Unexpected pt. II

The Best You Ever Had


Unexpected PT. II

When  I made it to my car  I was hyperventilating ,  I damned to be a woman because I couldn’t find my car keys. What did I just saw? Is Sehun gay, is Luhan gay or are they simply experimenting? I read in Cosmo, I believe, that it was totes normal to try the girl on girl or boy on boy and that it wouldn’t make you less straight or gay, oh whatever this was a ed up situation. If I was scared of Hunhun ‘s reaction before now  I was terrified and mortified, what on earth will I say to my baby when him or her’d ask me about the missing dad issue? Would I be able to tell her or him, oh he ran away with a guy, don’t worry it isn’t so bad because the dude sort of look like a girl; no that wasn’t an option.

Out of the blue I felt an arm in my shoulder that made me jump and drop my keys that I just found.

-Jinri- said a breathless Sehun, I didn’t answer,  god,  I couldn’t even  look at him in the eyes – Jinri, talk to me, look at me- he insisted, but I couldn’t bring myself to it – I wanted to tell, gosh! I’ve been dying to tell you, but I didn’t think it was wise, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you – at least it wasn’t because we have slept together.

- you stupid –I slapped his hand away from my shoulder-  I’m came here to talk to you of something important and what do I found? You and Luhan making out like there’s no tomorrow- I was trying to be civil, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it any longer- were you guys seeing each other when he and Victoria were dating and weren’t you ing with that Tiffany chick? Did you guys were seeing each other when we had ?

- firstly I’m sorry you had to find out this way it wasn’t my intention,  we didn’t actually cheated on Qian, I’m not that kind of guy- whatever I was holding on  to be civil was slipping out of my hand- and how did you know we had ? We agreed to forget about it - And with that it slipped all together.

- Because I’m pregnant you stupid , I came to tell you that, but now I don’t know what to do because it appear that according to Cosmo you are some sort of lesbutante or gaybutant or whatever you are, what about Qian and that poor Tiffany girl, what about the baby? – I wasn’t able to continue with my rant when he interrupted me.

- You’re pregnant? – It sounded more like a question-I got you pregnant? – he sat on the sidewalk next to where my keys were – oh my ing god, oh my effing Madonna- he put his hands on his face  the same hands that were on Luhan’s just minutes ago.

- yeah- was all I could muster.

While deciding if I would tell Sehun that we are going to be parents I imagined different scenarios the one where he runs away screaming like  a little girl, another when we would hug and promise we would rise the baby together, in this one we would live together  and we would move on with our  lives and date different people and I don’t know  we could’ve fall in love,  I have to admit that that, even before that I walked in on them, was pretty unlikely, but the hopeless romantic inside me couldn’t help herself of dreaming about it.

-What’s a gaybutante? - was all he asked

-Are you serious right now? I just told you that I was expecting your child and you are worry about what a freaking gaybuatante is? – I kicked him in the shin.

-ouch! What the Sulli? I’m in shock, you just drop a freaking bomb on me, I mean do you think I’m  ing ready to be a dad? I haven’t finished college or I might just found the love of my life and now I’m having a child with you-

He looked as flustered as I was felling, what did he meant with he just found the love of his life? Does he mean that Luhan is the one and what about that poor tiffany?

-Why you never told me you were gay, I mean you might have mention you thought you were biual-I was trying    to process all this as well but it was really hard- thinking and being are two things completely differently Hunhun and what about Tiffany?-  I really wanted to know about her.

- I like girls all right, but I love Luhan, he’s the one, I feel it- he look at me and pated the spot next to him for me to sit instead I took my keys and open the car door to sit in the back seat right in front of   him – Tiffany was okay but she is irrelevant, we, we were just hooking up and having fun, that’s all- he shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

Of all the years I have know Sehun he’s never been the one with long and stable relationships, he’s been always good with short term non committal, so for him to say that Lulu was the one was a big deal, man on the moon kind of deal, I knew the only way he would say his the one, was that Luhan was actually that, the one, or either he was high on LSD.

Looking at his deer on the road kind of eyes, I got to decided that it was the first, but still I couldn’t shake the uneasiness out of my system.

-I, I – was lost at words – I’m happy that you found  the one, but it’s kind of a horrible time for it- I really wanted not to be pessimistic for him, but the time was ty.

-I’m sorry – he apologized, but I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or himself – It was really irresponsible  of me to get drunk, while I was supposed to be taking care of you, but Luhan and I this feeling developed before our eyes, we didn’t plan on it and it took us long enough to figure it out-

- I don’t know what to say – and I didn’t have a clue of what he was talking about

- I’ve never told you this before but I have had this insane attraction for him for so long, but I tried to ignore it – he let out a frustrated sigh-I mean we are in the same fraternity, the guys would go ape if they find out, we would not be able to find the end of it, they’ll tease us and make fun of us and it’d be uncomfortable, and there was always Victoria- he let her name linger.

