Pictured Freedom

My Embrace
Pairing: Myungsoo x Woohyun
Setting: Alternate Universe?
Inspiration: Vocaloid Kaito's 'Old Radio'
(WH) - Woohyun speaking
(DW) - Dongwoo speaking
(L) - Myungsoo speaking
(HY) - Hoya speaking
The wind blew softly as the sound of the camera’s shutter sounded. With a smile, he lowered his camera as he looked at the picture, making sure that it was perfect. Letting the camera hang by its strap, Myungsoo looked around, narrowing his eyes in an attempt to look at everything much more clearer. There were just so many things that he could take a picture of, especially since it was a new location. However... he’s basically taken pictures of the same landscape over and over again; just different angles.
He wanted to get something new, something that hasn’t been seen before. It was difficult though, especially with where he was living. He was basically trapped behind these walls. Him and hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people being forced to live within these walls. If they tried to get out, they would either be shot or arrested. It’s not like the government really cared one way or another.
Still.. his pictures have to be good enough.
He wanted to continue impressing his pen pal, whom Myungsoo couldn’t help but admit that he had a bit of an infatuation with the other male. Myungsoo and his pen pal, Sungyeol, had been exchanging letters for about eight years now. They had recently decided to start exchanging photos, so they have technically already seen how the other person looks like.
So, in order to impress his pen pal, Myungsoo has been taking pictures of whatever he could find that looked good enough. Honestly, everything could be a picture, but he’s just taken pictures of almost everything by now. He has even climbed up multiple buildings in an attempt to find something that was just breath taking, but... so far, nothing.
With a sigh, Myungsoo sat on the ground, looking up towards the sky. Sometimes, he wished that he was like the clouds. They were free, they were unrestricted, they weren’t stuck behind walls that would keep them locked in forever. “Hey! Myungsoo! There you are!” (WH)
Myungsoo turned a bit, looking towards the door that would lead back down into the building. His eyes landed on Woohyun, whom was smiling a bit as he made his way over to him. Myungsoo looked back up towards the clouds as Woohyun sat down next to him, looking out at the clouds as well. “What are you doing up here?” (WH)
“Ahh.. nothing. Just trying to find the best place to take pictures.” (L) Myungsoo smiled a bit as he slowly laid down, raising his arm up in an attempt to block the sun from his eyes. Then again, the sun was hidden behind the darkened clouds, so there wasn’t much of the sun’s rays to block out anyway. “What about you? Why were you looking for me?” (L)
“Ahh.. I forgot! Aha.. Ooh well. Guess sitting out here is a nice alternative to whatever I was thinking about.” (WH) Woohyun turned to look at Myungsoo and grinned a bit. Myungsoo smiled, rolling his eyes as he looked back out. “So, you were looking for pictures for that pen pal of yours?” (WH)
“Yea.. I am.” (L) Woohyun chuckled a bit, earning himself a quick glare from Myungsoo. Woohyun turned to look at Myungsoo before flicking the tip of Myungsoo’s nose, causing the younger male to instantly bring a hand to his poor nose. “YAH! What was THAT for?!” (L)
“You’re in love, right?” (WH) Love? Myungsoo wasn’t necessarily sure if he would really call his ‘crush’ a love. Pushing himself up, Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders a bit. How was he supposed to know how love felt like? He’s never really experienced before until after exchanging letters with Sungyeol.
“Don’t know. Why? Do you know what love feels like?” (L) Woohyun scoffed as he turned back towards the landscape. Myungsoo quickly assumed that Woohyun probably didn’t know what it felt like, but Woohyun was rather quick to surprise him.
“Of course I do! It’s not that hard. It’s harder though.. when that person likes someone else.” (WH)
“Omo.. you like someone? Who is it? Do I know them?” (L) Myungsoo hadn’t heard of Woohyun liking someone before and they have been best friends since childhood! This was definitely a nice little surprise for Myungsoo and he really wanted to know who it was. Woohyun let out a sigh before smiling slightly, turning to his friend.
“Yea.. you know who they are. I just can’t tell you.” (WH)
“Why not? Embarrassed?” (L) Myungsoo poked at Woohyun’s arm playfully in an attempt to tease his friend. The older male only chuckled though as he took a hold of Myungsoo’s hand and smiled a bit.
