Hot....or not?

Little shinee stories


Jonghyun stared in shock, frozen, in a desperate search for ways to comperhend the situation because quite frankly, the sight before him was just too much for his poor brain. Wonder what happened, right? Well you see, our hero was just chilling on the couch that morning, enjoying the lack of shedule and a hot cup of tea. He was flipping through one of his favorite books, wearing his favorite, comfiest outfit and basically relaxing in on such a rare day off when he heard a door down the hall opening. Curious, he sat the book aside and looked up, ready to greet his bandmates or his manager. Even though the latter probably brought bad news like 'hey, surprise interview at xx radio. You have 5 minites to get your a$$ in the van'. But in stormed Minho.
And not just any Minho. You see, this version of the usually, well, pretty manly guy was wearing a pink, tight, hyuna-short dress, white high heels and a blonde wig about as ugly as his hot pink purse. To make it worse, he was chewing gum and playing with one strand of wig.
For a few moments, the two stared at eachother in silence. And just about when Jonghyun had enough and decided to voice a proper 'what the fluck', his pink friend beat him to it.
"I brought Onew his chicken." He said, thaking a live chicken baby out of his ugly purse." It's nice and breathing, just like he likes them."
Jonghyun jolted up straight in his bed, breathing ragged  and sweating cold. With a look at the clock and a groan, because 2.30 was way too early in the morning, the singer flopped back down on his pillow and huffed.
"I'm never eating so much before going to bed again...." And after a moment of silence, a small grin made it's way on his face. "Tche, should have known it was a dream. We had a free day after all..."
A/N: Minho in a dress anyone? No one...? ...well i don't really want him either....-.-" 
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Chapter 5: LMAO!! you got me. hahaha.
Chapter 4: LOL poor Taemin having to deal with a pissed of Kibum lol.
Don't worry Key I've been there and sang supid s*it in traffic at y drivers too lol.
Chapter 2: LMAO! omg hahaha that was priceless XD Tae was so cute.. and I think we've all done stuff like that when we think no one is looking kekeke. The end of my broom normally turns into a microphone when I am cleaning with headphones on and no one is around lol.
I love star wars so the end was really awesome. kekeke
"I am your mother" I am so going to be thinking of that all night now lol. Thank you :D <3
Chapter 1: LMAO @ key.
nervous onew was cute
Chapter 1: LOL. KEY XD
Chapter 1: Hahaha XD key's speech at the end xD
Chapter 1: really nice author nim