(1) Letters For You

My Embrace
Pairing: Daehyun x Young Jae
Setting: Modern day
Inspiration: Forgot the name of the videos/Vocaloids ,
but it was a Vocaloid video that my little sister showed me.
(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
The wind blew softly outside, dancing to the soft melody that the leaves were playing. The white curtains gently flowed here and there as it danced along, wanting to participate in the dance. The sunlight shone brightly as Young Jae stared outside, a small smile on his face as he enjoyed the peace that nature had to offer for the short time he had left. Young Jae looked over to the door when it opened, his eyes landing on Daehyun whom held all kinds of yummy looking snacks. “I.. I brought us snacks.” (DH)
“Good! I was starting to feel hungry.” (YJ) Young Jae smiled happily, bringing up a small smile onto Daehyun’s face. Daehyun loved seeing Young Jae smile brightly. It brought him so much joy and warmth. Walking over to the side of Young Jae’s bed, Daehyun sat down on the chair next to it as he placed the snacks onto the bed. “I want.. this one!” (YJ)
Young Jae swiped up a certain snack that Daehyun was about to grab for himself, but.. he didn’t care. Daehyun would sacrifice anything to keep Young Jae happy, to let him keep Young Jae all for himself, to see him always full of life. Daehyun began shaking a bit as he bit back tears, struggling to open the bag of snacks that he was about to eat. Young Jae looked over at him, slowly lowering his hands as his own smile slowly vanished. “Daehyun... Are you alright...?” (YJ)
“Young Jae... You’ll get better. I know you will!” (DH) Daehyun moved forward in his seat, dropping the bag that sat on his lap as he took a hold of Young Jae’s hand and held it tightly. Young Jae only gave a solemn smile though as he nodded slowly, holding Daehyun’s shaking hand. Young Jae knew that he wasn’t going to get better, but.. he couldn’t tell that to Daehyun. Young Jae just.. couldn’t bare to break his already broken heart anymore. All he could do was... try to hold on to Daehyun for however long time would let him.
“It’s okay Daehyun... Really, it is. Please smile for me, okay? I only want to see you smiling.” (YJ) Daehyun looked up at Young Jae, seeing the small smile on the younger male’s face. It wasn’t the usual bright smile that Young Jae usually wore, but.. if it made him happy, then he would do it. Daehyun forced a smile on his face, trying so very hard to keep his feelings locked deep down inside. “There we go. I want you to keep that smile on your face a lot, okay?” (YJ)
Daehyun’s smile slowly faded as he nodded, pulling Young Jae into a tight embrace. He couldn’t hold it in anymore, he just couldn’t. Daehyun’s whole body shook as tears slowly began streaming down his face. Young Jae, too, began crying as he slowly wrapped his own arms around Daehyun. “I don’t want you to go..” (DH)
“I don’t want to go either Daehyun.. B-But.. you have to be strong for me. Please.. be strong for me, okay?” (YJ) Daehyun slowly pulled away as he stared into Young Jae’s tear-filled eyes. It broke his heart seeing Young Jae crying like this, so.. he nodded. Daehyun wiped Young Jae’s tears away as he slowly nodded, Young Jae mirroring Daehyun’s actions.
“Okay.. I’ll.. I’ll be strong, but only for you. So you.. you work on getting better, okay? Don’t you dare leave me Yoo Young Jae!” (DH) Young Jae laughed a bit as he nodded, leaning in forward as he softly pressed his lips against Daehyun’s. Slightly pulling away, he pressed his forehead against Daehyun’s before smiling.
“I love you.. Daehyun..” (YJ)
“I love you too... now.. and forever..” (DH) Daehyun interlocked his fingers with Young Jae’s, closing his eyes as he silently listened to Young Jae’s breathing. He never wanted to let go of Young Jae... never.
Daehyun slowly opened his eyes as he pushed himself up a bit. What time was it? Looking around, he could see that the sun was still up, but it was starting to get dark. He looked down at Young Jae, hearing his soft breathing. Daehyun smiled as he leaned down, softly pecking Young Jae’s cheek before slowly pulling himself out of bed. He would go prepare dinner before waking Young Jae. Daehyun knew that Young Jae usually got a bit hungry after sleeping.
Making his way downstairs, he made his way through the living room before entering the kitchen. Pulling things here and there, he decided he would make something special for Young Jae. Daehyun would definitely make Young Jae’s favorite food and of course, something that would help increase Young Jae’s health.
