Does Amber Like my Unnie?

Fall For Me

Yuri Prov:

"Amber what are you going to wear tonight?" I asked while walking into his room. I honestly dont know what to wear. I want to look my best for tonight's movie with the girls.

"Not sure... Why are you in a rush we got an hour to get ready.." He said back while getting back to his book

"An hour is not enough time to get ready!" I said walking out his door. he's probably just going to wear casual clothes.. 

"Aish... clearly you have no fashion!" I yelled at him as he just ignored me reading his book. I walked out of his room and went to go find one of the maids

"YOUuuu!.. Mianhae i dont know your name.. But come with me I need your opinion" I said to her as she followed me..

When we got to my walk in closet, i showed her a bunch of clothes.. I asked her opinion on which outfit I should wear..

"Well sir, i kind of like this right here... Grey Slim Fit Jeans, with this plad button up. and light grey sweater to go over the button up and with these white vans" She said as she picked my clothes

"wow this maid has good taste" I thought.. I thanked her before she left my room so that i can get ready

"Aiishhh an hour to get ready is simply not enough.. i shouldn't of hung out with the guys at the cafe earlier -_-, then again i can't wait to see what they are wearing.. But more importantly my girls. Oooh i hope Jessica wears something really cute.. And Tiffany too.."I thought to myself before heading in the shower


Amber Prov:

I was reading my book peacefully when my brother came barging in asking what i was going to wear for the movies tonight.. I simply shook my head

"Aish why did he have to be born a guy" I mutted to myself

"He takes longer than a girl just to get ready" I said underneath my breathe ignoring him while he was talking to me

When he left i looked at the clock and decided I should too take a shower and get ready, before going in the shower i txted the guys and got a fast reply..

From Taemin:

Yo, Hyung, Let's grabe dinner before we see a movie.. Besides its only Friday.. I dont want my stomach to be filled up on Popcorn, soda, nacho's...


To Taemin:

Sure man, What restraunt shall we meet up? Txt that to the rest of the guys and we will meet you there.


From Taemin: 

Im with the guys already were at Kai's house... He's taking forever to get ready!! let's meet up at the boardwalk restraunt.


After reading that message I went and took a shower..  When i was done I forgot that i was sappose to text noona I got dressed into simple clothes.. A pair of red Vans, Black Slim fit Jeans, A white shirt and my old Baskbetall Varsity jacket that was in the color's of Red, white and black. Perfect As I looked at myself in the mirror fixing my hair. I then grabbed my phone and started to txt her.


To Noona: 

Noona we are going to get dinner first at the boardwalk restraunt in the mall. Is Tiffany-shi going with you? Or is she meeting up with you?


I Went to go put on my watch when i heard my phone buzz


From Noona:

Sure we can go get dinner first. Uhm, No.. Tiffany is not with me.. She had to go do something for her mom first but she said she will meet us up at the theaters... But i need to txt her if we are going to the movies. Boardwalk restraunt in the mall you say.... Okay, I will see you guys there then.


To Noona:

Let's go together... I'll pick you up! But i dont know your address :( 


From Noona:

Sure, I'll send you the address see you soon!


I got excited when she agreed that i could pick her up.. I grabbed my car keys to my audi and headed out my room..


"Yul, Im going ahead.." I yelled in front of his door. 

I then txted him giving the directions to the place we would be meeting at since he didn't know about dinner.. Though that would be pretty funny if he just went to the theater and no one told him that we were going to eat dinner first. I didn't want to be mean so i txted him the location


From StupidHyung:

Okay see you guys there


When I arrived at Jessica's house, It was a decent size house. Not bigger than ours of course. I got in front of the steps and rang the doorbell to a surpise of her Omma greeting me

"Hello, You must be Amber. Come in please, Jessica is upstairs still getting ready" Her omma said greeting me inside there house. I took off my shoes and slipped on the slippers

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Jung" I said to her as we walked to the living room

Mrs. Jung is very friendly we talked about school and my future.. I dont know why she asked but I didn't mind. 