“Yea. I’m so VERY embarrassed to tell you who it is! So.. let’s just talk about something else, alright?” (WH) Woohyun let go of his best friend’s hand before finally getting to his feet. “You know what. I just now remembered what I wanted us to do. Come on, let’s go head down to the river.” (WH)
Woohyun smiled a bit as he looked down at Myungsoo, whom rose a single brow. Myungsoo got to his feet before crossing his arms, looking at his friend with a questioning look. “Why the river? It’s off limits.” (L)
“So? That hasn’t stopped us before, has it?” (WH) Myungsoo chuckled a bit before nodding. They normally headed down to the city’s river often, knowing full well the risks that they would face every time they went. Luckily, the guards down at the river were a bunch of lazy bums, so it wasn’t all that difficult for them to get away if guards showed up. “Well, let’s get going then.” (WH)
“Right.” (L)
“Woohyun.. you’re the one who wanted to come here! Why are you the one complaining?!” (L) Myungsoo crossed his arms as he waited for Woohyun to hurry up. The river was a few miles away from the building that Myungsoo had been found in, so it wasn’t really all that far. However, Wooyhun always managed to somehow find a way to complain about such things. In a way, it was tiring Myungsoo out as well.
“Oh, come on! You can’t be telling me that you’re not tired either!” (WH) Well, Woohyun wasn’t really all that tired to be honest. He was just trying to get Myungsoo’s attention by pretending to be tired. Why? Well, he just wanted Myungsoo’s attention. Did he really need a reason? Even if he did have a reason, he wasn’t about to admit to it any time soon.
“No, I’m not! Now hurry the heck up! I don’t want to be caught here.” (L) Yes, guards are quite lazy down at the river. However, there was still the chance of them getting caught and Myungsoo just didn’t want to risk it. If they were hidden, then it would have been fine, but the river didn’t necessarily provide much cover. They would have to hide underneath the bridges to hide completely from the guard’s view.
“ARRASEO! But if I get heatstroke, I’m blaming it on you!” (WH)
“It’s the middle of November!” (L) Woohyun mumbled something about it still being possible to get heatstroke, but Myungsoo had decided to ignore it. Finally, once Woohyun caught up, the pair carefully slid down the side, slowly making their way to the walkway that had been created right next to the river. Once they were carefully there, they began walking. Myungsoo eagerly picked up his camera and began taking pictures with Woohyun watching him. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of photographing the river.” (L)
“Well, that’s what you get for daydreaming about your love.” (WH)
“I’m not in love! And anyway, what about you?! Why won’t you tell me who you like?” (L)
“Because it’s a secret! If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore!” (WH) Myungsoo rolled his eyes a bit before he turned his attention back to his camera. Woohyun reached out, close to wrapping his arm around Myungsoo’s shoulders the second he saw Myungsoo shiver, but stopped. Letting out a small sigh, he pulled his arm. “You cold? Should we go back?” (WH)
“Nah. I’m fine. Plus, I’m not done taking pictures.” (L) Myungsoo walked forward a bit before stopping and kneeling down, holding the camera up as he looked around for the perfect angle. With a single press of the button and the sound of the shutter, Myungsoo smiled as he got to his feet and began walking once more. “Why? Are you cold?” (L)
“A little. Wanna snuggle and get warm?” (WH)
“Since when are you into stuff like that?” (L) Woohyun only smiled a bit, mouthing words that would never be heard by Myungsoo. Once Myungsoo took another picture, he turned to look at Woohyun with a bit of a confused look on his face. “You’re not going to answer my question?” (L)
“Since when do I have to answer all of your questions? Anyway, hurry up! It’s freezing out here!” (WH) Woohyun was exaggerating a bit. It wasn’t snowing at the moment, but the wind was blowing just light enough to have some sort of effect on him. He didn’t exactly want to be out here when the snow began to fall.
“Okay, okay. Just a few more pictures, then we can head back.” (L) Woohyun grinned and nodded as he followed after the younger male. A few more minutes had passed before finally, Myungsoo felt that he had enough to at least satisfy his needs. “Okay. Let’s go back now, you sissy.” (L)
“YAY! Come on! Let’s get going!” (WH) Woohyun instantly began running, motioning for Myungsoo to follow along. With a smirk, Myungsoo ran after him. He couldn’t wait to get back to their home and have some nice, warm, hot chocolate.
