

Stirring her hot chocolate absently, Kyungmi stares out of the small, dark window of the staff canteen. It's an old building; the window is a newer addition, stark, clinical lines at odds with the soaring roof and Georgian curlicues.

She avoids the coffee pointedly, though sadly. Coffee would help her get through the day. The caffeine would give her a much needed energy boost. But caffeine is off the menu for at least four more months, and she promised Yixing she'd be good.

The drink is long past the point of needing any stirring, but she's taking a break from the skull sitting on the examination table in her office. The tiny, broken little thing stares at her mournfully, and though long dead, it's almost as if she can hear the child asking for help.

It's something you learn to accept, when you deal with the bodies of the dead. Though she never has to deal with with fresh bodies, the stories she pieces together are much the same as a forensic anthropologist's. A murder here, an accidental death here. The occasional suicide, even, though that is hard to determine in someone lost to history.

Usually, it's easy to compartmentalise. Bones are easy to separate from a living, breathing body, especially fragmentary ones. But sometimes, it's not quite as easy, and she supposes she should be grateful for that. It's not as if she wants to become immune to horror of a life cut short.

Especially such a young life. Maybe it's the hormones swishing around inside of her, or just the fact that she knows within the year, she'll be a mother, and that the idea of losing her child is a peculiar kind of pain she's never experienced before. She wonders if the mother of the little girl on her desk blamed herself; if she buried the body, tears streaming down her face as she recounted all the ways she could have prevented such an occurrence.

Maybe she was already dead herself. Maybe she didn't care overmuch – perhaps she was the veteran of too many infant deaths, and had steeled herself for the loss of yet another child.

Her hand sinks down onto her abdomen, rounded with her own child. She doesn't think she could be so callous, but then it was another life. Another culture. Another time.

The bones are Roman. They know that much. Procured from some dig in the middle of London, they speak of a short, violent life for the little scrap in her office. In some ways, her life would have been similar to any other child alive today – it's not as if violence is something solely of the past, after all – but the injury that killed her is horrific.

Some kind of sharp implement to the head, shoved in with such force it cracked her skull in two. Kyungmi swallows back bile, anger bubbling in her gut. Who could do that to a child? Who could do that to anybody?

It doesn't matter that it is the remnant of a battle or a fight fought so many years ago. The violence resonates, and the mystery of some people's reasoning for their own horrible actions is as inexplicable now as it was then. It's a biological necessity to keep children alive; when we find them dead, it rocks through us because of this. 

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Johnson94 #1
Love this fic
Chapter 74: Yixing and Jongdae really have a healthy life, I can’t imagine many parents being like Chenlay I mean are they always ? I mean they always want to do it and in any change they can they do it, they really like to show their love through .
Ahh sleepovers are the best obviously when you are with your friends, I think is something that every girl should do with their friends.
Poor Kyungmi, Jongdae doesn’t care she is pregnant right? If he could he would make Kyungmi to the sleepover to prepare the party and he doesn’t have to do anything, although I can imagine kyungmi suggested sunny the sleepover to annoy Jongdae
I understand why sunny invited those kids but is weird I don’t know you don’t invite people you don’t like to your house or to sleepover, but well if you want to belong some group you do what you have to do.
Sunny is a smart kid I like her a lot I mean she know she is normal but in this time someone is special is he/she is different to what people think is normal.
Whoa Yixing having mean thoughts is really nice and interesting he should have more mean thoughts, and throw the kids to the street is pretty mean but in that moment seems a good alternative, but the kids doesn’t have the fault, the fault is on her parents who think they have the right to jugde other families and that happens a lot even in heteroual families.
I can imagine all sunny friends being in love with shang hahaha, Millie can developed a crush on Shang because that’s really common when your friend have a y older brother, and ask sunny to go to their house to play or do homework only because she want to see Shang, the funniest thing is I can see Shang being nice with Millie and making her loving him more.
Chapter 73: Ahh i miss this story a lot
My chenlay feelings
Are you back at school? i havent seen any alert from you
Shang can ask Jongdae anything because Jongdae is going to have “daddy guilt” for not being at his son´s birthday … Jongdae want the bonus to buy toys or weird thing probably
Poor Jongdae, when you live with your family is a must that they eat or drink your things even if you put your name on it.
Jongdae the responsible dad here he comes … poor Kyungmi I can imagine like that because it’s kind of a mom thing crying in those events like 15 here in Latin America or your wedding and they always say the grew up so fast.
When your dad or mom are drunk is also the moment you can ask for money, things or verything they only bad thing is that they start to remember all the embarrassing moments in your life and in their lifes
EvvA_chRome #4
Chapter 14: I'm trying really hard not to leave a comment so often at every freaking chapter but this one is just ASDFKJKL. I'm laughing so much at this HOW. DO. YOU. WRITE. SO. NICELY.???!!!
EvvA_chRome #5
Chapter 3: I come to read this chapter again and this is so ridiculously cute. I've been grinning to myself ever since! We have a newborn in our family lately and choosing name is proven to be the hardest!!
Chapter 72: This is so angsty poor kyungmi even for a strong woman like her
Thank you matthy came and well is nice to see how much he was expect it because most of us we were susprises for our parents
Chapter 71: Yixing is sheldon from the big bang theory haahahha you offers tea when someone is sad but i dont imagine sunny liking tea and not in tha kind of moment.
Ahh yixing is so sweet hr would cry well so its good yixing is not there when sunny came and tell his dad what happened and jongdae is the best dad
Jongdae discovers the benefits of being grandpa naugthy jongdae
What is the meaning of sunny daugthers name? Is greek ?
The things that happen to sunny means law not adavance since jongdae and yixings time i mean law is still no proct her and her daugther even if is another time?
Chapter 70: Hiii
This chapter makes me remmember when i fight with my little brother and my mom let us fight till she get mad for all the noise.
I can see sunny bit jongseokie and he ptobably cry or he hit her back
Hello. I reread this again and now I'm smiling like an idiot for their idiotness. Lol. Hope to read more soon.
Earthh #10
Chapter 76: Yaaay , update ! Sooo cute chapter ><