(1) Only Us

My Embrace


Pairing: Daehyun x Young Jae
Additional Characters: Jae Bum, Yongguk, Himchan, Jongup, Zelo
Setting: Zombie Apocalypse
Inspiration: None
Request by: Truelove96
Warning: There are some things that may be inappropriate for children.
(Who am I kidding, it IS inappropriate.)
Reader discretion is advised.


(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(JB) - Jae Bum speaking
(JU) - Jongup speaking
(Z) - Zelo speaking


Their feet sounded loudly as the group ran through the ruined train station. It was clear that they were running, but what they were running from was what no one would have expected. After all, these creatures had only been spoken of within books, movies, and video games. Who would have thought that these things would have actually come to life?

No matter where they seemed to look or run to, those things would appear from out of the shadows. They didn’t realize, at least not yet, that the noise that they were making was what was attracting these creatures. The zombies, which have commonly been named for years, were blind after all.

“Dammit Yongguk.. Where are you leading us?!” (DH) They had been running for about two or three minutes, but Daehyun was already getting fed up with seeing a zombie wherever they looked. Though, his hot temper may only be due to the one that he was currently pulling along.

“Just shut up and keep running!” (BY) Although normally patient, Yongguk was not about to put up with Daehyun’s crap right this moment. He didn’t need a back seat driver while they were trying to get away from all of the flesh-craving creatures all around them. He already had enough of that from Himchan! Yongguk needed to be calm at all times in order to come up with a good decision.

“A door!” (Z) They were approaching a dead end and it seemed like the only way out was either to go back and face the zombies that had followed them or to go through the door that Zelo had spotted. Of course, unless they were suicidal, the door seemed like their best course of action.

Running up to the door, they all came to a stop as Zelo quickly tried the handle of the door. His body stiffened, his face whitened, and his eyes widened as he tried the handle one more time. Everyone behind him leaned in close as they tried to see what the problem was. “Open it already!” (DH)

“It’s locked!” (Z)

“What do you MEAN locked?!” (DH) Daehyun slightly pushed Zelo out of the way as he began shaking the handle of the door like a mad man. He came to a stop though as his eyes quickly spotted the card scanner right above the handle. “Dammit! It needs a card-key!” (DH)

“Spread out and look. There HAS to be one nearby!” (BY) Without needing a second command, the six of them quickly began looking around the area. However, it did prove difficult with the amount of debris and corpses that littered the ground. Even if there was a card-key just laying around, waiting for someone to save it from its confines, they didn’t have the time to look for it.

Suddenly, a beep caught their attention before a click sounded in the hall. They all turned to look at the door just in time to see the red light turn green. The one closest to the door quickly ran up to it before turning the handle and opening the door. “Come on! It’s open!” (HC)

Himchan instantly regretted turning to the others. As soon as he had done so, he found himself being pushed inside by at least two pairs of hands. If it wasn’t for Yongguk quickly grabbing hold of his coat, Himchan would have had to introduce his poor face to the marble flooring. Well, at least it would’ve been better than meeting concrete flooring.

Once they were safely inside and the door was locked behind them, they continued forward. Sure, they seemed safe, but they didn’t know what this place had in store for them. After all, they still have to find out who had unlocked the door for them.

“I don’t like this...” (BY)

“Why? We’re safe, right?” (Z) Yongguk let out a small sigh. He didn’t feel like explaining the possibilities that were in store for them, but he knew that they all had to remain on their toes.

“Just.. remain alert. This could be an ambush.” (BY) With that said, Jongup finally clicked in as he focused on his surroundings.

“What if they have orange juice? They can’t be bad if they have orange juice!” (JU) Yongguk let out yet another sigh as he decided against commenting. As long as they were at least aware of what was going on, then he didn’t have to worry as much as he usually did.

