:::This Love:::


Urgghhh!! So hungry! I open my refrigerator, hoping to find any food, or fruit to eat. Studying language in Seoul National University is not a joke. It is either I have to study myself to death or never graduate. Being international student who got the scholarship brings me lots of tension. I have to pass in every test conducted or I will be sent back home. That is one thing about being sponsored. Your life and your mind will be a slave to your master.

Tonight, I have to stay awake too. Damn, I got tons of researches to be done to complete my research paper. And the great thing is, my refrigerator is empty! I swear, I hungry to death and I haven’t eaten since this morning. I walk myself lazily to make a coffee.

!’ I curse myself. I forget that I make my last coffee last two hours. I sigh heavily. Seriously, I really hate to walk myself to nearby shop. Well, you can say nearby where I have to walk almost one kilometre to get there. Plus, I’m afraid of drunken man. I look at my watch. It shows 1.45 in the morning. I’m sure there will be some drunken man singing madly at the street by now. Last time I walk alone on the street, there is one drunken lady who throw her shoes to me, thinking I am her bastard friend. I am cursed badly that night. Hahaha~ but it is an amazing experience. At least I have that kind of memory in my mind to remind myself not to drink any alcohol. Frankly speaking, alcoholic drink brings you more harm than good. No food, no coffee! I am busted! Now, I have no choice except going to buy my supplement foods. I enter my room and put on my light blue Adidas hoodies. I seize my purse my put in on my back pocket, grab hold of my handphone and place it in my hoodies’s pocket. Locking the door, I begin to walk myself lazily to the store.

It takes me almost thirty minutes to reach the shop. I greet the old lady shopkeeper before seizing the basket near the counter. I grab hazelnut coffee, sesame ramen, mineral water, junk foods, dried fruits, packets of chocolate, and several boxes of dairy milk. Okay! They are so heavy! After making the payment, I make my way to home. I am pacing slowly to support the burden in my right hand. How I wish I have a transport so that I can go anywhere freely. To think about transport, I am thinking of buying pixie bicycle but I have no time to survey the price. Actually, I have no time of doing anything except for studying and researching. Oh my god, how dull my life is and I hate it!


I stumble and all my groceries scatter on the street.

what the fuu…’ rubbing my knee, I look around, searching for the thing I just accidently step on just now.

what? Shoes? Are you kidding me?’

I step closer to take a better view. It’s a shoe, no! They are shoes! And legs, and tights and a body and…. Human!

Oh my God, what have I just done?

I quickly move nearer to the man I just step on and shake the man’s shoulder.

Excuse me, mister. Are you okay?’ Damn, there’s no movement.

‘Sir? Sir? Are you okay?’ I start to shake the shoulder harshly, hoping he or she will be conscious.

urgh!’ I hear a heavy breathe from the person. Oh God, my heart starts to pump crazily, like I am just running 500 metres per minute.

‘Sir? Are you okay?’ I slap the man with force.

The unconscious man begins to turn his body and mumbles, ‘go …way.

I do not need to be smart enough to understand that the man is drunk but how come he’s laying here without anyone notice. Well, I do and almost bleed myself because of this mad man. Doesn’t he own a house? I ask myself.

I take my handphone off my sweater and torch the man’s face. The man’s hair covers the face and I shove them a little to see the man complexion in a better view. It’s a guy, young, maybe in his late twenties, his thick eyeliner smears a bit and his breathe stinks with alcohols. Despite of his stain, I could see a man who has a complicated life, maybe. There’s a trace of tear at the end of his eye. Maybe, he has been crying before he passes out. I don’t have the heart to leave this man here….in this dark alley, behind this dirty building. He might have walked a while to reach here because as far as I know, there is no near pub or club around this area. I start to pity him. Besides, my apartment is not far from here, so I decide to show my humanity to this passed-out guy. I will bring him home. I am sure my neighbour won’t notice this as it is already late in the morning. Owh! It would be total embarrassing if they know I bring a man to my house. Never before I do this crazy stuff! Even a boyfriend, I don’t have. So, I start to gather my spilled groceries in the plastic bag and try to carry him on my back.


He’s too heavy. There’s no way I could carry him.

Breathe in… breathe out… okay.. one more time! You can do it! You can do it!!!’ I try to motivate myself up. Once again, I put him on my back. I begin to stand up slowly with a great burden on my vertebra, slowly… slowly…. Yes! I did it! I did it! I laugh of happiness. The unconscious man is placed alright and I take my groceries before stepping myself home.

I swear, that is the most hellish journey I have ever had since I was born. 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 5: This is a really good story
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwww~~ so sweetttttttttt..
really love this story ^^
RaeeKwon #3
Chapter 1: Nice story hehehe ^~^