

"Kaisoo~ Thank you for making such a brilliant fic"


"XD I'll be waiting for your next update!"


"Hahahaha, so funny!"


Personally, Jongdae loved it when his subscribers would comment on his fics, and he would especially enjoy it when one took the liberty to even quote some of the sentences he wrote in the story put it into the comment. He found it endearing that many people were reading his fanfics, and how people were also sharing it through social media sites such as Twitter or Tumblr.


"Thank you for this update :) I loved it a lot haha ^^"


Jongdae squinted and leaned closer to the computer screen, his mind still processing why this commenter was so familiar. Ah yes, the person whose ratio of emoticons to sentences was always 1 to 2, the person under the username "waterbender".


Jongdae had talked with the person a few times, posting on each others walls occassionally, though none of them ever introduced their names or anything. Jongdae believed he couldn't, obviously because he was an idol. But whenever he asked who the person he talked to was, their reply was always: "You don't need to know my name haha :)"


Alright then.


Jongdae just had to let that slide for now, since this user was a big fan of his work.


Asianfanfics user "Waterbender" also helped give Jongdae new ideas, and they would together plot it out. Jongdae would then type into the forward: "This idea was given by waterbender, thank you."


After today's dance practice, Jongdae went and sat down at their sofa and scrolled through the AFF main site, checking the new notifications too.


New comments!


Jongdae would check that later.


New story updates!


Jongdae wondered if his favorite Baektao fanfic was updated. He'll check that later too.


New subscribers!


Jongdae smiled in content.


New friend requests!


Jongdae rolled his eyes, maybe he should put on his profile that he didn't accept friend requests.


New messages!


Oh, Jongdae hadn't gotten any messages lately. He decided to check that first.

waterbender on August 31, 2013 14:28:33 says:

Hi :)

Jongdae replied back with a full sentence.

theoverlord on August 31, 2013 15:32:44 says:

Hello, long time no see.


waterbender on August 31, 2013 15:44:08 says:

Congratulations on writing almost all 66 OTPs in EXO xD I'm really impressed lol :)


theoverlord on August 31, 2013 15:46:12 says:

Huh, I didn't realize that. I think I wrote 65 OTPs right? Which one am I missing :/


waterbender on August 31, 2013 15:48:01 says:

I think it's Suchen ^^


Jongdae's throat dries at the mention of that, not only because Kim Junmyeon was sitting next to him on the couch, hogging the laptop and smiling weirdly (Jongdae was used to it and decided that pretending none of that ever happened would be okay), but also because he didn't like the thought of the Suchen OTP.


Nope. Not at all.


theoverlord on August 31, 2013 16:01:20 says:

Oh yeah, that's the OTP haha


waterbender on August 31, 2013 16:30:11 says:

So, are you going to write Suchen? O.o


Wow, the emoticons were really getting on Jongdae's nerves right now.


theoverlord on August 31, 2013 16:31:05 says:

Probably, maybe it'll be my celebration on writing all 66 otps then lol


waterbender on August 31, 2013 16:33:07 says:



"Jongdae-hyung, what are you doing?"


Jongdae jumped up in surprise, turning around to see Zitao standing behind him, his head tilted slightly with curiosity.


"Nothing, I'm just reading the... stock...market."


Jongdae silently cursed in his head about how he wasn't good under pressure.


"It doesn't look like it, your phone's screen shows asian-"


"Hey why don't you go play with Sehun, yeah Taohun for the win."


Zitao looked at Jongdae as if his hyung had grown a 2nd head, but he turned around and walked back into his room. Jongdae swore he could hear: "I think Jongdae hyung has a fever." before the door of the bedroom closed.


Jongdae looks over to find Junmyeon staring at him with a confused look, and he opted to ignore it.


Alright, maybe it was time for him to start writing on the Suchen fanfic.


Jongdae shudders at the thought.


He decided it would be a fluffy story, filled with everything a teenage girl would want in her romantic love life, though Jongdae felt like throwing up the moment he thought about the idea.


It was always awkward to write about himself, though he felt happy whenever he would make the other members of his band either dumb or clumsy.


For example, when he wrote a Taoris story, he made Kris trip over a little boy, and he fell into the fountain. Tao then went over and started laughing hysterically until Kris decided to push him into the fountain too.


That story got a lot of subscribers and commenters, making the story one of Jongdae's biggest achievements.


He thought out in his head who would be the dumb character in the story.


Obviously it wasn't going to be him. So Junmyeon would be the stupid one then.


Boy, was he excited for this now.


"Hyung, can I borrow your laptop?" He asked Junmyeon. The older froze and brought the computer closer to his chest.




"I just need to check something."








Jongdae frowned and got up from the sofa to go into his room to borrow Yixing's laptop.


Then he remembered that Yixing didn't have Microsoft Word installed.


He began to wonder if Suchen was a devil OTP.

"Things I do for my subscribers." He muttered under his breath as he went on a hunt to find a laptop.


A/N: I'm so sorry.

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Chapter 7: its so goood~~ plz updatee :)
Khamila #2
Chapter 6: plz update u.u
Khamila #3
Chapter 6: plz update asap!
Khamila #4
Chapter 6: hunses=sehun??....but...wich ones were baek and yeol??
it's awesome!! better and better!!, thnks for the update
Khamila #5
Chapter 6: who is hunses...and wich ones were baek and yeol?...sorry xDD
Chapter 6: pmsl jongdae you just made it wayyyyyy obvious that it was you using it
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 6: Uh oh...... Jongdae you jerk, you dragged the poor clueless leader down with you. Cept he is right about Joonmyeon reading the fics!