Time passed and Daehyun was just about nearly done with the food, when.. he felt his heart beginning to hurt. He looked around, but nothing seemed to be around him. Quickly, he turned the stove off as he began running. He ran up the stairs, catching himself as he slipped on one of the steps, before finally, he burst into the bedroom. “Y-Young Jae?!” (DH)
Young Jae’s breathing was heavy and he was sweating. Young Jae was trying to call out Daehyun’s name, but all that came out were groans of pain as he clutched at his chest. Daehyun’s eyes widened as he quickly rushed over to him, opening the medicine case and taking out the needed amount of medicine before handing it to Young Jae. Young Jae swallowed his medicine and Daehyun quickly gave him his water. But...
Even with the medicine, Young Jae still felt the immense pain. It wasn’t dwindling whatsoever, no matter how much time passed. Daehyun panicked, quickly picking the younger male up as he began rushing downstairs. Picking his keys off of the hook, Daehyun rushed out of the house with the younger male.
Daehyun carefully put Young Jae into the passenger seat, buckling the seat belt as quickly as possible before heading over to the driver’s seat and driving off. The pain only seemed to get worse as time went by. Young Jae was panting horrible as he continued clutching his chest, tears streaming down his face as he continued trying to call out Daehyun’s name. “Young Jae.. please fight it! We’re almost there! You'll get better! You HAVE to get better!” (DH)
Daehyun waited for what seemed like hours. He impatiently walked back and forth in the hallway as he waited for someone, ANYONE to come out and tell him what was going on. There was no way that this was happening. It couldn’t be happening, it just couldn’t! Young Jae said that he wouldn’t leave him! Daehyun clenched his fists as he dropped down to his knees, his head dropping down onto the bench in front of him. He couldn’t take the waiting. He had to know if his Young Jae was alright!
He instantly sat up the second he heard the door open. Daehyun looked over at the doctor whom was making his way over to him, though.. Daehyun could see the solemn look on his face. He didn’t care though. It could mean anything! It HAD to mean anything! Daehyun jumped to his feet as the doctor came to a stop a few inches away. “Mister Jung.. We... we tried our best.. but..” 
“But what? But WHAT?! Tell me!” (DH)
“Mister Yoo.. he... he didn’t make it.” Time stopped, or.. it felt like it did. Daehyun held his breath, trying to process what the doctor was saying. Daehyun took a hold of the doctor’s coat, pulling the doctor in close as he stared angrily at the doctor.
“What do you MEAN he didn’t make it?! He couldn’t have not made it! That’s not true! TELL ME that you were just lying!” (DH)
“Mister Jung! Please calm down!”
“Mister Jung! Please!”
“LET ME SEE HIM!” (DH) Daehyun froze as he saw one of the nurses pushing a bed out of through the double doors. His grip slowly loosened as the doctor’s jacket slipped out of his hands. He didn’t care about the doctor anymore. He didn’t care that he could have been arrested or kicked out for assaulting a doctor. Daehyun.. only cared about the bed that had a person covered underneath a single white sheet.
Moving over to it, ignoring everyone else around him, he stopped the bed as he reached for the sheet. His hand shook as he took a grasp of it. Slowly, he pulled the sheet down and in an instant... tears were rolling down his face.
There, laying on that bed, was Young Jae. He looked like he had been in pain, even at the end and it broke Daehyun’s heart as he dropped to his knees. Daehyun couldn’t believe it. He shook his head, trying to remove this image of Young Jae from his head. Young Jae couldn’t be dead, he just COULDN’T be! This was all a sick, twisted dream and he just had to wake up! When he woke up, he would see a smiling Young Jae, waiting for him this entire time.
Looking back up, he only began to feel even weaker than before. He shook his head again, taking a firm hold of Young Jae’s hand and trying to shake the younger male, trying to wake him from his slumber. That was the answer, right? Young Jae was just.. he was just sleeping. The doctors were wrong and Young Jae just.. fell asleep. That made sense, right? Right?!
“Young Jae... yah.... w-wake up... t-this isn’t funny. Hyung isn’t amused by this. Y-Yah.... Young Jae.... wake up.... S-Stop playing.. I.. I was cooking you know. I.. I don’t even remember if I turned the stove off. Y-Young Jae.... please... please wake up now! W-We have to go home. We still have so much to do...” (DH) Daehyun’s crying worsened as his breathing practically made his speaking inaudible at this point. Everyone around him stayed in their spots, watching as the man cried loudly in the quiet hallways.
