! The beach? That’s not even a ride! Come on, Daehyun! Let’s get going!” (YJ) Squeezing Daehyun’s hand a bit, Young Jae quickly pulled the poor male along before getting into line. Daehyun’s stomach wasn’t agreeing with him as he stared up at the ride. They had waited at least an hour after eating before dropping off Ae Sook, though that’s because they had spent that time looking for her mother. Now, though, it was as if his lunch was trying to make its way back up. He really didn’t like roller coasters and Young Jae most definitely knew that little fact of his, but it seemed like Young Jae didn’t necessarily care. In fact, Daehyun was almost certain that Young Jae liked torturing him with it.

The closer they got to the front, the more Daehyun felt lightheaded. Maybe it was the nervousness getting to him, but he knew that he didn’t want to ride on this ride. Still, he wanted to ride if it meant that Young Jae was at least happy and if it meant that Young Jae wouldn’t find out that he was sick. Finally up at the front, the pair waited as the group ahead of them started the ride. Young Jae’s excitement levels were fairly high at this point as he hopped in place, his eyes constantly looking over at Daehyun. “You ready? You ready? You ready? You ready?” (YJ)

Daehyun raised a single brow as he looked at Young Jae. He nervously chuckled as he reached up and pinched Young Jae’s nose between his index and middle fingers. “Aish.. I’m ready, alright?! Come on, get in already.” (DH)

Once the gates opened, the duo got into their car before taking their respective seats. They were in the second row, but it was still enough to worry Daehyun. Daehyun took in a deep breath as they waited for everyone behind them to get into their seats. While the employee went around to make sure that their bars were down and secure, Daehyun slowly reached for Young Jae’s hand before taking a firm hold of it. Young Jae looked down at their hands before looking up at Daehyun. “Are you really that nervous?” (YJ)

“N-Nah..! I’m fine! What makes you think I’m nervous?” (DH) Daehyun let out a clearly fake and nervous laugh before he screamed a bit from the ride suddenly moving forward. He hadn’t noticed the employees giving the okay for the ride to start, so he couldn’t help but be taken by surprise by it. Still, it was relatively embarrassing, but luckily he was wearing a face mask to hide at least the lower half of his face. Young Jae couldn’t help but laugh a little as he gave Daehyun’s hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Calm down! It’s just starting.” (YJ)

“Y-Yeah... Just.. Starting..” (DH) Daehyun quickly turned to Young Jae and took hold of his collar before leaning in close with narrowed eyes. “If I die on this ride, I swear I’m going to haunt you ‘til the end of time.” (DH)

“Oh, then I’ll at least have a y ghost haunting me.” (YJ) As Young Jae wiggled his eyebrows, Daehyun let out a small sigh before turning forward. His free hand practically held onto the bar for dear life, but his face seemed to show a calm side of him. It was as if he wasn’t even nervous about the ride at all, but that may just be his way of coping with a situation he didn’t necessarily like.

Slowly, the car made itself up the rails as it made its usual click-clack sound. This sound wasn’t anywhere near as comforting as his ceiling fan and it bothered Daehyun greatly. Going around the corner, Daehyun’s hands tightened, the whites of his knuckles threatening to pop out as Daehyun’s eyes widened. The second the car began to go down, Daehyun grit his teeth and shut his eyes as he listened to the howling of the wind, the rush of the car, and the screams of the people around him all erupt at once.

By the end of the ride, Daehyun was completely worn out. Once the car had come to a complete stop and the bars had lifted, Young Jae got out, allowing Daehyun the possibility of an escape. Weakly, Daehyun had just barely stepped out of the car before he nearly fell over. If it hadn’t been for Young Jae, Daehyun most likely would have fallen over. Looking up at Young Jae, he smiled a bit as a small chuckle escaped his lips. “Man.. that ride was rough..” (DH)

“Omo.. Did that ride take out all of your energy? Let’s get you somewhere to rest.” (YJ) Young Jae held Daehyun around his waist as he helped Daehyun away from the ride and close to somewhere where Daehyun could rest. Although it was a little slow, it was at least bringing them close to their destination.. wherever that may be. Young Jae looked at Daehyun a bit, a small grin showing on his face. “Once you rest up, we’re going on another roller coaster! You have to play with me more, alright?!” (YJ)

“Y-Yeah.. We can keep play..” (DH) Without much warning, Daehyun soon slumped over, taking Young Jae by surprise. Young Jae’s eyes widened as he quickly tried his best to keep Daehyun from falling over. No matter how much he shook and called out to Daehyun, it didn’t seem like he was going to be responding for the time being. Young Jae hadn’t expected Daehyun to just faint like this, but he still needed to do something to help him.


