EntrY 6

Assigned To You-

AAA, Diary Six, Aera

Monday, 26 August, 2013

Dear Diary,

I don’t know if it should be a good thing or not, but I am still stuck in solid-spirit form, and am still the guardian angel of the pretty boy, whose attitude seem to improve by a few notches. I’m glad for that. The family seems to be gradually accepting the fact that they are a whole family, no longer just two men, and for that, my spirits lift. Currently unemployed, sometimes I will sneak a one-to-one chat with Mrs Oh as the other two members of the family are busy doing homework or whatever. Our relationship is closer now, and we talk a lot about Se Hun, especially. Well, his mother does, anyway. She’s awful proud to have a wondrous son like him, and I can’t help but to agree. He still is nearly perfect, like most main guy characters of a romance novel, although sometimes he still is a jerk. Like how he orders me to carry his soccer ball since he claims that I have ‘nothing to do’. And the fact that he orders me to chase after the damn ball when it flies out of the soccer field.

I trudge beside Se Hun on his way to school as usual with Kai and Cheyenne. Cheyenne is happy for me for solving my problem so really quickly, said she, but hers still seem to be far from the end. Maybe I should try my best to offer some help when I can.

“Se Hun!” Hae Ri waves enthusiastically at my ward, who grins-oh-so-beautifully that it makes my heart skip once and swoon, and kisses her on the cheek this time round. They didn’t kiss on the lips, but yet, something heavy settles in my stomach. I don’t know what, though. This feeling… I frown at Se Hun’s popular girlfriend, whose smiles seem to be a little off today. Usually, it is genuine-like, but today, her twinkling laughs appear to be a tiny bit forced as Se Hun shares a joke with his her and his peers. On second thoughts, is this the first time I saw her like this? I try to recall the past; anything about her being off and…I don’t know…

I say nothing as I walk slowly behind the big group of hotties with Cheyenne. I continue to observe Se Hun and Hae Ri, since I am bored. I nudge Cheyenne deep in her ribs. She winces as she glares menacingly at me.

“Don’t you think she’s a little strange today?” I whisper, gesturing to the long-haired girl in front of me. Cheyenne arches a brow in question as she scrutinizes Hae Ri from behind.

“Really? I don’t know, maybe? In what way, though?” She her head at me.

“Can’t you tell? Her actions, laughter, smiles…They seem a little...unusual,” I murmur. My BFF’s thin brows knit this time, and she stares even harder at my ward’s girlfriend. She lifts one shoulder at the end of her inspection, and gives me an apologetic smile.

“Sorry, girlfriend, but I can’t really tell. I’ve never been really attentive to her in the first place,” she says. I sigh in defeat and wave it off casually. Never mind, it’s probably just my imagination, anyway.

“Hey, where are ya going?” Cheyenne catches my arm. I stop and turn back to face her.

“Into class, of course,” I say, surprised that she should ask. Cheyenne narrows her eyes suspiciously at me.

“You never attend a class with them, there’s something going on.” She folds her arms in a tell-me way. I frown and shrug. Sometimes, I too think that there really is something wrong with me. And yeah, I hardly listen to boring lessons with Se Hun, so why am I heading for his classroom now?

“I honestly have no idea. But can you just accompany me?” I grin angelically, pleading my Eurasian BFF to join me. She opens to say something, but gives up.

“Maybe it’ll do me some good; I’ve nearly forgotten what a circle is.” Cheyenne sighs as she hastens her footsteps to keep up with me. I grin at her exaggeration. Who forgets what a circle is? Even after centuries?

“Well, I guess you can pick up stuff now, then. What did they teach you back then?” I ask. Cheyenne bumps me with her hip.

“Girls don’t attend school in my time.” She huffed. I widen my eyes in shock.

“You’re that old?” I gasp mockingly. Cheyenne’s face twists and she shoots purple daggers at me. (OH, I didn’t mention she had violent eyes, did I? OMG, they’re so unique, I can’t believe I forgot. Blame the excitements from earlier.__. I’m innocent!)

“Do you want a taste of this?” She raises her clenched fist. “For your information, I’m the same age as you, sixteen. You make me sound like I’m over three hundred years old.”

“Oh nono, thank you. Your generosity is well appreciated.” I push her fist away from my face. “But in truth, you’re well over a hundred, yes?” She’s told me before, she died about a two hundred years back, I think. Probably the nineteenth century. We have one great big gap difference, but because she passed away young due to some illness, she still remains in her sixteen year old skin, never aging again. I guess women will love that, anti-aging skin. Ha.

