Chapter 28

Loving you

Next chapter will be least I think so....:D 

15 pages in word O______o So long... 




Oh. my...JinDY coming soon....

Chapter 28:

Five weeks earlier:

“Are you sure that I can be here with you?” Andy asked hesitatingly from Hyesung who was smiling from ear to ear.

“Yes, you can be here since you are my brother-in-law and my friend. Besides, my Eric is working and can’t join me right now.” Hyesung pouted and tapped Andy’s hair.

The disabled man nodded and followed the other one to a room filled with recording stuff and computers, not to mention the narrow studio that was behind a window. Andy’s eyes widened when he saw it and realized how badly he wanted to be a singer…or in his case, a rapper.

“Hello, Ji Hoon,” Hyesung greeted.

“Hello, Hyesung. Who’s this?” Ji Hoon questioned.

“This is my brother-in-law.” The singer answered and Andy lifted his hand. “His name is Andy.”

Ji Hoon and Andy shook their hands, exchanging smiles and nods as Hyesung clasped his hands together and made a move behind the computers and recording stuff. Andy followed him suit, since he was extremely interested in that stuff, and felt how the excitement grew inside his body.

“So,” Ji Hoon said as he sat down to the other side of Hyesung and began to press and slide the buttons on the board. “Where did we stay last time?”

“To the chorus. But to be honest Ji Hoon, it’s too weak.” Hyesung explained.

The other man frowned.

“Don’t let me anger you, but it needs something…something stronger.” Hyesung added.

“Can I listen to the part?” Andy suddenly interrogated, earning stares from the older guys. “Please.”

Hyesung blinked his eyes but seeing Andy’s sincere and really cute pout, he gave him the earphones and pressed the ‘play’ button. The song, sang by Hyesung, started immediately and Andy listened to it accurately, feeling the song inside him. The frown between his eyebrows deepened and it worried Ji Hoon and Hyesung. When the song ended and Andy took off the headphones, he lifted his hand under his chin and contemplated a while.

“It needs something stronger like you said.” He spoke after the silence. “But what is stronger than pure vocal chords?” he continued.

“Hmm…” Ji Hoon sneered.

“I know,” Hyesung said. “A rap.”

“Rap?” Andy asked.

“Yup, a rap. We need a rapper.” Hyesung repeated excited.

“And where do we get a rapper? We don’t have time to search for a rapper, Hyesung.” Ji Hoon snapped.

Hyesung sighed disappointed. “I know. What do we do?”

“Well,” Andy opened his mouth after gaining some more courage. “I debuted like years ago…as a rapper.”

Ji Hoon and Hyesung turned to look at the man and both of them cheered up in that second. Without saying a word, Ji Hoon got up from the chair, ran to the studio and asked Andy to follow him. Vaguely, the young master glanced at his brother-in-law and asked him to take him there. Hyesung grinned and started to lead the man into the small windowed room.

“Sing into this mike whatever you got in your mind.” was Ji Hoon’s only advice. “When the green light appears, the stage is yours.”

Andy nodded nervously as he adjusted his wheelchair behind the mike and closed his eyes. When the green light emerged, he opened his mouth and rapped.

“Hey, I don’t need no one else but you, taught me true love. When we're together, you make me feel like brand new. With you, together, I want to be like this forever, my other half, better. The only one I’m thinking of, this song is going out to my love.” (If you don’t know the song, it’s Shinhwa – 2 ma luv, 9th album. One of my favorites.)

Hyesung was shocked; in a good way. Andy was amazing. And the lyrics were awesome. It was like he was singing about…no, that couldn’t be…about Junjin. A smile curved to Hyesung’s lips as he listened to Andy’s rapping. When the young master gave more samples of his raps, after Ji Hoon had told him to, Hyesung was surer that the ‘one’ Andy was singing about was in fact Junjin. ‘How and when’ Hyesung didn’t know but he was more than just happy to know that the maknae, who was mysterious in every single way, had granted the one wish he had never even wished for. Hyesung felt exhilarating feeling go through his body when Andy heaved a sigh and exited the room.

“That was amazing.” The older men said in unison.

Andy flashed a smile.

