I Will Miss you L.A.

Fall For Me

Amber's Prov:


"Amber, Honey wake up. You're sappose to meet your Appa at his office with Yuri. Where is that brother of yours anyway!" My mom said while trying to wake me up.. I didn't notice that I fell asleep on the couch. I Must of fell asleep here while reading a boring book that was assigned to us. 


" I don't know umma" I said while yawning and stretching.


"Well honey, hurry up and get ready. your father has something important to tell you both and he doesn't want you to be late because he has a meeting later" She said while dragging me off the couch and folding the blanket that I was using.


"De" I said getting up and going upstairs to take a shower.


"You're best brother in the whole wide world is trying to reach your cellphone. You're best brother in the whole wide world is trying to reach your cellphone. You're best brother in the whole wide world is trying to reach your cellphone." W-Wh-What.. what the..... I quickly grabbed my phone to save the ringing from continuing and answered it quickly..


"Hyung WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY RINGTONE" I yelled at him


"HAHA, Amber you like the new ringtone then??" He said while chuckling over the phone


"YAH!!... Where are you anyway, were sappose to meet dad today for a meeting." I said


"Ahhh, i didn't forget im on my way home right now.. i went to go have lunch with a couple of my friends, i'll be home in 5 minutes.. i don't feel like driving too so ask one of the butlers to get the car ready" he said and hung up.


"I wonder what dad is going to tell us" i mummbled while getting my shoes on.


"Welcome young masters" said Director Kim. " Your father is waiting for you in his office"


"Ahhh Ahjussi, stop calling us young masters, just call us by our name.." Yuri said..


"Ahh sorry youn-- Sorry, Mr. Yuri, Mr. Amber" He said while bowing


When we got to my father's office we noticed he was on the phone so we waited paitionly on the seats.


"Ahhhh see you soon old friend!" My dad said as he hung up.. " Sons, we will be moving back to Korea, I have business there. We will leave America in 3 days, so pack your things boys. plus you will be attending the school that I will be funding, so no more home schooled, And Yuri since i know its your last year in high school, you will be in AP classes. I already talked and arrange with the school/Teachers." He said


"WAE?!?!?" Yuri and I both said in disbelief. 


"Aw come on boys, it will be a good opportunity, so brush up on your korean!" He said to us while putting his arms around our necks.. 


"Ughh great... moving to another place, and not knowing anyone.." I mummbled.


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 18: 2021 fighting
glorya #2
Chapter 18: Next chapter pleasee !!!
jheyera #3
Chapter 18: update author-shi!! :D
Justlivelife #4
Please update
mikangela14 #5
Chapter 18: Plsssss update fast author plssss :)
kanigara5 #6
Chapter 18: update soon please please ! :D
Chapter 18: update soon author pleasee
khezzia09 #8
Chapter 18: wooo..update soon author :)
love it
Chapter 18: Ooh Krystal is so naughty lmao
tingoo #10
Chapter 18: probably they would do It TONight .. u know .. birthday .. ahahahahah byuntae me ...