Daehyun let out a small sigh as he looked over at Young Jae. Judging by his expression, it seemed like Young Jae was a bit unphased. He only seemed out of breath, which was the case for all of them really. Moving in a bit closer to him, Daehyun reached forward before taking hold of Young Jae’s hand. Young Jae looked down at their hands before looking up at Daehyun. He smiled a bit as he moved closer to Daehuyn. “Are you alright?” (DH)

“Yeah.. just tired. What about you?” (YJ) Daehyun smiled a bit as he looked forward.

“I’m fine... Just glad that we’re safe at least.” (DH) Young Jae hummed in response as he looked forward as well.

It didn’t take long before they finally reached a hall that not only branched off to different ways, but also had various rooms in each hall. Yongguk leaned on one leg as he placed one hand on his hip and used his other hand to scratch the back of his head. “Which way, Yongguk?” (HC)

“Let me think a bit..” (BY) There were three halls, so they technically could split up into three groups. The only problem with that was that if this was an ambush, they could end up being taken out that much faster. Still, if they traveled as a whole, then it would slow their progress. “Do you guys want to scavenge or get out?” (BY)

Before anyone could say anything, the speakers in the hall gave off a static noise before clearing up. They all stood there, listening as a voice finally came on. “Ah, Ah! Hello? This thing on? Ah... it is! You six! Go straight! I already scavenged the area. Come on, hurry up!” (JB)

Just like that, the speakers soon turned off, leaving them standing in the silence once more. They all instinctively looked at the back of Yongguk’s head, waiting for an answer. When one didn’t come, Daehyun scoffed as he folded his arms. “Tch.. Why should we believe what he says?” (DH)

“But he helped us get in..” (Z)

“So? He could easily slit our throats, our bodies, and take our stuff once he’s had his sick pleasure. Do you want that?” (DH) Zelo shook his head, but he still believed that this person was a good person.

“Orange juice..?” (JU)

“Let’s go.” (BY) Everyone looked back up at Yongguk, whom had not really moved from his spot. When no one objected, Yongguk began walking with everyone instantly following soon after. Yongguk hoped that he had made the right decision. If not, then it was his responsibility to make sure that everyone made it out of here safe and sound.

Soon, they all came to a stop in front of a door that signaled the dead end for the hallway. Yongguk turned the doorknob of the door before slowly pushing the door open. He stepped in, looking around carefully as his eyes quickly spotted a blond male stepping out from another door. The male nearly jumped backwards as he spotted Yongguk, his breathing and heartbeat racing a bit as he placed a hand on his chest. “Jeez! You scared me! Don’t you guys knock?!” (JB)

“At least we’re not the walking dead...” (DH) Daehyun mumbled a bit as everyone filed in. Once they were all inside, the door was closed as everyone except Yongguk and Daehyun looked around the room. The unknown male cleared his throat a bit before grinning.

“Anyway, welcome to my base! While you’re here, make yourselves at home! My name is Jae Bum, but just call me JB for short!” (JB) Jae Bum quickly made eye contact with Young Jae before giving him a sly wink. Young Jae turned slightly red as he lowered his head. The second Daehyun noticed this, he stepped in front of Young Jae as he furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms. Jae Bum, however, seemed like he hadn’t noticed this as he looked at Yongguk. “So! What are all of your names?” (JB)


After introductions, Jae Bum had shown all six of them where they could stay and rest while they were here. With two bunk beds and one queen sized bed, Himchan had gotten into a bit of an argument with Daehyun on whom would get the queen sized bed. Of course, Daehyun brought up the point that him and Young Jae would be most comfortable sharing a bed together if they had a big enough bed. All Himchan would do was hog it all to himself most likely, which just so happened to be the case. With his trump card playing and no other retaliation available, Himchan faltered as he headed to the bottom bunk closest to the wall.

