
Burn After Reading

“Here we are.“ Minseok’s eyes sparkled as he opened the limo door for Yesun. She smiled and got out gently.

Most of the students were still outside the hall and they were amazed of how pretty Yesun and Minseok looked together.

“Heh... I’m prettier, right Kai?“ Kai’s date smirked with pride, looking at him.

“Nope.“ Kai replied, not taking his eyes off the couple. His date opened wide, dumbfounded.

“Can we go in? I feel awkward...“ Yesun whispered. Minseok smiled, “Sure. But know this, everyone envies me tonight.“ He said, walking inside with her.

“How come?“ She asked, looking at him.

“Cuz you’re the prettiest girl here. And you’re mine tonight.“ He whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened and she turned red looking away. Minseok giggled at her reaction and held her hand, “Come on.“


Meanwhile, Minseok’s dad has just arrived to the meeting building and parked his car in the garage downstairs. Body guards surrounded him the moment he got out of his black car.

He smiled at the body guards, two to his right and two to his left, looking around for any sudden action.

Jeez... why are they stressed? Hehe...

“Let’s go, boys. I’ll be late for the meeting.“


“Wanna dance?“ Minseok asked the absent minded Yesun. She blinked, “Ha?“

“Hehe, would you like to dance with me? I like this song.“ He smiled at her as he offered his hand. She looked at it then at him, “Umm... I don’t... Dance.“ she whispered in shame. He blinked then smiled, “I’ll teach you.“ He took her hand and pulled her up gently. She didn’t have time to show any protest before they got to the dance floor.

“Just feel the beat and move with it.“ Minseok started dancing. She just stood in her spot, freaking out.

Damn it... I don’t wanna dance... I won every dance competition in my life and if he knows that I’m that good he’ll start suspicioning stuff! And he’ll get to a conclusion that I have a secret and that I have a hand in the whole assassinating thing! And he’ll hate me forever!!! OMG!!! What should I do?!!!

“Yesun-ah... you alright?“ Minseok stopped and put his hand on her shoulder, looking at her in concern.

“I... Don’t dance.“ She looked at him with no emotions on her face. His face fell in sadness but he hid it, “Ok.“ He smiled and took her back to the bar.

“Wanna drink anything?“

“Vodka please.“

“O-Ok.“ He smiled in amusement and got a vodka bottle and poured it in two glasses and handed one to her. She gulped it whole in one shot.

Minseok looked at her, “Seriously, Yesun. Is something wrong? You seem very stressed out... You’re scaring me...“

Damn it, Yesun! Calm down... everything will be just fine... calm down...


“How long will this meeting last?“ Sehun said to himself, cleaning his gun.

He was hiding in the garage, waiting for Minsoo to get out so he would finish the job and the nightmare that might happen any moment.

Even though he looked prepared and is able to do it any second now... from the inside, he was screaming. He didn’t want to kill anyone... he doesn’t want to kill this man because he knows that he’s innocent from the charges Suman said. But Sehun would do anything for his sister. He doesn’t want Yesun to spend the rest of her life in jail, that’s if they weren’t killed immediately if the truth was revealed about them two being the ones who killed those mafia members and bad gangsters.

I don’t even know how we got here, sis... But I promise, even if I must die for it... I will never let anything harm you... Not even that dirt bag Suman will be able to harm you in anyway...


“Hahahaha!“ Yesun and Minseok laughed along with Kai, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“But seriously girl, you look very pretty today... I should’ve got you before Minseok did...“ Chanyeol tsk-ed, smirking.

Yesun blushed on his compliment.

“Yah! Don’t look at my girl! You know she’s mine!“ Minseok exclaimed, pointing out. Yesun blinked at him.

“Uh. Oh.“ Kai hid behind his drink.

“Someone just confessed~“ Baekhyun whispered with a high tone.

Minseok blinked to himself, ! What did I say?! Stupid Minseok!!!

“What did you say?“ She whispered, looking at him.

“W-what do you mean? I-I didn’t-“


He sighed, “Ok.“ He looked straight into her eyes, “Listen...“

“Neukkil su inni?“ Kai sang, with his hand on his chest. *A/N: History~*

“Kim Jongin.“ they glared at him.

