




You are waiting for Min Young at the junction of her house. You keep on staring at your watch waiting for the time to pass by. “Yongguk oppa!!!”. Min Young is waving while running towards you. Both of you walk side by side and disappear in your happy moments together. You feel happy since you started to get closer to her and you feel comfortable with that and even spend most of your time together with her after working hours almost every day.

“ouh, Min Young-ah.” You wave back to her. Both of you started to have a walk to most of the places at Korea. Basically, Min Young ask you to show her since she doesn’t have much memory of those places.

It is already evening. Now, the usual place where you and Himchan hang out mostly with has become a place for you and Min Young to meet. It is kind of funny to think how it could turn out to be that way.



best place

* the view at that best place in the evening *




You look at the calendar and OFF DAY !!!  is written widely in red pen. It is hard to get off day for both Saturday and Sunday. ~only one shot, only one shot ….~ Your phone rings loudly and you know who is calling based on the ringtone “ahhh,wae?” Your deep voice cracked in that morning. “ouh , what’s up with your voice?” “haha , I just woke up. Anything?” “hee, I am in front of your house. Come get me baby” You could hear him laughing while you struggling get up to reach the door. “Yah…what are you doing here?” “Aigoo, I thought you miss me” You smile seeing that sulking face. “haha , come in” You bring him to your room and … “so, what is your plan today? I know you have something in your head” said you while busy cleaning up a bit. You who couldn’t hear any answer for your question turn your head seeing that person already lying on your bed silently. “yah Himchan-ah!!!” “ah wae? Go and take your bath. Haish.” He could hear you blabbering to him randomly and laugh afterwards.

“Yongguk-ah, let’s go out” “ehm where to?” “somewhere … eh? Wait up, don’t tell me you already have a plan already?” Himchan gives you his strange look. “ahhh , you didn’t care about me at all” You grinned widely hearing those from him. “haha, aigoo , where is your masculinity saying those words like that?” You knew that Himchan could only be that way around you and it acts the same for you; when with others, Himchan will be a silent guy and showing a cool side of his. “what masculinity? ahhhh , I am tired waiting for you. Come on, I will be outside” You sigh and get your top done.



* LOL this :P *

* a clip from TADAH IT'S BAP *






“I can sense something here. What had happened to you nowadays buddy?” Himchan wink at you while having his cake on. Both of you now sitting at a restaurant and you still did not know what Himchan’s plan is for today.

“Why did you say that?”

“Well, I know you very well. You ain’t socialize much with people, but I can see that you are happy about something and I don’t know what it is right?”

“ haha , you are talking something nonsense right now don’t you?” you are trying to pull out the topic.

“You like her…aihhh. hahahaha” Himchan teases you with his aegyo.

“I am not” you smile widely thinking about her.

“seeeeee , told ya. I never mention anybody's name here”. You nodded knowing that you can’t hide anything from him.

“But , she doesn’t know about it”. Himchan silence thinking about something.


“Yah, lets hang out together with her tomorrow. Can we?” You are surprised hearing that idea but you take out your phone and give her a call. Few moments after that you said “okay, she said meet her tomorrow at 10am” .Both of you grinned.




* smiles from Himchan and Yongguk :P *






Three of you had promised to meet at the usual place. Now it is 9am and you are already getting yourself done in front of the mirror. You are wearing blue jeans, white shirt adding up with black leather top; enough to make you feel comfortable to have a date today. ‘DATE?’ you smirk at yourself. Your grab your phone when realizing your ‘one shot’ ringtone is coming in. Himchan says that he will be waiting for you at the corner of your house. You quickly grab your black spectacles and headphone with you. Headphone is something that you couldn’t leave where ever you go.

“ Wah, you look different today Gukkie”

“haha, same with you Channie” .Himchan is wearing his black jeans, and blue knitted shirt.

She is already waiting for both of you at the promised place and she waves as she saw both of you. You smile seeing her. She wears dark blue skirt, white blouse and pink top on her. Himchan stares at you stopping your smiles from getting wider.


"Good morning Min Young-ssi" She bows a bit when Himchan greeted her. “So where are we heading to?” Min Young and you look at Himchan who already smirk by himself. “hehe, we are going to theme park !!!” Himchan shout it excitedly. Min Young jump happily since she never gets a chance to go there.




“Gukkie , why do you like her?” You were surprised listening to that question. Both of you sitting at the site watching how happy Min Young playing with the games.

“ehm , she is different in her own way. I know I can be myself when I am with her, but I know she must have not having the same feeling as I did, so yeah …”

“Actually I am jealous with her that you can like her that much” Himchan sulking his face while saying those words. You pinch his nose making him shout lightly while attracting people who are lingering around you. “Is she staying with her family now?” Himchan asked you while rubbing his red nose.

“Nope, she is coming to Korea to look for her real parents.”.




Himchan nod to the statement. “So she has been adopted, isn’t she?”

“yep , our Himchan is a smart guy”. Himchan smile widely revealing his white teeth.



Min Young plays most of the games there. She is so happy that she still can play with those things at the age of 18.


“Oppa, thanks a lot. I have never got the chances to play these things at UK. Even I if did, I am sure that it won’t be the same.”

“It is not a problem Min Young-ssi. You can just call me if you need anything alright?” Himchan offered his service to her.

Min Young hugged Himchan at his neck while thanking him. She can easily get close with Himchan in a short period of time. Perhaps because she has spent time with both of you for this whole day.You saw that and look away.

“Min Young-ssi, someone is jealous right now. Haha” Min Young looks directly at you which turning your face red. Min Young moves to you and suddenly .. “Yongguk oppa , why you are so cute today?” while pinching your cheeks.

Himchan can’t hold his laugh looking at Min Young’s action.

“haish , stop it” you said it while moving her hands from your cheecks. Min Young laughes and keep on doing that at you. Himchan stares at Min Young and you. Somehow, deep inside him; Himchan can feel the closeness when he is with Min Young. He doesn’t know where he got that feeling but he is certain with his instinct.






Sorry for a updating this late.

Idk but I hope I can finished this fanfic before I started my semester :P

lots of love from me ^_^


* cheers from us *

* LOL ... AJA !!! *



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I am writing my draft for next update , hehehe >


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I wanna read but too many chapter..

I will come here again to read one day
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 30: Why, it's sad. everyone is hospitalized...
Hope everyone will be okay...Looking forward
Chapter 30: The het!!everyone's being hospitalized n arghhh/frustration/i can smell daejae...
Chapter 28: omg fixi_baby you are so serious wanna those two to die?lol!!
and Jongupuppie will be paralyzed after the surgery??omg please nooooo~~~ T.T and Daehyun?What kind of illness he is suffering?Don't say it is cancer~and why everyone is falling sick and suffering a lot??ahhh..keumanhe!!/over/sorry for my never ending 'and' words..kkk
Chapter 28: is it cancer? hmm ive got the feeling that dae's suffering cancer.
Chapter 26: let youngjae and that girl dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 25: Eleh..dae fainted becoz he havent eat that's why..-.-/kacau daun betullah budak ni...
Chapter 24: lol..cousins??kkkkk~~~><
Aww I really enjoyed this.