As Young Jae set his bag down next to the bed, Daehyun came up from behind and wrapped his arms around Young Jae’s arms and torso. Before Young Jae could say anything, he let out a small yelp as the two of them fell on top of the bed. Daehyun smiled as he wrapped a leg over Young Jae while snuggling up to him as much as possible. “It’s nice to be in a bed again. Wanna... test how strong it is? I have quite a rather.. interesting exercise we can do. I think you’ll like it too.” (DH)

Young Jae thought on what possible exercises could be used to test a bed’s strength. The second he realized what Daehyun was talking about, Young Jae turned a deep shade of red as he quickly shook his head. “D-Daehyun...! We shouldn’t.. and... everyone else can hear you..” (YJ)

Daehyun lifted his head a bit as he looked over at the others. Both Jongup and Zelo had instantly hidden themselves under their sheets, their faces completely red when he had spotted them. Yongguk didn’t seem interested since he had his back to them and as for Himchan, he had given them a look of judgment before looking back at the journal that he had been keeping track of the second the zombie apocalypse hit. Something about keeping his sanity in check, but that didn’t really matter at the moment.

With a slight shrug, Daehyun laid back down comfortably as he continued holding Young Jae. Young Jae frowned a bit as he wiggled in Daehyun’s grasp. He didn’t like how confined he felt and it was really starting to bother him now. “Um... Daehyun? Can you let go now? I wanna get something to eat.” (YJ)

He thought on it for a moment before Daehyun finally released his hold on Young Jae. Turning onto his back, Daehyun propped himself up a bit with his elbows as he looked up at Young Jae, whom was now standing. “Get me something too.” (DH)

“You’re not gonna come with me..?” (YJ) They stared at one another for a moment before Young Jae let out a small sigh. “Okay.. I’ll get you something to eat too.” (YJ)

“Thanks Young Jae.” (DH) Daehyun flashed a happy grin before pulling the blanket over himself and turning onto his tummy. Young Jae smiled a bit as he looked down at Daehyun. He bent over a bit and gave Daehyun’s bottom a light pat before he turned and made his way out of the room.

Looking around, he could now tell that they were in a break room of sorts. Oddly enough, there was a kitchen that actually had a stove in it. Whether it worked or not though, he wasn’t necessarily all that certain. Of course, he was going to just get canned food anyway. He wasn’t really all that good at cooking, though that may just be because he didn’t have much interest in it in the first place.

Walking up to the kitchen, he was just about to start looking through the cabinets when the sound of something hitting the ground caught his attention. Out of pure reflex, Young Jae grabbed the closest thing possible as he turned around and raised it over his head to defend himself. When his eyes landed on Jae Bum, whom was in the middle of standing back up, Young Jae let out a small sigh as he lowered the object that he was currently holding. “A little jumpy?” (JB)

“A little..” (YJ) Jae Bum chuckled as he made his way into the kitchen.

“So, you planned on spooning your assailant?” (JB) Once Jae Bum had set the things he had been carrying onto the nearby counter, he faced Young Jae before pointing down at the object that Young Jae was still holding. Looking down, Young Jae raised his hand a bit before finally realizing that he was holding a serving spoon. “You know, I think it’s a little too big for me. I’ve never been spooned before.” (JB)

Young Jae turned a slight shade of red as he set the spoon down. He turned back around before reaching up and successfully opening the cabinet. His eyes instantly widened as he saw just how much Jae Bum had stocked up on canned food. “Impressive, eh? It wasn’t too hard since most of it had already been here, but I did fill up the rest of the cabinets at least. The fridge if pretty filled too, but I don’t know how long that’ll last.” (JB)

It was just amazing how one person could stock up on so much food. Just imagine how many trips he would have to have done in order to fill up all of the cabinets AND the fridge. Sure, it has been about a year since the outbreak, but canned food wasn’t necessarily the lightest things in the world. “You gonna get anything or are ya’ gonna keep staring?” (JB)

“Sorry..” (YJ) Young Jae looked through his choices before taking hold of two cans of peaches. He paused for a brief moment before taking a third can. Looking at his selections, he nodded as he closed the cabinet doors. Taking the cans into his arms, he frowned a bit as he looked around. Just as he turned around in an attempt to continue searching for the object he required, he jumped back and bumped into the counter behind him the second he realized just how close Jae Bum was to him. “W-What is it?” (YJ)

