Finally Confessed

My Embrace
Pairing: Myungsoo x Young Jae
Setting: Modern day
Inspiration: None
Request by: bluesky93

(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking


“Hey. There you are.” (L) Young Jae turned around and smiled happily as his best friend made his way to him. Myungsoo came to a stop a small distance away as he looked at the face that he had practically seen everyday. He smiled a bit as he took his right hand out of his pocket before ruffling Young Jae’s hair. “Are you ready for lunch?” (L)

“Y-Yea..! I made fried rice and um.. eggs for lunch. What are you going to have?” (YJ) Myungsoo thought on the question before shrugging. His choices did depend on whatever it was that the cafeteria was serving that day. Since he had been looking for Young Jae, he had not had the time to go see what was available for him to choose. “O-Oh.. Um.. then do you want to go to the cafeteria and see? Maybe they’ll have something really tasty today..!” (YJ)

Myungsoo nodded and the two soon began their trek to the cafeteria. As they walked, Myungsoo couldn’t help but steal a few glances every now and then. This had been a habit of his since they were kids. Now.. one would probably wonder why exactly he have this as a habit. It was a simple answer really.

He has a crush on Young Jae.

Myungsoo had not known about his crush until the eighth grade, when he had defended Young Jae from a guy that was harassing Young Jae for looking pretty. Since then, Myungsoo had been silent about his feelings. In fact, any sort of skinship that he’s had with Young Jae had greatly diminished. Of course, he had expected as much for Young Jae not to have noticed. It didn’t matter though. He was fine with just being by Young Jae’s side and helping him along the way. As long as Young Jae was happy, then he was happy.

“H-Hey.. Myungsoo?” (YJ)

“Hm?” (L) Myungsoo didn’t even have to look at Young Jae, considering he had accidentally found himself staring at the younger male. That had been a bad habit of his too, but he simply played it off whenever he was found out. Luckily, he didn’t have to this time, considering Young Jae had been looking forward when he spoke.

“Um.. Do you.. N-Never mind..” (YJ) Young Jae’s pace had quickly picked up as he began walking ahead of Myungsoo. Furrowing his eyebrows, Myungsoo walked a bit faster to keep up with Young Jae before placing a hand on Young Jae’s shoulder. Young Jae swallowed as they both came to a stop, his face reddening as he looked away.

“Hey... what’s up?” (L) Myungsoo moved to where he was now in front of Young Jae, his hands on Young Jae’s shoulders as he tried to make eye contact with Young Jae. When the younger male refused to do such a thing, he sigh as he stood up straight. “Young Jae... tell me now.” (L)

“I-I..” (YJ) Young Jae bit his bottom lip, shut his eyes tightly, and fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he tried to summon all of his courage. It was difficult and he knew that things could go completely wrong if he said the wrong things. However... he knew that it was going to have to happen sooner or later. “I-I.. I just wanted to know if.. you.. l-liked guys..” (YJ)

With that, Young Jae quickly dashed off without even waiting for a response to his question.

Myungsoo stared for a brief moment before a scoff escaped his lips. He smirked in disbelief as he rubbed the back of his head, trying to make sense of the situation that had just played out before him.

What had that been about? Why was Young Jae suddenly asking him if he liked guys? Wait..

Myungsoo’s eyes widened a bit as he looked back out to where Young Jae had disappeared to. Had Young Jae caught on to him? Did Young Jae know that he had a crush on him? Was it possible that... Young really knew his secret that he had tried so desperately hard to keep hidden?

That couldn’t be it, right? Myungsoo had went to great lengths to make sure that his secret was safely hidden within the deep nooks and crannies of his mind. There was just no way that Young Jae could have found out. Of course..

The only way to find out was to ask Young Jae directly.


It proved to be quite difficult in terms of getting his answers.

The entire time during lunch, he could not find Young Jae whatsoever. The only time he finally did see Young Jae was right when lunch was coming to an end. He was so very close to asking Young Jae his question when the bell had rung and the teacher came in, cutting off any sort of communication he could have had with Young Jae.

During class, he sat in front of Young Jae. So there wasn’t any way he could have sent a note or something to Young Jae without the teacher noticing. Of course, he also knew that Young Jae wouldn’t have replied anyway. Young Jae wasn’t the type to send notes during class, especially if it ended up getting him into trouble.

So, he had to go with the option of asking Young Jae his question when class was over. It seemed like the only time he would be able to get Young Jae without having to worry about the younger male disappearing on him. When class ended, Myungsoo had turned around only to find that Young Jae had disappeared.

Of course, that didn’t dishearten Myungsoo.

He knew where Young Jae would be. After all, he knew Young Jae’s entire schedule. They were best friends after all and since he had a crush on Young Jae, he went to greater lengths to make sure he knew Young Jae’s schedule. He wanted to make sure that Young Jae’s schedule didn’t end up getting in the way of when he wanted to hang out with him.

