EntrY 1

Assigned To You-

AAA (As An Angel), Diary One, Aera

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dear Diary,

And so, I’ve turned into a ‘trainee’ guardian angel overnight, a person who lingers on the edge of the ‘Afterlife’ and the ‘Present’. How awesome is that? :/ I thought I’d keep records of my ‘angel adventure’, since if I ever do wake up from that awful accident again, I might not actually believe I helped someone move on from his or her whatever problems and technically ‘resurrected’. Well, not that I’m never waking up again.

Speaking of, I’m still waiting to meet my ward. All I know is that he is a guy named Oh Se Hun and that he studies in the school that is currently looming over me. Interesting.

I perch on the roof of the school, admiring the view of the mostly dark tops of the sea of students’ heads. There was a speck of blonde and other colors here and there. Had I been a normal mortal, I wouldn’t even dare to climb up all the way to the rooftop, much less sway my legs like as if I’m only sitting in a chair and listening to boring old lessons. Maybe I can just take this task as a holiday from school, not that I hate it, but the outrageous amount of homework they give piles up to the sky. I guess becoming an angel has its benefits, but remaining like that has never crossed my mind.

“Aera!” I look up to see my new friend, Cheyenne, flying towards me at the speed of lightning. She is an official guardian angel, sent to help someone overcome their difficulties like me. I’d bumped into her while scanning the streets of my ward’s neighborhood, a new surrounding, earlier. We became friends straight away, since we would most likely see each other often with both our wards studying in the same school and living on the same district.

“Hi, Cheyenne!” I grin, waving. She stops before me, her magnificent wings beating, her cheeks red from flying too fast. Did I mention flying is an awesome sensation? Too bad human technology has not reached the level where we can take the sky. “What’s up?”

“Oh, I think our wards are heading for the soccer field. You coming?” she asks, gesturing to the nearby field. I shrug nonchalantly.

“Might as well meet my ward and say hello.” I lift myself off the rooftop and follow Cheyenne to sit on the goal net. Several footballers rush past us after the blur of black and white.

“Kai hyung!” Someone’s voice sends tingles down my back as I squint at the source of that voice. A tall guy with caramel-brown locks waves his arms, signaling to the one with the ball that he is open. I stare hard at him, trying to distinguish his features which were mostly concealed by his wet strands of hair. I jump when Cheyenne nudges me in the ribs.

“That guy with the ball, he’s my ward. You found yours?” She keeps her eyes on the game-or maybe her guy-as she whispers her discovery to me. “Man, he’s one of the hottest wards I’ve ever gotten.” I raise my brows. Typical. My eyes scan the running teams again, looking for my possible-ward. The ball flies straight into the net we were sitting on, and Cheyenne’s ward yells, pumping his fist into the air.

“YES! Good job, Hunnie!” Who-what?

“Se Hun, you’re such a pro.” Another blonde guy, slightly shorter than my ward, ruffles his hair intimately. Se Hun…Well, that confirms my suspicions. If only he would come closer…

“I found mine, too.” I lean in closer to Cheyenne, inclining my head at Se Hun. Her brows shoot up, and she rakes her eyes over my ward.

“Can’t see him clearly…Anyway, the game is ending soon,” she grumbles, casting a weary look over her shoulder at the crowd of fan girls behind the gate. “Must they be so popular? Their fans are damn noisy.” I shrug, eyeing the crowd.

“They’re hot soccer stars; of course they’d be popular. I mean, isn’t there always the ‘Elite Group’ in schools?” Cheyenne wiggles her plucked brown brows in my direction.

“I actually thought you were immune to ‘hotness’. Guess not.” She chuckles softly, and I make a face. Cheyenne drags her eyes back to the game. “Hey, I think it’s over.”

“See you guys Monday!” We watch the ‘elite’ group of jockeys wave their goodbyes as they separate to their different routes home. Cheyenne and I fly after our wards, giggling as we pass over drooling fans. Typical. Our wards manage to squeeze past their ‘terrific’ fans as they babble about random stuff that guys are interested in while strolling down the grey pavement.


“Aw, I was actually hoping they lived together, or in the same block, at least,” Cheyenne says, giving me a pitiful look. She envelopes me in her arms, “See you tomorrow, then?” I nod, returning the warm hug. She gives me a peck on the cheek in a friendly gesture, and we hurry to catch up with our mortals.

Se Hun unlocks a whitewash door and troops in. I slide past him before he can lock me out. I take my time to inspect the house. It is a simple 3-room apartment flat, but everything is clean and immaculate. I wonder if Se Hun did all the household chores. I follow Se Hun into his room, nodding at stuff like bookshelves, tables…Basically his whole room. It is pretty orderly, too, just slightly more boyish with the dark blue walls.

I ignore my ward for the time being as he grabs a few things from his closet and disappears behind a door connected to his room. Okay, time for the anticipated meeting. I visualize the steps as I head for the door he just went through.

First, I’ll show myself to him, since angels are invisible to mortal eyes unless they agree to show themselves.

Second, introduce myself.

Third, ‘scan’ him to find out what I am supposed to do.

Fourth, help him solve his whatever problem by the end of this year, and disappear back to my mortal body, that is, if I am lucky enough to pass this test. Perfect.

I rap on the door thrice before I burse in, my friendly greeting already on the tip of my tongue, ready to slip out any moment. “Hi…!” I freeze as Se Hun’s head snaps towards me, eyes enlarging. The room is steamy, and I feel that my face is about to explode from heat as I take in his current situation. He is practically wearing his birthday suit, enjoying his bath in his foamy tub before I burst in without much of a warning. Oopsie…


Gawd, I’m so sorry! Enjoy you bath!” I blurt out, spinning a full 360 degrees before I slam the door behind me, hyperventilating like as if I just ran a marathon. I clutch my head, which was aching at the temples, as I lean against the door of the bathroom, trying to cool myself down. This has got to be the most embarrassing day of my life, mortal or no. He should have hung a signboard on the same whitewash door or, at least, change a different door so that I would know it isn’t another bedroom. Well, my first step of completing my task properly has just gone haywire, literally.