“Roses are red... Violets are blue... will you marry me?.. And I’ll say.. ‘I Do’.” (DH) Daehyun slapped his forehead as he almost, ALMOST, crumpled up the piece of paper that he was writing. Though, he stopped himself and sighed a bit before smiling. He still couldn’t believe that he had asked Young Jae to marry him with that kind of poem. He grinned a bit as he continued writing on the piece of paper.
He was going to male this letter to Young Jae, just as he had done so for the past two months. Ever since Young Jae moved back home to where his parents were for.. whatever reason, he had felt rather lonely without the younger male. Of course, he had come up with the idea of sending Young Jae a letter everyday so that the younger male didn’t feel sad whatsoever! Daehyun just wished that Young Jae would write back or call or something. Though, anything to make Young Jae happy, right?
“There... it’s done! Now.. where did I put that envelope..” (DH) Daehyun looked around, looking under practically everything that he could get his hands on before finally, he found the envelope. Oddly enough, the envelope had been buried underneath all of the crumpled sheets of paper that he had thrown off to the side for the past two hours.
Folding his letter, he gently slipped it into the envelope before and sealing the envelope. With a grin, Daehyun took out the required stamps before placing it in the corner and writing the name of the person whom was to receive his love. Once he was done, he inspected it oncer over before quickly drawing a randomly cute face on the corner of the envelope. “There... I’m sure he’ll respond sooner or later! He always responds to me..” (DH)
Daehyun turned and looked over at the bed that him and Young Jae had once shared. Daehyun made sure to make the bed everyday, just as Young Jae had done when he was still here. Daehyun made sure to do a lot of things that Young Jae did so that when Young Jae came back home, he would be very happy to see that Daehyun had managed to keep things the way he wanted it! With a small smile, Daehyun got to his feet before picking up his letter and making his way downstairs.
Opening the front door, he made his way down the pathway before opening the mailbox. Quickly giving the envelope a big kiss, he placed the envelope into the mailbox and closed it, gently patting the top of the mailbox before sticking the red flag up. Daehyun slowly made his way back towards his house, stealing glances at the mailbox before entering the house and closing the door.
Now.. he just had to wait. He would wait for as long as Young Jae needed to respond to his letters.
Three years passed and yet, still no reply. Daehyun didn’t care though. He continued writing letters everyday, waiting patiently and hoping that Young Jae would respond to his letters soon. Actually, Daehyun hoped that Young Jae would come back home. He really missed holding Young Jae in his arms, holding those soft, pale hands in his, whispering gently into Young Jae’s ear and constantly telling him that he loved him. He missed.. everything about Young Jae.
Would Young Jae get sick and tired of him writing letters though? No.. that wasn’t how Young Jae would feel. Young Jae always loved hearing whatever happened with Daehyun. No matter how much Daehyun tried to ask Young Jae to talk about himself, Young Jae would always make Daehyun go first. So.. why didn’t Young Jae want to respond this time?
No matter. Daehyun was persistent. Folding the letter once again, he placed it into the envelope and proceeded to do what he did practically everyday. Hey, even his drawing skills have gotten better from doing this! Putting his jacket, scarf, and beanie on, Daehyun made his way downstairs and outside once again as he mailed the letter once more. Daehyun was determined to get an answer one of these days.
Two more years passed and now.. Daehyun was becoming impatient. He bit his bottom lip as he stared outside the window, waiting for the mail person to come. Every time the mail person came, it was either nothing or it was bills. Why won’t Young Jae respond to his letters!? Had.. had he done something wrong? Had he been that bad of a husband to Young Jae?
Daehyun looked down at his left hand, specifically at the wedding band that was holding onto his ring finger. They had gotten married almost six years ago and even then, he could clearly remember that moment. “In sickness and in health.. til death do us part.. but.. I don’t ever want us to part...” (DH)
Daehyun held his head as he felt a slight painful throbbing. Flashes of what he assumed were memories were flashing before him, but he didn’t understand them. He could see Young Jae, he could see him sitting there on the bed they shared and staring out the window. Then... Young Jae’s gaze turned to him, that usual smile gracing his face. But.. then.. why did it suddenly shift? Young Jae was suddenly in pain, clutching at his shirt.. his chest.
