
Come With Love

"You're late again." he said mockingly as he sat beside me. 

"Yea, I know. I fell asleep in the bus, again. so, that's why I was late, again." I muttered. He smirked at my answer before he shook his head lightly.

"Howon, I'm hungry..." I whined as I pouted. He smiled at me before he took out a chocolate bar from his pocket. 

"Aahh! Howon! You really understand me well." I shouted as I hugged him tightly. I then grabbed the bar from his hand and eat it without any hesitation. He smiled to my action before he bit the corner of the chocolate bar.

"Oi! It's mine! You have to ask my permission first." I pouted as I pushed him away from me.

"No wonder you're not as fit as before. I can see it's pretty hard for you to catch up with me now." He whines as he relaxed his body on the chair

"and I look like I care?" I answered before I forming a mehrong =P

"tsk!" he chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, there will be a new student joining our class today." he continued.

"Really?! Tell me it's a guy. Please..." I said, looking at him with my puppy eyes.

"Haha! Hell no! A girl." I sighed at his words and continued eating.

"It's okay if you can't make it today. Make sure you won't be late again tomorrow so that you'll be able to join our class. The musical is getting near. Remember that." He reminded me. I just shook my head lightly to his words before he whispered his "I love you" into my ear and kissed the top of my head as he was running late for his math class. 

"Alright. See you, baby!" I shouted to him before I waved him my goodbye.

*Hoya's P.O.V.*

We were practicing our new dance step for the upcoming school's musical when suddenly an unfamiliar girl entered the room. We stopped our practice and turned our attention to her. I smiled at her as she bowed politely to all of us. I then made my way to her before we shook hands.

"I'm Lee Howon, the teacher of this class. You must be the new member right?" 

"Yea. My name is Kim Hyuna. Please take care of me." She then smiled brightly right after she finished her words.

"Emm.. Anyway, are you the only teacher here?" She asked as she looked around the room.

"Oh, about that. No actually. There's another teacher, but she's in the detention class right now so maybe she won't join us today." I explained. She nodded before she continued, "a girl?". I smiled to her question and nodded lightly.

"Yup, Park Chorong." I answered, relaxed. Another smile escaped from her lips. But I can see this one is not the same with the one she showed just now. 

"Your girlfriend?" She asked. I smiled shyly to her question and nodded lightly. She giggled before she made her way to the couch.

"Since today is your first day, you can just sit here and watch us practice. You can start join our practice tomorrow sincee we need you to join us for the upcoming musical due to the lack of female dancer." I explained.

"That will be nice. Thank you, btw." She thanked me and smiled brightly before I made my way back to the centre of the room and started our practice.

"Nice job, dude. See you tomorrow." Minhyuk went out of the room and smiled at the sight of a girl standing right at the side of the door. The girls then entered the room and sighed tiredly.

"Tired?" I asked. She just nodded lightly before landed her body on the couch.

"Tired of writing 10 pages of 'I'm sorry, teacher'." She answered before she put on this cute little pout on. I then her long, straight hair slowly before landed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled cutely to my action before she kissed my cheek in return.

"Let's go. You need to get your rest. Gonna be a long practice day tomorrow." I got up and offered my hand. She grabbed my hand and we then made our move out of the room. I locked the door behind me and started our way back home.

"How's the new girl?" She suddenly asked.

"She haven't started yet. I'm thinking of putting her in Jaehyun's place for the musical. She seems nice though." I explained. 


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nurizatie13 #1
Chapter 16: I think chorong with hoya but finally chorong with luhan, yeayhh! So sweet chohan!
Penawar #2
Chapter 16: yeayy ! finally its chohan !!! haha
Its a good story authornim and you end it sweetly haha
hope to see your other fanfic about chohan again ! :D
have a nice day authornim :)
Chapter 16: yeay chohan! :D

thanks for the story ^^
Penawar #4
Chapter 14: I'm glad you still update this fic ! :D
anyway,update soon :D
hwaiting !
farahnabilah #5
Chapter 13: Chapter 14:Please continue
rashdan7 #6
Chapter 13: Please continue
Chapter 12: Please continue this!<3
Penawar #8
Chapter 12: please continue