“Yeah, but that is something I don’t wanna think about. Compared to now, the toilets there were just a plain old, smelly hole.” She scrunches up her nose in disgust as she flashbacks. I giggle. Se Hun casts a curious look over his shoulder, then, and our eyes meet. His scorching gaze turns my insides to melted chocolate as I break the contact first by staring at his entwined hand. I shouldn’t have. The sight of the couple’s fitting hands turns my once-liquefied insides to stone. I sink my nails into the soccer ball I am still holding on to. , what am I daydreaming about? Is this the typical ‘Jealousy’?

Students settle themselves comfortably down into their plastic chairs as I continue to stare at Hae Ri from behind. At my request, Cheyenne observes too, stealing glances at Kai along the way, most likely to make sure he is okay.


The day flies past in a blur of lessons, soccer, and romantic phrases. Who knew that cool, cold boy could be so romantic? If he knew his girlfriend was acting weird today, he didn’t show it. I watch as Hae Ri’s hand go slack in her boyfriend’s rather huge ones and drop it like hot potato when they reach the front gate. I frown. She whispers something I can’t quite make out in Se Hun’s ear, and after giving him a chaste peck on the cheek, she turns and runs back into school. Cheek…? She kisses on the lips, doesn’t she? I’ve seen enough PG-13 stuff regarding those two. And I know Hae Ri never, like ever, kisses farewell on the cheeks…

Why is she so seemingly joyful? And why is she going back into school? I know her stuff is none of my business, but still, something is gnawing at my mind, and I am suddenly compelled to follow her. My head follows her as she whisks past me until she is out of sight before Se Hun snaps his fingers and raises a questioning brow at me.

“Can we go now, old lady?” I scowl at his words, momentarily distracted. What?

“Old lady? I’m the same age as you, Oh Se Hun. If I’m ‘old lady’, then you’re old man?” I scoff. Se Hun eyes narrows a little.

“No, obviously I’m too young-looking to be mistaken as an old man.”

I draw my hands to my hips, irritation starting to get to me.“Oh, you’re implying that I look as if I’m ninety?” What a remark. He should keep it to himself, no matter how bad I look.

Se Hun’s brows form a slight V. “Um, no. Just that you’re clumsy.” Clumsy?

“How am I clumsy? Care to elaborate?” I retort. He is seriously trying to insult me, huh? This idiot… Se Hun looks down at himself and back to me again. His lips lift into a smirk. “Oh, and not to mention, forgetful, too. Think you need a check-up.” He emphasizes. “Don’t you think you’re missing something?”

“What? What?” I pat myself instinctively. What am I missing? I didn’t even bring anything out with me, since I didn’t need anything.

Se Hun sighs in mock defeat. “Where’s my soccer ball I said you were in charge of?” he asks. Oh…OH!

“Dang! I must have left it in class…” I smile sheepishly at my ward after smacking my forehead hard; creating a way-too-loud smack that causes people to look over at nothing. Se Hun’s grin widens and I can’t help but to giggle softly.

“Wow, you’re laughing at yourself for being an old lady? Are you going to hobble back to retrieve my ball, madam? You need you walking stick?” Se Hun folds his arms and casts a glance at his watch. “How long must I wait?”

“I’ll be back in a minute,” I mutter, embarrassingly, and head back to the school, after the cold trail of Hae Ri.

I find the hexagon-dotted ball in Se Hun’s classroom and pick it up tenderly, like as if it was some newfound treasure. I step out of the classroom and close the door after me softly, and am heading for the staircase, which is a few classrooms away, when I hear a fairly loud moan with nearing steps. I stop in surprise, wondering who is still in school after dismissal. A cleaner, maybe? I turn around the corner, and halt in complete, utter shock.

I cannot tear my eyes off the scene before me as the pair, only a few meters away from me, oblivious to their surroundings, locks lips passionately. I am sure my jaw unhinges itself as I stare, dumbfounded.

One thousand…

Two thousand…

Tick, tick, tick…

I don’t know for how long I stood there, rooted to the hard concrete ground, ball slack in hands, gaping wide enough to attract flies.