Myungsoo shivered a bit as he sat at the small, square dining table. They didn’t have a lot; the government sort of cut them off from a lot of stuff. Myungsoo looked over at the stove that was currently heating the kettle. He wished that the water would boil faster, but he could wait. Maybe he should have kept his coat on after all. “You’re shivering! You sure you don’t want to snuggle up to one another?” (WH)
Myungsoo turned to look up at Woohyun, whom was now standing right next to him. Why was Woohyun standing so close to him? Did the older male really want to snuggle up to him that much? “I’m fine. Anyway, where’s Dongwoo and Hoya?” (L)
“I think that they’re out trying to get more food tickets. You know how hard it is..” (WH)
“Yea.. I do..” (L) Myungsoo didn’t need to be reminded as to how hard it was to live within these walls. The government said that it was to keep them ‘safe’, but he doubted it. It was more like a prison than anything. His parents told him of all the wonders that had been out there beyond the walls, so he knew what he was missing out on. “When do you think they’ll get back?” (L)
“Who knows. They’ve been gone since this morning.” (WH) Myungsoo shook his head slightly as he looked back at the kettle, which was now screeching and letting out its steam. Woohyun quickly made his way over to the stove, turning the stove off before looking over at Myungsoo. “You didn’t prepare our cups?” (WH)
“Was I supposed to?” (L) In all honesty, Myungsoo had completely forgotten all about it. He had been daydreaming a bit too much about freedom to have really remembered anything about getting their things ready. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll set it up now.” (L)
“No, I’ll do it! Just keep your planted there.” (WH) Myungsoo nodded, going back into his previous relaxed position. Woohyun went here and there, gathering the needed items before bringing them over to the table and setting them down. Picking up the nearby hand towel, he picked up the kettle by its handle and brought it over to the table.
Woohyun quickly made their drinks, both of them having hot cocoa. They did have a few similar interests here and there and hot cocoa just happened to be one of those interests. Sitting down across from Myungsoo, Woohyun smiled a bit. “You think your photos will impress your lover?” (WH)
“Aish... why do you keep saying I’m in love?! It’s just a small crush.. nothing else..” (L) Myungsoo held his mug with both hands, warming his hands up a bit. He trailed a single finger along the edge of the mug’s surface as he stared down at it, waiting for the drink to cool down.
“I’m just teasing you Myungsoo! Lighten up!” (WH) Woohyun chuckled a bit as he picked his drink up and brought it to his lips, slowly drinking the warm liquid that seemed to just warm up his entire being. It was nice and he was glad that he liked this drink as much as Myungsoo did. Once he had a nice sip, Woohyun placed the mug back down onto the table as he looked up at Myungsoo. “Do you really wanna know who I like?” (WH)
Myungsoo’s eyes lightened up just for a brief moment before he instantly switched to suspicion. There was no way that Woohyun was going to actually tell him. Woohyun was usually one of those types of people who could keep secrets, even if his life was on the line. So, Myungsoo wondered what the catch might be this time. “Yea.. I do. Are you really going to tell me?” (L)
“I could.. I could not. Depends.” (WH) Yep. Myungsoo knew that there would have been some sort of catch to it all. He’s known Woohyun for far too long to not know what the older male was up to. Woohyun must have sensed this in Myungsoo though as he chuckled a bit, his eyes softening as he looked at Myungsoo. “Come on, I’ll tell you! But.. uh.. not today. I’ll tell you soon, alright?” (WH)
“Aish.. alright. As long as you actually tell me.” (L) Before anything else could be said, the front door soon opened and the pair looked over, seeing Dongwoo and Hoya step into their home. “Hey. You’re finally home. How did it go?” (L)
Hoya closed the door and Dongwoo shook off the freshly fallen snow from his being. He looked up at the pair and grinned happily as he began fishing through his pockets. Dongwoo soon retrieved what he was looking for, happily making his way over to the pair before putting the food tickets onto the table. “I got six today!” (DW)
“I got five. He beat me.” (HY) Hoya took his coat off, taking out the food tickets from his own jacket before making his way over to the table as well, placing the tickets on top of Dongwoo’s. “It’s not too bad. This should last us at least three days.” (HY)
“With what we already have... we should be able to last a week.” (L) Dongwoo and Hoya sat down at their respective places, happily making their own drinks before they finally settled in. Dongwoo looked over at Myungsoo, before grinning.
