Personal Message

The anticipation of spotting those black notice boxes with orange words on the top of your page is profound...For me. Should be normal that I jump and squeal like a five-years-old if I see one, right...? LOLS~

I thank whoever who takes the precious time to read the rubbish I have to blabber about^^ Think you must be bored or sth...


"It is human nature to fear the dead, but it is the living who are capable of malice, evil, and utter destruction."-

From a book which is aweshum that I've fallen in love with I have a thing for quotes by people like the one above ↑, too...


About Me

I didn't really think about a biography much, but I'm compelled to, despite the piling amount of damn homework I have from school._. After all, a mythical being's supposed to be discreet;)

Anyway...HAIII!!! The intro finally starts^^ *Rolls eyes* Firstly...

Things I like best:

1) Reading. Story books. Usually English, but it's time I read Chinese too...

2)Music! Music is part of our life...Even if you aren't musically inclined. After all, you hear somebody singing randomly at times and you listen and sing to your national anthm to right? Well, we do in here.

3) OH, stories♡ Both writing and reading. Writing a story of your own is so damn cool. Even better if people read it and enjoy it^^ Wanna be a part time author someday...And have at least a book published.

4)OMG this is crucial. I ABSOLUTELY ♡♥♡♥ EXO!!!! *screams and fangurls* They're so freakin' AWESHUM!!!!! Hot♡

Things I hate:

Math. It is the worst of the worst subject i can ever be in. I'm a language type of yeah...Hate calculations...Never ask me a math question, whatever you do. I'll take ages to answer.

++Anyway, the conclusion is that I procrastinate-and still get my HW done in time, I'm aweshum:)- I'm infatuated with quite a lot, especially those I've just mentioned, and Craji runs in my blood~~
