No Matter What


Sometimes, life is not fair. Things don’t go the way you want, but you just can’t do anything about it...


You lived the happiest years of your life with him. You always wondered how you could manage to live such a boring life before meeting him, and now... you’re wondering the same thing... How are you being able to wake up every morning without him there next to you? You’d ask yourself always, how things came to this? Why aren’t you two together anymore? But your brain won’t give you the answer, and your bleeding heart isn’t helping either...


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Chapter 1: Omfg died in the end orz.. Am i right? Otl, my heart
Chapter 1: It's so sad. I'm crying so badly :( but it's good though...
Farys_Sya #3
Chapter 1: its too tragic...
Chapter 1: Author-nim it makes me almost cry :'(