“How did your pictures turn out? I wanna see them!” (DW)
“Hey, I wanna see them too! Can I?” (WH)
“I guess you two can look at them.” (L) Myungsoo turned a bit as he picked up the camera, which was currently hanging on the edge of the chair that he was currently sitting on. Turning the camera on, he handed the device over to Dongwoo, who eagerly took a hold of it and began looking through it. Woohyun leaned in close in an attempt to look at them as well.
“Before I forget..” (HY) Myungsoo turned to Hoya, whom was currently searching through his pockets once more. He soon pulled out a folded piece of envelope and held it out to Myungsoo, whom looked at it a bit confused before taking a hold of it. “It came this.. morning, I think.” (HY)
“Ahh.. okay thanks.” (L)
“OOOH! Someone has a LOVE letter!” (WH)
“Aish.. shut up!” (L) Myungsoo kicked Woohyun underneath the table before getting up. With hot cocoa in one hand and the letter in another, Myungsoo made his way upstairs with Woohyun writhing in pain and the other two either laughing or aiding him. Possibly both at once. Entering the room that he shared with Woohyun, he sat on the window sill and set the mug down on the nearby table. Opening the letter, he peeked through it before pulling the contents of it out and unfolded the piece of paper inside, reading what it said.
Myungsoo stared at the letter in hand, before lowering it onto his lap, looking out the window. He rested his head on the window, staring out at the grim city in front of him. Was this real? Was this letter really from Sungyeol? Furrowing his eyebrows, he lifted his head and crumpled up the letter along with the envelope. Out of frustration, Myungsoo yelled as he threw the balled up wad at towards the door. Just as he had done so, the door opened an the ball he Woohyun on the top of his head. “W-Woah! What the heck was that?!” (WH)
“Sorry..” (L) Myungsoo turned back to the window, crossing his arms as he rested his head back onto the window. Woohyun furrowed his eyebrows as he closed their bedroom door. Woohyun quickly picked up the balled up piece of paper before walking over to the younger male and kneeling next to him.
“What’s wrong?” (WH)
“Read it for yourself..” (L) Woohyun looked down at the ball before undoing its ball shape. Simply throwing the envelope off to the side, Woohyun smoothed out the wrinkles in the letter before he began reading it. It didn’t take long before Woohyun let out a small sigh and rubbed the back of his head, tossing the letter off to the side.
“Myungsoo..” (WH)
“I don’t need your damn sympathy.” (L) Woohyun just didn’t really know what to do. How was he going to calm his friend down? Well, he had to figure something out. It was always best to always keep smiling rather than frown.
“Myungsoo. It’s okay. You don’t need that.. Sungyeol of yours.” (WH) Myungsoo turned and glared at Woohyun, causing the older male to take a slight step back. Myungsoo was about to turn back to the window, but his attention had be stolen once more when Woohyun had taken a hold of his hand. “I mean that... you have me.” (WH)
“What are you talking about..” (L) Woohyun chuckled a bit as he slightly caressed the back of Myungsoo’s hand. The younger male furrowed his eyebrows, a bit confused by this action before looking back up at Woohyun. “What are you doing?” (L)
“Myungsoo.. I.. Remember when I told you that I liked someone?” (WH)
“Yes... but you wouldn’t tell me..... Wait. Why?” (L) Myungsoo wasn’t mad or depressed anymore. His curiosity had gotten the best of him, which he didn’t really know why. He sat up a bit, taking his feet off of the windowsill as he kept his attention on Woohyun. “Are you going to tell me now?” (L)
“Yep. I’ll definitely tell you now.” (WH)
“Well?! Who is it!” (L)
“You.” (WH) Myungsoo’s eyes widened and before he could respond to Woohyun’s comment, Woohyun leaned in closed and silenced the younger male with his soft lips. Myungsoo, a bit surprised and confused, finally caught up with what was going on and smiled a bit, returning Woohyun’s kiss. Seconds passed before the pair finally pulled away for a small breath of air.
