One Way Or Another_

Burn After Reading

“Would you like to go to the prom with me?” Minseok said fast, looking deeply in Yesun’s eyes while holding unto her shoulders tight.

Her eyes widened in shock. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t reply. She couldn’t even breathe properly.

The prom?! This isn’t right... The prom is the mission day... She and her brother are supposed to assassinate politician Minsoo then... Minseok’s father.

She reviewed all the information she received from her boss, Suman, on the day he gave them this mission. She remembered every word he said.

Two weeks before they move to A.N. High_

Seoul, Central Park_

“So kids-“

“Quit calling us kids, Suman.” Sehun frowned at his boss. Suman laughed, “Fine. So... I have another mission for you guys.”

“Don’t tell me it’s another American spy... I’m sick of those idiots...” Yesun cursed under her breath while lying on the grass.

Suman was sitting next to her while Sehun resting his back on a big tree, playing with a rose.

“Hahaha, Yesunnie-“

“Don’t call me that, you know I hate it.” She frowned at him.

“Ok, fine... Like brother like sister, ha? Oh well, your next target isn’t a spy, Yesun. He’s a politician.” Suman stated.

“Reason?” Sehun asked.

“Why do you always need a reason? Just do the mission and get it over with.” Suman huffed.

“You know we never kill unless there was a proper reason. And we started this job by killing our parent’s murderer, you know that.”

“Yeah yeah and I spotted you and turned you into good assassins so we can get rid of the ‘bad guys’... We all know this story...” Suman said, boringly.

“Then why are you reviewing it?” Sehun mocked, looking at him coldly. Suman blinked and shrugged, “Anyways... His name is Kim Minsoo...” He threw the profile between Yesun and Sehun, “They’re on a project of pulling up South Korea’s economy by using the people of it. Sipping off their money in a way or another, and this man was the one who came up with this idea. So-“

“Getting rid of him would get rid of the whole plan, got it.” Yesun said, checking the profile.

“That’s my smart Yesun.” Suman smiled.

“And how will we get close to him?” Sehun asked.

“No need to. Just attend to the closest school to him. A.N. high. I heard his son attends to it but whatever.” He shrugged.

“A high school again? Ugh, for Heaven’s sake...” She rolled her eyes.

“Suman.” The boy said.

“Yeah?” He grinned.

“I hate you.”



“So?” Minseok asked, in a low tone, smiling into her eyes.

“I...” She tried to speak.

“Yeah, of course she would.” Sehun’s voice came. They turned around.

“Sehun...” She looked at him.

“Sehun-ssi!” Minseok exclaimed in happiness. Yesun looked at him in confusion, Sehun... What are you planning?

“Yeah, Yesun. You can go with him.” Sehun smirked. She didn’t get the hint at first, but then it came to her. It’s still about the mission. He has something in his mind.

Yesun nodded at him then smiled at Minseok, “Ok, I’ll go with you.”

“Great!” He hugged her tight.

Maybe the mission was delayed? Or even dismissed! That’d be much better... But... What about their evil plan of using the Korean people’s money?...

“Thank you...” Minseok whispered. She smiled, I don’t wanna think about anything now... I just wanna enjoy the moment...


Later that day, Minseok got back home, all happy and hyper, to find his parents in a total opposite condition, all down and troubled.

“...Good evening... what’s wrong?!” He asked, sitting next to his dad.

“Minseok-ah...” His mom cried.

“Shhhh woman. I’m not even dead yet.” His dad frowned at her. She looked down.

“Dead?!! Dad! What the heck is happening?!” Minseok exclaimed in worry.

“Son... It’s rumoured that... Someone wants me dead.” He stated. Minseok’s eyes widened, “WHAT?!!! But why?! You’re the kindest person ever! You’re the best politician in Korea! And everyone loves you! Dad, what is this about?!”

“Calm down, son. You’re acting just like your mother!” He said, “We don’t know what the reason behind that is, but my source told me that they’ll strike on my meeting night. “ He explained.

“Your meeting night... The prom night!” Minseok snapped. The father nodded.

“Ok. I’m passing the party. I’ll stay with you and-“

“Stop speaking nonsense, kid. You’re going to the prom and that’s final. Plus, mu buddy guards always surround me ready for any move, so you and your mother don’t need to worry, you understand?”

“But honey...”.

“It’s ok. Chill, honey.” He smiled at his wife. She nodded, crying.

“Ok... but you’d better be safe!” Minseok looked at his father seriously.

“Of course I will. After all, I don’t want to die before seeing the girl my son fell for now, do I?” He winked. Minseok grinned, “I asked her to the prom today.” He said, proudly.

“Oh, good for you, son. I’m so proud of you.” He messed his son’s hair, “Now, off to bed. You don’t want to have black circles around your eyes before your big day now, do you?”