“You know what Andy sshi,” Ji Hoon squatted down and put his hands onto Andy’s knees. “I’ll make you a rapper.”

The disabled man’s eyes widened and his chin fell. He was unable to say anything and that amused Ji Hoon and Hyesung. Andy wanted to cry but hell, he wouldn’t do that. He had cried ever since Junjin left. He had the letter from the man everywhere he went (inside his leather bag) and it had its own sentimental value. Andy was sad that Junjin was gone. Why wouldn’t he be? But he knew that crying over him wasn’t needed. Junjin will come back and Andy lived in that belief.

“Andy ya,” Hyesung grinned. “I know you want it. Your performance explained it all. And to be honest, if you were the rapper I was going to perform with, I’d be the luckiest singer in the world.” He said.

Andy still couldn’t utter a word. He was so happy that he couldn’t say it out loud. Only thing he could do was to nod.

“That’s a deal then. We’ll give you a contract and in two weeks, you’ll debut…again.” Ji Hoon promised. “You’re going to be a rapper Andy ya,”

Ji Hoon exited the studio and as soon as he was unable to be seen, Hyesung sat down to the chair and stared at the maknae. Sneaky smirk made its way to his lips as he cupped his face and interested crossed his legs while waiting for Andy’s question.

“What?” here it came. 

Andy felt his face growing hotter and all he wanted to do was escape from the room but his hyung’s stare was super deep and intense. Older man narrowed his eyes and it made the look on his face seem hilarious, still, Andy was tense when Hyesung said,

“How are things with you and Junjin?”

“Eric ah,” Hyesung pleaded. “What kind of cake do we want to our wedding?”

“A chocolate one.” Eric answered. “Which flower are you going to slide into your pocket?” he asked this time.

“A rose.” Hyesung replied. “What the hell is the difference between these colors!? They’re both white!”

Eric nodded and the envelopes closed.

“Let me see.” said Hyesung smiling.


Hyesung checked the letters in silence when he removed couple of them to the ‘not invited’ list.

“Why did you do that, my love?”

“Because…” Hyesung became shy. “I don’t want any ‘not related’ young women to our party.”

Eric smirked. “Okay, okay. Do you know that I love you very, very much?”

Hyesung blushed and gave a brief nod. Eric leaned in and kissed him.

“That goes to my vow.”

“To your what?!”

Eric sealed his mouth and got back to close the envelopes.

“You’re planning to write me a vow?” Hyesung interrogated while Eric’s hand.

“Well, yeah…isn’t that what couples usually do?” Older man mumbled.

Hyesung was speechless. Of course he wanted to have vows. And now that Eric was the one who suggested them, it felt even nicer. Eric’s face was cupped by Hyesung, and the man was a bit startled since he was pretty much focusing to the letters, and gave him a short and romantic kiss.

“I’m so happy Eric ah.”

“Kiss me again.”

Hyesung did and this time it was longer and slower than before.

“Mommy~, daddy~, I’m home!” Andy yelled jokingly earning laughs from his hyungs. “What are you doing?” the maknae questioned while moving his wheelchair forward.

“Sending rest of the invites and…umm…planning suits.” Eric explained. “Your outfit is in the guest room.”

Andy stung his tongue out. “I’m planning to wear my sweatpants and Converse shoes on your wedding.”

Hyesung let out a chuckle and Eric smiled.

“We have a great suit for you.” They said in unison.

“Oh, how was the meeting?” Hyesung asked eagerly. “Did they like your raps?”

The disabled man became red.

“They liked it. A lot. And to be honest they liked our collaboration.” He commented. “My debut is going to be next week and I’m freaking nervous. I don’t even have an agent and Ji Hoon’s company already has you and I don’t want to intrude to your agency and—“

“Calm down Andy ya,” Hyesung laughed. “I don’t care if you’re there.”

The young master flashed a grin.

“Is there something I could do?”

“Not really. But you could cook something to us!” Eric exclaimed.

“Ah, forget it. I’ll be in my room when you need me.” Andy announced.

