
Falling for You...AGAIN?!

Chapter 4: Friends…right?

“Oh, you have a nice office Park Sae Ri. Everything’s in order, so not you HAHA”

“Yah, I’m going inside okay?”

“Oooh. So cool. Blue. But why is this so clean? You’re not tidy enough. Do you make Soy clean this up every single day?”

“Why are you ignoring me? It’s not the way to welcome a guest”

“I’m sitting in this couch, ooh so comfortable!! Where did you buy this? I’m getting this for my own office”

“What are you doing? What are you writing? Is that your planner? Oooh so you did change huh? Planning everything?”

Sae Ri swears that her head will definitely blow up if the man sitting on her couch won’t stop talking right now.  The moment she saw Baekhyun in her office lobby she felt her eye twitch in annoyance. She just walked past him and went straight to her own office, not minding him who’s following her.

“Are these the photos of the weddings you took care of? Interesting… But I prefer just putting it in an album instead of posting it here on your wall, it might fall and knowing you, it might get lost too. It’s a shame if it does”

Baekhyun kept on talking nonstop even though Sae Ri is ignoring him. He went to complimenting the interior of her office down to insulting her own writing. To remain her cool, Sae Ri just kept silent. She’s afraid she might kill him once she reacted to what he’s saying.

In his endless blabbers, she was reminded of how talkative he is even way before. She is talkative too but he is 1000000000 times more than she is. A specific memory came rushing back in her mind.


“What a good day huh?”

“Classes are over already, why are you still here?”

“Uh… excuse me? I’m talking to you”

“Uh…Hi?” 16 year old Sae Ri reluctantly greeted the guy who just tapped her shoulder. She remembered him, he’s the one her teachers are bragging about in all of her classes.

“Hi! I’m  Baekhyun! What’s your name?” he asked. She flashed a small smile while thinking if she will talk to him or not. She thought of running away before he could even bother her more.

“Aww. Don’t be shy, I don’t bite. I just bark. Woof woof!” Baekhyun chuckled, waiting for her to reply.

Instead of answering his question, she just laughed at his silliness. She doesn’t know why this sunbaenim approached her.

“Ah! You don’t want to introduce yourself huh? Okay I’ll just sit here next to you and I’ll talk and talk until you tell me your name. Deal?” He didn’t wait for her answer and just sat beside her under the school’s oldest tree.   

“I don’t think you’re mute though, I just heard you talk to your friends a while ago” he began to open a conversation. Sae Ri looked at him weirdly.

“Are you stalking me sunbaenim?” she asked and he was taken aback. He smirked at her.

“Why do you know I’m older than you? Are YOU stalking me?” He replied, diverting the attention to her.

She scoffed and raised an eyebrow. How dare this cute guy over here accuse her of stalking?!

“Excuse me sunbaenim. I, Park Sae Ri stalk no one so if you have nothing to say, please leave me alone. I’m doing my homework and yes, it’s a good day. Satisfied?” She finally replied to him before writing on her blue notebook. He smiled and moved closer to her.

“Park Sae Ri” he whispered.

“No, I’m not satisfied” He replied, making her look at him in shock.

“But, I will if you allow me to accompany you here” he told her as he took his own notebook out.  

The afternoon continued as he talked everything under the sun, literally.


“Yah… Are you still breathing???”  Baekhyun suddenly asked, waking her up from her trance. She looked up to him, glaring.

“What.Do.You.Freaking.Need” she finally said. Baekhyun got shocked from her sudden outburst but he quickly gained back his confidence.

“Finally you spoke! I thought you died in there” he laughed.

His laugh brought more memories to her but she decided to shake it all off. There’s no need to be reminiscing. She’s supposed to be angry at him. He humiliated her! And now he’s in her office? Why? To infuriate her more?!

“Geez. Baekhyun-ssi can you just shut up?! Can’t you see I’m busy?!” She said. Baekhyun laughed and stood up, he walked towards the chair near the table where she’s working at the moment.

