Another day.


Amber wakes up early today because suddenly, she feels energetic. She stretches her arms and grabs her towel before she heads to the bathroom while humming a song. Amber is in her good mood today but she doesn't know why. Perhaps because her best friend is finally in Korea.

After taking her bath and wears her school uniform, Amber goes downstairs and straight to the kitchen to have a breakfast. She takes a slice of bread and eats it. She doesn't feel like to eat something heavy today like always. She needs to get to school early than yesterday and the day before.

Amber glances at the clock, she quickly finishes her bread and goes upstairs towards Kris' room.

"Kris, wake up!"

She knocks and knocks but nobody cares to answer.


There's still no answer. Amber is confused and yet she's worried too. She keeps on knocking, she wants to get inside Kris' room but the door is lock whick made her even worried.

Amber gives up and goes downstairs. She looks for Kris everywhere but he's nowhere to be found. Amber ruffles her hair in frustration. She exits the house, she puts on her shoes. She's going to be late because she has been looking for Kris for the last 30 minutes. As soon as she turns around, Kris is standing in front of her which made her startled a bit.

"Looking for me?" Kris asked and grinned.

Amber gives him a death glare and replies,
"Of course I am. Where did you go?"

Kris chuckles and answers,
"Nowhere. I'm getting some fresh air, that's all. Hey, can I walk you to your school? I wanna see the school so much though."

Amber furrows her eyebrows, she says,
"What for? You can go later since you'll be starting next week."

Kris shrugs. "I don't know but I do want to see your school that'll be my school soon. Please~"

Amber lets out a single sigh and nods.

Both of them left to Amber's school which going to be Kris' school too. :)


As usual, the twins always argue. Every day and night, they'll argue on a small matter. It all starts because of Krystal. She always cause something. Yesterday, they argued in front of Krystal's school and today, same time at the same place. The twins argue again. Jessica looks speechless while Krystal is the one who's shouting and screaming just like yesterday.

Kris and Amber are staring at the twins. Amber suddenly feels that she needs to do something about it because she has promised to Jessica yesterday. Amber bites he lower lips, she's hesitating whether to go there or not. She turns and faces Kris.

"Kris, do you remember what I told you last night about my new classmate with a red hair?" Amber asked.

Kris nods, he replies, "Yes, I do. Why? Is that her?"

"Yup, that's her. Kris, I guess that I should do something before it gets worse. The twins always argue to each other even yesterday, I saw them. Let's go!" Amber answered and drags Kris along.


As soon as they stand behind Krystal, Amber could see that Jessica's eyes are begging for help.

Amber nods and grabs Krystal's arm. Amber gives Kris and Jessica a signal before she drags Krystal with her into the school.

"Hey! Let go of me!!" Krystal screamed.

Amber stares at her and then, she shakes her head and drags Krystal into her class.

Their classmates are shocked and confused at the same time.


Krystal sits down, she feels annoyed.

Amber secretly smiles and she waits until the class begins while the new student next to her is annoyed and irritated.


Kris was left by Amber alone with a stranger. Well, she's not a stranger, she's Krystal's twin sister.

Kris and Jessica feel awkward. Kris gives her a slight smile and she would reply it.

Jessica glances at her watch, "Oh gosh! I'm gonna be late!."

Jessica is about to leave but she turns around and says,
"Thanks a lot for helping. I need to go now, tell Amber that I'm grateful."

Kris nods, he says,

"Wait! Are you that girl's twin?"

"Yes, but how did you know?" Jessica asked curiously.

"Ermm.. Well, Amber is my best friend. I just arrived from Canada yesterday. Amber told me everthing about what happened yesterday. So, what's your name? Is it Jessica?" Kris stated.

Jessica nods, "Yes, i'm Jessica. The girl with red hair is my twin, she's Krystal. Anyway, what should I call you, Amber's friend?"

"Oh, I'm Kris."

"Okay, Kris. I really need to go now. Bye, send my regards to Amber."


Kris is currently at home. He can't stop thinking about this girl that he just met this morning in front of Amber's school. He can't help it but to think. Is it a first love encountering his heart?


Jessica couldn't focus. She keeps on thinking about something. After the first met this morning, she's in her good mood even though Krystal was mad at her -again-. That guy just stole something from Jessica.


Finally, I UPDATED!! Congratulations to me~ kekeke.. Hey guys! Miss me? I missed y'all so damn much! The exam is over which means that I'll be able to update this stoory as usual. Oh yeah!

Anyway, how's the chapter? Is it okay? I'm sorry because I'm not really good in English. Do comment and subscribe~ THANKS~!

XOXO from freakgeegee



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I'm afraid that I'm unable to update bcse I've lots to do. SORRY


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glorya #1
Chapter 9: Next chapter pleaseee !!!
papapipame #2
Chapter 9: Waarrgghhhhhh !!!!!. Who the hell is the girl anyway !!!!!! Hahaha.. Ngeh xd thanks for the update
papapipame #3
Chapter 8: haha.. man. my Kris was stolen by her.. ㅡ_ㅡ
Yolomiloyolomilo #4
Looking forward for this fanfic!
VanessaH2012 #5
Chapter 7: Good luck!!!!
papapipame #6
good luck babe !! heeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 6: freakgeegee!! your story are soooooooo freakin' good!! awesome! great!! arghh!! please continue the next chapter! I can't wait!! ;)
papapipame #8
Chapter 6: wahahahaha... yeye ~ you updated !! KrisBer =_________________=
lotus_aite #9
Chapter 5: continue..u have a good storyline
Chapter 5: continue...your story is interesting....