
The Best You Ever Had


Today was Monday, three days since I told Sehun we would be parents, a little less than 72 hours since I found out about HunHan like they so graciously baptized themselves and I knew this because Sehun and I have been texting since Friday.

I’ve always liked Mondays, I couldn’t understand why people didn’t enjoy them, they are so full of life, they always came to you with the promise of a new week full of surprises; but today I was dreading Mondays, Yifan broke up with me a Monday, so I guess that could count as a precedent that this Monday would be awful.

I am not a superstitious person, I’ve never believed in the black cat or the crack thing, but I knew that Krystal being up before 7 am, Amber  cooking breakfast and my hair not being able to curl properly were a huge  omen.  So I went to class doubting my presence in the place. During my first class, which I had with Sehun, we were scolded by the professor for not paying attention to the techniques of proper corporal expression, we were too busy   talking about  morning sickness and gyno visits, that I didn’t listen to my name been called out during the roll call. By the end of the class we agreed on going to dinner at night just to talk about the specifics of the pregnancy.

By second period we parted ways he went to some dance lesson or whatever dancer majors did and I went to photography, which I shared with Soojung, who was surprisingly early for her first class, was sitting at our usual spot at the back of the classroom next to Choi Minho, a smart mouthed gal we befriended during our first weeks.

-Good morning sunshine – he greeted me happily

- Why are you always so happy in the morning? – asked Krystal annoyed

- my, my, someone fell out of bed this morning  - he – You know it’s because I’m always looking forward to see your lovely faces – he smiled brightly, I just rolled my eyes at him.

Today I could understand Soojung’s annoyance on bright people and waking up in the mornings, because I was feeling a little grumpy myself, my morning sickness was killing my good vibe, not that I had much left lately anyways

-Why are you being so quiet sulovely? - He asked concern filling his tone, but before I could lie to him the teacher arrived.

I praised a silent thanks to God. Throughout the class I tried really hard to concentrate but I couldn’t, my tummy was threatening to expel out of my body the granola bar Sehun forced me to digest in the morning, he argued that he wanted little Sehunie to be a healthy baby, he was right, but it didn’t give him the right to call the fetus Sehun, as if it wasn’t my baby as well.

-Jinri, did you hear what the teacher said? – Soojung shocked me out of my thoughts

- Pardon me, what? -  I really did not have any idea of what the teacher just said

-Satan just called out for groups – she said it like it was the end of the world- Minho you’re in our group, there that would do- she demanded not allowing Minho to say a word.

Soojung had the rude habit of calling the professors Satan every time they pair her up with someone she didn’t like or when an important assignment was to be made in groups, she enjoyed working by her lonesome self.

-What do we have to do? – I asked trying to grasp at the idea of working with Krystal and her perfectionist work self, she could be as lazy as koala most of the days, but when it came to school related work she became a banshee; from always lazy type b personality to a type A .

- Why weren’t you paying attention? did Sehun had been eating your brain as well? – What on earth was she talking about, I mean it was a clearly implication that me and Sehun were… but I didn’t like how she make our one night sound like a regular item.

I laughed at her, god, if only she knew the truth, she would start singing Dora the explorer song but instead of we did it she would go I knew it, I knew it.

-Don’t be foolish and crass - I said with a pointed look – I was day dreaming with my next doctor appointment that would make my stomach flu go away, can you imagine all the junk food I would ingest- I was only half lying, I was going with my ob-gyn to see my baby for the first time.

- Whatever, we are doing a themed photo shoot as a final project which is due at the end of the semester, we should include the types of photography we would be learning – did the teacher just said all that or was she just made that up? How long did I space out? I looked at Minho for answers but he looked just as lost as I was.

-We should be bringing our progress every week, this week is the theme, so Minho you are expected at our house at five sharp, please don’t be late- she began putting her notes away.

The rest of the day I was debating whether to call Sehun and cancel him; he was supposed to pick me up at eight o’clock and assuming we wouldn’t take that long to choose a theme I decided against it, besides I would bet anything that Krystal was already working on it.


-What do you mean you haven’t been working on it? – I exclaimed sitting on the dining room table.