Jae Bum raised his hand before pointing at the object he currently held. “Thought you’d need a can opener. You know.. the thing that penetrates the barrier to create an opening so that you can delve deep into the tasty goodness?” (JB)

“T-Thanks...?” (YJ) He didn’t understand why Jae Bum had to make an explanation of a can opener so complicating, but if that’s how Jae Bum was, then so be it. Taking the can opener, Young Jae slightly bowed his head as he began walking back to the room. Though, just as he got to the door, Jae Bum had quickly cut in front of him, blocking his path. Young Jae stared in slight surprise as he took a step back. “W-What is it now?” (YJ)

“Do you like electronics?” (JB) Young Jae thought on the question for a moment before nodding. He thought that it was a random question to be asking at this time, but it didn’t hurt to answer. Well, at least it shouldn’t hurt to answer Jae Bum’s questions. “Great! I wanna show you something. You have a moment to spare, right?” (JB)

Although he knew the possible dangers he could be putting himself in, Young Jae couldn’t help but let his curiosity take over. It had been a while since he could look over any electronics and depending on what Jae Bum had in mind, this really could end up satisfying his craving. Plus, if it was beneficial to his friends, then it would be worth the risk. “Okay.. I-I guess I have time.” (YJ)

“Even better!” (JB) Jae Bum took hold of the things that Young Jae held before setting them on the ground. Once the items were neatly stacked right next to the wall, Jae Bum took hold of Young Jae’s hand before grinning. “Okay! Let’s go! It’ll be great, I swear!” (JB)

Young Jae nodded before Jae Bum led the way to the door he had come from a few minutes ago. However, the door they had left behind now slowly opened to a crack as a single eye strained in an attempt to see what was going on. Instantly, that eye widened as the owner leaned in closer to try and get a better view.

Once Jae Bum and Young Jae were through the door, Daehyun opened his door completely before stepping out. He wasn’t entirely certain on what he saw, but he was definitely certain that he saw Jae Bum holding Young Jae’s hand and pulling him away! What did they plan on doing?! Was Jae Bum going to do something to HIS cute boyfriend?! Because if he recalled, Young Jae was HIS boyfriend, NOT Jae Bum’s! If anyone was going to do anything to Young Jae, that right solely belonged to him! No one else should even be allowed to touch Young Jae, let alone hold his hand.

“What are you doing?” (HC) Daehyun briefly turned to look at Himchan before turning back to face forward.

“They’re doing something.. I know they are.” (DH) Himchan, knowing full well how jealous and overprotective Daehyun usually was, smirked a little as he stood next to Daehyun. He decided to play with Daehyun for the moment. After all, he did have to get Daehyun back for spilling coffee on him a few months ago.

“Yea.. they probably are. You know, I bet they’re doing something really naughty. After all, if Young Jae didn’t even tell you beforehand, then it must be something that he doesn’t want you to know. Who knows? JB might even be showing Young Jae something nice and hard as we speak.” (HC) Himchan briefly glanced over at Daehyun before grinning. Judging by the look on Daehyun’s face, it seemed like his plan was currently working. “But I could be wrong. It’s not like EVERY male had something to give Young Jae that you can’t already give him, right? I mean.. he can’t be that greedy to want more than just one nice, hard thing. So.. cheer up!” (HC)

Himchan grinned and gave Daehyun a pat on the back before heading over to the kitchen. Daehyun bit his bottom lip with uncertainty as he contemplated on what to do. Young Jae wouldn’t be the type to accept something nice and hard from other males... right? If Young Jae really wanted it, then all he had to do was say so and Daehyun wouldn’t hesitate to grant Young Jae’s wish! Sure.. he only had one, but they could manage! Such things had been made before the world went downhill! They just.. needed to find some!

First things first, he needed to make sure that he wasn’t blowing things out of proportion. After all, him and Young Jae were an item! They not only belonged together, but they were practically made for each other! Sure, there was a little exaggeration in that sentence, but he was going to stick with those kinds of thoughts.