Hyesung nodded and scolded Eric whose handwriting had turned worse. Older man rolled his eyes and whined that even if it was bad, it couldn’t even compete with Hyesung’s that looked terrible on the planning notebook. When Andy was in his room, he wheeled next to his bed and moved onto it, phone in his hands. He opened the lock and Junjin’s handsome face emerged immediately. Andy sighed and turned to his side, searching his picture folder that held lots of photos of Junjin.  

He promised that he wouldn’t cry. But every time he remembered that the man was miles away from him (and they didn’t see or hear each other), he couldn’t keep his face stirred. How could he? He wasn’t even sure whether they were in a relationship. Junjin loved him and he loved him, but what did that tell? Nothing. Junjin had broken up with Hyesung and Andy knew that jumping to another relationship was heartless and not right. That’s why he was waiting for Junjin. If it took him his whole life until the stubborn man was his, he’d still wait.

“Jin ah,” Andy murmured while trailing his finger on the photo. “I love you.”


“What do you mean ‘you don’t have a bodyguard’?” Ji Hoon interrogated flustered.

“Well…I don’t.” Andy responded shyly. “I’ve never actually needed one.” He added, thinking about the scene that happened to him almost 6 months ago.

Ji Hoon shook his head. “Well, you’d better get one. What if something happens to you while you’re being taken to your car?”

Andy shrugged.

“Or when an eager fan jumps to your stage?”

The disabled man gulped. “I don’t think debuting’s a good idea.”

Ji Hoon let out a hearty laugh while patting the young master’s head. Andy wrinkled his nose and flatted his hair back down.

“I think you should debut. It’s such a waste for your talents if you don’t.” Older man assured. “I’ve seen lots of talents and from them, you and Hyesung are the best.”

Andy smiled, took a deep breath and after the announcement of ‘new born star’, he got to the stage and sang his song, dedicated to Junjin.


Back to the scene to where the last chapter ended:

“Andy?” Junjin gasped.

“Oh,” the younger roommate of the man said. “You know him?”

Junjin nodded slowly.

“Idiot,” said the taller roommate while slapping the other boy. “That’s Jj hyung’s boyfriend.”

The youngest boy, John, bowed his head and pretended to cry when the other boy, Shi Kyung, slapped him again and flashed a grin to Junjin.

“Your boyfriend is really cool.” Shi Kyung said and lifted his thumbs up.

“He is so cool! And the way he moves with his wheelchair is daebak!” said the American boy John. “Let’s play him the song with the vocalist.” He added.

Junjin rolled his eyes as his cute roommates were totally excited about his boyfriend. But damn, so was Junjin. He couldn’t stop smiling when he saw Andy on the stage, holding a mike in a side movement, wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, not to mention his favorite grey Converse shoes. And the way he moved with the wheelchair was elaborate.

“You seem to like him a lot.” Shi Kyung smiled widely.


“I’ve never seen someone smiling so widely.” John joined. “You love him hyung.”

Junjin blushed.

“You know what, hyung,” John, who had done lots of research, said. “He is looking for a bodyguard. It was said in my class yesterday.”  

“And why do you say it to me?” Junjin frowned.

“Umm…hello? You’re a bodyguard. And if you sign to the job, you’ll graduate sooner. That’s what they told me.” John told.

Junjin felt his heart clenching and beating rapider when John flashed him a grin and hit his upper arm meaningfully. To be able to graduate faster? If that was the case, why not? Junjin jumped of the chair and ran out of the room.

John and Shi Kyung laughed and returned to watch the video of Shin Hyesung and Andy.


“Oh, my god Andy, I’m stuck!” Eric moaned as he ran to his brother’s room, holding several papers in his hands, while Andy was writing lyrics.

“What is it?”

“I was writing my vow and then I had like millions of ideas but when I wrote them down, they seemed terrible.” Eric babbled. “And then I just scolded myself of suggesting to write these stupid vows.”

Andy laughed. “You’re an idiot hyung.”

Eric slumbered down to Andy’s bed and shoved him the papers. Andy took them and read the too cheesy or too erted texts carefully.

“I don’t know what you should do.” He said truthfully.


“You’re the one who knows Hyesung hyung the best. Why don’t you think the reasons why you knew he was the one, or why you love to be with him, or why, even though your friends, you got together in the first place?” Andy listed. “Whatever will happen to you guys, I think you’ll be together forever.”