“I think you’re the one who need something from me” he teased. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath before replying to him.

“I thought you said no. I won’t beg you Baekhyun-ssi. Never will I beg for you” she told him before going back to writing in her planner. Baekhyun was taken aback with her answer and he knew he annoyed her too much. He silently let out a sigh before talking again.

“You never changed, you give up easily” he said, not looking at her.

She stopped writing and looked at him. She felt something in his tone. Is it pain? Nah. That was long ago, he isn’t opening up something that happened in the past is he?

Before she could even reply, something on the table caught his eye. It’s a photo of Sae Ri, Soy, and a guy with a camera on his hand smiling.

“Who is that?” he suddenly asked. She looked at the direction where he’s looking at and she answered simply. She knows who he is referring to.

“That’s Jinyoung. He’s our former photographer” Baekhyun nodded, still looking at the photo.

“Sehun told me you don’t have any photographer right now, why? He resigned?” He smirked and she sighed. He’s teasing her again. This teasing will never stop eh?!

“Excuse me. He didn’t resign. He has an offer abroad. He doesn’t want to go but I told him to, it’s an opportunity” she smiled proudly, wondering what Jinyoung would be doing right now.

“You’re still like that huh?” he replied.

“What?” she tilted her head at him.

“Pushing people away even if they don’t want to” he answered softly. She stopped once again. What is he talking about?

“Anyways, I’m here because I was forced to. I will work with you. I’ll be doing Sehun and Soo Min’s wedding photos” Baekhyun continued which made Sae Ri smile in surprise.

“Really? Oh my goodness that’s great!” She squealed, completely forgetting the anger she felt for the guy a while ago.

“I am worried who will I get. Those two definitely want you” Sae Ri smiled in relief. She also wants to work with an old…friend.

“But you do have weddings to handle before theirs right?” he asked. He is definitely not worried for her. He just wants to know. Curiosity.

“Yeah. But I took care of that already. I only have one wedding booked before theirs so I already fixed it” she smiled.

He stopped for a while. That was the smile he missed.

No, you just missed her as a friend. Of course, 6 years of not seeing friends is gloomy. Don’t be too overreacting Baek

He scolded himself. He too, has a lot of memories rushing back on his system. He shook them all out of his head. He came back as a new Baekhyun so he should leave the past behind. They’re friends now…right?

“Good. Because I don’t like working with someone who’s not professional” he replied and she eyed him furiously. How could he?!?

“Well good for you, I AM professional. I’ll just do all the arrangements for you and your team and I’ll get back to you. Thank you for your time MR. BYUN. So if you may, go out right now. Have a good day” she forced a smile at him and quickly frown right after. She immediately went back to her unfinished business so she didn’t notice the smirk he’s wearing right now.

“Ok then. Goodbye” Baekhyun gave her a salute and went straight to the door.

When she heard the door closed, Sae Ri heaved out a sigh. Finally!!! She’ll get her peace.

But she didn’t forget how he looked today. His jet black hair was pushed back and his sleeves were rolled up. His smile also remained in her mind. She quickly shook her head and scolded herself mentally.

Don’t be too worked up with him. He’s nothing okay? He’s just an old friend. OLD friend.

She quit thinking of him and just focused on what she is doing. Taking calls of caterers, hotels, and the fashion designers of the wedding event she’s currently handling. It would be a month from now and she’s extremely busy. She wants to have a fool-proof wedding for her client and she wants everything to be beautiful and perfect.

It’s nearing 6:00 in the evening when she finished everything that needs to be done for the day. She buried her face in her hands and took a deep breath before arranging her things. Finally, she will be able to go home and take some rest. On the other hand, it would be a 45 minute drive home and she’s so tired already! She just wants to reach home as quickly as possible.

After her things were placed in her bag and she’s ready to go, she quickly stretched her body and walked towards the door. She needs to apologize to Soy for ending late again. They were supposed to close down at 5 but she’s an hour late already. She quickly opened the door and went to look for her assistant.

