Welcoming The Unexpected_

Burn After Reading

Small note: The *ONE* thingy is just a spacer. So please don't get confused. ^-^



It’s the beginning of a new school year. Graduating is one step away, and then they’ll be free to live their lives and deal with the problems and headaches that come along with it.

The students gathered in the school yard forming into groups as always.

Minseok and his friends took the table under a big tree, chatting about random stuff. Seriously random.

“No, strawberry chocolate is much better! It changes life dude!” Chanyeol waved excitedly.

“I thought you preferred Peanuts flavour...” Baekhyun blinked.

“I did, but I changed my mind after. I think you should try it! Seriously! Minseok! Tell them how great it is!” The grinning guy looked at Minseok, who was busy enough, eating his sandwich.

“Hmm? Tell him-“ He swallowed, “What?”

“Aish... I try to make a point and you just eat your food... What kind of a friend are you? Traitor...” Chanyeol huffed away. It’s a drama scene!

“You people are crazy, you know that?” Kai gave them the most pissed off look ever, “I do not get a word of what you’re saying! Blabbering about something so stupid gives me headache!”

“Everything gives you headache...” Baekhyun blinked.

“That’s not even my point! You don’t even- Hot chick, nine o’clock.” Kai stopped. The others took a while to get his hint then they all looked to where he was referring.

A girl was making her way to the main school building with papers in her hand. Not just any girl. The girl with the: Perfect figure, Perfect hair waves, Perfect walk... Minseok thought, chewing on his food and following every step she takes with his eyes.

“I’ll go welcome her.” Kai smirked and walked up to her. The others followed him with their eyes, expecting what might happen to the girl as in:

Freeze at his scene,

Stare at his beautiful dark black eyes,

Nose bleed?

Faint, at some cases.

Kai walked to her and stood right in front of her. She took a step to the right and walked past him. He blinked, Maybe she didn`t notice that I was trying to talk to her...

Chanyeol made a face watching the unexpected scene.

As Kai fastened up to stand in front of the new girl, Minseok was watching carefully and curiously at her weird actions. Usually, Kai is the hottest and most attractive guy that all girls adore and die to get a fast glance from him. But this girl is just ignoring him continuously and moving away from him. Is it even possible for a girl to ignore Kai`s charm?!

“Um, excuse me!” Kai literally shouted at the girl. She stopped and looked at him, coldly, waiting for him to start speaking. He looked at her and smiled, trying to remain calm.

“Hi.” Kai said. He blinked some few times waiting for her to reply, but she didn’t.

“Umm... I’m Kai, a head master in the school. If you have any questions about here you can always ask me.” He smirked at her. She gave him a look and blinked, “If someone was bothering me and keeping me from an urgent work of mine, what should I do?” She asked.

“Umm...  You tell him to piss off then walk away, I guess?” He shrugged.

“Ok... Piss off.” She said then walked away.

Kai blinked, once, twice, a lot of times, dumbfounded trying to figure out what just happened. Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s laughter was heard a mile away. He turned his head their way to find the two of them flipped on their faces bursting out laughing at him. He walked up to them and sat down quietly.

“You ok?” Minseok looked at the shocked Kai, trying not to laugh.

“I... What happened?” Kai looked at him.

“You got rejected… Bad!” Chanyeol laughed.

“Oh~ man, you should’ve seen your face!” Baekhyun wiped a tear off is eye and controlled his laughter.

“She’s weird, don’t you think?” Chanyeol said.

“YOU THINK?! She REJECTED ME! ME! Kim Jongin! The hottest guy in this whole country! This is just crazy...” Kai huffed looking away.

“I think she’s cute.” Minseok took a bite of his sandwich.

They all looked at him, “And you think you can ‘tame’ her?” Chanyeol mocked.

“I can try.” He shrugged.

“Ok, she’s all yours.” Kai said, defeated.

“Sure.” Minseok smiled cutely taking another bite. I guess this year is gonna be interesting.

*ONE! -Thumb up- *

The first lesson started. Kai and Minseok had the same class so they sat near each other. Kai sat in the desk before last raw and Minseok took the one in front of it to the right.

Lesson started and the teacher started teaching until a light knock on the closed door interrupted. The teacher went and opened the door up; a girl was standing there holding some papers. Her hair was covering the side of her face so they couldn’t see who she was.

The guys tried to reach up to see her face, whispering how pretty and good looking she is, everyone sat back as the teacher smiled at her and nodded giving her a space to enter the class. A light air blow came from the opened window to blow away her hair just enough to show her face, and what a face she has...