Eric raised his eyebrows. “Wasn’t that the line from your rap?”

“Yeah, isn’t it amazing!? I think my speech to you guys is going to be awesome!” Andy rubbed his hands together. “So, what do you have in mind? Tell me.”

Eric took a deep breath and fixed his eyes to the disabled man.

“I love him…so bad.”

“A good start.” Andy praised.

“I love him so much that my thoughts at work are simply at him. Funniest thing is that when I met Hyesung years ago in that schoolyard, I never thought that I’d marry him. I grew up with him and learned everything about him. And the things he didn’t share with me, I eventually got to know by studying more about Jung Pil Kyo.” Eric spoke.  

Andy laughed. “And?”

“Well, we knew everything about each other. Our weaknesses, strengths, good things, bad things and most importantly we knew how much we liked to hang out.” Eric explained. “Remember the time I spent in USA after I had graduated?”

The young master nodded.

“Can you believe that at the daytime I didn’t think about Hyesung at all, but at the night time, I practically howled myself to sleep?”

Andy let out a cackle.

“Then I actually thought that I couldn’t handle it anymore. But when my birthday arrived and behind my door there was Hyesung, I kissed him.” Eric sighed smiling.

“Kissed him?”

Eric blushed. “Not on a lips of course, but yeah. Oh, the blush on his face. It was so adorable that I hugged him tightly. And that weekend was the best ever.”

Andy grinned. Had he ever seen Eric that happy in his life? Perhaps no. Eric was like he was. Mysterious. But somehow Hyesung had managed to change that. Like Junjin had done to Andy.

“Would you think about your life without Hyesung hyung?”

The look on Eric’s face changed to serious and slowly it softened and he shook his head.

“No,” he answered.

“Hyung,” Andy whispered.


“I think you have your vows there.”

“But I didn’t write anything down.” Eric mumbled.

“Exactly.” Andy nodded. “It doesn’t have to be written, hyung. Everything that matters is that it comes from here.” He pointed at Eric’s heart and smiled. “And you, my dearest brother, don’t have anything to worry about.”

Eric stared at Andy who nodded and patted his chest. Then the maknae turned to his paper and started to scribble something.

“Andy ya,”


“Thank you.”


Hyesung bit the end of his pen at the library. He was writing his vow to Eric and to be honest. He was stuck. The night before Eric had told him that he had finished his vow and was now able to relax. That had affected Hyesung and he had found some paper and a pencil and decided to write the best vow ever. He had been writing a while but after reading it couple of times, he hadn’t gotten the right feeling. That’s why he needed help.

“Hyesungie~,” said a whispering voice behind him.

“Oh, Minwoo, you came.” Hyesung sighed happily as he hugged the co-CEO of his husband-to be.

“Of course,” Minwoo smirked. “You sounded so desperate in the phone that I had to hurry.”

Hyesung sighed again as he gave the papers to him. “I’m desperate.”

“What’s this?”

“My vow.” Hyesung responded.

Minwoo’s eyes were moving on the sentences and when he had finished, he lifted his gaze to the slender man and bit his lip trying to prevent the laugh that tried to cram through his lips.

“See! I need help.” Hyesung defended himself.

Minwoo nodded and slammed the paper to the desk.

“Do you love Eric?”

“Of course I do!”

“Well, it didn’t come out in those papers.” Minwoo muttered.

Hyesung tsked and slapped the other.

“Tell me,”


“Tell me about you and Eric. About RicSyung.”

Hyesung pursed his lips and stared at the emptiness. He had known Eric for many years. He knew him and his family, his brother, his friends and what he did for living. There was nothing he didn’t know.

“I love him so ing much.”

“Haha, good start,” Minwoo complemented.

“Frankly, I’m a bit scared of the amount of love I feel towards him.” Hyesung admitted.


“Because,” Other man adjusted his pose. “I’m afraid that I’ll lose him as soon as I get him.”

Minwoo frowned.

“You think too much.” He said dryly. “Tell me something happy. Tell me something about your youth.”

