Lets Talk About Love
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Lets Talk About Love - I


The music’s booming left and right, and it didn’t even bother the girl who was busy staring at her glass. Noticing her condition, her friend who was busy dancing since earlier approached her.


“Yah, what’s wrong with you? Are you drunk already?” despite the loud surrounding, she can tell that her friend was slurring.


“Me, drunk? Haha, let me get you a mirror,” she retorted, looking at her friend. She could see her pinching her temple softly. “Who the hell suggested this? She needs some spanking!”


Dara looked at her best friend, Park Bom who was taking another round of shot. “Wasn’t it yours?”


“Ah, really? Why didn’t I remember that?”


It was. No doubt it was Park Bom’s idea. Who the hell goes clubbing on Monday night? Well, apparently the Park Sisters. It was all because she found her other half at home, wetting the pillow, face bloated, crying her heart out.


Why, you ask? Dara had been so busy with her work, organizing events here and there and what did she get in return? The news of her boss getting engaged out of nowhere. What’s worse? She had been silently liking him ever since she stepped into the company since three years ago. Being a secretary . So, so, bad.


Want to know what’s worst? His fiance is nothing but an angel to everyone, including her. They just met once, which was earlier when her boss introduced her to all of the staffs.


“Stop crying, I’m sure you said she’s pretty because you don’t feel confident of yourself. I mean like, who the hell can beat your beauty, girl?” Bom comforted her, slowly her back. That’s what best friends should do, right?


“But she really is pretty! She looks like Kim Hee Sun. Tall, slender, a real beauty,” Dara sobbed even more, burying her face in her palms. Her level of confidence just dropped to negative thirty whenever she recall how her boss’s fiance look like. “And you know, she even offered to buy me lunch because she said boss praised me so much for being a dedicated worker.”


By the time she finished talking, she was already bawling her heart once again, never felt more miserable than ever before. “I can’t even have the heart to have bad thoughts about her...”


“Yah!” Bom shrieked, startling Dara. “You’re THIS miserable yet you still can praise her like that? What are you?!”


Dara looked at her with her puppy eyes. “Bommie....”


“That’s it, let’s go out tonight. Forget all this .”


After endless of threats, Dara finally agreed to go along with Bom’s crazy plan. She let her do her makeup, choose her dress, do her hair. And there they were, sitting like seductresses in one of the coolest club in Seoul. Both of them had been taking shots for hours already before they left and surprisingly, alcohol made them walk in heels much, much easier. Dara had been stumbling every now and then and Bom was definitely drunk, laughing at her every time she almost fell on her face.


Feeling like they’ve exceeded their alcohol limit, they both decided to get some fresh air and Bom pulled out a cigarette, letting it dangle on her lips. A guy then approached her, asking for lighters to which she gladly complied before leaving her after a simple ‘thank you’. But none of it stole Dara’s attention. She knows Bom. Bommie had always been the friendlier one between them.


“You’re going to die early if you don’t stop smoking,” Dara muttered aimlessly, looking at nothing in particular. The sounds of cars passing by entered her ears, and that’s it.


“We’re all gonna die one day,” she said as she exhaled, smoke coming out from .


“Yeah,” she halted. She let her eyes land on the pavement that she was standing, gently kicking the pebbles out of her way. “I think I’ll die pretty soon.”


Another audible exhale was heard from Bom. “And why is that?”


“Hey, can we get a cigarette or two?” Dara noticed someone standing beside Bom, and she

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Chapter 6: SWEET!!! Kyeopta!
jadorebleu #2
Thank you for the invite! :)
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaa...omo...i loved reading this...makes you giddy and loved...kekeke...more stories like this juseo
LazyGeek #4
There should be a sequel of this..! More fluffy marshmallow juseyo
Chapter 6: *dying from too much sweetness* *squealssssss* waaah authornim this is daebak! so sweet!! kyaaaah! kkk wonderful story! ^^
kahlua30 #6
Chapter 6: dis is so sweet!
another beautiful story authornim, congrats!
daragon ftw!!!
DaraGonINSANE #7
Chapter 6: Omg.. this stuff is soooooo kawaii! i mean its short but good.. i like how it ends tho im still wishing there will be another NEXT button to push.. asgjkkaka! this is just kyaaaaaaaaak!
Chapter 6: habbwiqwwjbanajwiwjwjwjownajwnwnsjajnsnsnwnabsbzzjjajanajaabBanananjaanaajsjskwwityqoqjwisaakNNlalMmMakkansnnsjsjdsj DAMN WOMAN WHERE IS THE NEXT BUTTON ?!?! LOLOLOL