“Eek!” I shriek as the door against my back opens, and I fall backwards to hit someone’s stone-hard chest. Youch… I turn around slowly, cursing under my breath as I smile awkwardly at my ward, who is a whole head or so taller than me. For the first time ever, I take a proper look at his features, and my breath hitches.

Hot, hot, hot… way much hotter than those egoistic pompous guys back in school…What the hell am I thinking? I swallow nervously as I meet his shocked, with a mix of suspicion, gaze and raise a hand in a half-wave.

“Um, hi?” I start.

“Who are you?” He takes a step back defensively. “Are you another one of the soccer fans? Did you stalk me home? How did you even get in?” I am being bombarded with questions as he narrows his dark eyes. I shiver as I stare into them. They are…cold, distant, rather reserved. And they hold something I can’t really decipher. Is that hatred?

“Uh, first, I am not some bad guy come to kidnap you or anything, so you don’t have to be in that…stance. Second, I’m Aera, and I’m you guardian angel,” I add, “in training.” Which isn’t really necessary. The look on his face tells me that he thinks I am a retard, or am lying. Like I am? Were angels so hard to believe in? I believed in them ever since I was born. And I used to believe I had a guardian angel, too. Now, I am one.

“Why don’t you try coming up with a better lie? Guardian angels? Next minute, you’ll be telling me you’re Cupid.” He scoffs, but his body relaxes a little. “Spill. How did you enter my house?” His voice isn’t polite, isn’t friendly, full of suspicion and menace now, and I don’t like it one bit. I hate rude guys with big egos, or those who are damn annoying. This guy better not be one of those narcissistic creations. And what is with that I-hate-you-so-much look? I just stumbled into his bathroom while he was showering…It’s not like I saw anything…Maybe except for that stunning upper half body of his…Argh.

“I am not lying. I am a guardian angel-in-training sent to help you so that I can pass a freaking test and get my thread of life unwound! And, I followed you into your house. We can choose to not show ourselves to mortals,” I say hotly.

Se Hun’s brows raise, and he folds his arm. “Okay, so are guardian angels supposed to be erts?” I feel my face instantly redden, and I splutter.

“N-no! That was an accident. I didn’t mean to burse in all of a sudden into your bathroom. I thought it was just another bedroom, since all the doors were the same…” I try to fight for my innocence as Se Hun flicks a dismissive hand my direction.

“Okay, let’s just say I believe you. As you can see, I am very well, and I don’t need some girl to help me with whatever problems I have. You may leave, and I’ll forget I ever met you.” He makes a please-leave gesture towards his bedroom door with a flourish of his arm. I try to focus on his words and ignore the rippling muscles beneath that skin as I look at him squarely in the eyes.

“Please get this, will you? I am sent to you as a task I must complete to get my life back. I didn’t choose you as my ward. I don’t know what problems you have currently in your life, but I’m supposed to find out and help you with it so that I can pass!” I snap, irritated. Is he discriminating girls, or what?

“Your task has nothing got to do with me. I do not have a midlife crisis. I won’t be sending you.” He makes another gesture towards the door. I scowl. Despite his awesome angel face, I hate his attitude. Why are angel-faced people always like that? I stamp my foot childishly, miffed. It is obvious that this isn’t going to work soon, and I may as well save me some cranky remark.

“Idiot, I’ll be back soon,” I hiss, stomp to the door and exits the room.

“You don’t have to come back!” That bastard calls after me as the door shuts him out after me. Like as if I can not come back? It isn’t my choice to make. Either I complete this task, or die.

Heartless brat. He doesn’t even care about lost lives, does he? Why can’t he cooperate so I can get my precious life back and scram out of his life for good?

Note to self: Guys with egos as big as the galaxy . Bastards like this ward of mine are officially crossed out in my list. :/



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Chapter 12: Ohh sooo good! This story feels so real!! Good job, author-nim!! Jjang!!^^
MythicalBeing #2
Uh reagarding that...The sequel's kinda happenning at the same time with the first book,so...Not yet, that's all I'm implying;D
Waffle_Berry #3
Chapter 11: Sequel!!!!! And if u decided to make one can u make one that has the story of sehun and aera at school, thanks for the story ^^
Chapter 11: Oh goodness, this is lovely! I love how you wrote this~ I'm sad it's over (because I obviously want more) so a sequel would be wonderful! I love Cheyenne's character. Wow I said love three times (make that four) :P
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 11: Awwww. She became a human finally, haha, done reading this one, looove it :)
Chapter 11: can you write a story about what happened to sehun and aera afterward
MythicalBeing #7
In reply to eu awesome ppl:
WOAH...Your comments make my day^^ YEE.
Regarding the sequel...It'll most likely be about Cheyenne's love story and in her POV. OHH, creative ideas eu have...IDK, coz her story's harder to write, so lemme think kay? It'll take a while T.T
Chapter 11: Fast reading from entry 6 to tge end wooossshhh
Great author-nim!!!! Aera now is a full mortal!! Congrats sehun, treat her well ;)
I wonder about our Cheyenne..... can she be mortal again? Maybe aera and sehun should marry and have a baby and that baby is cheyenne's reincarnation hahaha (but i like cheyenne-kai)
Sequellllll pls
Wonderful story~<3
Waffle_Berry #9
Chapter 11: ILISM, I need to get a sequel, pls have a sequel about sehun's diary and how the school drama begins, thanks fpr the beautiful story author nim ^^