Hyesung smiled prettily.

“When I met him in that schoolyard years ago, I yelled at him. I said that he was an . You know what he did?” Minwoo shook his head. “He reached his hand and introduced himself. Since that day, he was my best friend.”

Minwoo nodded and lifted his hand under his chin.

“We hang out every single day. We studied to our tests together and we took the same courses. He was always there with me.” Hyesung chuckled. “When we graduated and he told me that he was about to leave to USA and be there for a while, I died a bit from the inside.”


Hyesung shrugged.

“Maybe you unconsciously liked him.”

“Maybe…I was devastated. I couldn’t call him because of the time difference. I didn’t see his bright smile for weeks and his deep voice wasn’t there when I needed it. And then came his birthday,”

Minwoo played with an edge of the paper that was on the desk.

“I had to see him at least once. And then I did it. I bought a ticket and flew to the USA. When he opened the door and saw me, he kissed me.”

“Kissed you?”

Hyesung blushed. “Not to the lips but yeah. And then he hugged me. Boy did he smell good. That was the best weekend of my life.”

Minwoo wanted to wrinkle his nose to the cheesiness. But since it was so cute and it kinda resembled him of his Dongwan, he let it be.

“And when I told him that I liked guys more than chicks…he smiled and patted my back saying that whatever fitted for me was okay for him.” Hyesung sighed. “Maybe then…I felt a bit sad…that he didn’t…feel…the same…”

Minwoo patted his shoulder.

“Although I never had imagined that that would be my husband, I’m so glad he is the one I’m going to marry.” Hyesung commented. “Eric is the one I’m going to love forever.”

“There’s your vow. And that’s perfect.” Minwoo said while getting up from the chair.

“But I didn’t write it down.” Hyesung whined.

“If you love someone, you don’t have to write it down. Believe me.”

Minwoo smiled and walked off until there was nothing left of him. Hyesung looked at his papers and collected them while thinking how much he waited for the day he was about to become Mun Hyesung.


Junjin had signed the paper. A month and he was finally returning to Korea. He was about to be a real bodyguard. Who would have thought that time would fly like that? Of course he had spent it pretty much thinking about Andy and hyungs, but there had been much more stuff going on. He had even revenged to Chil Hyun.


Chil Hyun was suspended from the school. A little harsh on him but that was what he deserved. So the law book of the school said and it had been studied thoroughly. Chil Hyun was taken out by two police officers and Junjin had to be there to testimony against that man. Junjin hadn’t wanted to but Hwangbo had said that it’s going to be more effective if he went there. So he did.

“I did nothing wrong!” Chil Hyun screamed.

“You violated another student.” said the headmaster. “And told him that he needed to be punished because of his uality.”

“He’s gay! GAY!”

Junjin stared at him disgustingly and crossed his arms over his chest, not wavering at all.

“Let me go! I want to hit him! I want to kill him!”


Somehow Chil Hyun managed to get himself free and was now advancing Junjin with great speed, right fist up while the other one was hovering on the police officer’s gun he had stolen a minute ago. Usually a man would panic in that moment, but Junjin was just standing still glaring at the man, ready to pull his gun out. He wasn’t going to shoot Chil Hyun…if the situation didn’t demand it.

“I’ll kill you and that handicapped boyfriend of yours!!!” he screamed finally being able to touch Junjin, who, however, jumped and slid behind the man, getting his forearm on top of his neck and pressing it so tightly that Chil Hyun couldn’t breathe.

“If you mention my boyfriend once more, I’m not afraid to break your neck and push that Adam’s apple of yours into your throat.” Junjin whispered coldly.

Chil Hyun tensed.

“And if you mention my uality one more time, I’m not afraid to slice your balls into teeny pieces while you scream out of pain and wish that I’d kill you faster.”

“J-j-Junjin-sshi,” Chil Hyun stammered.

“Do we understand each other?” Junjin mumbled lowly.

Chil Hyun nodded.

“If you even try to shoot me with that gun of yours, you can say bye to your ability to see.” Junjin slid his arms down and let Chil Hyun turn around.

