The Hidden Truth 14

The Hidden Truth

Title: The Hidden Truth

Part 14: Make a Run for It


After a hectic night with them, you woke up early and saw Daehyun still sleeping.


You: He’s still asleep… I better find food~


You went away for a while cause you are really starving, you manage to find something to eat. You went back minutes later and saw that Daehyun is awake while Zelo and Sera are arguing.


Daehyun: (Y/N)! *hugs you tightly*


You: *startled* mwo? O.O


Daehyun: Where have you been?! I was worried!

You: You were?


Daehyun: Yes, what if something happen to you?!


You: I am fine Daehyun… I just look for food.


Daehyun: Don’t ever leave me like that again *pouts*


You: Nae, I won’t xD


Zelo: *jealous*


Sera: Yah, oppa… Why won’t you talk to me?


Zelo: Shut up.


You: Okay, guys… Lets go.


Zelo: Where?


You: In the volcano…


Sera: Micheseo??!


Daehyun: Aren’t you coming or what?


Zelo grab his small bag and walked with you, you distance yourself and walk with Daehyun. While looking for a passage of the volcano, you remembered about the door. It is located on top of the volcano. But you enter from the bottom first.


Daehyun: Be careful (Y/N)…


You: *nods*


When you enter, rocks are everywhere. It looks like a cave, you hold the end of the wall to keep yourself from falling. Zelo and Sera almost fell. You don’t feel like helping them because they are the nosiest T_T


You: Daehyun, we are almost at the top!


Daehyun: Great, we just have to find the door.


Suddenly the ground start to shake, it can’t be! The volcano is not suppose to erupt now. You and the rest are just standing there helpless.


Unknown: Who are you to enter the kingdom?


You turned around and saw a person, you felt tense.


You: Kingdom?


Unknown: Yes, kingdom. I am Exile, and this is my kingdom.


You: We are here to find a cure.


Exile: A cure?


Daehyun: Yes.


Exile: Well, it is hard to find a door here since everything is surrounded by walls.


You: We know, that’s why we have this key. *shows key*


Exile: The key… Is this Myungsoo?


Zelo: Nae~


Exile: My Myungsoo? *tears*


You: Do you know him?


Exile: He is my son *sobs*


You: O.O


Daehyun: Do you know he is cursed?


Exile: No… I thought he ran away from us.


Daehyun: He didn’t… He is the lake monster.


Exile: Mwo? He could die in three days.


You: Mwo?!


Exile: I know he live long… But from what I know, he is already a grown man and he has three days to live.


You: Because of that curse?


Exile: Nae, he survives well *smile a bit*




Zelo: Sera! Jebal!!


Sera: I’ve always love him sir… *walks towards Exile*


Exile: *feels disgusted*


Sera: *sobs*


You: Yah, hajima…


Daehyun: Pffft~


Exile: Thank you for helping Myungsoo, I will send you to the cure.


You: So, Myungsoo is a prince?


Exile: Yes, I am the king in this island.


You: This Island is not an empty island?


Exile: Nope… Come, hold my hand and I will guide you to the cure.


You hold Exile’s hand and passing on holding Daehyun’s hand and so on. All of you fly high up while standing on a rock that is pulled up from the ground.


Exile: Here is the door, unlock it with the key and enter it. You will see the cure.


Exile then disappear, you thank him and unlock the door.

You enter and saw the cure… It is colour green. You walk towards it and grabbed it.


Daehyun: (Y/N), you must be cautious!


You: Wae? As if something will happen xD


Daehyun: Umm… Turn around…


There was an alien look alike growling towards you, you froze.


Zelo: Make a run for it!!!


You and everyone ran for your life, but the door shut. You are trapped.


Sera: *screams* ottohke?!


You saw a small crack on the wall, you thought of a really risky idea. All of you are helpless at the corner while the alien was walking slowly towards you.


You: Guys, I want you to hold each other now.


Daehyun: *holds your arm* why?


You: We are making an exit…


You hit the wall again and again until it finally cracks… You are now flying from the volcano, so high above the ground. Everyone was holding on to each other, you think where are you going to land but suddenly you felt like you are already on the ground.


You: What? *looks around*


Myungsoo: Got the cure *winks*


You: Myungsoo! :D


Daehyun: I thought we’re dead O.O


Sera: Oppa! Oppa save us!!


Zelo: -.-


You: Ho…How? :D


Myungsoo: Welcome to my handmade airplane.


It is true, you were on an airplane that looks like a blimp.


You: Thanks Myungsoo-sshi!! *hugs him*


Myungsoo: Hey~ I’m controlling xD


You: Oh, mian ^_^


Daehyun: (Y/N)…


You: *hugs him tight*


Daehyun: *accepting the hug*


Zelo: *feels so high jealous* Urgghh!


Sera: *hugs Zelo* oppa~


Zelo: *kisses her*


You: O_O



---- To Be Continued ----

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