


That was Jongdae's weak spot.

Maybe it was because during school he would never focus during English class and instead, he opted to fling rubber bands at the back of his friend's head or thought about how cute the girl sitting next to him was. Maybe it was because he was thinking about the newest Ne-Yo song and how he really had an urge to belt out the lyrics out in the middle of class.

Either way, that school year he had gotten a C in English and a long thoughtful essay from the teacher regarding what he does during class.

Without a beta hired, Jongdae was pretty much defenseless against the millions of errors in his story and the millions of comments telling him to correct it. Jongdae visited shops for beta hired but every one that he encountered had "BUSY" or "HIATUS" written in bold red letters in the foreword.

He felt like a "fish out of water", so to speak, which he learned was an idiom back in grade 9.

He read through his draft for the 4th time before finally pressing the "add chapter" button. He pressed exit button on his computer and shut down his computer.

Before he slept he prayed to himself that there weren't any grammatical errors in his chapter.


 New Story Updates! 

Junmyeon clicked into the link and skimmed through the chapter. theoverlord had made another hilarious chapter, but the grammatical errors stuck out like a sore thumb.

waterbender on Sep 20, 2013 14:58:21 says about Chapter 3:
I love it! It's still really hilarious ^^

Well, Junmyeon didn't have the heart to talk about all the grammatical errors, maybe someone else would.

"Hey, Junmyeon check this out, maybe we should give this to Jongdae for his birthday." Minseok said as he flipped through the daily newspaper. Junmyeon followed where Minseok was pointing at and saw: "Magicians for Parties!" Junmyeon frowned.

"That's great and all but we're celebrating Jongdae's birthday, not a 6-year old's party."

"Well, Jongdae acts like a 6 year old, doesn't that count?"

"No. No it doesn't count."

You see, Junmyeon didn't like magicians. Nope, he had a big fear of magicians. in fact. It was all due to his birthday in 4th grade when the magician his mother hired for his party did a trick that made Junmyeon cry. The magician who was not entirely sober and had set fire on the table that held all of Junmyeon's birthday gifts. Junmyeon cried, his friends screamed, the party was ruined.

"So why can't we hire a magician?" Minseok asked.

"Magicians ." Junmyeon muttered before snatching the newspaper away.

"Happy birthday!" 
"Wow guys, you really didn't have to." Jongdae laughed as all the members came up and gave him him birthday punches.
"Well it's the least we can do for our dancing machine." Baekhyun joked as he nudged Jongdae in the ribs.
"No, you really didn't have to." Jongdae trailed off. He was thinking about doing a double update today, but his plans were foiled by the fact that the members had 
thrown a party for him. He could've walked out of the dormitory again, but he eyed the presents on the kitchen table.
"Happy birthday to me." Jongdae smiled.
"Bag of Confetti." Jongdae read the label on the bag.
"It's my birthday present to you." Yixing nodded. Jongdae opened the flaps and looked in to see the contents of the bag.
"I don't know what I expected." Jongdae deadpanned as he poured the confetti out.
"Hey, I'm not cleaning that up." Junmyeon frowned.
"I gave you a similar present, do you still want it?" Luhan said as he raised up his present. Jongdae saw: "Frozen Pigeon, DO NOT EAT".
"I'm fine." Jongdae scrunched up his nose.
"Well what am I going to do with this then, it's been in the freezer for 2 days." Luhan frowned as he chucked it across the room.
"My whole life is like a crack fanfic." Jongdae muttered under his breath.
"Did you just say fanfic?" Zitao turned around after hearing it.
"No, I didn't say that. I said... zoo."
Again, Jongdae cursed in his head about how he couldn't work well under pressure.
"You need more sleep, Jongdae." Zitao frowned.
Jongdae in summary did not do the double update he told himself he would do after practice, instead, he received a birthday party, a dead pigeon, and a sore left arm from being punched 21 times at the same spot by all of the 12 members.
That should have gave him a good excuse to not update for a while.

A/N: I don't update often anymore it feels all weird to not update often I'm sorry. I tried to finish this chapter and add more because it was Jongdae's birthday today  a;slkfje. Do you guys watch Arrested Development? Omg I'm basing this story's style from the show actually lol.


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Chapter 7: its so goood~~ plz updatee :)
Khamila #2
Chapter 6: plz update u.u
Khamila #3
Chapter 6: plz update asap!
Khamila #4
Chapter 6: hunses=sehun??....but...wich ones were baek and yeol??
it's awesome!! better and better!!, thnks for the update
Khamila #5
Chapter 6: who is hunses...and wich ones were baek and yeol?...sorry xDD
Chapter 6: pmsl jongdae you just made it wayyyyyy obvious that it was you using it
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 6: Uh oh...... Jongdae you jerk, you dragged the poor clueless leader down with you. Cept he is right about Joonmyeon reading the fics!