But as Junjin knew, Chil Hyun lifted the gun up and pointed it at him. He didn’t shoot. The gun was trembling in that unsteady hand and from that Junjin realized that Chil Hyun didn’t want to kill him.

“I can kill you.” Chil Hyun reassured.

“You can but you won’t.” Junjin said matter-of-factly.

Chil Hyun bit his cheeks, still aiming the gun at Junjin who didn’t stir. He just looked back at him and waited. And after a while, Chil Hyun put the gun down.

“Good boy,” Junjin praised jokingly. “Now get the out of here. If we ever see again, I’ll kill you.” He mumbled when Chil Hyun was put in handcuffs. “I promise.”

A smirk was all it took for Chil Hyun to gulp scared. Junjin patted his shoulder and got back into the school building.

End of the flashback

“Did you sign it?” John asked intrigued.

Junjin flashed a shy smile to him.

“Great job Jj hyung.” Shi Kyung spoke. “Umm…when you…get back…could you please…send us Andy’s signature?”

Oldest of them all nodded.

“Anything to my favorite dongsaengs.”


Weeks later:

“Don’t be so nervous hyung,” Andy scolded.

“Umm…I’m getting married you stupid.” Eric snapped.

“Hey, don’t snap at me mister or I’ll quit.” The disabled man exclaimed. “I know you’re nervous and I know you need to eat but wait for a bit okay?”

Eric nodded and heaved a long and desperate sigh.

“When this is over, you’ll be mister and…umm…mister Mun.” Andy laughed. “Family Mun.”

The young master straightened his brother’s tie when the door was knocked and Minwoo and Dongwan entered the surprisingly hot room.

“What’s up?” Eric questioned.

“Hyesung ran away.” Minwoo answered solemnly.

“WHAT!?” Eric yelled shocked.

Minwoo burst into laughter but got slapped by Dongwan.

“Just kidding.”

Andy and Eric both let out a gasp.

“He’s waiting for you Eric ah.” Dongwan smiled. “And he looks really gorgeous.”

Eric’s heartbeat increased quickly. He was ready. He was ready to marry the man he loved from the bottom of his heart. Hyesung was going to be his in…

“5 MINUTES!?” Eric began to hyperventilate. “THE SEREMONY STARTS IN FIVE MINUTES!?”

“Calm down, Eric.” Minwoo hit him. “Hyperventilating doesn’t help you know?”

Andy tapped Eric’s upper arms, wiped the dirt off of the chest and said, “Let’s go.”


Hyesung breathed in and out. The ceremony was about to begin and he already heard the wedding march coming from the private room they had chosen. He glanced at his reflection from the mirror and smiled.

“Hyesung ah,” Dongwan entered the room. “It’s time to go.”

The bride, as hilarious as that sounds like, nodded and grabbed Dongwan’s arm since he needed to hold on something right now.

When he stepped to the edge of the carpet, guests turned to look at him once they got up from their seats. Hyesung was nervous and he could see that Eric was too since the smile on his face was uncomfortable. Anyone wasn’t paying attention to him at all.

Hyesung was finally beside Eric and when the older man smiled at him genuinely, Hyesung blushed and took his hand into his, intertwining their fingers and getting ready to listen to the preacher.

“Let’s focus to the vows. Eric, you can go first.”

Eric cleared his throat and fixed his eyes to the beautiful man in front of him. “Jung Pil Kyo, Shin Hyesung, my best friend and my love. I love you so much. And that love grows every day.” He began. “When I asked you to marry me as a friend almost a year ago, I didn’t know that years-long-friendship could escalate to love.”

Grace Mun frowned and gasped.

“I always considered you as a friend, since we knew everything about each other, and when I fell in love with you at the engagement party then, I tried to deny it whole-heartedly. I was afraid that you’d never feel the same towards me.” Eric whispered the last part. “I’m glad that it’s you, Jung Pil Kyo, who I’m marrying. I love you very much. And I’ll die with you.”

Hyesung smiled, cheeks red and wet from the tears that drained.

“Hyesung, your turn.”