“Ok, I’ll shut up.“ He sat back, smirking.

“I was saying...“ Minseok took a deep breath, “I really really like you, and... Would you be my girlfriend?“ He smiled cheaply at her.

She looked into his eyes, “What...“

“L-look, if this was so fast you can take your time thinking, I really don’t mind... I’ll wait for you even if it took you forever… I promise.“ He smiled.

“You’re not gonna make it any easy for me, are you?“ She smiled bitterly, tears forming in her eyes.

 “What... What do you mean? Yesun, why are you crying?!“ He exclaimed in concern. She shook her head and wiped off her tears, “I must leave. Excuse me.“ She got up and walked off.

“W-wait! Yesun-h!“ Minseok got up fast and followed her.

His friends followed them with their eyes, “Sheesh! What was that about?!“ Chanyeol wondered. They shrugged.


“Yesun! Yesun-ah! Please wait!“ Minseok begged, running behind her.

Leave me alone... please... She cried, speeding up. She extended her hand to stop a taxi, and she got in it.

“YESUN-AH!“ Minseok shouted, “Why...“ He looked at the back of the car bitterly.


Minsoo walked out of the room and headed to his car along with his big body guards.

Sehun was aware of that and pointed his gun at the body guards first, Do not kill them... Just point at a part where they’d pass out... He aimed then shot 4 shots as fast as he could, and before they even know it, the four men were thrown on the ground, unconscious.

Minsoo’s eyes widened, looking at the men on the ground. He looked around and pressed his back on the car.

Sehun walked out his hideout, pointing the gun at the man.

“So, it is true... I am being targeted... but why?“ Minsoo asked.

“Just shut up and die.“ Sehun aimed the gun. Minsoo gulped, frowning.

“Son... Listen to me... you have a choice-“

“No, I don’t.“

“Yes, you do.“ A girl’s voice echoed. They turned their gaze at the voice’s direction.

“Yesun! What are you doing here?“ Sehun exclaimed.

“Yeah, Yesun. Didn’t you guys have a plan?“ Suman showed up from nowhere.

They looked fast at him and their faces fell.

“S-Suman...“ Sehun widened his eyes.

“You see, this is exactly what I was afraid of. You kids’ stupid feelings... Yesun-ah, you have feelings for his son, don’t you?“ Suman smirked. Yesun frowned and looked away.

“You’re the girl he was telling me about... the girl he fell for? You?“ Minsoo asked, in a bitter tone.

She looked at him, Fell for? Tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Aw... How pathetic~“ Suman snickered.

Minsoo looked at him and zoomed his eyes, “Lee Suman?“

“Hello Minsoo.“ He smirked.

“But why...“

“Heh... You stole my chair in the government, that’s why.“

“...are you kidding me? The elections were fair and the people chose me! How is that stealing?“

“Wait a minute... so everything you told us was a-“

“Lie? Why, yes Yesunnie, I lied... and now, I’m gonna have to do the job myself.“ He took out a gun and aimed it at Minsoo.

“NO!“ Yesun shouted and wanted to run and stop him but Sehun caught his sister from moving.

“Sehun! Let me go! I must stop him-“

“No, Yesun. He’ll tell the cops on us and we’ll go to jail if we tried to stop him.“ Sehun held back his tears.


“DAD!“ Minseok came in, running. He stopped on the scene of the men on the ground, then his eyes landed  on the brother and sister, “...Yesun...“ He froze. She cried, looking at him, “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...“


“Oh the drama. SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!“ Suman shouted, “Now let’s finish this.“ He got his finger ready on the gun, pointed at Minseok’s dad.

“No! Dad!“ Minseok ran towards his dad, but then Suman shot his leg, “UGH!“ Minseok fell on the ground.

“MINSEOK!“ Yesun exclaimed and ran to his side, crying. Put Minseok pushed her away, “Stay away from me...“ he cried in bitter.

Minseok... she cried, “I’m sorry...“

“Okay, Mr. Kim Minsoo. Time to die.“ Suman aimed the gun at Minsoo and...