Minseok blinked at her scene and froze; he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She had the finest dark brown eyes he’s ever seen; her small smooth lips curled up in a small smile caught his heart and her soft skin shined in his eyes. She looked just perfect to him. It was her... The girl from earlier.

Meantime, Kai was like 0_0

“Class, this is your new class mate, Lee Yesun. Please be nice to her and treat her right.” The teacher smiled referring to the new girl.

Yesun smiled and bowed a bit, everyone clapped and threw some welcoming phrases her way.

“You can sit there, Yesun-ssi.” The teacher pointed at the empty desk next to Minseok’s. She nodded and sat there.

“Now, let’s continue our lesson, shall we?” And the teacher went back to what she was doing.

Minseok was still staring at the girl; she turned her head and looked at him, the smile on her face turned to a cold look, “You got a problem?”

Minseok was surprised by her action and blinked shaking his head then he looked away.

Meantime, Kai was still like 0_0


Lunch time, the students ran down to the school cafeteria chatting and blabbering about random stuff.

The curious ones remained in class to check on the new girl called Yesun. She acted nice and cute to everyone, which got Kai so pissed and mad at first, but well after five... Seconds he got over it.

Minseok, on the other hand, was just sitting there and watching her smile quietly, there’s something weird about this girl... I should find out what it is... He thought deeply, resting his head on his palm.

“Kai, let’s go eat.” He passed a smile at Yesun then walked out with Kai following him.

“She really is cute.” Minseok smiled, without looking at Kai. Kai blinked, “She offended you minutes ago and you still think that she’s cute?!”

“Oh~ don’t say that, she must’ve been nervous and wanted to be left alone at first.”

“Could you quit this niceness of yours? Didn’t you see how she treated me?!”

Minseok laughed, “Get over it already. You’re not all girls’ type you know.”

“Says mister cry-baby-over-one-break-up...”

“Aish! Don’t bring that up now! You know how much I loved her. And she was my first love! People don’t get over their first love that easy you know...”

“Whatever. You’re a cry baby.” Kai stuck out his tongue at Minseok as they took a seat with Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s table.

“Talking about Minseok’s ex again?” Chanyeol said, taking a sip of his juice glass.

“How did you know?!” Minseok blinked.

“He called you a cry baby. That exactly what you’ve become after she left you.” Baekhyun blinked. Minseok ‘Grrr’ed at his friends and looked away.

They fast changed the topic and went back to their playfulness.


Meanwhile, Yesun was trapped in the class with the curious class mates, or as she calls them Annoying stupid bugs.

I can’t believe I had to change my school again, just when I started getting used to the people there -Which took her three years-

Shut up, author.

So anyway, eyes and gazes turned away from her as they noticed a fine guy standing by the door.

To their notice, he looked so cold, colder than Yesun if that’s even possible.

She noticed him, nodded at him then got up.

She walked up to him, while the students left around were whispering stuff like:

“Who is that?“

“Is he her boyfriend?“

“He’s so hot!“

She tried to ignore their blabbering and got to the guy.

“Hey.“ She said, “What’s up?“

“Nothing. I was bugged by the students so I escaped.“ He replied, coldly.

“Worse than Daegu, right?“

“Much worse... It is rumoured that this school contains the most social people in Korea... Ugh, I hate Suman for placing us in this stupid high.“ He clenched his fist in anger.

“Patience, Sehun. Once we’re finished with our mission, we’ll get out of here.“

“Yeah, sis. You’re probably right.“ He sighed.

“Seriously, sometimes I even doubt you being my brother... you’re so tempered and impatient.“ She announced. He rolled his eyes, “Whatever.“

They reached the cafeteria and took a table, to their luck, right next to Minseok’s, but they didn’t notice... yet.

A loud laughter came out of Minseok’s table, which got Sehun mad again.

“Yah, what’s with you today?“ She whispered angrily, “Chill, will you?“

“Ok, fine, whatever.“ He huffed and got up walking away.

Poor Sehun... He always gets nervous and stressed when we have missions... Yesun thought to herself.

“Problems with the BF?“ Minseok smiled at her.

“He’s my brother.“ She replied without thinking. Why am I even talking to this annoying person?!

“Oh, sorry.“ He made a silly face. She giggled a bit then snapped out of it. What are you doing you idiot?