My shock slowly converts to white, hot anger that boils within me like a witch’s witchy cauldron as I shake my head vigorously, horrified-petrified, at what I am seeing. The girl’s body presses against some random guy’s hard, melding. I recognize the long, light brown hair that cascades over the girl’s back, and the perfect figure not everyone in school possesses. It is as clear as crystal in broad daylight.

Hae Ri. Lips to lips with another guy who is not my ward. No wonder she had seemed so fidgety today. She had been cheating. And just minutes ago, she was kissing Se Hun on the cheek and dumping him to have a little tryst with her other boyfriend.


My nails dig crescent moons into my palm, hard enough to almost draw blood, as I hug the ball in my hands tighter, squeezing and compressing it, taking it as a stress reliever. Why didn’t she just break up with Se Hun before she snogs another guy? Se Hun is going to be so, so upset, now that he is just starting to recover from his pain of losing his mother. I’m glad Se Hun isn’t here to witness this right this moment. Should I even tell him? I don’t want him devastated…Nonono. I am oh-so-ready to give the a smack on the pale, smooth cheek of hers she’ll never forget. Just imagine the imprint of my hand on her fair cheek. It would be distinctive, and so very pleasing. These are evil thoughts, I am aware of that, but right now? Like hell I care! She is hurting Se Hun! Someone I…I…I treasure…I think. Geez, that’s not the point!

I watch the pair explore each other’s curves with their hands…WTH. My anger is no longer liquid. It is too boiling hot… Hot until steam is sprouting out of my ears and nostrils. This will become a R-rated scene soon…

Holding back my urge to break the kiss right now and give that the slap she deserves, I turn, to find Se Hun just a meter or so away from me. My eyes widen. “S-S-S-Se Hun! W-what are you doing here? I thought you were going to wait o-outside?” I let out an awkward laugh as I catch his arm hurriedly and start dragging him back from where he came from. He tries to free his arm.

“Hey, what are you doing? I just came along to find you since Kai said he had to return home, and I dislike waiting alone. Plus, you were taking your own sweet time,” he utters crossly as I refuse to free his arm, tightening my grip instead. He cannot-absolutely cannot catch a single glimpse of… of his GF cheating on him.

He gives a powerful jerk, and his muscular arm slips right out of my grasp, easy as ABC. He frowns at me. “Where are you going?”

“Back, of course!” I reply, trying to push him along, anywhere so long as he is away from that terrible scene. Se Hun plants his feet onto the ground stubbornly.

“We can descend from the other staircase. I thought you knew that one was so much closer.” He dodges my hands and saunter towards the staircase, where the two is probably still kissing like they’ve never seen each other since the Middle Ages. I pounce on him, alarm bells ringing, but all too late. The soccer ball hits the ground with dull thuds as Se Hun freezes in his path like as if he’s been placed in a freezer for forever. I knock headfirst into him and curse as I screw my eyes shut. Nonono…no. I pray for some invisibility spell for the enraging pair as I slowly look up sideways to gauge my ward’s expression.

Hurt, anger and something I cannot decipher quite accurately flashes in his eyes as his face contorts in pain. The couple looks up, startled, as the ball meets the ground, and Hae Ri’s already pale face blanches to pure ghost-white.

“Se Hun…” She starts.

“Se Hun!” I shout, interrupting her-silently, considering I’m invisible, as he turns immediately and speeds for the staircase he refused to use earlier. My heart clenches as I watch his back increase in distance and send a scathing glare Hae Ri’s way, who is already running over, leaving the other dude far behind. Ignoring her, I spread my wings and jump over the wall’s safety railing, plummeting down to Earth.


Se Hun is long gone when I reach the traffic light that is directly in front of his school. I swing my head around anxiously, searching for his shadow, at least. No Se Hun, no shadow. I soar over the traffic junction and towards his home, desperately wishing he is safe, at least. What if he was hurt so badly, he decides to do something rash? I don’t even want to think about it.

“Se Hun! Se Hun, c’mon, where are you?” I yell as I scan the streets below me, on a lookout for a high school student with a sling bag and gorgeous brown hair. “Se Hun…” I exhale in relief as I spot the familiar slumping lean figure walking dejectedly across the road home. I start to swoop down towards him. A movement from the corner of my eye catches my attention, and my eyes widen in pure horror.

A speeding car.

God, no. Never.

