(2) Letters For You

My Embrace
Pairing: Daehyun x Young Jae
Setting: Modern day
Inspiration: EXO's 'Miracles in December'
(This'll just be a short drabble type thing.)
(DH) - Daehyun speaking


The wind blew gently, sending shivers all through his body. He huddled as much as possible with his jacket as he endured the cold. He didn’t like the cold all that much, but he would endure it because his lover loves the cold. Looking up at the sky, he smiled happily despite the dark clouds hovering up above. Snow slowly began falling down from above, as it renewed its blanket of white all around.

Stopping just a few inches away, the automatic doors opened before he stepped into the building. He was thankful that it was warm inside, especially since he would be spending the majority of his time in here. He looked around, looking through each and every window of each store to see what they had to offer. He wanted to make sure that he would pick the perfect thing for his love. After all.. he meant the whole world to him.

Daehyun stopped every now and then to see if a store would catch his attention. He would closely examine each store from the outside and if it peaked his curiosity, he would go in to take a closer look at what the store had to offer. However, nothing really seemed to be good enough to buy for his love.

He wouldn’t give up though.. he couldn’t.

It just had to be out there. That perfect gift out there just had to be there, waiting for him to pick it out and give to his love, to Young Jae. Daehyun knew for sure that he would get the perfect present for him. Just as he was about to pass a certain store, he quickly pulled himself back as he looked into the store once more. His eyes widened as a smile graced his lips.

Turning around, he walked into the store as he looked around with wonder. Coming to a stop, he looked at something with curiosity. A warm smile graced his lips as he picked up the object. It was a warm looking fleece yellow blanket that had a large picture of a rabbit on it, hugging a carrot.

It was perfect.

Purchasing the blanket, he happily walked out of the store and made his way towards the exit. Daehyun wanted everything to turn out the way he had it imagined in his head, though... he knew that it wouldn’t turn out that way. But.. as long as he could get close to it, then it was alright for him.


Daehyun placed the blanket into a box, a small, yet warm smile never leaving his face. Placing the lid onto the box, he placed the box onto the gift wrapping that was laid out on the table. He carefully pulled at the gift wrapping, making sure to wrap the box as delicate and as nicely as possible so that it turned out pretty. Daehyun knew how much Young Jae was picky about these kinds of things, so he wanted to make him proud.

Once that was done, he picked up the box and examined it with a proud look on his face before making his way downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, Daehyun placed the present onto the counter before making his way around the kitchen. He may not be a great chef, but he knew how to cook just enough to do what he wanted to do.

Gathering the necessary materials, he quickly began his mission with creating the best tasting food ever.

About two and a half hours passed before Daehyun finished up making the food. Putting the food into containers and then placing them into a bag, he let out a small sigh before sitting down in the nearby chair.

It seemed like everything would be alright. The food was prepared, the present was already made, so.. all that was left was to go to his one and only love to showcase these things to him. Daehyun was certain that his love would be so very happy with what he had prepared for him.

He smiled happily as he thought about all the happy moments that they had together. Daehyun remembered the first time that they had met. They were both so shy at the time and yet, Daehyun never regretted meeting him. In fact, Daehyun had fallen for the younger male instantly.. almost like love at first sight.

Tears slowly began to well up within him, but Daehyun quickly fought back those tears as he slowly got to his feet. This was no time to be like this. After all.. he had a date to make and he wasn’t about to keep his lover waiting for him.

With his coat on and everything in hand, Daehyun made his way out of the house and into his car. Starting up the car, Daehyun waited patiently for the car to heat up before backing out of the driveway and was soon making his way down the road.

Daehyun felt so nervous at the moment. Would Young Jae be impressed? Would he really be happy with what was prepared? No. Daehyun knew for certain that Young Jae would be both impressed and happy with the preparations. After all.. Young Jae was such a kind person and would accept anything sweet that Daehyun did with open arms.

Coming to his destination half an hour later, he placed the car in park as he turned the car off. Taking in a deep breath, he stepped out of the car and gathered up what he had prepared and locked the car before making his way up the path. Daehyun knew exactly where to go, but each step made him feel like his legs were about to give out on him.

Still.. he kept going.