Quickly, Daehyun made his way over to the door that he saw them go through before pressing his ear against the smooth surface. He held his breath, straining to listen for any indication that they were doing something naughty. When no such thing occurred, Daehyun slowly turned the handle before quietly opening the door. Peeking his head inside, he silently cursed as he saw that the door led to yet another hallway. It was definitely smaller than the previous hallway, but it still delayed his progress.

From what he could tell, there were about five doors total. Assuming that they’re in one of these rooms, if he wasn’t fast enough, then they could end up easily covering themselves up before they were caught. Which means that he needed to work quickly, yet quietly. He didn’t need to alert them if he guessed incorrectly.

Crouching down low, Daehyun made his way to the first door on the left. He carefully pressed his ear against the door and waited before opening it up. Getting to his feet, he quickly the lights before letting out a sigh. He briefly looked around the small room before turning the lights off and closing the door behind him. Well, at least that was one room down.

Daehyun repeated this process for the remaining three side offices before coming to a stop at the final door at the end of the hallway. Pressing his ear against the door, Daehyun held his breath as he listened. A small smile held victorious as he heard the muffled sounds of talking. Slowly opening the door, he instantly froze the second he heard Young Jae’s voice clearly.

“I-It’s still unbelievable..” (YJ)

“You like it, right? It feels great being able to share this with someone else for a change!” (JB)

“Can we... keep going?” (YJ)

“Of course! We can go as far in as you want.” (JB) Daehyun was mentally freaking out as he continued to remain frozen in place. They weren’t.. were they? What if they were? It sounded a lot like they were and he needed to step in.. NOW! Just as he took another step forward, he froze once again as he heard Young Jae let out a small whine.

“N-No! Don’t go too fast! I can’t keep up!” (YJ)

“Oh, come on Young Jae! We have to go as fast as possible before we get caught!” (JB)

“B-But I’m going to get hurt..” (YJ)

“So? Take it like a man and endure! You’re still healthy and besides, it’s not like this is your first time!” (JB)

“S-So?! Daehyun wouldn’t go this fast with me..” (YJ)

“Well, he’s not the one playing with you right now, is he? Come on! Just a little faster and we’ll be done in no time. It’s not that hard to take it all in. Just relax and keep going.” (JB)

“I’ll try, but.. I don’t know if it’ll fit. It already hurt me earlier..” (YJ)

“Ah.. you just gotta keep going! Everything fits with a little prodding, right?” (JB)

“Y-YAH!” (DH) Daehyun stood up as he stared angrily around the room before his eyes landed on the two. However, his expression soon turned to both confusion and embarrassment once he saw the television screen and the two on the couch now staring at him. Upon closer inspection, they were clearly clothed and holding video game controllers in their hands.

“D-Daehyun.. Y-You scared me..” (YJ)

“Why are you yelling? Did you want to play too or something?” (JB) Daehyun lowered his gaze a bit as he rubbed the back of his head. He really should have trusted Young Jae more, but could he help it? He was so protective over Young Jae and he wouldn’t really know what to do if Young Jae ended up going to someone else..

“Ah... um... no. I’ll just.. watch.” (DH) Jae Bum merely shrugged as he turned back around to face the television screen. Young Jae gave a small smile as he moved over a bit before motioning for Daehyun to sit next to him. With a bit of contemplating and a glare or two shot at the back of Jae Bum’s head, Daehyun made his way over to the couch before sitting as closely as possible to Young Jae. Luckily, Young Jae didn’t seem to question anything as he merely smiled at Daehyun before turning his attention back to the television screen.

As the two progressed through the game, Daehyun suspiciously eyed them whenever they gave each other a high-five or even briefly brushed up against one another. However, the second Jae Bum placed his arm around Young Jae’s shoulders, that was where he drew the line.YAH! STOP TOUCHING HIM!” (DH)

Daehyun flung Jae Bum’s arm away before practically forcing himself in between the two. Jae Bum stared in disbelief before scoffing. “What is your problem? I’m just being friendly.” (JB)

TOO friendly with someone else’s boyfriend.” (DH) As Daehyun folded his arms and sat up, Jae Bum let out another scoff before creating some space between him and Daehyun. How could Young Jae put up with a guy like Daehyun?