“Mun Jung Hyuk, Eric, my best friend and my pumpkin. I love you more than anyone or anything." He began. "When I first time met you, I mocked and shouted at you and pretty much started this whole relationship. In high school I had no idea what I had done. For me you were a friend who I could open up to and a person, who I felt extremely comfortable with. Maybe that is the reason why we’re still here.” Eric held Hyesung’s hands tighter and smirked whenever the man blushed. “Eric, your proposal and this love have made me happier than I’ve ever been.”

Minwoo, Dongwan and Andy squealed behind them.

“I love you thousand times more than I loved you yesterday and I want to be with you until the day we die.”

Andy gave the rings to the preacher and he asked the ‘do you?’ questions to which Eric and Hyesung, of course, said yes.

“You may kiss him.”

Eric nodded and gave a subtle and soft kiss to Hyesung.

“You’re now husband and a husband.”

“So you two never actually were engaged?” Grace Mun interrogated shocked.

“No,” Eric answered embarrassed. “We pretended to be engaged.”


Eric sighed. “Because you were pressuring me mom.”

Grace Mun snorted.

“Are you happy now? We’re married now.”

“I’m happy when you two get children.”

Eric and Hyesung bowed their heads at the same time while Andy was packing his things.

“Where are you going?” Minwoo asked.

“I need to visit my apartment. I need my camera.” The disabled man explained.

Minwoo took Andy’s champagne glass.

“Don’t tell my mom.” Younger man muttered. “She thought I had it with me and if she hears that I’ve lived with hyungs because of my heartbreak, she’d start asking when I’m planning to get married.”

Minwoo laughed.

“So, please…not a single word.”

“I promise Andy ya,”


Andy wheeled around his apartment, where he hadn’t lived in months, and was searching his camera that was somewhere in his bedroom. But since it was so messy and narrow, he couldn’t find it.

“Maybe I’ll have to use my phone then.”

When he was about to across the foyer, the doorbell rang. Andy furrowed his eyebrows and moved slowly towards the door that was impatiently being abused. The young master had no idea who it might have been since he hadn’t really been excepting anyone, but when he opened the door and the tall figure covered the door frame, he gasped.


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turyka #1
Chapter 30: So i'm on a RicSung fever right now and found ur story... and I love it.
Although i felt sad for Jinnie at the beginnig cause he really have an amazing heart. I glad that you pair him with Andy and that you didn't change ythe fact that he can't walk . Sad but is inspiring.
Great work ^^
Jasonlee #2
I found this fanfic.. it take me some time to find this ff coz i had forgoten the tittle. I remember the plot of this ff is about andy being in a wheelchair + a bestfriend eric n hyesung ..
ps : This fanfic was my bedtime story during college time
ps: Im a huge fan of Andy
Chapter 30: Yanno? I still hate RicSyung even tho ive reached the end of the story. Er, maybe 'hate' is a strong word but.. still.. I dont think id be able to read any ricsyung for a while cz well my heart's still hurting from the time when ricsyung hurt my dear precious Jinnie with their confusion n denial.. Maybe im TOO into the story but what can I say, Jinnie is my absolute bias.
Nice plot tho.
(Tho now im in a great need of anything Jinnie related fanfic which doesnt consist of him hurting, just to mend my STILL broken heart)
Thanks for writing.
SoulDragon #4
Chapter 30: Wonderfull! Some parts where a little bit too detailed for my tast hihi, but that's just my preference ;). I also loved the JinDy side story, could verry well be a main story!
Thank you verry much for this wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it!
Chapter 30: i cried so many times reading this fanfiction. ;_;
its so so so beautiful the jindy couple really made me adore this story, its amazing! thank you and congratulations! ♡
Chapter 20: I love this story so much, especially jindy's part.. kinda complicated but sweet :'3
Chapter 30: Ok, first off, sorry for the late comment :D
But aww, such a cute epilogue. :D
Jindy's married, Ricsung has a kid, and now a dog too. :P
And so nice of Ricsung to help them move in :D
Also, the kids name, really reminds me of Eugene from SES :P
I really realized as I read this, that I really am gonna miss the full length Jindy stuff from you :( I enjoy having weekly stuff to read from you, and comment on
wid_03 #8
Chapter 30: hohohoho...want to see yujin actually,,
but..ok,,loving you already completed..^^