“Why.. didn’t you tell me?” (L)
“You were so infatuated with that Sungyeol! Plus, I wasn’t sure if you’d.. well.. like me back.” (WH) Could a person really blame Woohyun? Ever since that whole pen pal thing started between Myungsoo and Sungyeol, Sungyeol was all that Myungsoo ever talked about! It was frustrating and Woohyun wanted to steal the letters away and just burn them so that Myungsoo would forget about Sungyeol, but he endured through it.
“Ahh.. sorry... but.. then.. you’re serious about this?” (L) Woohyun nodded once more before leaning in, attempting to steal yet another kiss from Myungsoo. Myungsoo, however, quickly stopped him by holding his arms out and keeping the older male at bay. “Woah there.. slow down.” (L)
“Sorry, sorry! I’ve just waited so long to finally feel how your lips feel that I just can’t get enough now. One more! Please? Pretty please?” (WH) Myungsoo chuckled a bit before he leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against Woohyun’s. Woohyun couldn’t help but smile as he held the back of Myungsoo’s head, trying to deepen the kiss. Before such things could happen though, they pulled away when they heard the door open.
They were both red and looked as if they had been caught when Hoya looked at the two. Dongwoo entered, quite oblivious to what had just happened, but Hoya couldn’t help but eye the two suspiciously. “Did we.. interrupt something?” (HY)
“No, of course not! A-Anyway.. what is it?” (WH) Dongwoo jumped on top of the nearest bed while Hoya closed the door behind them, walking around and sitting a small distance away from Dongwoo. Myungsoo and Woohyun made their way onto the bed closest to the window, looking at specifically Hoya.
“I have a plan to break out of from these walls. We’d have to go tonight though.” (HY) Myungsoo’s eyes widened as he thought for a moment. This was their chance! Finally, if everything goes well, they would reach freedom! Myungsoo wanted this so badly, but.. he did have to hear what the plan was going to include first.
“Well, what’s the plan?” (L)
“Okay.. well.. You know the river? The wall doesn’t block off the Northern part of it, since the flow of the river heads South. It’s dangerous, but... if we can swim underneath the wall, we would be able to get out.” (HY) Woohyun didn’t necessarily like this plan. It was November, so the water would be freezing cold, especially at night. What was worse was that, he had heard rumors that the number of guards beyond the walls were greater than the number of guards on the inside.
“Do you know how many guards are outside if we did actually make it past the strong current?” (WH) Hoya thought for a moment before shaking his head. Woohyun sighed. This really wasn’t that great of a plan, but it was something. It was their only chance at escape, but it was far too dangerous to take it. Myungsoo, however..
“I’ll do it.” (L) Woohyun looked at the younger male, his eyes widening as he stared at him. Was Myungsoo serious?! Woohyun has almost always heard Myungsoo wanting to go out beyond the walls, but he didn’t think this guy was suicidal! Just earlier today, Myungsoo didn’t want to stay at the river for too long because he didn’t want to get caught! Myungsoo turned to the older male, noticing the surprised look on Woohyun’s face. “What? You’re not coming along?” (L)
Woohyun recollected himself before letting out a sigh and rubbing the back of his head. What was he going to do? If Myungsoo did actually make it beyond these walls, then Woohyun would be separated from him. However, if Myungsoo got caught, Woohyun wouldn’t have any knowledge of it. “Okay.. okay. I’m coming too. When did you want to go, Hoya?” (WH)
“We’re going late at night, around.. one. That’s when most of the guards are off duty.” (HY)
“Wait.. are you coming along too, Dongwoo?” (WH)
“Yea! I’m not missing this opportunity either. It sounds like it would be a lot more fun outside anyway.” (DW)
“Okay.. then it’s settled. Pack your things and.. get some rest. It’s going to be tiresome when we leave.” (HY)
Myungsoo sat quietly underneath the Northern most bridge. He looked at this camera, which was currently wrapped in as much plastic as possible. Myungsoo didn’t want to leave his camera behind, so.. the only thing he could think of was to wrap it up and hope that it didn’t get wet. Opening his bag, he placed the camera inside and safely wrapped it inside his clothes, which were also each wrapped up in all sorts of plastics. Closing his bag, he let out a small sigh.
