Who could it be?

Fall For Me
Narrator's Prov:
It is now 8 months since Minho arrived, Krystal and Minho have gotten close. People assume they are  going out but really they are just good friends. They also have been distance with Kai, Taemin and Onew. But little did they know the reason why is that the three boy's hated Minho because behind Krystal's back he wasn't a regular goody two shoe, He was a jerk. He bossed them around on the basketball court and calling them names. And they decided not to hang around them anymore. It tore Taemin apart because they use to be so close to one another. But he did it because he knew how Minho made her happy.
Krystal Prov:
" I can't believe its already been 8 months since Minho arrived. We became closer than ever. People assume we are going out because we hold hands when we walk to class. Really we are just good friends. I wish we were going out though because I have fallen for him since he first arrived. He is sweet, charming, and nice to others. But It would be wrong if I asked him out, I mean well shouldn't the guy ask the girl out instead of the girl asking the guy out?  Even though,  I already confessed to him saying i liked him but he was too afraid that it would ruin our friendship if we started dating, and i understood what he said though it did hurt me a little, I  learned to get over it and just stick by his side. 
"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING Class!" Our teacher said as he walked in the class yelling. 
"Aish, Teacher-Shi we will go deff if you yell any louder" Sulli complained covering her ears.
"Oh sorry, Sulli.. It's just that our school will be funded by the top richest man in the world. His son's will be attending our school and I will be teaching one of them. SO BE NICE TO HIM OR FEEL MY ERASER FLYING AT YOUR FACE IF I HEAR ANY COMPLAINTS FROM HIM, besides we need the money and that would mean we could go on more school activities!" Said the teacher half threatening and joking.
"Teacher-shi, when will they start attending our school?" Luna asked excitedly
"Soon, There will also be an assembly later today talking about this Second week of a brand new year, you kids are growing up fast, good thing your not seniors yet, i get to torture you for two more years. NOW OPEN UP YOUR BOOKS TO PAGE 32" the teacher said who is now yelling.
"I wonder who could it be?" i thought to myself.. Hmmm wait why am i even thinking about this? I quickly shook the thought of my head and looked at Minho who was busy flipping through his book.

" I hope he's hot" whispered Sulli


I just shook my head in disbelief, I swear she only dates guys for there looks. But then again i don't blame her, I looked at Minho who was looking at me now, i smiled at him and he smiled back


" Let's go to the movies this weekend" He mouthed

"Okay, You're paying oppa!" i whispered


"Deal!" he said winking at me while chuckling.


I couldn't help but smile and giggle at the same time.



*Just a few fixes for spelling and stuff.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 18: 2021 fighting
glorya #2
Chapter 18: Next chapter pleasee !!!
jheyera #3
Chapter 18: update author-shi!! :D
Justlivelife #4
Please update
mikangela14 #5
Chapter 18: Plsssss update fast author plssss :)
kanigara5 #6
Chapter 18: update soon please please ! :D
Chapter 18: update soon author pleasee
khezzia09 #8
Chapter 18: wooo..update soon author :)
love it
Chapter 18: Ooh Krystal is so naughty lmao
tingoo #10
Chapter 18: probably they would do It TONight .. u know .. birthday .. ahahahahah byuntae me ...