

“Yah! Get back here!” I heard them shout a couple of buildings behind me but, of course, I ignored them and kept on running my feet off, jumping from building to another. They don’t call me Koyang for nothing.

A brown leather bag hung from my right shoulder and swung on my light moves, I held unto it in order for it not to fall, because, well, if that happened and it fell, all of my work will go for nothing, and I wasn’t risking that now, not after 52 years of searching, thank you very much.

The night sky helped me hide from my chasers. For my advantage, I was wearing all black-in-black costume. Tight, black leather pants, a medium-length black leather jacket over a sleeveless, high-necked top. But holy , were the heels helping with my movements.

So yeah, I figured that I should hide somewhere, fast. Any moment now they would catch me, take the bag back, and -if they oh had some mercy- stake me without torturing me first. Not that I lack any fighting skills, but hello! They are five vampires there chasing me, at least one of them is a master and I’m not even a hundred-year old, yet. So yup, gotta hide.

I jumped a couple of buildings ahead then down to an alley. For my luck, it was sorta clean, so my long boots were save.

I ran between the alleys until I spotted a fully opened window on a third floor of a building. I rapidly jumped from balcony to another until I reached the window and hopped inside. Piece of cake.

I closed the window and looked out it for any sign of the chasers, clear, perfect!

I sighed with relief as I turned around to check what’s this place I rushed in, and there was a guy, staring at me with a look even I couldn’t read. Did he see me jump in here?

“Who are you?” he finally managed, “How did you do... that?” apparently he did. Great, now how am I supposed to explain that to a human?


Read! Enjoy! Comment! AND.........................................................................................











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Badass-Kid #1
Chapter 20: so, apparently, what happened in her short dream will happen in real life? Ish my guess right, author-nim?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Hoya and Koyang moment~ yaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
qilahyukjae #2
Chapter 20: oh........ my......... god........... wtf just happened. :O
qilahyukjae #3
Chapter 19: glad as hell. /whispers a-la SHINee/ Luhan's backkkk
Badass-Kid #4
Chapter 19: Luhannnnnnnn!!!! YAY!!! LUHAN!!!
qilahyukjae #5
Great story~ FIGHTING~ ^^
<3 <3 <3
sunnysun32168 #7
liking your story so far! hope to read this till the end ^^
qilahyukjae #8
Chapter 7: It's been awhile since I last read a f-fic THIS addictive. Damn, DMTN are badass! Can't wait for the next chappie!
qilahyukjae #9
inspirit55 #10
Interesting story author-nim :)
Cant wait for the next update :)