“Hey. You’re here already.” (WH) Myungsoo looked up and smiled a bit, though it was difficult to see with how dark everything was. Woohyun sat next to Myungsoo, his hood over his head as he sat as humanly close as possible to Myungsoo. “Wanna share body heat?” (WH)
“Not with you.” (L) Myungsoo chuckled a bit as he could see the outlines of Woohyun’s face just barely pouting. Myungsoo wrapped an arm around Woohyun’s shoulders as he leaned in just close enough. “Fine. Only this one though.” (L)
“Ahh.. thanks!” (WH) Woohyun leaned his head a bit, resting it against Myungsoo’s head. He smiled a bit as he closed his eyes, trying to take in as much of Myungsoo’s warmth as possible. Though, the moment was ruined the second they heard footsteps.
They pulled away, hiding as much as possible as they waited. Luckily, they didn’t have to push people into the river when they finally realized that it was the two people that they were waiting on. “Hoya! Dongwoo!” (WH)
“Come on, let’s get going.” (HY) The four of them traveled up the sidewalk, taking about ten to twenty minutes, before finally reaching the wall. They hide within the bushes, looking around carefully before Hoya made his way over to the river. The other three moved closer, though they stayed within the bushes. After all, it was easier to spot four people than one.
Hoya examined the river, narrowing his eyelids a bit before smirking a bit. The river really wasn’t gated off underneath! A big bonus was that the river was a lot more calm than usual today. Hoya motioned for the other three to come on over before he quietly got into the water. He instantly began shivering, the water feeling like spikes were penetrating his skin as his teeth began chattering. “C-C-Come on! W-We have to get going b-before the guards c-come!” (HY)
The other three hesitantly got into the river, Woohyun stifling a need to want to scream as the four of them moved along the river walls. Once they were close enough to the wall, they ducked their heads underneath and continued moving forward.
Seconds passed before they finally reemerged on the other side, Hoya quickly scouting around before pulling himself out. Shivering, he turned and looked at the others. One by one, he helped them out before they finally began running forward. They didn’t care if they were cold nor wet. They had to make it out before..
“HEY! WHO’S THERE?!” Crap. The four of them bolted for it, trying to make as little sound as possible. The guard that had spotted them seemed to not have been able to see them again, but they didn’t let up. They were so close. Heck, they were already beyond the walls! They just had to make it to safety.
Whistles began blowing and they heard dogs barking. The four of them ran as much as they could. Their entire body felt like going limp from the cold, but they kept pushing forward. They had to make it somehow, right? Right?!
A shot was heard followed by a thump and a stifled scream of pain. Woohyun stopped as he turned around, looking all over the place before finally spotting a body on the ground. Woohyun quickly made his way to Myungsoo, kneeling down. “Myungsoo! Are you alright?” (WH)
“G-God.. I-It hurts.. damn guards.. a-and their freaking aim..” (L)
“Can you walk?” (WH) Myungsoo attempted to push himself up, but the pain from the bullet proved too much for Myungsoo as he soon collapsed back onto the ground. The other two, having noticed their missing friends, had finally come back over to them, crouching low to avoid being seen.
“What’s wrong?!” (DW)
“Myungsoo’s hurt! Help me put him on my back!” (WH)
“N-No.. J-Just leave me.. go..” (L)
“I don’t think so, now hurry!” (WH) Dongwoo and Hoya quickly lifted Myungsoo and helped him get onto Woohyun’s back. Once Woohyun had firm grip on Myungsoo, the four of them began running again. Myungsoo’s breathing was getting heavier, but he held onto Woohyun tightly. “Hold on Myungsoo.. we’ll help you soon.” (WH)
“Just.. don’t get.. caught..” (L)
“Me? Get caught? It’s not even possible!” (WH) Myungsoo gritted his teeth as he tried hard to ignore the pain. The cold was numbing it down, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t feel it. With a pained chuckle, Myungsoo tightened his hold on Woohyun.
“Woohyun... if.. I die... take pictures with my camera..” (L)
“Don’t even THINK about dying on me!” (WH)
“I-I know but.. just in case.. you know? I want.. to picture.. freedom..” (L)
They ran for who knows how long. They wouldn’t stop, no.. they couldn’t. Not until they were certain that they were safe. Finally, they came to a stop at an abandoned building. Making their way to a place that they knew that they could easily escape from, they finally took a breather.
