Late Night Show

The Best You Ever Had



It was Saturday at last, classes begin this Monday and to say I was looking forward to it would be a misunderstanding, don't get me wrong is not that I don't like school, I love school and since my classes are awesome I love it even more; but I haven't seen Yi Fan since our fall out and honestly I'm not ready for it. Wu Yifan and I had done everything together over the last four  years, we were attach to the hip, he was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, the first lie I said I did it for him, he simply was my first everything, and now there is nothing, not even the plans we made for the future.

We were supposed to get married after I graduate, he was suppose to be working as a producer and we would have a house in Seoul, our first baby would be a girl, because he wanted a girl, we got all figured it out and now I got nothing, I bet he has it all organize he just have to put in my place someone else. What if he has someone else already? Would he do that to me?  No,I don't think so, he isn't the cheating type or is he? . The Yi Fan I was with, was kind, sweet, and loved me, the one that break up with me wasn't like that, he looked rather cold and mean.

I wish I could know how's he doing, well Sehun could tell me how he is doing, but I bet my favorite shoes he won't tell me, he is all about me mingling with other guys and getting my vixen out, but it isn't working for me all I want to do is curl up with Yifan in the sofa while we watch our favorite drama and eat the home made rice balls of mama Wu while we talk about our future. Now I'm supposed to get ready to go out to some lame bar, it's a bad world we live in.

Maybe I could know how Yifan's doing from Tao. I dialed his number and realize too late that I don't have a good excuse for my call, before I could end the call he answers

-Jinri? - said in a soft voice.

-Tao? - I said with the most confused voice I could manage.

-Yeah- it's all he answers- Is everything ok?-

-What are you doing with Soojung’s phone? - I said stupidly, I want to slap myself with Qian's ballet shoes.

-What? - Well at least he sounded bemused – Jinri, this is my phone-

-No I'm calling Soojung's phone, not yours- I was hoping he could not listen the desperation in my voice.

- Really? So you aren't calling to know how is Yifan is doing? - Busted was all I could think.

- No, of course not, what makes you think that- I'm pretty sure he is a beagle and he could smell my despair through the phone.

-Just guessing, so I heard from Sehun ah you are breaking free and going to some wild party tonight? - Well didn't the Hunnie have a big mouth?

- Yeah something like that- I said growing uncomfortable of the conversation - he believes we should show off our new hairstyle-

- If your new hairstyle is something like his I would rather not be seeing with you in public- he joked.

- No of course not, it's actually quite stylish- an awkward silence fell on us I feel the raw necessity to get rid of it- you know Tao I should probably go and get ready, it was nice talking to you-

- Well, Yifan is doing great and he seems good to me, you know he's moving on- That I didn't expect.

- Ok, but It wasn't necessary- I was lost at words.

-But you know it would totally kill him if you just forget about him, good bye Sul- I was left speechless and mad.  Mad at myself for being so stupid and weak, for calling Tao I wanted to slap myself, but I was furious at Yifan for moving on so fast.

I got ready relatively fast, since my hair wasn't long anymore it was a cute bob that look sort of vintage it suited me well or so said the stylist, but so she wanted to get pay, she also dyed in a pretty shade of soft red, it wasn't longer that boring chestnut but it was a nice color instead.

The rest of the girls took ages to get ready but at the end they all look beautifu, Soojung’s new color make her skin look flawless. Our new hairstyles made me realize how a little change could do a revolution in the rest of your style.

We met Sehun at the bar; he said that Kyungsoo was coming as well but only him, the rest of Exo though we were going the same party they were.

- Riri, you look awesome, it suites you that color- Sehun always trying to made me feel good and failing.

-oh shush you! You are just saying it so I don't trick your shampoo-

- Oh you got me there- he joked

- You girls look stunning- praised Kyungsoo looking directly at Sunyoung.

- We all should get drinks- said Qian making her way through the crowd. It amazed me how at ease were the girls, like they when out every weekend instead of being in the library studying.

- Let’s make a toast- said Sehun- to freedom and new beginnings and for crappy love stories-slurred.

- To freedom- we all raised our glassed to.

Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. Amber, Qian and Sehun are dancing their hearts out, Sunyoung and Kyungsoo are talking apart from me and I'm just letting the waiter keep the drinks coming my way.

- Come on, Riri leave the lovebirds alone- Said Sehun while pulling me to the dance floor - Come and enjoy yourself a little.

I don't know what came over me but I let myself be wild and have fun, and between drinks coming my way  and spinning around in the dance floor I got that overwhelming feeling of carelessness, so I began to dance not only with my friends but with guys that came our way.

-So what's your name babe? - asked the bravest until now.

-I am... -

-Move - I was confused since when did my voice sound so deep- didn't you hear me, I said move- I felt someone pulling me from my waist and that's when I noticed that Yifan was doing the talking and pulling.

- Where are we going? - I said feeling dizzy

- I'm taking you home- growled Yifan

-But I don't wanna go home; I'm having so much fun-

-Yeah, it looked like it-

-Don't be a buzz kill and take me back inside to the dance floors let me shou ya ma moves- I slurred.

