Cleaning time fun

Little shinee stories


Taemin huffed somewhat irritated as he leaned against the broomstick. Cleaning the kitchen sure was boring...damn 
Key and his stupid bossy attitude! Why did it have to be him out of all the members to habe to clean the kitchen?!'s usually them who do it while he slacks off on the couch...but still! 
He did another two angry swips at the floor before an idea came to his mind. He ceised the cleaning and looked around, wide grin spreading on his face as he noticed the absence of humans in his vecinity. This was perfect.
With a fast pull of his right arm, the broom was lifted up in the air. With tenacity no real swordsman would ever envy, the maknae of shinee swung the broom around, making noises akin to 'zumm' and 'wish'.
"Slay the enemy, my trusty lightsaber!" He once shouted, unaware of the small click of a door down the corridor. Appearantly our young jedi attracted some attention...
"Ahem..." Taemin froze mid-swing. Slowly, he turned around only to be faced with the face of kibum, eyebrow raised in a amused expression. He crossed his hands, weight shifting to one leg; he demanded an explenation.
"I-i...uh, um...." Taemin tried to answer but gave up shortly after. His lips wouldn't cooperate anyway.
Key then snatched his broom away, expression turning serious. As Taemin awaited a scolding for not doing his work, though, he was surprised to suddenly be pointed at with the end of the wooden stick. Key grinned.
"Taemin...I. Am. Your. MOTHER!" 
A/N: sorry star wars fans if you feel offended, i did my best not to do that!X"3 but this is comedy(i hope:P) so please just ignore it if you don't like it.:D 
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Chapter 5: LMAO!! you got me. hahaha.
Chapter 4: LOL poor Taemin having to deal with a pissed of Kibum lol.
Don't worry Key I've been there and sang supid s*it in traffic at y drivers too lol.
Chapter 2: LMAO! omg hahaha that was priceless XD Tae was so cute.. and I think we've all done stuff like that when we think no one is looking kekeke. The end of my broom normally turns into a microphone when I am cleaning with headphones on and no one is around lol.
I love star wars so the end was really awesome. kekeke
"I am your mother" I am so going to be thinking of that all night now lol. Thank you :D <3
Chapter 1: LMAO @ key.
nervous onew was cute
Chapter 1: LOL. KEY XD
Chapter 1: Hahaha XD key's speech at the end xD
Chapter 1: really nice author nim