“hehe, ok. Love you, dad. Love you, mom.” He kissed his dad and mom’s cheeks then went to his room and closed the door behind him.

He sighed as he threw his bag and jacket on his bed. Then he threw himself on it.

He smiled unconsciously to himself remembering what happened today.

Man, I can’t stop thinking of how sweet and beautiful she’s gonna look in the prom...

On the other hand, the thought of his dad being threatened wasn’t leaving his mind either.

Who would do such a horrible thing? What did my father ever do to deserve this? Damn... I wish they get boiled to death before they even get to touch one hair of his...

He sighed again and flipped to his left.

I just hope that my night with Yesun won’t be ruined... Yesun-ah... I want that day to come already... yet, I don’t want it to ever come...

Then he flipped on his face and shouted into his pillow, “Why is this so hard and complicated like this~~~

He sighed again and again. His head started hurting cuz of over thinking. So he decided to sleep, maybe he’ll wake up and everything would be solved.

Surely, what he doesn’t know is that once the prom is here, things will get even more complicated.


“What are you up to?” Yesun asked her brother.

“What do you mean? And... were you even thinking of that guy’s offer?!” He raised his eyebrow.

“Sehun, don’t you ignore my question. Why did you do that?” She pressed.

“You like him, don’t you?!” He smirked.

“Sehun!” She blushed slightly.

“...You do? You... really do?!” Sehun widened his eyes.

She looked away.

“...Whatever. We’re sticking with the plan.” He said, his tone back to serious.

“What do you mean?” She looked at him. He sighed, “You’ll go with him to the prom. That’ll keep him away. Meanwhile, I’ll sneak in to the target’s car after his meeting and do the job.” He explained.

Yesun didn’t say anything, Why is this so hard? Why... Why does this feel so wrong? She thought to herself. He looked at her with his cold eyes, “So?”

“...Ok.” She said, not looking at him.

He nodded, “Good. Be ready. The prom is in two days.” He said and left her room closing the door behind him.

Yesun sighed. She lied on her bed and started poking Puffy’s bowel.

“Puffy~ tell me... why am I being like this? Why does this suddenly feel so wrong?” She followed the fish’s movements. Puffy just swum around the bowel forming air bubbles around.

“Tell me... do I... Have feelings for this guy?” She whispered the last part then looked down. What if I really do? Then... What happens?


Next day, Yesun didn’t go to school because she over slept due to staying up late swimming in her thoughts.

The day passed and she spent the whole time in her room playing with Puffy and thinking again.

Night fell faster than she thought, so she decided to go to the kitchen to have some dinner since she’s starving cuz she passed breakfast and lunch already.

She had some warm soup then went back to her room after finding her brother fast asleep in his.

Yesun sat on her bed and looked at her phone, and then she checked it.

1 New Message, from: Minseok.

Her face brightened as she pressed the view button.

‘Hey, you chose the dress yet?! You need a dress! A beautiful one! Ne?! So we can become the princess and prince of the prom~ ^^’

She smiled at the text. Dress? I haven’t thought of that… And what is this prince princess thing? Hehe, crazy Minseok.

She started typing:

‘Pabo. What dress? Can’t I come wearing casual clothes?! Jeans are much more comfy you know...’

‘BWO?!! Jeans are no~ casual no-no~ it’s a dancing party, girl! You must wear a dress! Arasseo?!’

‘But I don’t like dresses... they don’t make walking or running any easy... 8( ‘

‘Running? Why would you want to run?’

! Stupid Yesun! Why did you say that?

‘...What if you tried something illegal? I’d want to run then...’

Kekeke let’s see how he’ll respond to this.

‘...Y’know, I know some people who go to parties wearing casual. Casual is fine.’


‘. I’m not going anywhere with you and we’re not even friends anymore. BYE!’

God... That !

‘Not friends anymore? Then can we be lovers? Girlfriend and boyfriend?!!! Can we can we please please please???!!!! *puppy eyes*’

WHAT THE FOG?!!! Schmucking idiot! Is he insane?! I hate him!

‘Yesun-ah... y’know I was kidding, right? You’re not mad, are you?!’

HUH! Like hell I’ll buy that!

‘Yesun-ah~ C’mon! I know you’re still there. I’m sorry if that was too much... Please, answer me...’

Nope. Not in a million years.

‘Ugh! Lee Yesun! Don’t you trust me?! I know I trust you with my life... C’mon, y’know I was just joking...’

Is that true? He... can trust me... with his own life?! ...Ouch... if only he knew...

‘I know… I was kidding too...’

‘GOD YOU SCARED ME! I thought I ruined it 8P Alrighty then, I’ll pick you up tmw at 7. Oh, and don’t forget the dress! Good night~’

‘Okay. See ya tmw. Night.’