"Omma, Do you know where my scar-" Krystal walking in the room but stopped as she looked at me with widen eyes

I got up and bowed to her and bid my hello

"oh.. hi A-Amber" She said while stuttering

"What is it krystal?" She asked her mother

"Omma where's my scarf?" She asked her mother

"Oh it's in the dryer let me go get it.. You two talk for a momment" She said as she walked out

"How's your classes going?" I asked her scratching the back of my neck to avoid the awkward silence.

"They are going well" She said "But Can I ask what are you doing here?"

"Oh im sorry, Im picking up your Unnie. Were going to get dinner and then a movie, You're welcome to join, we will be meeting up with the gang" I said to her flashing my dorky smile at her. I noticed a hint of her cheeks turning a bit red when i flashed her my smile

"Oh no thanks, I wouldn't want to intrigued. Besides Im meeting up with my friends too" She said

"Okay krystal here it is.. Before you go upstairs can you tell your sister that Amber's here i forgot to tell her, I got carried away about Amber's future plans" She said 


Krystal Prov:

"Aish where is that scarf.." I muttered as i tear my room apart just looking for a typical scarf that fits perfectly with my outfit.. I then remembered that it was in the pile of dirty clothes that my mom took down to wash.. I went to go find her.. I heard talking in the living i figured she was there.

"Omma, do you know where my scarf" I said walking into the living room and a pair of brown eyes were looking at me.. What is he doing here? my heart started beating so fast

He is a gentlemen.. He bowed and said hello. No guy ever does that when they see me. Not even Oppa.

"What is it krystal?" My mom said snapping me out of my thoughts..

"Omma do you know where my scarf is?" I asked her without looking at the figure on the other couch

when she left us alone, it became quiet... and very awkward.. He tried breaking the awkwardness by asking me how im doing in school... how cute.. But i was more curious to why he was here... at my house.. So i decided to ask him the question... I was surprised to hear that he said he was here to pick up my unnie.... So... Him.... and.... Unnie? Together? why did that felt like a sharp painful jab went through my heart..

My mom came back with my scarf.. I thanked her and went up the stairs

Before going to my room i stopped at Unnie's room. As i went in i noticed her by her drawer's fiddling with her make up..

"Amber is downstairs waiting for you, you better hurry before mom starts saying embarassing stuff.." I said to her

"Chincha? ARRASO.." She said rushing out of her room grabbing all her belongings

I watched her rushing around her room gathering her things.. She must really like Amber. Aish you stupid heart.... I placed my hand on my heart to feel my heart beat.. It felt like it wasn't beating at all knowing that Unnie and Amber were going on a "date"well i'd assume it's a date...

I shook at the thought and went back to my room... Oppa wont be here for another 3 hours since he said he had something important to do... Might as well eat dinner at home since were only going to the movies... Maybe i should of gone with Amber, Unnie and there gang to have dinner..




A/N: Readers. So sorry :( Updating this one was a bit complicated. Ayego.. I need sleep. So.. Did anyone attend or watch the SM World Tour in Bejing?

Here are some pictures of our Amber... Sadly Krystal did not attend :( 



What is this? O.o who is that girl??? 





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niconico12 #1
Chapter 18: 2021 fighting
glorya #2
Chapter 18: Next chapter pleasee !!!
jheyera #3
Chapter 18: update author-shi!! :D
Justlivelife #4
Please update
mikangela14 #5
Chapter 18: Plsssss update fast author plssss :)
kanigara5 #6
Chapter 18: update soon please please ! :D
Chapter 18: update soon author pleasee
khezzia09 #8
Chapter 18: wooo..update soon author :)
love it
Chapter 18: Ooh Krystal is so naughty lmao
tingoo #10
Chapter 18: probably they would do It TONight .. u know .. birthday .. ahahahahah byuntae me ...