“Can I sit with you?“  Minseok asked with a cute smile on his face. Yesun couldn’t resist his charming smile and nodded without thinking. Ok, I give up.

Minseok grinned in happiness and got up from his seat and sat next to her.

“Hey man, where are you go-“ Chanyeol followed Minseok with his eyes and froze when he saw the girl that was sitting right next to their table.

“Oh? Yesun-ssi?“ Kai looked surprised.

“You two met her?!“ Baekhyun whispered. Kai nodded, “She’s in our class!“ He whispered back. Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s faces were soaked with envy, “Lucky bastards~“ Chanyeol hit Kai’s shoulder lightly. Kai chuckled and stuck out his tongue at them.

“You’re friends are...“ Yesun started.

“Annoying? Stupid? Crazy?“ Minseok guessed.

“Weird.“ She stated.

“Hahaha, more likely, yeah.“ He grinned, turning back and taking his juice bottle off the table.

“So...“ He turned back to her and took a sip of his drink and placed it on the table. She waited for him to continue his sentence. He didn’t.

“What?“ He asked, as she was looking at him.

“What what?“

“You were saying something.“

“I was? Weird...“ He tilted his head trying to remember. She raised her eyebrow, “Pabo.“

“PffftahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!“ Minseok burst out in laughter at her unexpected reaction.

“W-what?“ She asked, lost.

“Yo... You’re face... Priceless...“ He tried to say between his laughs.

She frowned in annoyance, “Pabo.“

He chuckled again then cooled down and sighed.

Silence was heard between the two for three seconds then Minseok jumped while taking another sip of the juice, “Right!!!“

“What?!!!“ Yesun was surprised.

“I remembered what I wanted to say.“ he grinned.

She sighed and placed a bored face on, “And?“

“I’m Kim Minseok.“ He grinned holding out his hand, “And you?“

She blinked at his hand then at his face, “Are you crazy?“

He chuckled, “Nah, but we haven’t officially introduced ourselves to each other, so... that’s kinda rude and… Y’know.“

“You’re making no sense.“ She stated.

“I know, right? Now, will you introduce yourself to your future newest best friend ever?!“ He grinned, his hand still held out in front of the girl.

She sighed, “Lee Yesun. And in your dreams I’m gonna be your best friend. Heck, not even a friend.“

“Eh? Why not?“ He pouted.

“I... don’t make random friends.“ She said and got up, preparing to leave.

“Heh, we’ll see about that.“ He smirked and started sipping the juice. She looked at him, pissed.

He smiled while drinking and winked. She widened her eyes at his action and walked away in disbelieve,

What an irritating, annoying, crazy person! I can’t believe I even allowed him to sit with me! ...But wait... he said his name was Kim Minseok, right? Where did I read his name? and why does it seem so friggin’ familiar?!


Days passed. School was going as boring as usual.

As for Minseok and Yesun, he’d always pop in front of her out of nowhere going like, “Hey, Yesun! Wanna hang out together today?!“

“Piss off.“


“Hey, Yesun! Wanna have lunch together?!“

“I’m on a diet.“


“Hey, Yesun-ah~, what’s up, dude-tte?!“

“None of your business.“

And so she kept on blocking him every time he tries to get close with her. But he never gave up.

He’d leave notes on her table like ‘Good luck on today’s exam... PLEASE HELP ME OUT! I HAVEN’T STUDIED A BIT!!! ‘

She giggled on that. But of course she ignored his request.

He’d leave some roses. Coloured pens. Comic books. He even once left a fish in a sack filled with water!

Her eyes widened in surprise at it, “What the... “ then she noticed the note next to it ‘Don’t ask... I don’t know...‘ She giggled, That crazy person...

She kept all of his prisons. And she placed the cute fish in a bowel and filled it with water at her home.

“Lame.“ Sehun nodded at the fish, his arms formed on his chest.

“Shut up. It’s a gift.“ She hit his arm as she was tapping on the glass bowel playfully.

“It’s still lame.“ He shrugged.


Next day at school, it was snowing and it was extra cold that day.

“So, what did you call her?“ Minseok placed his elbows on Yesun’s desk. She slapped them off.

“Ow... You still didn’t answer.“ He pouted.

“Answer what?“ She giggled at his face.

“What did you name the fishy?“ He asked again, with the same face on.

“What fish?“ She smirked.

He smiled, “C’mon. I know you kept it.“ He placed his elbows back on her desk. She slapped them off again, “I didn’t.“

“Hmm... I’d call it Donghae...“ He posed.