And with that, they both went to sleep. Even though guilt was eating Yesun alive, she forced herself to sleep cuz she wanted to wake up early so she can go shopping for a proper dress.


Next day in the morning, Minseok had to pick a tuxedo himself, so he called Kai and they went out together.

“So...” Kai started, sipping from his juice bottle.

“Yeah?” Minseok asked, looking around while walking with his friend.

“You asked Yesun to the prom, ha?” He grinned at him. Minseok grinned back, nodding with pride.


“And what?” Minseok looked away, pretending to be looking at a tux.

“...Will you confess or not?” Kai said fast.

“Confess what?” Minseok snickered. Kai frowned, “That you love her!” He shouted. Minseok put his hand on Kai’s mouth, “Shhh~ voice down.” He whispered, looking around.

Kai pushed him away, “What’s with you, man? Not like I’m telling you to assassinate someone!” Kai said, wiping his mouth. Minseok stopped at his words, Assassinate... Dad...

Minseok’s face changed and he started walking again.

“Wow, man. Is that troubling you that much? I can help you, you know. I can tell her myself then you-“

“It’s not that... It’s... Y’know what? Forget it. I’m ok.” Minseok put his smiley face again and hugged his buddy’s neck.

“Ow! Jeez~ ok, fine. Let’s find us some hot tuxes~” Kai sang and the two of them continued walking around the shops.


Meanwhile, Yesun was walking around, trying to find a proper dress. But the mall was too crowded thanks to the excited teenagers who are trying to find their own costumes for the coming prom.

Ugh, this’s too troublesome... She thought to herself, pushing some people off her way, I wish I could take out my gun and shoot everyone off my way! Stupid Minseok and his demands!

Then, her phone rang. She took it out of her purse but then someone dumbed into her causing her phone to fall between the legs. “You have to be ting me!” She bent down to take it, but then someone kicked it away, “Son of a...” She bit her lip and crawled looking for it. Finally, she was able to catch it and stand up.

“HELLO?!” She shouted.

“Woah! Easy, sis.”

“Ugh, sorry Sehun. What’s up?” She started walking.

“Where are you?” he asked.

“Mall. Why?”

“Looking for a dress?!”

“Umm, yeah.”

“Then come back. I got one for you.”

“Y-You did?!”

“Yeah, now come back. We have a plan to review.” He hung up.

Yesun frowned on that thought, Damn it... I almost forgot...

She sighed and headed back home.


When she got home, Yesun and her brother discussed the plan again.

It was simple as a pie. Yesun just has to keep Minseok busy, as in not letting him to call anyone. Not his dad. Not his mom. Not his dad’s guards, just in case he doubted anything. Meanwhile, Sehun would be waiting in the garage of the building the meeting is going in. The moment Minsoo steps in, he would shoot the guards and him then he’ll call Yesun and let her know that the mission is complete. After that they’ll leave Seoul for a while until things calm down.

“Will that really work?” Yesun asked, looking at Puffy’s bowl.

Sehun tilted his head, “Of course it will... Yesun, why are you so stressed about this mission?!” He asked, frowning.

“It’s... it’s that...” She bit her lip. Sehun softened, “You really like that kid, don’t you?” He lowered his voice.

She hesitantly nodded, “Not only that... It just doesn’t feel right...”

“How come?” He asked. She shrugged, “Just a feeling.”

“Don’t worry, Yesun. Everything will be just fine.” He hugged her. She hugged him back.

“I’ll go order us lunch.” He smiled and left the room.

She sighed.

It still feels not right. Eotteokhae?!

She pulled out her laptop and started checking out some old profiles. Her eyes fell on Suman’s profile, Hmm? How come I’ve never noticed that we have his profile?

She clicked the Open button and read:

Name: Lee Suman.

Birth Info: 5/3/1960- Seoul.

Height: 176 cm.

Education: Graduated from Seoul high of politics in 1979-1980.

Position: Unknown.

State: Unknown.

Children: Unknown.

“Unknown, unknown, unknown. WTF?! What information does his profile contain then?!” Yesun scratched her head in frustration. Then she noticed something, “He graduated from Seoul high of politics in 1979-1980...” She read out loud, Where did I read that before?!

She took out Minsoo’s profile and read it again. Match!

They were mates... why didn’t Suman tell us? Wait... he did mention before that it he wanted to be a politician... what is this supposed to mean?!

“Yesun-ah~ Lunch is here.” Sehun called.


She took another glance at the profiles then got up and went to her brother to have lunch.

“So...” Sehun chewed on his food. Yesun was totally absent minded.

Sehun cleared his throat. She kept on starting at the floor while chewing slowly.


“What?!” She jumped and choked on her food. Sehun hit her back lightly as she coughed until she finally started breathing naturally again. They sighed.

“What did you want?” Yesun looked at her brother who looked concerned about his sister.

