Clothing Crisis

You've Got it Wrong

 Your POV (First Person)

  Cross-dressing, huh? I guess this means I'll have to cut my hair. I've always gotten gasps and compliments on how long, thick, and pretty it was, and to be completely honest... it got annoying sometimes. Especially if they asked whether it was frickin' extension. It wasn't! I just haven't cut it in, like, forever. Now I'm actually kinda glad I'll cut it. Spare myself stupid comments.

 At the hair salon~

 " Sweetie, are you sure you want to cut it this short and..boy-ish?"  The salon lady asked skeptically. Her stare on me was un-believing pitieous.

I gave her a soft smile, bending my head backwards at a slightly awkward angle. "Yes, please!"

 She gave an,"What-will-I-do-with-you" sigh that I used to get all the time from mother when I blasted K-pop on without hesitation. In the end, with little to no argument, I got her to finally chop my hair. The steady 'click,click' of the scissors as it snipped at my hair was, I'll admit it, slightly scary. I wasn't sure it would look okay, but Ji-Ho (manager of SHINee) told me she was one of the best stylists around. I just hoped it was true.

 "Done!" she announce proudly. She turned the chair around to face me to the mirror. I smiled. I liked it a lot. (Please ignore the fact that he's holding a sign with his name. Just look at his nice hair XD. DaeSung~ )

 I got up, and bowed to ajumma, thanking her. I looked at the ground. Yeesh, that really is a lot of hair. I never took anyone seriously when they said to cut my hair. Oh,well.

 Back with Ji-ho

  "Nice. Told you she was good," he commented.

"It's not like I didn't believe you."

He shrugged. "Just saying. You packed your closet right?"

"Errrr... It's girl's clothes mostly. Mom insisted on it. All I really have that would fit as male clothing might be a few shirts and most of my shoes. Other then that I need to go shopping," you said, cringing at the thought of what your mother made you pack. Flowery print skirts. Too many. *shiver* 

 Manager thought for a moment. He then pulled out his wallet and flashed his credit card, and smirked.

 " Guess we should."

 With my eyes wide and mouth ajar, I probably looked like a fish out of water. "You're really willing to do that?"

 "Of course. Now get downstairs and into the limo. I'll be there in a minute, just as soon as I talk to someone."








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Chapter 4: wow ^^ I like this so far... this cross dressing idea is getting me excited for what shinee might think. this is daebak!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #2
Chapter 9: "And then I got woken up by a banshee scream, better known as Key screaming" XD OMYLAWD HAHAHAHA.
PerfectlyImperfectxX #3
Chapter 7: I also want you to focus on this story OuO ...
onho8991 #4
Chapter 7: I want you to focus on this story..Pretty please?
PerfectlyImperfectxX #5
Chapter 6: O-O ....woh...woa...WOAAAHH! XD Wonder how things will play out. And don't worry Author-nim! We, I, understand! Please take your time updating~ We would love to read another chapter but we wouldn't want you to rush and make you feel unsure or disappointed on your chapter. You have my full support! And from the last chapter, THANK YOU SO MUCH for mentioning me!! :'D kyaaa. You brightened up my day. And I'm also with you. I always get sidetracked weither I like it or not xD

Author-nim Fighting~ ! Thank you for updating :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #6
Chapter 4: I can't wait to read more author-nim x3 its an interesting plot.
Hwaiting~ ! Oh and hope you get well soon . ((:
Chapter 2: The story seems interesting so far. The main lead definitely has a lot of character and spunk; I like that. I'll be honest: the manager was just plain creepy to me xD Overall a good start, but make sure to check your writing before posting; a couple of typos here and there. Looking forward to future days as a boy in SHINee? haha.