Little Bean

The Best You Ever Had



Monday was a fiasco and so was the remaining of the week. I’ve been running into Yifan all week, it felt like he planned it because coincidentally he was hanging with a girl every time, a SNDS girl; Tuesday he was smiling and playing goofy with Tiffany at the quad, I wanted to rip her pretty face off, Wednesday he was having a coffee at my favorite cafe with Taeyeon and Joonmyun, whom I’ve been avoiding like the plague, they were talking and laughing and their chatter stopped as soon as they saw me coming in, my blood was boiling with fury, and I was hating on SNDS girls, stupid good looking es. Don't get me wrong I loved SNDS girls they were all super nice and friendly to me, like big sisters, but they could not smile with my man, at my man, or near my man, err, ex-man I meant, not when he so sweetly was worried about me and my morning sickness, I meant stomach flu, but I freaking blew it. 

Thursday was Jessica's turn, he carried her books and walked her to class, bastard was about to get it when I spotted Joonmyun coming my way, I flew the place faster than a ninja going undercover. Today I was in guerrilla mode so he better not be planning to step a foot outside with his next victim. Part of me knew that I must be overreacting; we weren't dating anymore so it wasn't my place to make and scandalous scene.

Aside from my assassin feelings, I was excited for today; Sehun, Lulu and I were going with my lady doctor to see the baby for the first time. Luhan have been really supportive, he and Sehun had decided to make a healthy woman out of me, apparently they've been reading pregnancy articles online and it seem that these articles told them that stocking my pantry with organic food was a good idea, for me it was the most idiotic suggestion ever, my stupid morning sickness wasn’t allowing me to digest anything that was cooked, I had survive out of crackers, granola bars, half eaten sandwiches and raspberry smoothies; whomever named pregnancy nausea "morning sickness", was dead wrong, they should've called it all day sickness, because they continued during the entire freaking day.

Lunch with Sehun was the other highlight of my day.

-Ssul why can you just finish your freaking salad? - I glared at him, he just downed his third hot dog and I could barely digest a salad.

-No, I don’t think so, I’m not hungry anymore, because of your little eating show that grossed me out- I said just moving my food around-  He stood up and picked up his trail - where are you going, don't you dare to let me here eating by myself!- I threaten him 

-I have to go to class, I can’t wait around for you and watch you not to eat your food- he smiled mischievously at me - beside daddy Suho is coming your way, to give you the talk-I jumped in my seat looking around – I really don’t want to witness that, I have yet to endure it myself-and with that he left me there.

He ing abandoned me to my mercy. Oh god. Oh Madonna.

There was Joonmyun coming my way looking as charming as ever and it was inevitable for me to escape now. He reached my table he sat in the same place where Sehun sat before.

-Hey- he waited for me to acknowledge him, instead I stuffed my mouth with lettuce - Wanna know something funny? - this time he didn’t wait for my answer- I had have this strange feeling since I went to your house last Monday that you, Sehun and even Luhan have been avoiding me-

-I  don’t know where did you get that- I finally said playing dumb. 

We were avoiding him hard, Sehun even went to the extent of invading our house, and not even our house our beds too, he said our couch was too hard and he rather sleep on a rock, so Monday he slept in my bed, Tuesday in Victoria’s, Wednesday on Soojung’s, who banned him from going there again for being a big cuddler, with a lot of hard work and with D.O's help he slept at Sunyoung’s bed yesterday; but today I was kicking the bastard out, if I'd get it from Joonmyun, he was absolutely getting it as well. 

-well I heard it from Kai, who heard it from Kyungsoo, who got it from his girlfriend that he'd been staying at your place- he glared at me - the whole he said she said sort of clued me in-

We remained silent for a little while.

-I’d be lying if I’ll say that I wasn’t disappointed when I heard Luhan talking about the baby, I was in shock when learned it was Sehun, and Yi scared the crap out of me by arriving, but ever since then I’ve been crazy worried about you guys - tears were pooling in my eyes- I’m worried about Kris wanting to kill Sehun when he finds out, what would you guys do?, you are not even couple And you haven't finish college- he reached for my hand across the table and held it in his.

I didn’t know what to say, because they were the same things I asked myself at night and I was yet to find an answer for them. 

