Christmas Card

There’s a manic, deranged little glint in Yixing’s eye that Jongdae’s only accustomed to seeing when he hasn’t had enough sleep, and that is worrying. Not that he can say anything about it, though, because then he’ll only get accused of being a party-pooper and not getting into the Christmas spirit.
Which is complete bull, because he is totally into Christmas and all that entails. He’s just not sure why they have to take a photo for a custom Christmas card when they could just buy them and be done with it, but he’s long since learnt you don’t argue with Yixing in this kind of mood. He’s not good at listening to sense at the best of times.
And honestly, if wearing a Christmas hat and keeping Sunhwa from biting Jongseok in revenge for his theft of her advent calendar is enough to keep him happy, he’s all for it.
“Okay!” Yixing calls, clapping his hands for attention. Shang just gives him a bored look, having already registered all seventy-five of his complaints about this stupid hipster idea (as he calls it). Jongdae can’t really argue with him. It is both stupid, and slightly hipster, but Yixing wants to do it, so they’re doing it.
It just gives him more leverage to manoeuvre for his own Christmas requests.
“Everyone stay right where you are, I’m going to set the camera’s timer so I can be in the photo too.” Jongseok flops onto his stomach, losing patience with this photo-taking. Usually he’s a bit of a camera- – all of the children are, seeing as attention is like a drug to them (Yixing blames Jongdae’s influence) – but today, he’d rather be watching Home Alone. Kevin really gets him on a spiritual level, if you ask Jongseok.
Jongdae takes the chance to readjust Sunhwa’s reindeer antlers, but resigns himself to the fact that she’s not going to look happy. She hasn’t had her nap yet – he can see that she’s overtired, but Yixing swore this would take half an hour at most. Of course, that was two hours ago, but Jongdae’s used to things taking a lot longer than they should.
Sometimes it works out well. Like when he and Yixing just happen to be in the shower together, and things get a bit steamy. It’s not his fault they get carried away, now, is it?
Shang sighs, unimpressed by his father’s lame attempts to get the camera to work. How can his parents be so pathetic? You’d think they’d be way more awesome, seeing as they produced him as a child. “Ba, that’s the wrong button.” He calls, taking the camera from his father. “You need to go into the settings and – yeah.” He sets the timer, reasoning that the quicker they do this, the quicker he can get back to his Xbox. Or maybe his guitar. He’s not sure really – he just knows he’d rather be anywhere than here.
“Thanks, darling,” Yixing smiles at him, ruffling his hair – because Shang might be eleven and rapidly turning into the grumpiest preteen he’s ever seen – but he’s still utterly adorable when he wants to be. Especially in an elf hat.
Shang grunts in response, shuffling back to his spot beside Jongdae, who’s wrestling Sunhwa away from Jongseok yet again. Yixing skids to a halt next to his partner, shouting “Smile!” as the camera flashes.
Everyone blinks a bit, blinded by the too-bright light. Yixing grins in satisfaction. Finally, he’s going to have a picture of his family to rival all those perfectly-edited adverts in the magazines. It’s going to be great, and then he can brag to Jongin about how photogenic his family is compared to Jongin’s quite obviously inferior offspring.
“Okay, well, if we’re done here, I’m off – “ Shang starts, but Yixing snorts. So naïve.
“Get back into your position,” Yixing says warningly, fingers digging into Shang’s shoulder; Shang gulps. “We need to do at least three, so we can pick the best one.”
Internally, Jongdae groans. . This could – scratch that – will take forever. He’s beginning to regret agreeing to this little Christmas obsession of Yixing’s. “Baby,” he nudges Yixing, afraid he’s going to bruise Shang if he holds on that tightly. “Let him go. He’s got to work the camera.”
Shang is released, but neither he nor Jongdae like the dangerous glimmer in Yixing’s eyes.
It takes another hour for Yixing to take several more photos, and Jongdae is really wondering why they didn’t just ask someone to take the damned photo for them, but that would be logical, and when has this family ever done anything that had a whiff of common sense about it?
The youngest two have devolved into a snarling mess on the floor; Jongdae did try to detach them from one another, but they both seemed to be holding their own and so he’s given up. They’ll stop fighting eventually.
He thinks so, anyway.
Yixing grabs the camera, eager to see how well the photos have turned out. Jongdae tenses, hoping they’ve gone as well as Yixing wants them to, or – well, they’ll have to do it all over again. And he’s pretty sure none of them are willing to do that. Especially now Jongseok’s just managed to rip Sunhwa’s reindeer antlers in two.