“NO!“ Minseok cried.

But Minsoo was still standing there, with his eyes on Suman.

Yesun looked up to find Suman’s back covered with blood. Her eyes moved to her brother and he was standing there coldly with his gun-holding arm extended at the shot Suman.


“It’s about time for you to stop your bull... Suman.“ Sehun voiced.

The gun fell from Suman’s hand as he fell on the ground, then he started laughing to himself, “I put in mind that you idiots would do some stupid act like this...“ he coughed, “So, I set this floor on some bombs,“ He smirked and took out a remote from his pocket then pressed a button, “You have 60 seconds, bye bye.“ He said, then took the gun and shot Yesun’s leg.

“AHH!“ she shouted out in pain.

“Yesun!“ Sehun exclaimed and ran over to her.

Suman laughed and closed his eyes, forever.

“Ugh...“ Yesun cried in pain, emotionally and physically.

“We must get out of here. Kid, help your sister.“ The man said, helping up his son.

“Wait...“ She sat up, hardly. “Minseok... I’m so sorry...“  She started.

“No time for this.“ Minseok tried to walk off.

“No, please hear me now.“ She said then looked at her brother. He nodded in understanding of her hint.

“Yesun...“ Minseok looked at her.

“I never wanted this to happen... I...“

“It’s ok...“Minseok smiled, “Now let’s get out of here.“ He extended his hand to her. She smiled at it and shook her hand, “No... I’m staying.“

“What?! No way! We’re running out of time! C’mon!“ Minseok shouted.

She smiled then looked at his father, “Sir. I’m sorry...“ The father nodded smiling, then held up his son and started walking out as fast as he could.

“N-NO! YESUN-AH! NO!!!“ Minseok cried, reaching out his hand her way. She looked at him, bittersweet-ly and waved her hand goodbye.

In 5 seconds, the father and the son were out and safe. In 15 seconds...


The whole garage floor turned into flames.

“NO!“ Minseok cried out, “YESUN-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!“



Two weeks later.

Minseok was lying on his bed, rubbing his healing leg. He took his phone and dialled Yesun’s number again. But once again, it was out of coverage area.

Yesun... Where are you? The police never found your and your brother’s bodies... Doesn’t that mean you’re alive?!

He accidently rubbed his leg hard, which caused it to hurt.

“Ouch...“ He clenched his jaw and rose up his chin in pain.

“It still hurts?“ His dad walked in with a paper in his hand.

Minseok nodded, “Just a bit... What’s that?“ he pointed at the paper with his chin.

Minsoo smiled, “You received this in mail this morning.“ he handed it over to him.

“Eh?! Who could it be?“ he took it and read what’s written on it.

‘Burn After Reading...’

His eyes widened, This is her hand writing.

Minsoo smiled and left the room quietly.

Minseok fast opened the message and read:



How’s your leg? Hope it’s not as bad as mine is...

Are you still mad at me? Bet you are...

Minseok-ah... I’m so sorry for everything... I meant to tell you but didn’t know how... it’s so difficult to tell the one you had a crush on that you’re an assassin and about to kill their father you know.

Here, I said it. I like you too... pabo... I wish we had more time together...

Sehun and I are safe... we made sure that the police will figure out that Suman was behind everything, so the cases are closed and we’re safe.

We’re not in Seoul at the moment but we’ll come back. It’ll take some time for people to let go of what had happened so we might take a vacation here... few months, a year maybe? Dunno but we’ll be back for sure...

Will you be waiting for me? I hope so...

Well, I have to go now... I’ll see you soon, k? And I promise that we’ll dance together when we meet up!

PS: I sent you our Puffy! Take care of her for me until I come back, k?

                                                                    Love, Yesun.


He sighed. A grin was all over his face and tears forming in his eyes, I knew it...

He took a lighter from his desk and set the paper on fire and threw out the window with a relieved sigh.

“DAAAAAAD!“ He ran downstairs.

“What? What is it?“ his father asked, smiling.

Minseok grinned at his dad, “Was there a fish sent with the note?“


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