The Hidden Truth Part 2

The Hidden Truth

Title: The Hidden Truth

Part 2: Embarrassing Moment Ever! -.-


The next day, you went to school as usual with Daehyun. He was laughing with you on his jokes and then you saw Zelo on the school’s front gate.


Daehyun: *still laughs* xD


You: *hits him on his shoulder* o.o


Daehyun: Ouchh T^T what was that for?


You: How do I look??


Daehyun: Wae? T_T


You: Zelo is at the front gate! How do I look?!!


Daehyun: You look… Beau… Umm, pretty as always ^-^


You: Thanks! Now, act cool.


You walked pass by Zelo and Daehyun felt mad.


You: Yay! He… Didn’t notice me! -__-


Daehyun: So? He is probably looking for Sera.


You: Sera? Are they even friends?


Daehyun: She and Zelo have been together for a long time.


You: Together? As in dating?


Daehyun: No, as in they have been together like brother and sisters.


You: So they are not together? :D


Daehyun: Of course not.


You: Oh, first bell! I have to go! I got English period. See you during lunch!


You waved at him and run off to class…






I am walking together with (Y/N) again, well we have been walking together since she moved here years ago. I always enjoy every minute with her… Every second, every hour… Everyday~ Yah!! Daehyun wake up! She is your best friend! I know I have been hiding this feeling for years but she likes Zelo.


Omo, she asks me how she looks… I nearly said ‘beautiful’ T^T

I want to say it but I am afraid she will get me wrong.

Phew~ lucky Zelo didn’t notice her. Sera, she secretly likes Zelo but Zelo doesn’t know.


She waved at me and went to class. Just from her back view, I felt like grabbing her and hugging her -.-


Never mind, I will meet her during gym class later *sighs*



You are currently studying and the teacher wasn’t in the classroom. When it was over, you had gym together with Daehyun and Zelo.


Teacher: We are going to have a volleyball game! May the best team wins, I will shout out your name in teams~


You: Daehyun, I hope I’m with you.


Daehyun: *nods*


Teacher: Daehyun with Soora team number 1 will play against (Y/N) and Zelo. Let’s start! *whistles*


Daehyun: Soora!! My cousin!! :3


Soora: :P


You: Omo, I’m with him again >..<


Zelo: Hey, we are partners again xD


You: Yeah, what a coincidence *awkward smile*


Then the games begin, you beat Daehyun and he pretend to be mad xD


Teacher: (Y/N) and Zelo, you will now play against Sera and Neil.


You: *oh no~ Sera…*


You can see that Sera looked jealous in her eyes. You ignore and continue playing volleyball, when you heard the whistle you threw the ball high up on the air and doge it to Sera. She manage to hit it back to you and Zelo covers you and hit it back to the other side. When the ball was back in Sera, she was in position like she is ready to give back.


Then everything black out. You opened your eyes and notice you are in the school’s clinic.


You: *startled* what am I doing here??


Nurse: You got hit by the volleyball hard on the head *puts cool ice on your head*


You: Is it that bad?


Nurse: Aniya, it’s only a bump ^-^


You: Thanks for helping :D kamsahamida~


Nurse: Nae ^-^


You walked out and went to your locker to grab your clothes hence you are still in your gym outfit.


Daehyun: (Y/N)! I am glad you’re okay.


You: Uh… I am still blank~


Daehyun: You remember what happen?


You: Anyo~

Daehyun: Sera threw the ball towards you and you suddenly fell to the ground, we notice that you out and Zelo carried you to the school’s clinic.


You: What?! :D


Daehyun: O.o


You: Zelo carried me here?!


Daehyun: *nods*


You: Yah! *pouts* embarrassing moment ever! -.-


Daehyun: -.-


Then you heard Zelo calling your name,


Zelo: (Y/N), gwenchana?


You: Nae, gwenchana :D


Zelo: Great, I’ll see you~


You: *smiles like an idiot*


Daehyun: (Y/N), gwenchana? *mimics Zelo’s voice* >__<


You: Yah! He doesn’t sound like that -_-


Daehyun: You smiled like you saw an idol -_-


You: :3


Daehyun: :P


---- To Be Continued ----

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