“See Myungsoo? I told you that we would make it.” (WH) Silence. Woohyun’s eyes widened as he turned his head to look over at Myungsoo. The younger male had his eyes closed and due to Woohyun’s panicked state, he couldn’t tell whether the younger male was breathing at the moment. “Yah.. Myungsoo.. Wake up. We’re here! I’m not carrying you anymore, so you have to wake up! Come on now!” (WH)
“What’s wrong?” (HY)
“Help me get him off my back! We have to help him!” (WH) Hoya and Dongwoo made their way over to the pair, helping Woohyun lower Myungsoo softly onto the makeshift bed that they had managed to create. Woohyun walked back and forth, grabbing at his hair every now and then as Hoya and Dongwoo checked over Myungsoo. It wasn’t that long before finally, they stood up. Woohyun turned to look at them, eyes frantic as he looked between the two. “Well?! Can we help him?! We can save him, right?!” (WH)
The pair turned to look at him, Hoya with a solemn look on his face while Dongwoo was already on the verge of tears. Woohyun’s eyes widened as he turned to look at Myungsoo, falling to his knees as he pulled up as close as possible to him. “No.. NO! YAH! MYUNGSOO! YOU CAN’T DIE! WAKE UP!” (WH)
Woohyun took a firm hold of Myungsoo’s shoulders, shaking the male softly. He shook his head as tears began falling from his eyes. This couldn’t be happening. This CAN’T be happening. He finally got to confess to his best friend about his love for him. He finally got to kiss his best friend’s lips and be accepted by those lips. Why? WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING?! “Myungsoo! Wake up! Don’t do this to me, dammit! Don’t!” (WH)
Minutes passed before finally, Woohyun was now resting his head on top of Myungsoo’s chest. He shook his head as he softly repeated the word ‘no’. Hoya and Dongwoo sat off to the side, Hoya trying to console Dongwoo, whom was currently crying just as much.
Slowly, Woohyun pushed himself up and took a hold of Myungsoo’s bag. Hesitantly, his hand shook as he opened the bag and dug through it, finally pulling out the camera and pressing the on button. Woohyun’s eyes widened when the first picture he saw was of Myungsoo sticking his tongue out while taking a picture with Woohyun, whom was currently sleeping in it. Woohyun began laughing as tears continued streaming from his face as he looked down at Myungsoo’s still form.
“Okay Myungsoo... I’ll.. I’ll take pictures with your camera. I’ll.. picture freedom for you.” (WH)
[[ My Own Thoughts:
I think..
I like typing sad stuff out too often ;;..
I should start making happy stuff.
Anyway, this wasn't as sad as 'Letters For You'
Buut it still got me crying. xD
I hope you all enjoy it >3< ]]
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Chapter 7: Beautiful. Love daejae so much but.. jaebuuuuuum.
Chapter 7: heheh Jealous Daehyun --- equals LOTS OF HOT SMEX = ]

love it
Chapter 6: Heck yeah daejae X jb hehe :)

Daehyun is one hella jelly dude hehe :) love it
Chapter 6: Omfg. You made.ot daejae and jb. Omfg. FEEEEELS. thank you. Ahh.,.ill feel bad if.jae goes with jb because i ship daejae so bad but.... 2jar <3 ill leave it ip to u. Thank you
Chapter 5: ahhh this was soooo cute =] again loving the cross-over pairing =] hehe
Chapter 4: I cried so hard at the first daejae omg...ohh can u write JB and youngjae. Of course from bap. :)
LeeYeon-Mi #7
Author-nim please, BlockB. :D It would make me so happy! Ukwon and Park Kyung -/cough cough/
Sorry bout that, got a bad cough ;-; Ukwon -/cough/ Park -/cough/ Kyung-/cough cough/ XD
Chapter 4: aigoo~~~ why so cute!!!! ^_^
i really love it!!! thank u author nim~~
as much that i love daejae rls, i also love this pairing!!! xD hmmm wish theres a lot story out there about this couple.. :) thanks again.. ^_^
Chapter 4: after reading the other story where Myungsoo did have a slight protective and crush on Youngjae it's nice to see that it did work out for them in this AU =] eheh

it's really cute and I definitely enjoyed the crossover pair =]
Chapter 3: oh gawd.. maan I wasn't ready .. I wasn't ready... I had totally forgotten how this series was.. and bam a sock to my stomach.. my gut.. maannn here's to me sobbing in my corner...

gahhh these emotions... ='/

still awesome work Carlos...