Then.. nothing. By the time Daehyun came back to reality, he was panting and he was also laying on the ground. Pushing himself up, he looked around. Where was Young Jae? Why.. was he in pain? “Young Jae... I hope you’re alright...” (DH)
Daehyun stared down at the tombstone in front of him. This.. couldn’t be real, right? He was just.. dreaming, but.. that’s what he had been telling himself all those years ago. Had that helped him then? No and it certainly wasn’t going to help him now. Daehyun fell to his knees as he gently moved his fingertips down the tombstone. His fingers stopped once it reached the name that was engraved on it, ‘Yoo Young Jae’.
“Young Jae...” (DH) Daehyun felt his tears starting to form as he gritted his teeth. He shut his eyes tightly as he placed his hands on the grassy mound. He shook his head as tears began falling to the ground. “Young Jae.. I’m.. I’m so sorry... I.. I can’t believe that I.. I didn’t even remember you die! I left you here all alone.. for five years! FIVE years Young Jae! I.. I’m so sorry! P-Please.. forgive me Young Jae..” (DH)
Daehyun shook his head as he lowered himself, pressing his forehead against the mound. He began sobbing, no longer trying to hold back his tears as he clutched at the grass. Daehyun just couldn’t forgive himself for leaving Young Jae all alone for so long. But.. he was not going to leave Young Jae all alone anymore.
Half an hour passed before Daehyun finally calmed himself down. Daehyun slowly took his jacket off before laying it over the mound and pushing himself onto his feet. He stared at the ground before wiping his tears away. “I won’t leave you all alone anymore Young Jae. You’ll.. you’ll always have me.. now.. and forever.. even after death...” (DH)
“Happy Anniversary.. Young Jae..” (DH) Daehyun kneeled in front of Young Jae’s grave. Ever since finding out that Young Jae was buried here, Daehyun had made it a habit to come visit Young Jae’s grave every single day. The jacket had had left behind had managed to stay there everyday, but it always ended up moving somewhere else. Daehyun didn’t care though. He always moved it back to its rightful place.
“Young Jae... I’m so sorry... I.. I miss you so much. You’re everything to me... without you.. I.. I.. I feel like I’m nothing. I feel like I’ve lost the most important part to me. That’s why I.. I want to join you. I want to be with you forever... No matter what.. I want to be there to make you smile.” (DH) Daehyun pulled a pill case from his pocket and opened it. They were sleeping pills, nothing too harmful if only about one or two are taken at a time.
“See Young Jae? I’m coming to join you. I’m.. I’m coming to make sure that you’re not alone ever again.” (DH) Daehyun wiped at the tears that had managed to roll down his face before laughing a bit. “I’m so stupid. How could I have forgotten about your death? If I had remembered, I would have never left you alone. I would have done this so much sooner..” (DH)
Daehyun let out a small sigh before gently caressing the mound of dirt. “I know it’s late, but at least I finally remembered. But.. do you think I’ll go to the same place as you? I hope so.. I want to see your face one more time. I want to hold you tightly in my arms again. I want.. to be with you forever... So.. here goes nothing.” (DH)
Daehyun placed the bottle to his mouth before tilting his head upwards. Sure enough, the pills began pouring into his mouth and it was a bit difficult, but Daehyun had managed to swallow the pills without choking. Placing the bottle onto the ground, Daehyun laid down a bit on top of the mound, wrapping a single arm around the coat that was laying on the ground. “Soon Young Jae... wait patiently for me.. alright?” (DH)
Daehyun smiled a bit as he closed his eyes. Soon, very soon.. he would be with his love again. He wouldn’t have to be all alone anymore, neither of them would be.
Time passed and soon, Daehyun could feel the effects of the sleeping pills kicking in. He was so very close to falling asleep when all of a sudden, he felt a warmth in his stomach. Quickly sitting up, he turned away from Young Jae’s grave as he threw up the contents of his stomach. How much time passed before it finally stopped, before it finally came to an end? He didn’t care.
He stared at the contents he had thrown up before tears began strolling down his face. Daehyun turned back to the mound, tightly holding onto the grass that grew on top of the mound. “Why..? Why can’t I be with you? Should I.. try a different method?” (DH)
Daehyun sat up, looking around with wide eyes. He could have sworn that..