“SE HUN!” I cry in warning as he continues moving blindly. I feel the wind whipping through my wings and my eyes tearing a little as I give in to gravity to pull me down. The distance between Se Hun and the vehicle is closing dangerously, and I can only hope I am in time to save his life…

The horn blares loud, echoing throughout the neighborhood. I hit Se Hun with impact that sends him lurching forward as my outstretched arms hook around his firm body as I try to lift him up. No, too heavy for me. The failed attempt causes us to lose balance as my legs flail and my back kisses the stony floor with Se Hun’s full weight compressing me. “Ah…” I groan in pain, though I am conscious that Se Hun may have been injured worse.

The reckless driver curses at us and continue speeding away without so much as an apology. That damn person, he nearly had my ward land in the exact same fate as I did! My world would shatter then, and I’ll be a lingering ghost on Earth forever. Fear causes my heart to accelerate as I try to visualize Se Hun in a hospital bed, a bloody mess and probably never waking up again. I shiver at the gruesome scene, and my heart seems to hurt like as if a knife had pierced through it.

“Ah…” Se Hun echoes me in agony as he lifts himself up from me and stares deeply into my eyes. Apparent fear is flashing in his eyes as he inhales deeply from the shock. He leaps up and grabs firm hold of my arm. He gives a tug, and looks me over carefully, a measure of concern evident in his enchanting brown depths. “Aera…Lord, are you okay?” He pins me with his intense gaze. I nod mutely and glare at him.

My fist connects with his rock-hard chest and he staggers back a few steps on the grey pavement. His eyes find mine again, bewildered.

“You…You idiot! You bastard! You could have…Died! Died!” I’m surprised when I feel tears coursing down my cheeks, uncontrollable and impossible to stop. It had been such a close shave…Too close, in fact. I could have sworn I felt the cool metal of the car brush against my skin.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking,” Se Hun whispers, moving closer till I can feel his body heat radiating, invading my personal space. His eyes are wide as he stares helplessly at me. Slowly, hesitantly, he reaches out a hand to brush his fingers against my cheeks. I jolt at the electricity that runs along his fingers to my face. I blink up at him, willing the tears to stop so that I can see him better. He gives me a look, as if asking for my permission, before he leans in and wraps his toned arms around my shaking frame. My eyes enlarge this time, as he brings his lips to my ear. “Thank you, for saving my life,” he murmurs, his hot breath tickling my ear, and inviting goose pimples. His voice sent a delicious shiver down my back, and I snuggle unconsciously into his embrace, his warmth. I wish I can remain in those arms forever, but that’s just my silly thoughts. Now I know why I’m still a guardian angel. I have incomplete work to be done.

Of course. But how the hell am I supposed to solve this problematic BGR?

Frustrated, and raging with flames as high as Mt. Everest,

AeRa~ 8/

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Chapter 12: Ohh sooo good! This story feels so real!! Good job, author-nim!! Jjang!!^^
MythicalBeing #2
Uh reagarding that...The sequel's kinda happenning at the same time with the first book,so...Not yet, that's all I'm implying;D
Waffle_Berry #3
Chapter 11: Sequel!!!!! And if u decided to make one can u make one that has the story of sehun and aera at school, thanks for the story ^^
Chapter 11: Oh goodness, this is lovely! I love how you wrote this~ I'm sad it's over (because I obviously want more) so a sequel would be wonderful! I love Cheyenne's character. Wow I said love three times (make that four) :P
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 11: Awwww. She became a human finally, haha, done reading this one, looove it :)
Chapter 11: can you write a story about what happened to sehun and aera afterward
MythicalBeing #7
In reply to eu awesome ppl:
WOAH...Your comments make my day^^ YEE.
Regarding the sequel...It'll most likely be about Cheyenne's love story and in her POV. OHH, creative ideas eu have...IDK, coz her story's harder to write, so lemme think kay? It'll take a while T.T
Chapter 11: Fast reading from entry 6 to tge end wooossshhh
Great author-nim!!!! Aera now is a full mortal!! Congrats sehun, treat her well ;)
I wonder about our Cheyenne..... can she be mortal again? Maybe aera and sehun should marry and have a baby and that baby is cheyenne's reincarnation hahaha (but i like cheyenne-kai)
Sequellllll pls
Wonderful story~<3
Waffle_Berry #9
Chapter 11: ILISM, I need to get a sequel, pls have a sequel about sehun's diary and how the school drama begins, thanks fpr the beautiful story author nim ^^