The sound of the light buzzing from above soon began to infiltrate Daehyun’s ears. He stirred a bit, his eyes shutting a little tighter before he slowly began to open them. Daehyun opened his mouth, his nose suddenly stuffy. A few hours must have passed since he needed to take his medicine every eight hours, or at least.. that’s what his mom told him. His vision was blurred for a moment, but after he blinked a few times, his vision began to clear up. “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick..?” (YJ)

Daehyun turned his head a bit before his eyes landed on a worried Young Jae. He looked away, guilt starting to take over as he clenched his left hand a bit. “I.. I didn’t want you to worry. You looked excited and I was excited too.” (DH)

Young Jae sighed as he reached forward and flicked the side of Daehyun’s head. Daehyun flinched as he turned his head to face Young Jae. His eyebrows had been furrowed, but seeing the worried look on Young Jae’s face quickly dissipated any anger he had. Still, he smiled a bit as he reached up and flicked Young Jae’s cheek in response. “Yah.. What was that for?” (DH)

“For being a pabo..” (YJ)

“Eh? You’re the pabo for not noticing.” (DH) Young Jae puffed out his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows as he folded his arms.

“How was I supposed to know?! It’s not like you’re wearing a sign saying HEY! I’M SUPER SICK SO NOTICE ME!” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit as he slowly pushed himself up. Moving back a bit, he rested his back against the headboard as he looked at Young Jae.

“When I get better, I’ll bring you back here and we’ll play a lot, okay?” (DH) Young Jae narrowed his eyelids a bit as he leaned back in his seat. He thought for a moment before scratching the side of his head.

“Eh? Who says I wanna play with you anymore?” (YJ) Daehyun held his smile as he moved a little closer to Young Jae. Reaching forward, he took hold of Young Jae’s chin and leaned in as he pressed his lips against Young Jae’s. They held a soft kiss before Young Jae quickly pulled away and began wiping his lips. “Y-YAH! YOU’RE SICK!” (YJ)

“Well, that’s what you get for making me go on that roller coaster.” (DH) While Young Jae went off to the sink to wash out his mouth, Daehyun smiled a bit as he leaned back in his bed. Even though he wasn’t feeling up to it for some of it, Daehyun still had quite a lot of fun today. Well, anything he did with Young Jae was always fun. Hopefully, they would have more fun once he was better.


[[ My Own Thoughts:

I hope that this turned out alright >.<..
I’m not really all that great with one shots.. @_@

I also apologize for any grammer/spelling errors..
It's easy for things to slip my notice. @_@ ]]
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Chapter 7: Beautiful. Love daejae so much but.. jaebuuuuuum.
Chapter 7: heheh Jealous Daehyun --- equals LOTS OF HOT SMEX = ]

love it
Chapter 6: Heck yeah daejae X jb hehe :)

Daehyun is one hella jelly dude hehe :) love it
Chapter 6: Omfg. You made.ot daejae and jb. Omfg. FEEEEELS. thank you. Ahh.,.ill feel bad if.jae goes with jb because i ship daejae so bad but.... 2jar <3 ill leave it ip to u. Thank you
Chapter 5: ahhh this was soooo cute =] again loving the cross-over pairing =] hehe
Chapter 4: I cried so hard at the first daejae omg...ohh can u write JB and youngjae. Of course from bap. :)
LeeYeon-Mi #7
Author-nim please, BlockB. :D It would make me so happy! Ukwon and Park Kyung -/cough cough/
Sorry bout that, got a bad cough ;-; Ukwon -/cough/ Park -/cough/ Kyung-/cough cough/ XD
Chapter 4: aigoo~~~ why so cute!!!! ^_^
i really love it!!! thank u author nim~~
as much that i love daejae rls, i also love this pairing!!! xD hmmm wish theres a lot story out there about this couple.. :) thanks again.. ^_^
Chapter 4: after reading the other story where Myungsoo did have a slight protective and crush on Youngjae it's nice to see that it did work out for them in this AU =] eheh

it's really cute and I definitely enjoyed the crossover pair =]
Chapter 3: oh gawd.. maan I wasn't ready .. I wasn't ready... I had totally forgotten how this series was.. and bam a sock to my stomach.. my gut.. maannn here's to me sobbing in my corner...

gahhh these emotions... ='/

still awesome work Carlos...