He continued looking around, but he didn’t see the source of the voice. He didn’t see the face that he wanted to see! That voice, that soft, soothing voice, he knew anywhere! There was no doubt about it, but.. why couldn’t he find that person!? Why couldn’t he see where that person was?!
“Daehyun... you have to live.. I.. I liked reading your letters..”
“Please! Young Jae! Where are you?! You.. You’re not dead, right?! Y-You were just playing a really mean joke on hyung, right?! PLEASE tell me where you are!” (DH) Daehyun stood up, not caring about the tears that rolled down his cheek. No matter where he looked, he could not find his love. He couldn’t find the man that he loved with all of his heart.
“Daehyun.. live for me.. please.. You can’t die.. You’ll make me sad..” (YJ)
“What about me?! You made me sad! You made me so very sad and yet, I can’t be with you?! I can’t be happy with you?!” (DH)
“No.. because.. I want you to live.. I.. I told you.. I would always be with you.. right? So you have to live!” (YJ) Daehyun clenched his fists as he looked down, closing his eyes tightly. It wasn’t fair, but.. if Young Jae wanted it, he.. he had to listen to him. He nodded, producing a slightly happy giggle from his love. “Good.. Keep writing letters.. alright? I’m.. I’m so very happy that.. you write them.. So.. thank you!” (YJ)
“Okay... Only because.. you say so...” (DH)
“And Daehyun?” (YJ)
“What is it..?” (DH) There was silence. Daehyun waited patiently, waiting for Young Jae to say more, but he didn’t. He tilted his head upwards as he opened his eyes, his eyes instantly widening as he saw a faint image of Young Jae standing in front of him.
“I love you.” (YJ) Young Jae stepped forward, softly pressing his lips against Daehyun’s before he pulled away. Even though Daehyun couldn’t physically feel Young Jae’s lips, he could feel his warmth and even his touch.
“Young Jae I... I love you too...” (DH) Young Jae smiled before he waved a bit. Daehyun reached his hand out to him, trying so desperately to keep some sort of grasp on Young Jae, but.. Young Jae was gone. Falling to his knees, Daehyun just now realized that he had been crying this entire time. Holding a few fingertips up to his lips, he soon allowed himself to be engulfed by his tears.
He would live... and he would continue writing letters for his one and only love.
[[ My Own Thoughts:
First attempt at a One Shot!
Sorry if it's all over the place/rushed.
I've never written a One Shot before so..
I didn't really know how they went >.<..
I hope it's alright!
If anyone has advice on how to write/improve on them,
Please don't be afraid to tell me x3
Ooh and I hope you enjoyed this one shot!
More to come soon enough >3<
I also apologize for grammatical errors >.<... ]]
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Chapter 7: Beautiful. Love daejae so much but.. jaebuuuuuum.
Chapter 7: heheh Jealous Daehyun --- equals LOTS OF HOT SMEX = ]

love it
Chapter 6: Heck yeah daejae X jb hehe :)

Daehyun is one hella jelly dude hehe :) love it
Chapter 6: Omfg. You made.ot daejae and jb. Omfg. FEEEEELS. thank you. Ahh.,.ill feel bad if.jae goes with jb because i ship daejae so bad but.... 2jar <3 ill leave it ip to u. Thank you
Chapter 5: ahhh this was soooo cute =] again loving the cross-over pairing =] hehe
Chapter 4: I cried so hard at the first daejae omg...ohh can u write JB and youngjae. Of course from bap. :)
LeeYeon-Mi #7
Author-nim please, BlockB. :D It would make me so happy! Ukwon and Park Kyung -/cough cough/
Sorry bout that, got a bad cough ;-; Ukwon -/cough/ Park -/cough/ Kyung-/cough cough/ XD
Chapter 4: aigoo~~~ why so cute!!!! ^_^
i really love it!!! thank u author nim~~
as much that i love daejae rls, i also love this pairing!!! xD hmmm wish theres a lot story out there about this couple.. :) thanks again.. ^_^
Chapter 4: after reading the other story where Myungsoo did have a slight protective and crush on Youngjae it's nice to see that it did work out for them in this AU =] eheh

it's really cute and I definitely enjoyed the crossover pair =]
Chapter 3: oh gawd.. maan I wasn't ready .. I wasn't ready... I had totally forgotten how this series was.. and bam a sock to my stomach.. my gut.. maannn here's to me sobbing in my corner...

gahhh these emotions... ='/

still awesome work Carlos...