“Eh? Why?“ She raised her eyebrows.

“Dunno... Suits a fish... Fish live in east sea y’know.“ He shrugged.

She laughed, “Nah, I think Puffy suits her more.“

“Puffy? Wait!“ He widened his eyes.

! Stupid Yesun!!!

“So you DID keep it! You little pretty liar~“ He smirked.

“Yah!“ she blushed. He grinned, “Does that make us friends?!!!“ He put his puppy eyes on. Yesun stared with an amused smile on, then she shook her head in a No.

“But WHY~~~~~~“ He nagged. She laughed, “Ok, fine, shut up already!“

He posed then grinned, “Are you serious?!!!“ He held her shoulders. She nodded, weirdly.

Minseok jumped in joy, “Yes! Finally! Yes!“

She laughed at his reaction, then the teacher came in and everyone took their seats.

The teacher started teaching and Yesun started taking notes. Suddenly, a small note was thrown in front of her. She looked to her right at Minseok, he nodded at the note, smiling.

She smiled back and opened it up.

‘Keep Puffy in a warm place, k? We don’t want her to die soon...’ She smiled.

‘Don’t worry. I’m keeping her in my room. The warmest room in the house.’ She tossed the note back at him. He read it, and his eyes sparkled in happiness and started writing.

‘Good! She’s very lucky to be at your room~’

‘Yah! Pabo! That’s it. I’m moving her to the kitchen...’

‘No No No~ I was kidding! Poor Puffy...’

‘Hehe, I was kidding too. I wouldn’t do that to the poor Puffy... She’s too cute to die.’

‘Oooh... So you love her? Aww... Lucky fish...’

Yesun giggled on that and hid the note giving him the ‘leave me alone’ look. He nodded and they turned their gazes back at the teacher.

Oh, and Kai was fast asleep from the very beginning, so he never saw any of what had happened. He was just holding unto his thick winter jacket and drooling on the book, sleeping like a baby.


Since the ‘fish’ incident, Yesun and Minseok got close. Close that Sehun doubted Yesun to be his cold sister he knew.

She started hanging out more with Minseok and his friends, which got him suspicious. She can’t be in love with him... Can she?! He frowned, leaning on the wall, watching his sister laughing along with the boys.

A girl walked closer to him, “Oppa, would you like to-“

“No.“ He said without looking at her.

“...Ok.“ She walked away.

Ugh... Yesun-ah... We’re not supposed to interact with these people... Plus, the mission is coming up soon... He furrowed his eyebrows more and walked away.


“No, seriously... What really happened?“ Yesun laughed again.

“Honest! He just started crying again!“ Chanyeol snickered.

“Yah! It was for like two seconds only! I couldn’t help it...“ Minseok pouted playfully.

“Hahaha! Cry baby~“ Yesun sang.

“Yah~“ Minseok whined. They laughed again.

“Oh, I have to go.“ Yesun looked at her phone, “I’ll see you in class.“ She smiled and ran off.

“Phew... Man, she’s hot...“ Kai shook his head, watching her leave.

Minseok hit his head hard, “OW! What?!“ Kai rubbed his head.

“She’s mine.“ Minseok smiled. They looked at him, “You serious?“ Baekhyun asked. He nodded.

“Oh well, you ARE the one who changed her and took her out to the real world.“ Chanyeol shrugged.

“Mm.“ Minseok nodded, “I’m gonna ask her to the prom.” He stated with a bright look in his eyes.

“Woah! You really are into this girl, aren’t you? Well dude, congrats!“ Kai hit his head lightly then locked it in his arm and started hitting it with the other, playfully.

“Yah~ you people~ someone help~“ Minseok cried for help while laughing.

But the troubles that really need help haven’t even started yet.


“So children, the prom is coming up soon and you all know the steps, right?“ The teacher asked.

“Yes, Mr. Kim.“ The students replied, excitedly.

“Great! So make sure to pick a partner before this weekend, and don’t forget the nice dresses, ladies...“

“Oh yeah~“ The girls sang.

“And the neat tuxedoes, gentlemen.“

“Hell yeah!“ The guys roared, high-fiving each other.

Yesun rolled her eyes in a total un-interest. Meanwhile, Minseok was secretly smiling at her with hope filling his eyes.


The school day passed.

The students were chatting. Boys asking girls to the prom, or girls anticipating specific boys to ask them out.

“Yah, you think Minseok oppa will ask you out to the prom?“ A girl said to another.