Coming to a stop, he smiled happily as he placed the bag of food down on the ground. Letting out a deep sigh, he got down onto his knees as he placed the present onto his lap. “Ah... hello Young Jae. Merry Christmas..” (DH)

Daehyun began tearing up again as his hand shook a bit. Just as a single tear began to roll down his cheek, he quickly wiped it away before he laughed a bit. “Ah.. look at me! This should be a happy day and yet.. I.. I’m still feeling this way. Ah! Before I forget.. I got you a present.” (DH)

Daehyun placed the present onto the ground in front of him, as yet another tear escaped from his grasp. He smiled as warmly as possible as he touched the box. He had to stop being like this. He needed to be strong for Young Jae, especially since he was presenting his show of love to him. “Ah.. I’ll open it for you! It’ll be a great surprise!” (DH)

Daehyun picked the box back up once more as he brought his fingers to the tape. His hands shook a bit, maybe from the cold or maybe due to his emotions, but he still managed to open the gift wrapping before he finally opened the box. Getting to his feet, he pulled the blanket out of the box before rolling it out. “Taa-Daa! It’s.. it’s a blanket! You.. you must be really cold.. I’m.. I’m sorry for that, but.. I.. I hope this will warm you up...” (DH)

He walked forward a bit as he laid the blanket down on top of the mound of dirt, tears falling down his face as he tried his best to continue smiling. Once he felt that the blanket was adequately in place, he made his way back to his previous spot before sitting back down. “I.. I also made food for us. I know that.. I can’t cook as good as you, but.. you always.. you always did say that.. you liked my cooking the best..” (DH)

Picking up the bag of food that had been prepared, he had just started to undo the knot he had tied before he slowed to a stop. Tears fell down his cheeks as he placed the bag of food back down next to him. “I shouldn’t do this.. I know that.. I’m supposed to look happy.. and make it seem like I’m doing okay, but... I’m not...” (DH)

Daehyun shook his head as he wiped at his tears, but they continued to fall in defiance. “How... How am I supposed to live like I can be okay? How am I supposed to move on.. Young Jae.. I’m trying.. I really am. You stopped me from killing myself... You warmed my heart, but now.. I really don’t know... if I can continue..” (DH)

Three years.

It has been three years since he had been saved by Young Jae’s love. Daehyun has tried, so very hard, to continue living as Young Jae had wanted him to. Yet... it was difficult. It was difficult waking up, knowing that he would never be able to hold Young Jae in his arms, to whisper sweet love into his ears, to wake up and see that beautiful face that always put a smile on his face.

Still.. he continued to live. Young Jae didn’t want him to take his own life. He should have known that. After all, Young Jae had always lived life the way he had wanted to and it wouldn’t be fair if Daehyun took his own life when Young Jae had no choice about his own. “O-Okay.. Let’s... Let’s eat.” (DH)

Yet again, Daehyun pulled the bag of food onto his lap as he hesitantly opened the bag up. Pulling out dish upon dish, He opened up the containers as he placed a napkin down on the blanket before placing a pair of chopsticks that Young Jae normally used on top of the napkin.

He swallowed the lump in his throat as he picked up one of the containers of rice as he picked up his own pair of chopsticks. Looking forward at the tombstone, he weakly smiled as he let the tears fall now.

“Here’s.. to you... Young Jae..” (DH)


[[ My Own Thoughts:

I decided to continue the one-shot just a little bit.
It shows just how Daehyun is..
And he is definitely getting a bit better, buut..
He’s still stuck on Young Jae.
Still.. at least he’s living.
He’ll keep living so long as life let’s him >3<..

Comments are loved!
Since I don’t really do One-shots that much..
I would love feedback of any kind. x3
I like to see if I am doing well with these >.<... ]]

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Chapter 7: Beautiful. Love daejae so much but.. jaebuuuuuum.
Chapter 7: heheh Jealous Daehyun --- equals LOTS OF HOT SMEX = ]

love it
Chapter 6: Heck yeah daejae X jb hehe :)

Daehyun is one hella jelly dude hehe :) love it
Chapter 6: Omfg. You made.ot daejae and jb. Omfg. FEEEEELS. thank you. Ahh.,.ill feel bad if.jae goes with jb because i ship daejae so bad but.... 2jar <3 ill leave it ip to u. Thank you
Chapter 5: ahhh this was soooo cute =] again loving the cross-over pairing =] hehe
Chapter 4: I cried so hard at the first daejae omg...ohh can u write JB and youngjae. Of course from bap. :)
LeeYeon-Mi #7
Author-nim please, BlockB. :D It would make me so happy! Ukwon and Park Kyung -/cough cough/
Sorry bout that, got a bad cough ;-; Ukwon -/cough/ Park -/cough/ Kyung-/cough cough/ XD
Chapter 4: aigoo~~~ why so cute!!!! ^_^
i really love it!!! thank u author nim~~
as much that i love daejae rls, i also love this pairing!!! xD hmmm wish theres a lot story out there about this couple.. :) thanks again.. ^_^
Chapter 4: after reading the other story where Myungsoo did have a slight protective and crush on Youngjae it's nice to see that it did work out for them in this AU =] eheh

it's really cute and I definitely enjoyed the crossover pair =]
Chapter 3: oh gawd.. maan I wasn't ready .. I wasn't ready... I had totally forgotten how this series was.. and bam a sock to my stomach.. my gut.. maannn here's to me sobbing in my corner...

gahhh these emotions... ='/

still awesome work Carlos...