 -What the hell, are you expecting me to work on it all by myself?- I wanted to say yes,  but I wasn’t about to tell her that – anyways I’ve been investigating some of the types of photography will be studying  and-  She couldn’t finish because Sunyoung entered whining into the room.

-I hate school already! - She exclaimed prompting herself into a chair a cross Soojung

-Sunyoung, it’s been only a month- said Qian who was silently working on her homework next to me.

-I know but teachers are so unfair- she whined

-Tell me about it! I have to do a photography portfolio with Jinri and Minho – Soojung said barely taking her eyes off of the computer – top that with doing the production I have to make with you-

- don’t be mean- Sunyoung pouted – but you did over load this semester, I mean you don’t even had to  take photography, it is not part of your major – it was true Soojung was taking more classes that she should had.

-You should drop out of photography – said Qian, I gave her the evil eye, did she wanted me to work all by myself with Minho, was she crazy?

- And leave Jinri and Minho by themselves to die with the project? I mean Riri could do it alone if she wanted to, but I doubt Minho could be helpful, besides I wanted to prove that I deserve being here that I’m not just a slob- she said and began typing furiously.

Thank you merciful Lord, I should began to go church a long time ago, but that wasn’t worrying me right now, Soojung was and her incredible need to prove Suho wrong.

They dated during six months last year everybody thought they were the next Krissli, but it ended ugly, it turned out Joonmyun wasn’t really fond of Krystal’s lazy persona, for him it look like she didn’t wanted to be a in here, she didn’t deserve it were his words,   he said, I quote him, “I don’t want to be with a person that thinks everything for her is granted, I want to be with someone with aspirations, not a sloth like yourself”

That was low, it was low even for Kris, he never called me names or anything or cursed in front of me, and when he did, well that was in the throes of passion. The worst part was that all this was said in public, like really public, like in the middle of the quad during lunch kind of public, and once again that was really jerkish of him, not even Kris was that kind of douche.

Their break up was so public and humiliating that Soojung did not came out in a week, her sister Jessica forced her to do it, I even stopped talking to Joonmyun for a week and that was the longest we been without talking since we know each other and I known him since kindergarten, he was the one who defended Sehun and I from the bullies in the playground, that’s why we called him Suho; but the guardian became the bully and we had to guard our friend from him. So Qian banned him from our house and we aren’t allowed to speak of him in front of Krystal.

Two days later he called Soojung desperate to get her back and begging for forgiveness, but she didn’t took him back, later he explained to me that he didn’t actually meant to break up with her so publicly but she pushed his bottoms by appearing to their lunch date half sleep, I didn’t actually believed it but I knew Joonmyun and he was charming and endearing and he never would do that on purpose.

-oh god, why don’t you just get over it? - said Amber entering the room with a bunch of books- I mean the guy beg for forgiveness and scream in the middle of the quad that he never called you and he meant sloth- he did that because people misheard him and begun making up stories like Soojung sleeping with Sehun, who at the time was Joonmyun roommate.

-And don’t forget, that every time he saw you he screamed I love you Jung Soojung- said Luna opening a book.

He did do that during a month, I knew he was trying to win Soojung back but it only humiliated her more, after that people began to pity her; up to this day she has not accepted his apologies or been in the same place as him for more than five minutes. I believed that her heart wasn’t as shatter as her ego was.

-God, I’m already over it, what Joonmyun and I had was good while it lasted, bad when it ended and relieving while it’s gone- she look at from the computer, we were all staring at her, she never talk about it- but I’d be more relieve when he eats his words- she smiled that smile that gave me shivers, it was creepy and evil at the same time.

We didn’t talk anymore until Minho arrive at five, half hour earlier Amber left for class and Sunyoung took a call from Kyungsoo.

At ten minutes to five we heard the doorbell.

-I’ll get it- said Victoria standing up apparently she was done with her homework – Hi you must be Minho, come on in-  from our spot all we could listen to was that.

Soojung looked up from whatever she was doing in her computer and raised an eyebrow at me; I just acknowledged it with a shrug, seconds later Minho and Qian entered the room laughing probably at something he said.

-Ladies – said Minho waving his hand

-Well it was nice to meet you, Minho – said Victoria leaving the room

-It was a pleasure Qian- he sat in front of Soojung, were a few minutes was Luna sitting.

