:::This Love:::


I bring him hot Cadbury chocolate drink when he’s watching a movie entitled ‘The Lucky One.’ I take a glimpse of Zac Efron who is starring the movie before taking my place beside him. Then, I put my head on his shoulder. He is wearing my black Superman t-shirt. He takes my right hand and brings it to his lap. I have no intention of watching the movie but I use the chance to be with him rather than leaving him alone.

I almost fall asleep when he kisses me on my head. I look at him and put my lips on his for seconds before placing my head on his shoulder again. Still worrying about the unsolved problem, I try to keep my insecure feeling away from burdening my heart.

‘baby….’ He calls me.


‘don’t you have study to do?’

you Jiyong! Why did you bring back the topic? Why did you remind me of my study? DON’T YOU NOTICE THAT I CARE ABOUT YOU MORE THAN MY STUDY? DON”T YOU REALISE HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME TO LEAVE YOU ? TO KEEP MY ING AWAY FROM YOU? I yell in my heart. As fast as lightning I stand up and get myself away from that man. I drag my feet to my study table from sinking my head on my hand.

‘I hate you,Jiyong.’ I mumble.

Suddenly, I feel someone toughing my shoulder. I keep still, too stubborn to move. I don’t wanna see his face. I hate him.

‘baby….’ He calls me.

‘baby,,,, look at me,’ he persuades me with that damn soft tone which makes my heart melts. Having no choice, I look at him. He is already kneeing before me. I still on the my chair, pouting my mouth.

‘are you mad at me?’ he asks me that stupid question.

‘So much.’ I tell him the truth.

‘I’m sorry….’ He takes my both hand to kiss and hold after that. My heart softens when he does that to me.

‘I have been thinking about this. I am fully aware, sooner or later, these things would come up. It’s just; I don’t expect it to happen too soon. We haven’t been together for even a week. I know that I need to go back to where I belong and I need to leave this house, leave your side. But baby, it doesn’t mean I want it to happen.’ He explains to me carefully. Then, he continues.

‘however, when you confess to me this afternoon, all my fears fade away and I become certain of something. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU. I PROMISE. I know it’s too early for me to love you, but I know you would mean something to me since the day you brought me home. I know you’re different from all the women I’ve met before. No, you are nothing like them. All the women I met before are only after me for my money, my fame. But you, you are different. You never say anything about my money or my popularity. Instead, you give me an advice that I should continue, I should go on. And I really appreciate that. The way you take care of me, making me food, giving me shelter, washing my clothes, making me laugh, putting lotion on my feet and hand before sleeping, cutting my nails, and everything, everything that you have done for me makes me realize that you expect nothing from me. You are willing to take care of me despite of your busy study schedule. I really appreciate that. And for that, I am thankful enough for meeting one fine woman like you.’

‘To keep you all by myself is a selfish thing that I would never do. I know your passion towards knowledge and I am not going to forbid you from seeking them. I am not keeping you by my side and make you graduate later than you expected. I want you to do whatever you love and go on with your life, like before but I am asking you a little time you could seek to be spent with me in your daily life. Sooner or later, I need to go back to my life, I can’t hide myself with you forever,baby.. So please, stop aching your head over this matter. No matter where you are, or where I am, we would always be together, in each other’s heart and mind. I promise you, as long as I breathe, I would always carry your name, your image in my heart and mind. And I want you to do the same. I know I am not so smart like you, but…’

I stop him talking by kissing his lips so hard I could press. I too, knee before him and hug him in the meanwhile. He does the same to me. We are like that for some time before he pushes me a little.

‘promise me something…’ he says to me while holding my hand.

‘what..?’ I ask him..

‘don’t ever leave me.. promise me…’

I chuckle.

‘I love you.’

‘I will love you more than anything, Jiyong…

‘I promise you I would never, ever and ever look at another man.’

‘I promise you, I will be a superhuman to you.’

‘I love you…’

He hugs me after I finish saying those promises.

That night, we sleep in each other’s embraces for the last time before we are apart to our own world, our own commitment. But, just like we have promised before, we never let each other leaving our mind or heart. When there’s time, I would text him and tell him for millions time I would not bother to count. From that time also, Jiyong seldom writes depressed, sad songs anymore. Most of his songs portray his happiness and contentment of being in love. Although we do not meet for months, we would get together in each other’s dream and continue to love like we just only met yesterday…. 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 5: This is a really good story
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwww~~ so sweetttttttttt..
really love this story ^^
RaeeKwon #3
Chapter 1: Nice story hehehe ^~^