The Hidden Truth 11

The Hidden Truth

Title: The Hidden Truth

Part 11: Don’t Leave Me



You don’t believe what you saw, you just cry.


Daehyun: Waeyo (Y/N)? What happen?


You: *cries heavily*


Daehyun: *checks who is inside and was also shock*


You walked to the edge to the beach, you cry and cry. You looked at the waves crashing, the water coming near your shoes.


Daehyun: I am so sorry…


You: Why would he do that? Zelo oppa… Wae?


Daehyun: The girl I saw was… Sera~


You: Sera?! *turns around to Daehyun*


Daehyun: Eung…


You: Why her?! *hits Daehyun’s shoulder* wae?!


Daehyun: *quickly hugs you*


You: *hugs him back*


Daehyun: Don’t worry… I know Zelo won’t do that.


Your tears are falling on Daehyun’s shirt, you open your eyes and saw Zelo out of his camp. You break the hug and just look at Zelo’s eyes with anger.


Zelo: (Y/N)-ah! You’re here!


He smiled wide, he ran to you and hugged you. You can feel how happy he was but your feelings towards him are full of hatred.


Zelo: (Y/N)-ah :)


You: *gives him a death stare*


Zelo: *confuse* what’s wrong?


Daehyun: Did you see who is beside you?


Zelo: Anyo… Who could… *turns around and saw Sera with her undershirt on*


Daehyun: Why Zelo?


Zelo: *shock* I did not do that! I swear!


You: Then explain!


Zelo: I don’t really know what happen last night, I was angry at her then I drank the water she gave to me and that’s it. Next thing I know, I was shirtless and she was beside me.


You: I don’t believe you… Sera is not like that!


Zelo: She is! She did that to me!


You: *scoffs* whatever, we are through. Come on Daehyun…


Daehyun: *pats Zelo’s back*


Zelo: *cries* YYAAAHHH!!!


You went back to your place, you sat at the middle of the beach crying your eyes out. And you realize why are crying for Zelo? You don’t have any feelings for him anymore.

You build up all your pride and stood up.


Daehyun: (Y/N), gwenchana? You walk so fast T^T


You: Nae, I’m fine.


Daehyun: I’m sorry for what happen.


You: It’s alright, like I said I don’t like him anymore.


Daehyun: So… How?


You: I just need to get out from this island!


Daehyun: I will help you.


You: Don’t leave me okay?


Daehyun: *walks to you and hug you* I will never leave you okay?





Zelo! What have you done?! (Y/N) left you! In the middle of the island! Gosh, its all Sera’s fault! What kind of drink she gave me??


Sera: Oppa… *sweet tone*


Zelo: You’re awake~


Sera: Omo, I forgot my shirt x3


Zelo: Ugghh~ *not looking at her*


Sera: I had a fun night


Zelo: Hajima! Because of you (Y/N) left me! What did you put in my drink?!


Sera: Slow down oppa… I just want to spend my night with you.


Zelo: Mwo?! I love her so much and you just play with me!


Sera: *smirk*


Zelo: I have to get out of here, at the same time I want to be with (Y/N). I miss holding her.


Sera: Huh, why is Zelo always thinking of (Y/N)? How can I make him think of me? The powder last night didn’t work but I got my chance.


Zelo: Yah, Sera


Sera: Nae oppa?


Zelo: Lets go in the woods.


Sera: Waeyo?


Zelo: Don’t ask just follow.


You and Daehyun too went in the forest, you got some cuts all over your arm but you didn’t care. Suddenly you stopped.


Daehyun: What is it?


You: You hear that?


Daehyun: No, not really…


There was a moment of silence for a while, it was the sound of the growl you heard before. You were really curious, so you follow the noise.


Daehyun: *grabs your arm* stop!


You: What? O.O


Daehyun: What do you think you’re doing?


You: Following the noise o.o


Daehyun: T_T


You just walked towards it, the growl is getting louder and louder and you saw it. You couldn’t believe it.


You: The lake monster… In a beach…? *whisper*


Daehyun: That guy looks familiar.


You: Myungsoo oppa?



---- To Be Continued ----

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