:::This Love:::


Placing the man on my bed, I take my groceries to be filled in my refrigerator and cabinet. Damn! My back aches so much. Not wasting any moment, I take a glass and fill it with warm water. Then I get two painkillers from my medicine bottle and drink them down. Fuuuhhhh~ how refreshing. Sincerely, I can’t get myself sick because of my damn student life. Leaning myself on the kitchen wall, my eyes fall upon the lifeless body on my bed. My heart is softened at once. Poor thing, he is. The innocent look he wears makes me feel sympathized. How come his life become like this? Well, this makes me to reflect myself. Other’s life is more burdened than I. So, what right I have to complain about my not-too-complicated life?

I arrange my step closer to him then I sit beside him. I try to search for any calmness on his expression but only despair I could see. I his hair from his forehead and caress his cheek. Thinking he needs to clean himself, I walk off to the kitchen, fetching a bowl of warm water and small tower, putting them near the bedside lamp. Then, I start to clean him. Wiping his face slowly, I tend to remove the smeared eyeliner and make up he’s wearing. ‘Weird, a man wears make up,’ I think. Next, I take away his black jacket and his socks. I put them on a small cupboard near the bed. Considering whether I should take off his white shirt, I come to a conclusion that I should as it smell alcohol so bad. Not enjoying any moment of seeing him shirtless, I take my clean t-shirt and put it on. Well, it matches him perfectly. His body is not so big, well, bigger than me, I can say that but most of my t-shirts are bigger. I don’t favour much baby t-shirt as it makes me sweat more. After cleaning him up, I make my way to my study table.

There, I release a heavy sigh. The load of paper makes my head in pain again. There’re so many things to do. I face my laptop to continue my unfinished task before I lost myself the trail of time.


‘huaarrrghhhh!!’ I yawn heartily. I’m so tired. Just like before, I don’t realize what time I sleep yesterday and again, table becomes my pillow. Ouch! My back aches again. Stretching a bit, I yawn again. Oh my Goodness, I’m still sleepy. If I am lack of responsible, I would sleep days and nights not even want to bother whether it’s day or night.

Again, and again, I could only imagine things. I look upon my timetable on the white board in front of me before I laugh sneakily.

hehehe…. Yeaayyy!! No classssssssss today!’ I yell cheerfully. It is a good sign. I don’t think any matter related to phonology could enter my brain right now. I’m too tired, and not to mention, my stomach has been growling frantically!

I stand up, fetching my towel before disappearing into the bathroom.


The weather is so nice today. I lift up the curtain, letting the ray of sunshine to enter my room.


Hearing the voice, I turn around quickly. I stare at the figure on my own bed blankly.

how did he…..’ I knock my head. ‘Stupid!’ I curse myself. He is the drunken man. I almost forget about it. Then, I bring my feet to the man before sitting beside him. Staring is the only thing I could do. After all, he is still unable to open his eyes, only struggling to do it, maybe getting annoyed by the light.

After some time, he gets to open his eyes a moment before closing them back. He grunts of pain while his hand holding his head, rubbing his forehead.

Where am I?’ a weak, cold voice comes from the pale lips.

‘Are you sick, sir? Do you want water?’ I said carefully, not desiring to provoke him.

Water….’ He said again, weakly. I go to the kitchen to fetch him a glass of warm water. Then, I lift his head slowly and bring the glass to his lips. He drinks it all at once, eagerly. After that, I put his head back on the pillow. I see his blinking-closed eyes before he blinks no more. He must be sleeping again. ‘He must be tired,’ I tell myself.

Planning to go to supermarket to buy fresh goods, I changed myself into proper clothes, putting another glass of water near his bed, sticking note to the glass and locking the door.


Several hours later, I come back home, hands full of plastic of goods. I hurriedly unlock the door and drag the plastics to the kitchen. My arms feel like taking off from my bone socket.

Damn heavy!’ I shriek to myself. Due to fatigue, I sit on the kitchen floor and open the refrigerator to grab any cold drink available before drinking it greedily.

Haha.’ I heard a small chuckle and turn my head to the sound. I see the man smile to me. I freeze, not knowing what to do and how to react.

Sorry, am I scared you?’ he says, steeping nearer to me. Then, he takes his place in front of me, sitting there while smiling. I blink blankly.

Hello? Hello?’ he snaps his finger in front of my eyes.

‘Oh, yes. Hurmmm….’ ! Again, I am speechless. I swear I look like a dumb person right now.

Haha… Are you that thirsty?’ he chuckles again.

Well, maybe you should try yourself carrying three plastic bags full with goods.’ I said calmly before opening the icebox, taking an orange ice-cream and step to the living room. I sort of ignoring him, taking my place on the sofa, and switch on the television. Again, he follows me and sits beside me. I could see with my tail points that he is looking at me now. I try to act cool, my ice-cream delightfully.

‘thank you.’ He says.

I look into his eyes and he is smiling to me. I act dumb, ‘for what?

‘well, for being my saviour.’


‘Haha. I don’t have to be smart enough to know that you save me yesterday. It’s the only explanation that you bring a drunken man home, as…. Hurmm… looking to the fact that I am at your home…right?’ 

I nod, listening to his rationalization. Without asking, he takes my half-eaten ice-cream and eats it.

hey!’ I shout in shock. Okay, he is so brave, taking MY food without permission! Feeling annoyed, I stand up, trying to get away from the stranger.

Walking to my study table, suddenly I remember something. I look back at him, finding that he is staring at me. Controlling myself, I ask him.

‘Have you bathed?’

He laughs and shakes his head.

Urgh! Maybe you should, after eating. I have put a towel and clean clothes on the bed, if you don’t mind wearing my clothes.’ I look at him a second before proceeding to my table. I could hear him laughing again behind my back. Without realizing it, I smile too. 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 5: This is a really good story
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwww~~ so sweetttttttttt..
really love this story ^^
RaeeKwon #3
Chapter 1: Nice story hehehe ^~^