Unexpected - OnTae

Little shinee stories


Onew stood on his bed, hands clasped together in a fail attempt to relieve some of his stress. He was also going through various breathing exercises, you know, to help with the beforementioned process of. No, it didn't help much.
What did help him though was the thin hand of his newly found boyfriend and not-so-new-now-ex crush snaking around his waist and rubbing comforting circles on his right side. The leader turned to give him a small smile, though the other knew he was most likely tormented beyond belief at the moment.
"Calm down, it's going to be fine." Taemin tried to reassure his distressed hyung. "I'm sure they'll understand." He finished with one of the smiles he knew was contagious. Onew did indeed smile back, though that didn't mean his worries were gone. "But what if they think we're disgusting? What if they wouldn't want to stay with us anymore? What if...what if they want to disband?!"
And Taemin wasn't too sure wether he wanted to smile at the elder's adorable dumbness of slap him across the face. He decided none and with a force quite a few didn't know he was posessing he pulled the elder up to his feet and dragged him towards the living room where the rest of Shinee were resting comfortably on the couch.
"Guys, we have something important to tell you." He announced and as the three looked up from whatever previously held their atention, Onew was pushed forward to speak. Too bad there were no throat plumbers because man did his words seem to be stuck somewhere in there.
"I-We, uh.....man, this is hard. You see-"
Taemin felt his eyes roll at the elder's awkwardness. Seeing as he seemed to be stuck, the dancer decided to take matters in his own hands and prevent his lover from choking on words any further.
"Jinki and i are together." There, it was out. It hadn't been that hard, right?
Three pairs of eyes stared at them for a moment, before going back to whatever they previously did with a lack of reaction that caught the new couple off guard. No, scratch that, they got an eyeroll from Key.
"Um, guys, we just made our relationship public? Have some reaction?" Onew only realised how weird it had sounded after saying it out loud, but he really needed to hear what they were thinking. He could take rejection and harsh words, but at least he got an answer god damn it!
That seemed to get him the reaction of at least one of the three shinee members as Key lazily lifted his eyes up from the magazine he was reading. 
"Guys, that was about as unexpected as me coming to you to tell you I'm gay."
A/N: was that at least a little bit funny? I feel like i'm rushing things...but this story was literally two paragraphs long in my head so what's standing above could be considered improvement from that stage.=3=
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Chapter 5: LMAO!! you got me. hahaha.
Chapter 4: LOL poor Taemin having to deal with a pissed of Kibum lol.
Don't worry Key I've been there and sang supid s*it in traffic at y drivers too lol.
Chapter 2: LMAO! omg hahaha that was priceless XD Tae was so cute.. and I think we've all done stuff like that when we think no one is looking kekeke. The end of my broom normally turns into a microphone when I am cleaning with headphones on and no one is around lol.
I love star wars so the end was really awesome. kekeke
"I am your mother" I am so going to be thinking of that all night now lol. Thank you :D <3
Chapter 1: LMAO @ key.
nervous onew was cute
Chapter 1: LOL. KEY XD
Chapter 1: Hahaha XD key's speech at the end xD
Chapter 1: really nice author nim