“U-Um.. Daehyun? Can I talk to you in private..?” (YJ) Daehyun turned to look at Young Jae, whom had both a look of uncertainty and seriousness on his face. What could be running through Young Jae’s mind to cause him to have an expression like that? Still, he nodded as he soon followed Young Jae off to the side a bit.

“What’s up?” (DH) Daehyun instantly flinched away as Young Jae flicked his forehead. Rubbing the assaulted area, Daehyun pouted as he looked up at Young Jae. The younger male did seem a bit sad for having harmed Daehyun, but he still held a strong front. “Ow... What was that for?” (DH)

“You’re being really mean... We were just playing.” (YJ) Daehyun slightly pouted as he lowered his gaze and looked a bit to the side. Young Jae could never really resist whenever Daehyun did this look, so he smiled as he placed his hands on Daehyun’s shoulders. “It’s okay. Just.. um.. behave, okay?” (YJ)

Daehyun nodded a bit, which earned him a pat and a light kiss on the head. With everything settled, Young Jae soon returned to his seat before he went back to playing once more. Daehyun held his small pout as he looked over at the two. Now that he had been scolded, he wasn’t sure how he would be able to handle seeing Jae Bum and Young Jae be so close to one another. he did know, however, that he was going to have to be more careful with his actions. One more outburst and Young Jae would get mad with him.

Slowly, Daehyun made his way over to the couch before sliding into hi seat. He saw back, keeping his head low as he watched the video game. He did glance over at Young Jae from time to time, but he looked more like a puppy that was in trouble rather than the over protective guard dog he usually acted as.

Well... he’ll just keep watch for now and hope that things don’t go badly.


[[ My Own Thoughts:

Uh.. yea. x3
I hope this short story is to one’s liking >3<..
I wasn’t entirely certain if this is what had been requested, buut...
This is just simply part one. >3<

Anyway, comments are loved.
I like to see if I am writing these well enough.
(after all, I rarely do one shots/short stories) ]]

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Chapter 7: Beautiful. Love daejae so much but.. jaebuuuuuum.
Chapter 7: heheh Jealous Daehyun --- equals LOTS OF HOT SMEX = ]

love it
Chapter 6: Heck yeah daejae X jb hehe :)

Daehyun is one hella jelly dude hehe :) love it
Chapter 6: Omfg. You made.ot daejae and jb. Omfg. FEEEEELS. thank you. Ahh.,.ill feel bad if.jae goes with jb because i ship daejae so bad but.... 2jar <3 ill leave it ip to u. Thank you
Chapter 5: ahhh this was soooo cute =] again loving the cross-over pairing =] hehe
Chapter 4: I cried so hard at the first daejae omg...ohh can u write JB and youngjae. Of course from bap. :)
LeeYeon-Mi #7
Author-nim please, BlockB. :D It would make me so happy! Ukwon and Park Kyung -/cough cough/
Sorry bout that, got a bad cough ;-; Ukwon -/cough/ Park -/cough/ Kyung-/cough cough/ XD
Chapter 4: aigoo~~~ why so cute!!!! ^_^
i really love it!!! thank u author nim~~
as much that i love daejae rls, i also love this pairing!!! xD hmmm wish theres a lot story out there about this couple.. :) thanks again.. ^_^
Chapter 4: after reading the other story where Myungsoo did have a slight protective and crush on Youngjae it's nice to see that it did work out for them in this AU =] eheh

it's really cute and I definitely enjoyed the crossover pair =]
Chapter 3: oh gawd.. maan I wasn't ready .. I wasn't ready... I had totally forgotten how this series was.. and bam a sock to my stomach.. my gut.. maannn here's to me sobbing in my corner...

gahhh these emotions... ='/

still awesome work Carlos...