He sighed and looked down, “About the dress...” He started, “I was thinking... Why don’t you wear mom’s blue one?!”

She blinked, “But-“

“Oh, come on. It’ll look great on you.” Sehun gave her a small smile. She looked down, “But it’s mom’s...” She whispered.

“I know... she’d want you to wear it, I’m sure of that.” He gave her a cheering smile. She smiled back at him and nodded.

After lunch, Yesun looked at the clock. It was 6.

Better get ready... She got to her room and started getting ready.

The nice silky blue dress fits her perfectly. She wore elegance white silver high heels... not so high anyway; cuz running then won’t be easy. And she wore some light make-up that made her look bright and pretty along with the small yet nice jewels, while her hair was nicely lifted up in a small cookie shape with two tails coming down on her face from the sides. And of course, don’t forget the small hand gun tied up to her thigh... just in case.

She took a final look at herself. For half a second, she had an amazing feeling of satisfaction about everything. Then once again, she remembered what they have to do tonight... To kill her ‘best friend’s’ father for a reason she’s starting to doubt.

A light knock came on her room’s door.

“Come in.” She said. Sehun came in and froze when he saw his sister.

“Who are you?” He said, not taking his eyes off her. She smirked then smiled sweetly.

“Oh Yesun you look amazing!” He widened his eyes while grinning big.

“Thanks...” She looked away.

“You seriously look-“ Sehun was interrupted by the door bell, “I’ll get that.”

It must be him... God, I’m so nervous... DAMN IT, YESUN! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!

Downstairs, Sehun opened the door and there was Minseok standing on the other side.

“Good evening.” Minseok grinned. Sehun checked him from head to toes. He was wearing [A/N: Let Out the Beast teaser costumes anyone? Yeah. For both Kai and Xiumin.]

Sehun raised his eyebrow, “Yeah.” He walked inside, “Yesun-ah! The man is here!” He shouted coldly.

Minseok zoomed in his lips, looking around, and waiting for Yesun to get down.

Seconds later, Yesun walked down stares holding unto a small white purse in her hand. He stopped. He thought he saw an angel.

“H-hey.” She looked away.

“Hey...” He whispered. No, no, no! This is too much to handle!!! Yesun-ah! Why do you look so beautiful?!

Awkward silence filled the air until Sehun walked back into the room, eating a biscuit. He rose up his eyebrow, “Aren’t you two going or what?!”

“Ah, y-yeah.” Minseok scratched the back of his head then he offered his arm, “Shall we?” He smiled.

Yesun looked at his arm then took it and nodded, smiling gently.

Gross... Sehun thought as he watched them leave. Then he got inside to get ready for the mission.

A black limo was waiting outside the house. Yesun’s eyes sparkled, “Are we...”

“Going to the prom with this. Yep!” He said, playfully. She looked at him, “You’re insane.”

“My dad is. He insisted.” Minseok shrugged.

His dad... She frowned to herself.

“C’mon. Get in.” He opened the door for her.

Ok, calm down, Yesun. Just stick with the plan and you’ll be fine... She breathed and got in the car. ...Not.

“You ok? You look kinda pale...” The car started moving.

She looked at him.

“Hey! No offence! You look gorgeous! I swear! You just seem a bit-“

“Pabo, I’m ok...” She smiled. He breathed in relief then softened, smiling at her.


“Is everything ready?” Suman asked, through the phone.

“Yeah, we’re completely ready.” Sehun somehow lied. He knew his sister wasn’t ready, not even close. But he knew that his abilities are enough.

“Good. Did you tell Yesun that this’s going to be your last mission?”

“No... Not yet...”

“Eh? Why not, son?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise... Dunno.”

“Oh, hehehe. What a caring brother you are. Remember, you must not fail this mission whatsoever! I want this guy dead! Otherwise...”

“I know. Just count on me, ok?”

“...Me?! Didn’t you mean to say ‘count on us’?!”

“Ah, yeah, yeah. Count on us.”

“...Fine. be careful.” Suman’s tone darkened as he hung up. Sehun sighed. in’ old man... I will not let him hand us over to the cops... threat my , Suman. You’re not getting us whatsoever.

So, yeah... Suman threatened if this mission failed, he’s tell the cops that all the hanging assassinations in their profile for the last three years are caused by the Oh brother and sister and he’s got enough evident against them. Why would he do that? Cuz he’s scared. Cuz he wants to start a new life as the politician he always wanted to be. That’s right, Yesun almost got to this conclusion, but her emotions took over her brain and she gave up thinking. Lee Suman, the man she trusted, wanted once to be a politician, but Kim Minsoo took it from him, and now Suman wants his revenge.

So, what will they do now? Attend a murder for Suman’s sake? Keep in mind that Yesun doesn’t know anything about this. Or should they disobey and spend the rest of their lives in jail?

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