Time Has Come


I’m currently sitting in the living room, rewatching ‘Shut Up! Flower Boy Band’. Well, at least I was trying to watch it, but Baekhyun kept texting me. We talked about random things. I was trying to sound happy through the text but failed. It seemed as if he noticed so he asked.


Love<3 : Hey, what’s wrong ?

Mimi: Nothing. I’m just tired T-T

Love<3 : Awww, is my mimi tired from last night? Haha, should I leave you alone so you can nap ?


I was going to reply, but I heard the doorbell ring. I opened to door to see the SatanDeer-, I mean, Luhan. He looked annoyed.

“About time you opened the door. Gosh. I need to be somewhere so I’ll just talk real fast.” He announced as he walked into the house.  We went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Right when I was going to offer him something to drink, he started talking.

“Okay, for this ‘marriage’, we have NO strings attached. This is for business ONLY. I’m sure our parents already bought us a house and everything. When we’re with others, we’ll act like a couple, but at home, we’ll mind our own business. Got it?” he quickly said, running out of breath. “And for our love life, if you have one anyways, we won’t be bothered at all okay.” He finished.

I just looked at him, letting it all sink in. When it did, I just nodded.

“Do you have something that I need to sign or-” I asked.

“Yea, but it’s getting made right now. After the wedding ceremony, it should be done and we’ll sign it.” Luhan stated.

“Is that all?” I asked him. He thought about it for a couple minutes.

“Is there something else that you want to add onto?” he asked me … nicely. Wow.

“Uhhhhhm, how about…. After 6-7 months, we file a divorce?” I suggested.

“Woah, I never knew you’d be like that. Hmmpf, it doesn’t matter. But why not in 3 months?” he replied back.

“Ugh, fine. Now, didn’t you say that you have to be somewhere?” I told him. He jumped out of his seat and walked to the door.

“Well, bye to you too.” I said yelled as he walked out.




It was 2 days before the wedding, and today is also the day I’m going to break it to Baekhyun. I called him to meet at the park near my house. I kept checking the time from time to time.

I was too nervous. I kept breathing in and out.

“Hyemi!” I heard that familiar voice yell. I turned in that direction and saw Baekhyun. I got up as I saw him run towards me and gave me a big hug. Gaaah, I’m going to miss this a lot. I held onto him, tighter than usual.

“Mi- Mimi, I’m running out of breath.” Baekhyun joked. I instantly let him go.

“Haha, I was just teasing. So, what did you want to talk about?” he asked.

I was hesitating. Its too hard. What if we cant even be friends anymore?

My eyes started to get teary.

“What’s wrong ?” Baek asked since I didn’t talk.

“B-baek… I, my parents. They… they put me in an arranged marriage. I didn’t want to do it. But my dad, h-he-” I sniffed but was cut off by Baekhyun.

“Shhhhhh, its gonna be okay.” He tried comforting me.

“i-its tomorrow.” I told him. I’m guessing he was surprised.

“W-what ? T-tomorrow? B-but. We have to talk to your parents about this. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” he questioned. I just continued to cry in his arms. I couldn’t bear to look at him.

"I tried, but they told me to do it for the business." I explained to him.

After we both calmed down a bit, we went to get some ice cream, went walking from places to places. When it was getting dark, he took me home.

“I’m guessing this is goodbye?” he said unsurely.

I looked at him, scared, and shook my head.

“N-no. This marriage. I talked to that person, it’ll only last 3 months. Please. Can you wait? I just cant let you go like this. You know I love you. Just, just promise me that you trust me just as much as I trust you.” I begged him.

“Of course, I would never love anyone else besides you.” He replied.

I gave him a hug, a hug to tell him that I hope everything would be okay. Just as he was going to leave, I gave him a peck.

“Baekhyun …. Promise me you’ll be there at the ceremony.” I pleaded. He seemed hesitant.

“I cant promise but I’ll try. You know how my schedule’s like.” He spoke, trying to lighten up the mood.

Just as he was getting near his car, I ran to him and gave him a back hug. He turned around and gave me a super duper tight hug too.




I know, the story is like, really cliche but you just have a wait a couple more chapters.

Although with school, I might not be able to update that often during the weekdays.

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Chapter 1: your intro is really good bro ;)
xXrainbowloverXx #2
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating!! :)
worldofexoticshawols #3
Chapter 8: finally! YOU UPDATED THANK YOUYY
maulinanada #4
Chapter 7: updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee T.T
worldofexoticshawols #5
Chapter 7: please update
worldofexoticshawols #6
worldofexoticshawols #7
Chapter 7: please update authornim ㅠㅠ
worldofexoticshawols #8
Chapter 7: yay thank you for updating author-nim! please try to update more often!
Chapter 7: really made up :)
hope that the next update will be soon....
asianhiphopdancer #10
Chapter 7: Hey yo wassup? I think this is one of the best "arranged marriage" fanfics I've read x) Its really straight-forward which I like, and I like their attitude towards each other hehe xD
Update soon pleeaasse!! ^^