After some time had passed, Myungsoo now stood in front of Young Jae’s house. Letting out a small amount of breath, he raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door. If he rung the doorbell, it may end up alerting Young Jae of his presence.

No.. that was definitely not what he wanted. Myungsoo wanted to make sure that he caught Young Jae completely off guard. Why? Well.. he wanted to sneak attack Young Jae for leaving him behind without a single word.

With the door opening, Myungsoo smiled as he was quickly greeted by Young Jae’s mother. She was a bit surprised to see him, but that surprise soon turned into a smile as she moved out of the way. “Oh, Myungsoo! Come in, come in! Young Jae’s upstairs in his room. But.. did you not walk with Young Jae home today?”

“Oh.. uh, no ma’am. I had to do something, so I let Young Jae leave for home first.” (L) Bowing his head with a smile, Myungsoo stepped into the house before standing off to the side to take off his shoes. Putting on the guest slippers, he bowed his head once again as Young Jae’s mother walked passed him.

So.. he definitely was home now. Why was Young Jae avoiding him? He should know by now that there was nowhere he could run too that didn’t involve him being found almost in an instant.

Making his way completely into the house, he looked around a bit before he quietly began making his way upstairs. Step after step, he would pause whenever the step would creek even the tiniest bit. Whenever he did paused, he would look around, listening to see if Young Jae would come out to check on what the sound may be.

When that didn’t happen, Myungsoo would continue on his journey until he was at the very top of the steps. Walking around the railing, he made his way down the hallway and came to a stop in front of Young Jae’s bedroom door. Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob, he paused as he leaned in closer.

He could hear Young Jae’s voice, though it was a bit muffled since the door was closed. He leaned in closer, pressing his ear to the door as he tried to make out what exactly it was that Young Jae was currently saying.

There weren’t any words so far. It was just... Young Jae was quietly mumbling to himself so far, indicating that he was rather troubled at the moment. Slowly turning the doorknob, Myungsoo peaked his head in just a bit to see Young Jae pacing back and forth. Well, at least he knew that Young Jae really was trouble at the moment.

“Mm... What do I do..? I shouldn’t have... b-but I... I don’t know..” (YJ)

“Hey.” (L) Young Jae jumped from the sound of Myungsoo’s voice. He quickly turned and looked up to see Myungsoo closing the door behind him. Judging by the click that soon followed, he was also certain that Myungsoo had just locked the door as well. Young Jae knew that he was not going to be able to leave without being forced to give Myungsoo the necessary information that he was most likely seeking.

“M-Myungsoo.. W-What are you doing here?” (YJ) Myungsoo took a few steps forward, to which Young Jae quickly took a few steps back. Myungsoo chuckled a bit, taking a seat on the bed as he crossed on leg over the other. He looked up at Young Jae as he folded his hands neatly before settling them on top of his knee.

“Oh... Is it weird for me to be here? I come over almost everyday.” (L) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as he looked around. He knew that Myungsoo was here for a reason. If he had wanted to hang out or do something, Myungsoo would have called ahead of time. “But you, however.. I am rather curious about something. Sit. Right here. Now.” (L)

Myungsoo patted the spot next to him. Judging by the tone in his voice, Myungsoo was definitely serious and Young Jae regretted his every actions. Maybe... just maybe, if he could leave the room, then he would be safe while under his mother’s gaze!

Looking towards the door, which was an instant mistake, Young Jae quickly tried to run towards it. However, Myungsoo had quickly gotten to his feet before taking complete hold of Young Jae within his arms. However, he hadn’t exactly embraced himself for the impact and soon, they both ended up falling over.

With a small pained grunt, Myungsoo loosened his hold on Young Jae a bit before looking down. Young Jae let out his own pained moan before his eyes widened. Quickly looking up, he stared with fear at just how annoyed Myungsoo looked at the moment. “M-Myungsoo..! I-I..” (YJ)

“Young Jae...” (L) Myungsoo turned them around to where he was now on top of Young Jae, pinning the younger male down as he slightly glared down at him. Young Jae stared up in fear, his face turning a deep shade of red as he placed his hands up to his own chest. “Now that I have you... I want you to answer my questions. Understand?” (L)

Young Jae instantly nodded, his eyes refusing to leave Myungsoo’s gaze. He knew that if he tried anything, Myungsoo would probably put him into some sort of headlock or something. Those were never really any fun to begin with and when Myungsoo was serious like this, he knew he wouldn’t be holding back as much.

“Good.. Now.. first... why did you want to know if I liked men?” (L) Young Jae looked away now, his face turning a deeper shade of red as he tried to think. How was he going to get himself out of this situation?