- So I’ve been thinking that we should do some vernacular shots inspired by an era of our liking- I looked at Krystal as if she was talking Spanish or some new language – However, you guys are  expected to be involve in fashion so we should add that in the shoot…-

-And how is that supposed to create the theme? – I rudely cut her off.

- Well that should…-

-Hi Minho! How are you this evening? Did you have a pleasant afternoon? Why, I had indeed thanks for asking, how about yours? – He said interrupting this time – god girls, your parents would be ashamed of your manners – he teased

I laughed at him and Krystal just rolled her eyes at him, it was a nice icebreaker for the formal atmosphere Soojung was starting to form.

 We work steadily joking and making fun at Soojung’s formality, who grew exasperated at me every time I laughed at Minho’s Jokes. We decided on a love triangle that would took placed during the sixties, we would model and Minho would take the photos, we were done in less than two hours, but Minho stayed anyways and fooled around a little with Qian Joining us, apparently she and Minho got along just fine.

 The weary feeling I got this morning was long gone and I was just all about enjoying this rare time with my friends until the doorbell rang again twenty minutes before eight.

-I’ll get it – said Qian, whom apparently took the doorman job – What are you doing here? You are not allowed to come in? What the Luhan? Come back-

, .

Luhan was here was he mad? Did he come to make me a scene? I could picture all he would said he would called me out on my pregnancy and then everybody would know about it.

Oh god. Did Sehun know he was here?

I didn’t have time to inquire myself for answers when there he was, looking all pretty and groomed with his girly baby faced, Luhan wasn’t manly but he was really attractive in his own unique way and he had the most sweetest voice that accomplished the angelic image, I knew why girls would pawned at him, god if only they knew.

-Jinri – he said looking as uncomfortable as I was feeling – can we talk? – I nodded stupidly unable to find my words – umm… can we do it in private? - He looked around his gaze lingering more than it should in Victoria.

-That is just stupid, whatever you have to say to Riri you can do it in front of us, we have no secrets- said Qian shooting daggers at her ex.

-Yes- I shocked out.

-Come on Vic, we should show Minho the back yard- I mouthed a silent thank you to Soojung, She just stood up with her laptop in hands.

Victoria glared at us and left the room with a silent Minho in tow. I didn’t really wanted to be alone with Lulu, but I knew we had to have this conversation so I sat silent waiting for his next move.

-I’m so sorry – I said not really waiting- I didn’t mean to… - I was so pathetic, I didn’t even knew why I was apologizing for.

He sat silently in the chair next to me.

-Sulli don’t be foolish, there’s no need for you to apologize, it was a mistake right ?- I nodded -  it happens, I should be the one apologizing it must have been a shock for you to found out about Sehun and I the way you did-

I threw my arms at his neck and began crying silently, it was a relief here I was all mortified that he would be calling me names for being pregnant with his lover’s child, instead he is here worried about me not judging. He let me cried for awhile in his arms occasionally patting my back, my tears stained his shirt but he didn’t seem to mind.

-I just want to be there for you guys, I love Sehun and I want to help you out with the baby- I hugged him tighter.

A sudden grasp made me lose my death grip on Luhan’s neck and I was petrified to find a wide eye Joonmyun at the door. We began an awkward staring contest that Suho broke.

-Is it Yifan’s?- he asked –if is his Jinri I swear to god that I’m going to kill him- then he looked at Luhan, who remained silent – Is it Luhan’s?-

-God no, it’s not Luhan’s – I said  rubbing my eyes – It’s not Yifan’s either – He looked at me with a expression I could recognized as disappointment – It’s Sehun’s-

And awkward silence fell on us and I couldn’t find it in me to break it, Luhan was fidgeting with a pencil that was left on the table and Joonmyun, poor Joonmyun was having a huge internal battle, I could see.

-Now you too, what is it today national day? – We were all startled by Qian’s voice, it seemed they were done looking the back yard – I thought I told you, you could not set foot in this house-

Minho caught up with the awkward vibe rolling with the five of us

-it’s late, I should go – he said uncomfortable

We didn’t protested instead just gave him a see you in class back.

-So what are you doing here? – I didn’t know what was pissing Victoria more the fact the she apparently wasn’t over being dump by Luhan or that Joonmyun was defying her.

