Waking Up

The Best You Ever Had



I was awoken by the sunshine coming through my window, it took my eyes a little while to get used to the light, when I did I notice it was painfully bright, but it took me longer to figure out why if I just woke up I was feeling like a truck ran me over.

Pushing my covers off I decided to chastised myself later because at the moment the aching in my head was more painful that the one in my heart, and the thoughts in my head were as loud as a electric hammer making its way through a wall. Stretching my aching body I could notice that I wasn't alone in bed, turning as fast as my grogginess allowed  it I turned to see a very asleep and very  Sehun in my bed, and all I could think of was that I was ed, indeed.

During five long and exasperating minutes I looked at Sehun's motionless body speechless I didn't know what to do or say or anything, and my hangover wasn't allowing me to develop coherent thoughts and the first thing I did as I recovered my capacity of speech was scream as loud as my head could take it.

-What the ? Jinri- said the now awake Sehun.

- That is the same thing I want to know what the ?- I pulled my sheets  to cover my body.

-Oh my god- he said realizing what I meant, I think he forgot all about Madonna - Did we?

-I don't know that's what I want to know- I was grasping as tight at my patience as I could- I can't remember a thing.

-Let’s not panic, maybe we just fell asleep we were both pretty drunk-

-We are Sehun- my grasp was getting loose.

-Can you remember something? -  I shook my head - then we can pretend as if this never happen, because honestly I don't remember a thing-

- What if something did happen? - My head was pleading me to accept his logic, but my rationality was begging me not to.

-Please Jinri let's pretend it never happened- he started to put on his boxers

- What if... - He didn't let me finish

- If it did you know it would ruin our friendship forever- I knew he was being dramatic, but I knew as well that forever was a long time.

If I acted as if this never happened I knew there would be no turning back, but from my perspective, well screw  my point of view I was tired of looking back, I've been looking back all week in where my relationship went wrong, it was time for me to stop and look forward.

- Fine- I agreed - but I need to be alone- he nodded with a shy smile hanging from his lips- you should go. -  I cover myself with my sheets while he changed.

-Good bye Riri - he said closing the door, and for some reason it sounded like he meant forever.

 I was getting ready for a bath when I heard a knock in my door.

-Come in-

-Riri- it was Qian – Yifan its downstairs, he wants to see you

- He’s what? Did he saw Sehun leave? -my mind was going rampant what how long was it since Sehun left? if he saw Sehun and he knows he spent de night, well obviously he knows but what if he knows how did we woke up this morning, Sehun would be dead meat, I would be dead meat we, Yi Fan would go to jail, that's awful.

- I don't think so, wait,  did Sehun spent the night? - Crap I said way too much, I nodded stupidly- well he wants to see you urgently, but if you want me I can send him away-

- yes tell him I'm still asleep, or that I die or something - I looked  at the window measuring how much would it hurt if I jump through it- I don't want to see him.

- Ok I'll tell him you're sleep-. I waited for the sound of the front door closing but instead I heard shouting.

- What do you mean she is still asleep?-

- It means that she is still in Morpheus’s arms- was she trying to get me murder?

- I know you are lying, I want to see her now- thank god he got the Greek reference.

- Well she doesn't want to see you-  silence fell and then steps- hey where do you think you're going-   was he coming up?, The sound of his heavy steps in the stairs gave me my answer, what the hell? What should I do? Should I get back to bed or jump through the window?

The click on the lock told me it was too late to make that choice so I sat in bed idly

- See I knew there was no guy in her room- well it appears he didn't got the mythological reference after all.

- Go away- I said, Qian seemed like she wanted to slap him.

-Why was Sehun just leaving? - Oh my, I was screw in any possible way.

- He slept in - Amber said startling us where did she come from.

 - What’s with all the noise? -  This was awful Soojung was awake before noon, or was it after noon already, who the hell knew.

-Who did he sleep with? - I wanted him gone my headache was coming back

- He, slept in my bedroom and I slept with Riri- said Amber, oh my freaking god, I was going to lose my friendship with Amber.

-Is it truth? - Yifan question me, I nodded with wide eyes, he looked pleased, he thought I was scared, but scared of what? - Well I just came to check that Sehun brought you home yesterday and to make sure he didn't let you go with some punk, also  I  wanted apologize for crashing your nigh out yesterday - finally the noise stopped.

-Ok, your forgiven, now go- my head was killing me, also I wanted to talk with Amber.

- I'm not done, I forgive you for being so insolent yesterday- I was what?

- Ok fine, now you can go- said Soojung - I was sleeping and you wake me with your shouting, who the hell comes so early in the morning to make so many riots, that's rude-

- Krystal,  is three in the afternoon- said Yifan walking away reluctantly.

- It’s still morning for me, I don't go screaming to Exo's like a mad person-

- Well you might not go screaming, but I know someone from F(x) that goes her way into Lu... what the Qian?- Qian immediately slapped him in the arm. 

-I don't go revealing the way you used to moan in this same house, do I? - Yifan looked startled- now leave- Qian and Soojung Walk made sure he went home

- Now you have some explaining to do, young lady- said Qian coming back

- Yeah spill it missy, we want all the dirty deeds- Soojung looked like she ran her way back

- Where’s Amber? when did she leave?-  it appears that no one notice when she left - girls I don't want to talk about it please I want to talk with amber and take a shower please.

- Fine but we’ll talk later- they left me alone at last.

And so it began the worst week of my life, Sehun and I avoided each other, Yifan march in front of me with a coterie of girls marching behind, all campus knew of our break up. While I was trying to avoid him, Amber was trying to avoid me, I wanted to explain to her that I didn't mean to (perhaps) have with Sehun or whatever it happen, that I it wasn't my intention to forget her crush on him, all my attempts were pointless, she appeared to never being home whenever I was there.

This week balls, because me and Sehun weren't talking, I wanted to scream at him every time I saw him on campus. What the hell happened to act as if it never happen? , by Friday I realize that Sehun's good bye it might have meant forever, last week my heart ached for the lost of Yifan now it was aching for the lost of my truthful soul mate, Sehun.




A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for suscribing and thank you for your comments, we're trying our best here:)  here's some love from Sehunie, see you on friday guys :) <3


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tracylp89 #1
Chapter 8: I want to see Kris's reaction if he knows about Sulli's baby
katana27 #2
Chapter 8: aaawww!! what a sweet and exciting chapter, never thought KRIS would kiss JINRI again after what he did. Also I really love the last paragraph of the story where JINRI cried because of happiness, she finally heard her baby's heart beat :) can' t wait for more of your chapters :)) I'll be waiting for your next update :) ❤️
katana27 #3
Chapter 7: Great chapter :) I really love your story :)) i'll wait until your next update
Chapter 5: Hunli juseyo u n u
Chapter 6: Eerged. This sshhsjhsjbsj
Chapter 6: I wonder, when will Kris appear oh man, Confuse is it a HunLi or a KrisLi OTL , but rooting for KrisLi, since he might be hiding something o/
tracylp89 #7
Chapter 6: Exo here sounds like bad boy, they bet on her pregnant
Chapter 5: I kennet wait. Lolol
Chapter 5: why Baekhyun scream? O.o