“Of course he will! I’m pretty sure of it.“ The girl smirked in confident.


“Eonni, who do you think will ask you to go with him to the prom?“

“Minseok oppa of course. His dad and mine are close friends, and he likes me any way.“ She curled her hair with a lot of pride.


“Minseok? For real?“

“Yup, yup. My mom told me that she’ll speak with his about it~“ the girl sang.


Well, what everyone didn’t know was that Minseok had another girl in his mind, Yesun, And he planned on asking her to the prom tomorrow after school.

He spent his day at home thinking of a proper way to ask her, but nothing came up into his mind.

“What’s wrong, son? Are you alright?” Minseok’s father asked after noticing how much his son was deeply thinking.

“Ha? Oh, nothing, dad.” Minseok smiled.

“Hmm? Are you sure? You know I might be able to help if you want.” His father smiled back.

“Umm... Ok... The prom is coming up soon y’know... and...”

“There’s a girl.” His dad said, knowingly. Minseok nodded, shyly.

“Nice. Planned of a way to ask her out?”

“That’s the thing... I don’t know how to...”he sighed. His dad smiled, “Don’t trouble your brain by thinking of that. When the moment comes, it’ll come with it. That’s how I asked your mother to marry me.” He winked taking a sip of his tea mug. Minseok grinned.

“Yeah right.” The mother laughed from the kitchen, “ ‘I’m a governor! I’m rich, and handsome! How can you not marry a person like me?!’“ She mocked the dad’s voice.

“Ah, shut up woman. Didn’t you marry me eventually?” He blushed slightly in embarrassment.

“I married you because I loved your silly and random personality, not because of your lame proposal.” She mused.

Minseok giggled at his parents childish actions and sighed in relief, “Thanks dad. You should really meet her... she’s so pretty and nice.”

“You know I have an important meeting at the prom night. Maybe some other time.” He messed his son’s hair. Minseok smiled, “Ok, then.”

“Kim Minsoo, enough fooling around and come help me out here.” The mother shouted from the kitchen. The father sighed and got up, “Coming~” He winked at his son and went to the kitchen.

Minseok watched his dad leave, smiling. I hope it’d work out... like it worked perfectly with my parents... He smiled to himself and went to sleep.


At the meantime, Yesun and Sehun were at home, talking about the mission.

“You think we can do it?” Sehun asked.

“Of course we can. This isn’t our first assassinating mission you know.” She stated, coldly.

That’s right. They’re assassins.

They moved to Seoul because of this new mission their boss, Suman, gave to them. To kill a specific governor...

“You read his profile, right?” Sehun asked his sister. She nodded poking Puffy’s bowl, “Once, before we come.”

“Ok, reread it tonight. We’re doing it on the prom night after his meeting.” Sehun said, threw the profile on her bed and left the room, I don’t think you’ll be that sure about completing the mission successfully after reading the profile, sis...

Yesun sighed and threw herself on the bed. She took the profile with boredom. She read:

Name: Kim Minsoo.

Birth Info: 12/6/1960- Seoul.

Height: 173 cm.

Education: Graduated from Seoul high of politic in 1979-1980.

Position: Politician in the government of South Korea republic.

State: Married to Kang Inyoung.

Children: One son, Kim Minseok.

She froze on the last two words. Minseok... So this was where she read it...

No... This can’t be real... She read the profile over and over again, hoping that she might have miss read. But the information never changed.

She covered and started crying.

Their mission is to assassinate her best and only friend’s father. Minseok’s.

Her phone suddenly vibrated. She picked it up.

1 New Message, from: Minseok.

She hesitantly viewed it.

‘ I can’t sleep~ T-T What’s up? Are you up? Are you what? HAHA, ok that was lame... Sorry... *Throws self off a building* ‘

But she didn’t giggle at his stupidity this time... She didn’t smile... She just cried and cried. Her vision turned blurry and she cried herself to sleep.


The next day, Yesun didn’t show up at school.

Minseok looked at her empty desk in worry. She didn’t reply my message last night, and she didn’t show up today... What if she’s sick? Oh God no! Not when the prom is next week!

So Minseok decided to ask Sehun about his sister’s absence.

The bell rang announcing that it’s lunch time.

“Hey, buddy. Let’s go-“

“Sorry, Kai. I have something to do.” Minseok ran out in a rush.

“Ok...” Kai blinked.


Minseok looked around everywhere for Sehun, but he couldn’t find him. He searched all classes, but Sehun was nowhere to be found.