-I don’t mind him being here- it was Soojung’s time to surprised us – I had enough company for the day- she continued taking a step forward to the door.

Joonmyun’s face looked like a myriad of emotion going from disappointed to confused, to sad to relief, and he did what he always did when Soojung was near him; look at her as if she was the only person in the world, he looked at her and I could see the thousand words he wanted to say to her but he would be never be able to do it.

Usually Soojung would look at him back longingly, her cat like eyes filled with melancholy; this time she looked at him with endearment, it was not the way you look at the person you love or hate or want to rip his balls off, she looked at him the way you look at and old friend you haven’t seen in ages, and right now, right there i knew that Soojung had moved on but I wasn’t sure if she was aware that it was time to let go that she didn’t have anything to prove .

Lost in mi thoughts I didn’t notice when Krystal left or when Yifan arrived, but when I looked up he was there crunching in front of me, eye level. A sudden felling of awareness filled me up, I was aware of him looking at me intensively seeing through my soul, I was aware of everyone else watching us but mostly I was aware that from now on I had to suppress this feeling that urged me to throw my hands around his shoulders and pull him closer, because I knew that we would never be ever again.

-Now, you too? - Said Qian exasperated -did you planned this? - Qian when on and on about stupid irresponsible Exo members, but I couldn’t care less, Yi was there looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

-Hi- he whispered- I heard that you haven’t felt well lately, how are you feeling now? -

-I’m fine- I said with quivering lips- It’s just a stupid stomach flu that won’t go away- 

- a long stomach flu from what I heard- his eyes bored in tome and for a moment I felt that everything could be alright- I came here to take you to the doctor – wasn’t he sweet?

-It’s not necessary Kris I went to day, they just told me the usual- I lied hoping he would buy it.

-Well I’m not ok with just the usual I want to take you anyways- That could not happen, what would the doctor said “congratulations she, your girlfriend, err, ex-girlfriend is pregnant”?

-I want to take you babe, pleasure me- he said giving me his lost puppy eyes, the one that always won me over, but this time I had to be firm.

-As I said it’s not necessary, as I said I already went and everything it’s alright –he puckered his lower lip looking even cuter, but I could not leave my resolve – I said no Kris, besides you don’t even have to worry for me, it’s not like we are together or anything. - And just with that sweet, caring Yi was gone, he stood up as if his pants were on fire, knocking the chair next to him.

-Just this once I wanted to do something nice for you – everyone in the room was watching us, no reproaching word were coming out of Qian’s mouth- fine, have it your way – he stormed out of the room leaving me pondering that if we were in a cartoon, say an anime, a trail of fire would have been left behind.

A few minutes passed without any of us saying anything, we just stared at the dining room door were Kris just left, until Qian talked again.

-I think you should follow Yifan’s example-  But none of them moved.

-Sulovely I’m home! – Sehun’s Cheerful arrival made me regret not canceling our dinner plans.

God, I officially hated Mondays.


A/N: HELLO GUYS~  i gotta say i love this chap! haha well guys i didn't want to do this but i have to clarify that the story is a Krislli story, we're not sure about how this is going to end yet and we don't know if they're gonna end up together but it's going to be amazing, we promise:) thank you so much for your comments and for suscribing, love you <3


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tracylp89 #1
Chapter 8: I want to see Kris's reaction if he knows about Sulli's baby
katana27 #2
Chapter 8: aaawww!! what a sweet and exciting chapter, never thought KRIS would kiss JINRI again after what he did. Also I really love the last paragraph of the story where JINRI cried because of happiness, she finally heard her baby's heart beat :) can' t wait for more of your chapters :)) I'll be waiting for your next update :) ❤️
katana27 #3
Chapter 7: Great chapter :) I really love your story :)) i'll wait until your next update
Chapter 5: Hunli juseyo u n u
Chapter 6: Eerged. This sshhsjhsjbsj
Chapter 6: I wonder, when will Kris appear oh man, Confuse is it a HunLi or a KrisLi OTL , but rooting for KrisLi, since he might be hiding something o/
tracylp89 #7
Chapter 6: Exo here sounds like bad boy, they bet on her pregnant
Chapter 5: I kennet wait. Lolol
Chapter 5: why Baekhyun scream? O.o