-I love you and I love Sehun, you are like my little siblings- I intertwined our fingers - I feel responsible for my little sister and my little brother-he smiled weakly – I’m not stupid you know, I am aware we are not in kindergarten anymore, I don’t have to defend you from the bullies at the playground anymore, I meant look at you Riri, you are not that little girl with piggy tails that barely could say her name anymore, you are a beautiful women that makes all men look at her everywhere she goes- my heart was swelling with emotion- and what can I say of Sehunie, he is a handsome heartthrob, do you remember how he used picked his nose all the time, now he is so picky with girls he chose Luhan - my eyes grew wide with surprise- don’t look so surprised Jinri, I know you guys better than you know yourselves.  When you went to our house last week I knew something was up immediately, I didn’t dare to ask because I knew you would eventually tell me-


Joonmyun was the person that knew me the most; he was my best friend, my brother, my Suho.


-I want you to know that no matter how many bumps are in the road ahead us, I am going to be there, for you, for Sehun, for the baby, I loved you when you were six and missing teeth, I loved you when you were 10 and broke your arm climbing that huge tree in my parents summer house, I even loved you at 15 when you fell in love Wu Yifan and I love you now even though you got pregnant with Sehun’s baby- we laugh like the little fools we were at the intensity of his words.

We knew one another since we were babies, me and Sehun, Joonmyun was already a chubby toddler; now we were all grownups and we still love each other like those little kids in the playground. 

After a few minutes passed and we could breath normally I finally knew that we Suho by our side we would be alright and so I just re stated what we both knew.

-I love you Kim Joonmyun, my Suho- We both sighed

-Am I interrupting something? - I turned around to find Kris with Jessica, Taeyeon and Tiffany behind him.

-Hi Sulli- said Jessica with a bright smile.

-Hi girls! I was just leaving- I stood up with my trail in hand- I’ll call you later Suho- I decided to ignore Yifan and his stupid attitude.


-Your plate is full- said the devil himself- you should finish that -If he was trying to elicit a reaction from him, he wasn't going to get it; I was going to take the high end.

-No, I'd finish - I said hopping he got my point. I took my trail and got rid of the rest of my salad.

-Riri, hang on, let me walk you to class-said Joonmyun standing up

-it's not necessary, I'm going home- I said waving my hand.

-It would be rude of you to leave Joonmyun- Kris and Suho began a staring contest, I was growing uncomfortable while the girls seem oblivious all absorbed in her chatter.

-It's ok,  I can go by myself, besides I drove here- they snapped out of whatever were doing silently arguing for.

-Let me walk you to your car then, do you girls mind? - said Joonmyun holding out his hand for me.

-Not at all- said Taeyeon continuing with their conversations.

We walked in silence to the car trying to assess what just happened with Yifan.

-I'm going to the doctor today to see how everything is going- I said breaking the silence

-Good, call me afterwards, I want to know how little Sehunie is going- I look at him incredulous.

-He is not going to be named Sehun- I said slapping his arm he just laughed at me.

-I'm just kidding- he raised his hands as a peace offering –There’s something else I've been meaning to ask you- I nodded at him as an encouragement for him to go on- is Soojung seeing someone?- His question caught me off guard- Kai told me he thinks he saw her with some guy, he did not recognized, you know it's kind of hard not to not recognize her, her hair is, you know- he shocked out a nervous laugh.

Well Jongin is Joonmyun's roommate this semester, so it made sense for Kai to tell him that. 

-I don't,  I'm sorry, she is being acting weird and secretive that is all I can say- I wanted to be honest with him, he deserve that, but I didn’t have anything give him about the subject.

-Can you explain what the is going on with you two? - Yifan's voice startled me for the second time in the hour 

-what do you mean? - I knew what he meant

-you know Jinri, you can fool many with your acting skills, but you know I'm not good in throngs- he looked serious

-It's about Soojung-said Suho without flinching


-God, can you just get over her? There in the cafeteria is Taeyeon waiting for you to come back even after the show you two just pulled out there- Joonmyun drop my hand, that I forgot he was holding.

Wait a second, were Suho and Taeyeon...? If they did, that meant that there was one less person to hate. Now the question was which one of the other two girls were fancying Wu Yifan's attention?

-I would love to stay here and listen to your one sided conversations, but look at the time-I said pretending to check a fake watch on my wrist- it's getting late I should get going- 

-bye Riri, I’ll be expecting your call- Suho remain in his spot while Yi walked me to the driver's side.

As the gentlemen he was he opened the door when the alarm went off and helped me in, my breath hitched when he leaned in and strapped me with the seat belt, his hand slowly caressed my cheek leaving a path of fire in his wake, slowly he crunched until our faces were at the same level; by now I could sense my breath was coming in pants. And just when I wanted the time to stop it went faster than ever, because the fleeting moment when Yifan’s lisp grasped mines I wanted it to last forever. But in less than a minute was over.

-Good bye Jinri -and before closing the door he said- I'll be watching you- he left me there flushed and flustered.