After 15 minutes of searching, Minseok gave up and decided to go back to his classroom and text Yesun, hopefully she’d answer this time.

He made his way to his classroom, and there was Sehun. His arms formed on his chest, leaning on the wall.

“Oh! Sehun-ssi!” Minseok waved and ran to him.

“What do you want?” Sehun asked, coldly.

“Um, I wanted to ask you about Yesun. Is she o-“

“She won’t attend to this school anymore.” He replied.

“...But, why? Did something happen?” Minseok asked, feeling some pain in his chest.

“Yeah, something happened.” Sehun said then walked off.

“W-wait! Sehun-ssi!”

“What?” Sehun stood, not facing Minseok.

“Could... Could you tell her to call me?” he said in a low voice, hesitantly.

“...I will.” And with that, Sehun disappeared in the crowd.

Minseok sighed and walked in the class.

He sat on his desk and looked at hers. What happened to you? You could at least tell me... He furrowed his eyebrows and rested his head on his arms on the desk.


“Minseok-ah... Minseok-ah~”


“YAH, KIM MINSEOK! You’ve been sleeping for a week and you missed the prom!”

“WHAT?!!!” He burst awake and looked around to find his friends laughing their heads off at him.

“Very funny...” He rubbed his eyes and looked around. The classroom was empty, “Where did everyone go?” He asked.

“They went home. You slept the whole day here.” Baekhyun said. Minseok sighed and got up.

“Come on, man. What’s wrong with you?” Chanyeol asked, seeming worried.

“Hm? Nothing, nothing... I have something to do. Excuse me...” He got up, took his bag and left.

“Did he just say... ‘excuse me’?!” Baekhyun made a face.

“He must be sick!” Chanyeol stated.

“Love sick.” Kai smirked, pointing out.


Minseok walked out the school, making his way to Yesun’s house. But he forgot one thing... I don’t know where she lives.

He stood in his spot and looked around, “God... Damn it...”

“Pabo... What are you cursing about?” A voice he wanted to hear came from behind him. He turned around fast to find Yesun in casual clothes, thick though, with her hands in her big jacket’s pockets.

“Yesun-ah!” He shouted in happiness, ran to her and hugged her without thinking.

“...Y-Yah! Let me go before I start screaming for help!” She stuttered as her cheeks turned into faint pink. He pulled back fast, sniffing.

“Yah... Are you crying?” she asked, surprised. He shook his head, “I’m just happy... I thought I’m never going to see you again...” He sniffed again.

She softened, and then felt a huge sorrow of pain hitting her chest. She looked away holding back her tears.

“On the other hand, Yesun-ah... were you crying? Your eyes are big and red...” He pointed at her eyes in worry.

“Oh... it’s... I don’t know how to tell you this... umm...”

“...what is it?” He looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

I’m an assassin and I have a mission to kill your father but I don’t want to do it because... Is what she wanted to say, but of course that would put both his and her lives in danger if that was exposed.

“Puffy... Died.” Yesun lied. She looked away, swallowing hard.

“...what? Is that why you cried and didn’t come to school today?” He blinked. She nodded hesitantly.

He smiled then hugged again, more warmly this time, “I thought something bad happened to you...” He whispered.

She couldn’t hold it in anymore, and so her tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Minseok finally pulled back, smiling. Yesun fast hid her tears before he sees them.

“So why did you come now?” He asked as they started walking.

Cuz I wanted to see you one last time... “Cuz I felt like a walk.”

“Oh, yeah? Then let’s go have some ice cream!” He grinned.

“Ice cream? Are you insane? It’s freezing!” She looked at him.

“So? I love ice cream. You in or what?” He smirked. She giggled, “Fine, whatever. Pabo.”

“Good! Let’s googoo!” He sang. She laughed and walked along.


For the rest of the day, the two hung out together. They had a very fun time together, but now it was getting late and it’s time for them to go home. But there was one last thing must be done.

“Umm... Yesun-ah...” Minseok started.


“You... Y’know... The... Uhm...”

“what is it?” She giggled.

“Eh, why is this so hard~” He covered his face. She looked at him, “Yo, what’s wrong?!”

“Uh, ok.” He stopped and turned at Yesun, put his hands on her shoulders and looked right into her eyes. She widened her eyes at his action.

“Lee Yesun.” He said in a completely serious tone.

“Y-yeah?” She said, nervously.

“Would you like to go to the prom with me?”

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