“I-I.. I just..” (YJ)

“Do you like me?” (L) Young Jae quickly looked back up at Myungsoo, his eyes widening as his mouth slightly opened a bit. His mind went blank, unable to respond despite the fact that his mouth wanted to say yes. He couldn’t confess. It might make things weird, especially if Myungsoo ended up straight. “Young Jae.. answer me... before you regret my next action.” (L)

No answer wanted to willingly escape his lips. If he said yes, things could become awkward. If he said no, then he ruined his chances of confessing his feelings. His mind was swirling as he tried to come up with a valid answer, but nothing seemed to agree on anything.

Of course... he didn’t need to answer anymore.

Before he could even come remotely close to the answer he wanted to give, Young Jae soon felt a pair of soft, warm lips press up against his. Young Jae’s eyes widened, finally realizing that Myungsoo had come closer to him.

As their kiss progressed, he could feel Myungsoo’s hands pulling his hands up over his head. Slowly, Myungsoo’s hands slid into Young Jae’s hands before their fingers interlocked. Even if Young Jae was still trying very hard to process what was happening, his body seemed to instantly know what to do.

Finally, Myungsoo pulled away, allowing them both a breath of fresh air. Myungsoo opened his eyes, making eye contact with Young Jae as he panted a bit. Once Young Jae finally grasped a hold of the situation, he gasped as his eyes widened. “W-Why did you do that?!” (YJ)

“Because... You didn’t answer my question. Now.. I’ll ask you again. Do you like me or not?” (L) Young Jae bit his bottom lip as his eyes trailed down to Myungsoo’s lips once more. Now that he’s had a taste, literally, he wanted more. However... it was his first kiss. He had hoped to have gone on a date first before losing his first kiss, but.. he almost didn’t regret it.

“I-I... I do..” (YJ) Young Jae looked away, almost as if he was ashamed. Myungsoo smiled though, giving Young Jae’s hand a light squeeze as he gave Young Jae’s cheek a small peck. This definitely caused Young Jae to look up at Myungsoo in surprise. “I-I thought you were kissing me because you were punishing me.” (YJ)

“No... It’s because I like you too.” (L) Pushing himself off of Young Jae, Myungsoo soon got to his feet before holding out his hand. Young Jae looked down at it before looking up at Myungsoo, a small smile gracing his lips as he reached up and took hold of Myungsoo’s hand.

Once they were both on his feet, Young Jae looked down at the ground with an embarrassed look as he folded his hands in front of him. “W-What do we do now..?” (YJ)

“Well... do you wanna go on a date with me?” (L) Young Jae looked up at Myungsoo with a look of disbelief on his face.

“R-Really?!” (YJ)

“Well.. yea. That’s what two people generally do when they like each other.” (L) Young Jae sheepishly smiled as he turned red. He briefly nodded and was about to turn away, when he suddenly felt himself being pulled into a big, tight hug. “Thank you.. Young Jae. I’m glad that.. we can finally start dating.” (L)

“I-I’m... I’m glad too.” (YJ)


[[ My Own Thoughts:

So it wasn’t all that interesting, buut...
I at coming up with plots for one shots.
Soo.. yea.. I apologize ;;..
I do hope that this was okay though >.<..

Comments are loved!
I would love some sort of feedback.. x3
Since one shots aren’t my thing, I would like to know if I am typing these things out well.
Pluuus.. I love talking with people. x3 ]]

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Chapter 7: Beautiful. Love daejae so much but.. jaebuuuuuum.
Chapter 7: heheh Jealous Daehyun --- equals LOTS OF HOT SMEX = ]

love it
Chapter 6: Heck yeah daejae X jb hehe :)

Daehyun is one hella jelly dude hehe :) love it
Chapter 6: Omfg. You made.ot daejae and jb. Omfg. FEEEEELS. thank you. Ahh.,.ill feel bad if.jae goes with jb because i ship daejae so bad but.... 2jar <3 ill leave it ip to u. Thank you
Chapter 5: ahhh this was soooo cute =] again loving the cross-over pairing =] hehe
Chapter 4: I cried so hard at the first daejae omg...ohh can u write JB and youngjae. Of course from bap. :)
LeeYeon-Mi #7
Author-nim please, BlockB. :D It would make me so happy! Ukwon and Park Kyung -/cough cough/
Sorry bout that, got a bad cough ;-; Ukwon -/cough/ Park -/cough/ Kyung-/cough cough/ XD
Chapter 4: aigoo~~~ why so cute!!!! ^_^
i really love it!!! thank u author nim~~
as much that i love daejae rls, i also love this pairing!!! xD hmmm wish theres a lot story out there about this couple.. :) thanks again.. ^_^
Chapter 4: after reading the other story where Myungsoo did have a slight protective and crush on Youngjae it's nice to see that it did work out for them in this AU =] eheh

it's really cute and I definitely enjoyed the crossover pair =]
Chapter 3: oh gawd.. maan I wasn't ready .. I wasn't ready... I had totally forgotten how this series was.. and bam a sock to my stomach.. my gut.. maannn here's to me sobbing in my corner...

gahhh these emotions... ='/

still awesome work Carlos...