The rest of the evening my lips were lingering from Kris' kiss, I never notice how much I have missed his touch, his caresses; I was craving it, just like a starved person craves food. God, I had missed him, him and all his phases, Kris the arrogant, Yifan my boyfriend, Wu Yifan my lover, my Ben Ben, all of him, I wanted him back. It sadden me that we would never be together again, I wanted to be in his arms. For the first time since I found out about my pregnancy I wished my baby was Yi's.

The next day, Sehun drove us to the doctor, I was excited beyond limits jumping in my seat in the waiting area, which was deserted we decided to be the last appointment in the book, we weren't ready to come out yet, we have to sugar coat it for Kris a little bit.

-Choi Jinri? - The nurse's voice startled me.

We stood up and she look at us estranged, a young pregnant girl going in with two guys holding hands, one that could easily be mistaken as a girl, I bet she had to look twice at Luhan.

-Choi Jinri- Said a honey blonde haired lady - nice to see you again, I was worry when you didn't come for you refill this month-

I cleared my voice before talking -yeah about that stop taking then more than a month ago, I'm sort of pregnant- Sehun snorted.

- Sort of?- asked doctor Lee .

-well, I’m pregnant, my period never arrived, I'd have morning sickness for the last three weeks- i air quoted at the mention of my whole day nausea-and three pregnancy tests confirmed it- 

-Well let's take your measurements and then we’ll make and  ultrasound- 

She asked tons of questions, about my last period, the dad, which Sehun answer happily, about my morning sickness and other symptoms; It seem that I lost weight due to my sickness, doctor Lee said that they would eventually die down in a couple moths, still she gave me some recommendations so they would lessen.

I put on that paper flimsy robe they gave you, they obliged me to take my pants off, but I refused to take my off as well; I wasn't about to flash Sehun and Luhan with my lady bids, even though Hunhun probably saw them, but it didn't count because he couldn't remember it.

- I will need you to remove your underwear; I am going to practice a sonogram- she sat in from of the chair between my legs

-A what? – I screamed, evoking low chuckles from Luhan and Sehun- what about the tummy one?-

-we'll do that when fetus is completely formed, meanwhile well do transl, so open up your legs- she said it like she was giving the weather report.

-fine, but you two have to be here- I said pointing Luhan and Sehun to the top of the exam chair- I don’t want you to see my lady parts- I said removing my , thank god I put on some decent ones.

- It’s not like I haven’t seen it before- Luhan looked amused at Sehun, but I just glared- You were a big exhibitionist when we were four-

-Shut it already- I said while I placed my legs on the stirrups.

-Ok, Jinri this is going to be little bit cold- and then she shoved a white concave stick into my va-jay-jay.

One would say that the probe thing looks a little like a , so it might feel a little like one, but it doesn’t,  it’s cold and clinic and so uncomfortable. The little monitor next to the exam chair went on and suddenly in the screen appeared some white dots.

-it looks like you are six weeks into your pregnancy and there it is, the little dot in there- she said pointing to the bean looking spot- and the fetus is a quarter of an inch which it’s a perfect size – I look at Sehun and Luhan who were beaming at the screen – listen closely and you my hear it’s heart beat-

I did I look at the screen and there it was a faint little gushing sound.

-The gushing sound is the placenta- said the nurse next to the doctor – listen closely-

There it was the faintest of the sound a little boom- boom- boom, tears began to spill from my eyes, tears I did not notice have formed , it was my baby, my little bean in there, happiness filled my heart. I knew that no matter how hard life gets for us in the future, we would be fine, we would be perfect, everything would be worth it and my baby would be worth fighting all the obstacles among the way.





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tracylp89 #1
Chapter 8: I want to see Kris's reaction if he knows about Sulli's baby
katana27 #2
Chapter 8: aaawww!! what a sweet and exciting chapter, never thought KRIS would kiss JINRI again after what he did. Also I really love the last paragraph of the story where JINRI cried because of happiness, she finally heard her baby's heart beat :) can' t wait for more of your chapters :)) I'll be waiting for your next update :) ❤️
katana27 #3
Chapter 7: Great chapter :) I really love your story :)) i'll wait until your next update
Chapter 5: Hunli juseyo u n u
Chapter 6: Eerged. This sshhsjhsjbsj
Chapter 6: I wonder, when will Kris appear oh man, Confuse is it a HunLi or a KrisLi OTL , but rooting for KrisLi, since he might be hiding something o/
tracylp89 #7
Chapter 6: Exo here sounds like bad boy, they bet on her pregnant
Chapter 5: I kennet wait. Lolol
Chapter 5: why Baekhyun scream? O.o