However, she didn’t find Soy. All she found was a sleeping Baekhyun with his head resting on the receiving desk. She glanced at the door, the closed sign is down already.

I thought he’s gone already?!

She thought out loud and quickly walked towards him to wake him up. She gently tapped his shoulders and in a matter of seconds, he woke up already.

“At last you’re done! I asked Soy to go home already, don’t worry I made a great guard” he winked at her while arranging his hair. Sae Ri was too shocked to even react.

“Yeah, a great sleeping guard” She replied while Baekhyun kept on stretching his body, relieving himself from the uncomfortable sleeping position he had.

“I thought I made it clear when I told you that you could go” she shook her head at him while he just smiled smugly at her.

“You never said I go out of this place” he defended himself with a shrug. Sae Ri wants to pull his hair but she’s too tired to do so. She just sighed and pulled him out of the building. She quickly locked the door and turned to Baekhyun.

“Okay go home now. Thank you. Now shoo! Shoo!” she pushed him to the other direction but he quickly snatched the car key she’s holding.

“Aigoo, Baekhyun!!! I am too tired to even deal with you so give me back my key. Just go pester someone else” she sternly said, reaching out her hand to him.

“Good that you’re tired. I’m driving you home” he simply said, skipping happily to her car. He sat on the driver seat and pulled down the window.

“Aren’t you coming?” he smirked and she just grunted. She will never lose to him. 



finally! I'm sorry I wasn't able to update sooner. As usual, school issues are getting in the way (as well as procrastination issues HEHE)

I hope you like the update!!!! Thank you to the readers you waited patiently! I hope that the update was worth the wait :) 

Comments, Subscribes, and Upvotes are much much appreciated :)

till the next update!!!

(excuse the GIF spam HAHA I am just so hyped right now)

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Chapter 5: YOOU! Why just now?!
I really missed your writing.. I actually don't remember much of this so I had to read back, HAHA
That title though. I thought something would've happened between them!
Maybe in the following chapters then? Haha
I agree with our friend... this is not enough~ you can't just end it like this! What will happen with you and Baekhyunnie? a kiss? lol
Chapter 2: Dongsaeng~ put me in the story too^^ lol
Chapter 4: Maybe i can sing

"Muling ibalik ang tamis ng pagibig"

actually i forgot the story but i kept reading, then i remembered that it is sehun and their friends wedding. HAHAHA!
Chapter 4: It's not worth the wait...we need MORE!!
Update more please!!! Hehe

Wow baekhyun, such a pain in the . He thinks he's a guard huh? More like a guard dog HAHA
nice update!!!! But I really do miss this HUHU
You don't write that much anymore. If you know what I mean. *stares at you through the screen*
Dongsaengie^^! I almost forgot about this^^ Gonna read this as soon as I can^^
Chapter 3: Haha Baekhyun is such a joker, but if i was Sae Ri I would be be angry too!
Chapter 3: Waaaaahhh samchon is really a prankster.. XD hahaha
I can totally imagine the whole scene... Good work imo!! :D

P.S. The person beside Baekhyun in the last gif, is that Jongin or is it Kyungsoo? XD
Chapter 3: Ugh, baekhyun's such a jerk. I hope he pisses himself. Tsk.
I really don't like guys who already knows what makes other people mad and they still do it! Just for their pleasure. It isn't funny, GRRR. I'd get a dog to bite his head off.
Maybe he'll change(hopefully soon) and treat sae ri nicer, she doesn't deserve a butthole as a co-worker.

Those friends of hers are really nice :) I wish I had those friends, hahaha /winks/
Anyway, this is a really fast update considering you just updated yesterday.
Thank you!!

I like hee rin. Seriously <3
Chapter 2: My gash... That song!!!! XD hahaha #memories

Cliffhanger!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!
The characters really reminds me of some people I know... Hihihi ;))