Oh dear. Might be time to separate them, after all.
“How the hell did this happen?” Yixing demands, shoving the camera in Jongdae’s hands. He does not look pleased.
Jongdae winces, looking down at the screen. Instead of the picture of a happy, smiling family he'd really, really been hoping to see, there's a scene of total chaos. Shang looks as if he's about to fall asleep, elf hat at an odd angle, while Sunhwa - ever the little drama queen - has her little jaws clamped down around Jongseok's wrist, as he yowls in pain. Whoops. Jongdae should probably have noticed that one. 
Yixing is the only one even attempting to smile.
He laughs nervously. "Well, at least this actually representative of our family?"
Judging by the stormy look on Yixing's face, his little comment is not appreciated. .
For fs2619.
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Johnson94 #1
Love this fic
Chapter 74: Yixing and Jongdae really have a healthy life, I can’t imagine many parents being like Chenlay I mean are they always ? I mean they always want to do it and in any change they can they do it, they really like to show their love through .
Ahh sleepovers are the best obviously when you are with your friends, I think is something that every girl should do with their friends.
Poor Kyungmi, Jongdae doesn’t care she is pregnant right? If he could he would make Kyungmi to the sleepover to prepare the party and he doesn’t have to do anything, although I can imagine kyungmi suggested sunny the sleepover to annoy Jongdae
I understand why sunny invited those kids but is weird I don’t know you don’t invite people you don’t like to your house or to sleepover, but well if you want to belong some group you do what you have to do.
Sunny is a smart kid I like her a lot I mean she know she is normal but in this time someone is special is he/she is different to what people think is normal.
Whoa Yixing having mean thoughts is really nice and interesting he should have more mean thoughts, and throw the kids to the street is pretty mean but in that moment seems a good alternative, but the kids doesn’t have the fault, the fault is on her parents who think they have the right to jugde other families and that happens a lot even in heteroual families.
I can imagine all sunny friends being in love with shang hahaha, Millie can developed a crush on Shang because that’s really common when your friend have a y older brother, and ask sunny to go to their house to play or do homework only because she want to see Shang, the funniest thing is I can see Shang being nice with Millie and making her loving him more.
Chapter 73: Ahh i miss this story a lot
My chenlay feelings
Are you back at school? i havent seen any alert from you
Shang can ask Jongdae anything because Jongdae is going to have “daddy guilt” for not being at his son´s birthday … Jongdae want the bonus to buy toys or weird thing probably
Poor Jongdae, when you live with your family is a must that they eat or drink your things even if you put your name on it.
Jongdae the responsible dad here he comes … poor Kyungmi I can imagine like that because it’s kind of a mom thing crying in those events like 15 here in Latin America or your wedding and they always say the grew up so fast.
When your dad or mom are drunk is also the moment you can ask for money, things or verything they only bad thing is that they start to remember all the embarrassing moments in your life and in their lifes
EvvA_chRome #4
Chapter 14: I'm trying really hard not to leave a comment so often at every freaking chapter but this one is just ASDFKJKL. I'm laughing so much at this HOW. DO. YOU. WRITE. SO. NICELY.???!!!
EvvA_chRome #5
Chapter 3: I come to read this chapter again and this is so ridiculously cute. I've been grinning to myself ever since! We have a newborn in our family lately and choosing name is proven to be the hardest!!
Chapter 72: This is so angsty poor kyungmi even for a strong woman like her
Thank you matthy came and well is nice to see how much he was expect it because most of us we were susprises for our parents
Chapter 71: Yixing is sheldon from the big bang theory haahahha you offers tea when someone is sad but i dont imagine sunny liking tea and not in tha kind of moment.
Ahh yixing is so sweet hr would cry well so its good yixing is not there when sunny came and tell his dad what happened and jongdae is the best dad
Jongdae discovers the benefits of being grandpa naugthy jongdae
What is the meaning of sunny daugthers name? Is greek ?
The things that happen to sunny means law not adavance since jongdae and yixings time i mean law is still no proct her and her daugther even if is another time?
Chapter 70: Hiii
This chapter makes me remmember when i fight with my little brother and my mom let us fight till she get mad for all the noise.
I can see sunny bit jongseokie and he ptobably cry or he hit her back
Hello. I reread this again and now I'm smiling like an idiot for their idiotness. Lol. Hope to read more soon.
Earthh #10
Chapter 76: Yaaay , update ! Sooo cute chapter ><