- Hey, where are you taking her? - I knew that voice, it was Sehunie’s.

- Yay, you came to take me inside- I said clapping and jumping like a five year old in Disneyland.

- What were you even thinking? You were supposed to take care of her, not let some s around her- angry Yifan said, angry Yifan was y, I wanted to do angry Yifan.

- Wait a minute, you have no right to come here and make her a scene, all Jinri was doing was having fun- Hunnie look pissed.

- Of course I have the right, she is my woman- I knew it, we are going to get back together, and surely my moves got him.

- No she is not, you guys broke up so she is no longer your woman- shush Hun was all I wanted to say, didn't he noticed that we were getting back.

- So? It doesn't make her my woman any less- I didn't get Fan answer, were we or were we not getting back together?

- What you are saying is that you can go around with your life but Riri can't? - then something in my drunken stupor snap inside me, we are not getting back together like ever.

- Are you ing serious? - the steadiness of my voice surprised me- You are mental if you think I'm going to sit around and watch how you get on with your life while I’m knitting your future babies' hats-

- Jinri shut your mouth and get in the car- I no longer wanted to do angry Yifan, because I was angry myself.

- I'm not going anywhere with you, you already said we are over so, follow your path and let me follow mine and please make sure our ways don't cross ever again- I was mad, really mad- Good bye Wu Yifan, good bye forever- I said turning my back to him hoping this time it was final.

I pulled Sehun to get a cab - Call the girls and tell them we are continue the party home- I said clapping- Can't we stop at a liquor store or something?- I asked the cabbie.

- Sure miss- his eyes never left the road

- Are you sure of this Jinri, maybe you should go home and relax? - Sehun was frowning looking all drunkenly concern.

-Yeah, we should celebrate I'm single forever! - I chirped -I'm ready to mingle- I laughed.

The girls came home half hour later with a boisterous laugh they began our private party, Qian brought Luhan with her he must have arrive with Yifan to the club,  they've been dating on an off for the past; we drank and dance all night long. My first Yawn was my signal to go to bed.

- What are you doing Sehunie?- I asked feeling him behind me.

- Making sure you don't do any drunken calls, you'll regret tomorrow, like the one you did sober this morning- he said laughing

- It was an accident I explain it to Tao that-

-Sure you did-

He walked me to my room and for the first time in the week I could concentrate in my misfortune with different eyes, I didn't know if it was the alcohol in my system or my impetuous necessity to let go of the events of the night, that all I could think of was Sehun and our friendship we been friends since high school he was the only guy Yifan trusted to be around me, and for so long he'd been my only friend, my rock the one that keeps me steady, so many people had say that he has a crush on me, but I knew the truth, besides if the rumor of the crush would have being  truth Yifan would never had left him around me, Fan could be so dense sometimes, but his jealousy allow him to see crushes were there weren't even a first glance to begging with.

-Why didn't I fall in love with a guy like you? - I said startling him

-What do you mean, with someone as handsome as me? - He said smirking

- No, someone uncomplicated like you, it would have been so much easier-

- Why didn't I fall in love with someone like you? - He asked in response.

-What ya mean? - It was my time to ask.

- I wanted to get drunk today to forget, that I'm not brave enough to propose, to talk about my feelings with my special person- he said sitting in bed next to me.

- What a pair we make don’t we, perhaps we should date each other so life won't be that complicated- I said

- And risk my pretty face to Yi's fist, no thank you beside you couldn't know how to handle all my pretty admirers hanging on my window- we laughed it off, because we knew we would never date each other it wasn't for us we love one another like siblings and that was it.

The moonlight coming through my window illuminated Sehun's pretty face while he laughed; he has that pretty laugh the one that you throw your head laughing like a little kid. Suddenly we stop laughing and we look at each other face vividly.

- Jinri- he whispered pulling himself closer

-Hun- I breathed before our lips crashed

Sehun's kiss was different from the ones I have had with Yifan, this was warm and full of mix feelings but it made me forget about my troublesome love life, it gave me the comfort I needed for the night.



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tracylp89 #1
Chapter 8: I want to see Kris's reaction if he knows about Sulli's baby
katana27 #2
Chapter 8: aaawww!! what a sweet and exciting chapter, never thought KRIS would kiss JINRI again after what he did. Also I really love the last paragraph of the story where JINRI cried because of happiness, she finally heard her baby's heart beat :) can' t wait for more of your chapters :)) I'll be waiting for your next update :) ❤️
katana27 #3
Chapter 7: Great chapter :) I really love your story :)) i'll wait until your next update
Chapter 5: Hunli juseyo u n u
Chapter 6: Eerged. This sshhsjhsjbsj
Chapter 6: I wonder, when will Kris appear oh man, Confuse is it a HunLi or a KrisLi OTL , but rooting for KrisLi, since he might be hiding something o/
tracylp89 #7
Chapter 6: Exo here sounds like bad boy, they bet on her pregnant
Chapter 5: I kennet wait. Lolol
Chapter 5: why Baekhyun scream? O.o