I’d stop thinking about Qian a long time ago, now I was just trying to figure out where did my baby and I fit in his new life?

- Can I ask you a question? - He said sounding amused

-Didn’t you just do that? – I said with more mirth that I meant to.

He didn’t reply but instead kept going – How do you know it’s mine and not Yifan’s?  I thought you were on the pill?

That was actually a pretty good question that I haven’t ask myself, but at the same time the question was so good it was stupid.

-I know ‘cause if you don’t remember I was depressed since my boyfriend since forever just broke up with me, so during that time I forgot to take the pill, I forgot to feed myself, geez I even forgot to shower myself-

 For me it was pretty clear, I’ve never stop taking the pill while I was with Yi so it had to be Sehun’s, beside lately my life with Kris wasn’t as exciting or frequent as it used to be, maybe  we did  move in different paths and I never noticed it.

-I wasn’t having with Kris anymore- I admitted ashamed

- What on earth?  You were dating Yi Fan, the Wu Yi Fan, I refuse to believe that! - He exclaimed

-The last time we had – I called it because now thinking about it we weren’t making love anymore – it was at Suho’s  birthday party, I think?- god, I wasn’t even sure, our lack of must have being a warning I refused to acknowledge

-How did Yi lasted that long? – That was a really good question, may be his path led him to that Seohyun girl – what does Seohyun has to do with this? – I didn’t realized I said that aloud.

- They’re dating or something – I pouted – She is her new way or something-

An awkward silence fell on us that made us just stare at one another, I wanted to break it so bad but I just couldn’t find in me the right words to say, thankfully Sehun beat me to it.

-I can’t believe you are pregnant, I always thought you would enter exo’s throwing pregnancy tests at Kris, the day he’ll get you pregnant- he laughed.

- I wanted to that when I found out but then, but I didn’t want Yi Fan killing my bestie who just happens to be the father – I said playing with my keys

 –thanks for your concern, Just so you know we even had a bet going,  Chanyeol  bet   ₩ 200,000  that you would get pregnant this summer, Baekhyun and  Chen backed him up, I bet  ₩ 300,000 that you  wouldn’t last this semester and kyungsoo,  Tao and Lay   agreed to it, Jongin, Luhan  and  Xiumin said that by the end of next semester and  bet  ₩ 500,000; Suho was the only one with faith in you and said that you would accomplish your plan of waiting to  begging your family, but still bet  ₩ 600,00 for the sake of it- he looked pleased with himself

The hell was he talking about?  Did they all peg me as that kind of girl? Well it appeared so. I threw my shoe at him without taking it off and it landed in his lap.

-I think I just won, but do you think it counts without Yi not being the one impregnating you?-  Was he seriously asking me this? This time I stood up and slapped him in the forehead.

-My offspring and I are not some race horse you can bet on - I was fuming.

- See the bright side of it we now have money for the first set of diapers - he laughed and this time I laughed with him for the first time.

With that I knew he was on board with this, he would be with us as much as he could, I knew it because this was us, most of the time there were no explanation need it and when they were there didn’t need to be long; that’s how we were uncomplicated and simple.  No drama allowed was the motto of our friendship since Yifan came along, he complicated the uncomplicated, but his drama train was never able to wreck us.

We talk for a little longer, just the basic about it, we agreed to go to gyno together , It would be the baby first ultrasound and he wanted to be there. We’d consent on talking about moving in together, but he wanted to talk with Luhan about it, so we compromised that he could tell Luhan as long as I could tell one of the girls.

After that we parted ways but instead of saying good bye this time I said see you later.


A/N: Yay, finally she said it <3 hahaha, thank you for suscribing and for your comments<3



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tracylp89 #1
Chapter 8: I want to see Kris's reaction if he knows about Sulli's baby
katana27 #2
Chapter 8: aaawww!! what a sweet and exciting chapter, never thought KRIS would kiss JINRI again after what he did. Also I really love the last paragraph of the story where JINRI cried because of happiness, she finally heard her baby's heart beat :) can' t wait for more of your chapters :)) I'll be waiting for your next update :) ❤️
katana27 #3
Chapter 7: Great chapter :) I really love your story :)) i'll wait until your next update
Chapter 5: Hunli juseyo u n u
Chapter 6: Eerged. This sshhsjhsjbsj
Chapter 6: I wonder, when will Kris appear oh man, Confuse is it a HunLi or a KrisLi OTL , but rooting for KrisLi, since he might be hiding something o/
tracylp89 #7
Chapter 6: Exo here sounds like bad boy, they bet on her pregnant
Chapter 5: I kennet wait. Lolol
Chapter 5: why Baekhyun scream? O.o