Chapter 7

What He saw in Her...

Shinhye’s POV

“Ahhh… Best sleep I ever had, hm… since I woke up so early, I think I should go work out. I’ll ask Yonghwa if he wants to go too.” I chirped to myself.

I got ready and dialled Yonghwa’s number, “Brrr brrr… brr brrr… Hello?”

“Hey Yonghwa-ah, do you want to go to the gym together? I am ready already.”

“Um… Okay, meet you outside in 10 minutes. I just woke up.”

“Okay, that’s good. See you, bye.”


I think Yonghwa is very tired, what did he do yesterday? Did he study? The lights were still on when I woke up at 3 for a glass of water yesterday… I think I better let him sleep. He sounds exhausted too… Hm…

Narrator’s POV

A few minutes later, Yonghwa yawned as he stepped out of his house. Shinhye was already waiting for him. She noticed his yawn, “Yonghwa-ah, I think you better go and rest, I can go by myself, you look awfully tired. Go back and sleep.”

“No, it’s okay. I am really fine.” *yawns again*

“No, what have you been doing yesterday? You have panda eyes you know. Go back and rest.” Shinhye reasoned back.

“You woke me up already ah, Shinhye. I can’t go back and sleep.” Yonghwa smiled cheekily, trying his best to brush away his sleepiness.

“How bout we go to the gym tomorrow? It’s Sunday tomorrow anyways… Just go back to sleep, okay? Do not argue with the president of the student council.” Shinhye ordered teasingly.

“Yes mam!” Yonghwa saluted weakly and went back in to his house.

Aigoo… I think I better buy him some food, he is too tired to cook or get food by himself, Shinhye thought.

She decided to buy food from the café nearby her place. As she walked into the café, she noticed someone familiar, serving the customers. Hmmm, that guy looks familiar, have I seen him before? Shinhye tried to recall, but to no avail. She went to queue, as she got nearer to that guy, she remembered who he is, Oh! It is that guy that I bumped into yesterday!

“Good morning Park Shinhye, did my charms made you stalk me all the way here?”, Minho teased with a smirk.

Shinhye rolled her eyes, “I would like 2 ham sandwiches and 2 Iced Americano. Take away please.”

“Wow, you don’t look like you eat a lot…”

“I am buying a set for my friend, it doesn’t even concern you anyways. How much is it?”

“Playing hard to get I see. It costs $20. Ham sandwich is $4 each, and your coffee is $6 each. Pay by?”

“Cash. Here you go.”

“Hey, do you live nearby?”


“Hey, don’t ignore me.”



Shinhye was about to explode, “Look here, sir. I have nothing to do with you, so please just leave me alone. And people behind are waiting to place their orders.”

Minho turned his head towards the queue and noticed quite a number of customers are getting impatient.

He nods his head and allowed Shinhye to leave. She is really pretty upclose. Minho commented in his head. I wonder if she lives at that condominium nearby… Hm…

What a strange guy, Shinhye thought as she ceased her eyebrows. She took her food and made her way back to her place.

She knocked on Yonghwa’s door, “Yonghwa-ah, open the door. I brought food for you.”

A few knocks later, out came a tired-looking hot guy, named Jung Yonghwa. *yawn* “Thank you Shinhye-ah. Come on in.”

“Oh okay, I thought you would be too tired to buy or cook any food so I decided to buy a ham sandwich and Iced Americano for you. Hope its okay.”

“Yeah, definitely. I love Iced Americano.” Yonghwa perked up immediately when he saw the food Shinhye was holding. Shinhye handed him the food and smiled, “Looks like we can help each other order coffee next time, I love Iced Americano too.”

Yonghwa smiled, flashing his white teeth. They took their food and sat on the couch and starts to eat. Yonghwa was wolfing down his sandwich, Shinhye was surprised and asked, “Yonghwa-ah, what did you do yesterday? I woke up at 3 and saw your lights still on. Were you studying?”

“Oh… Yeah. I thought that I would catch up on the topics I missed as I came to your school late. I was afraid that I couldn’t catch up. Sorry if the lights bothered you.”

“No no, it’s okay. You should asked me if you wanted to know what we’ve learnt because.. hello? You’re living beside the person who practically knows everything in the school?! If you need any help, you can just knock on my door. Don’t worry, I would be glad to help. Plus, I have nothing to do, I can use a little revision from helping you. And, the lights did not bother me the least bit. But, promise me, when you need help on something, just knock on my door. That’s what study buddies are for, aren’t they?” Shinhye smiled warmly at Yonghwa.

Yonghwa was caught off guard by her smile and was a little taken aback, “Hey Shinhye-ah, you should smile like that more. It’s beautiful.”

“Thanks.” Shinhye felt her cheeks warming up and tried her best to hide the blush coming up with gulping down the coffee.

After they finished their lunch, Shinhye decided to help Yonghwa. “So, what do you need help in?”

“It’s okay, I’m almost done catching up, I think. You can go back, I think you have plenty to do.”

“Nope, I have nothing today, I completed everything yesterday night. I can spare a few hours to help you. There is really nothing I could do if I stayed at home.”

“Okay, then, I surrender.” Yonghwa raised his hands as an act to surrender.

Shinhye chuckled at his action.

Then, they started to study together…



Hey guys! Uh, this update is kind of boring. I hope it didn’t bore you guys out… anyways, ta-da! I managed to squeeze a little bit of time into getting an update down. I hope you guys can give me ideas on how to improve this. I really hope you guys enjoy this update. The next update… hm… I really don’t know guys, my schedule will definitely be packed starting from today. But don’t worry, I’ll try my best! Please continue to show your support! Thanks everyone. I am really thankful for all the positive comments and I hope it can continue! J Have a great year!


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Maihwa #1
Chapter 8: Eventhough this story is really short and only the beginning, but it was really nice to read Aurhornim :-)!
Chapter 8: Wooah a very cute story indeed...a picture of a wonderful friendship that will turn into a beautiful relationship :)
Hope to read more:)
Thank you!!!
mySamoanfan #3
Chapter 8: Wow... nice... not so long ago they met became study buddies and befriends and now they can buy food for each other and lend a hand to help another..... cute and interesting.... can't wait for another update.... happy new year chingu ah...
genie1421 #4
Chapter 8: still love their moment/happy new year author
genie1421 #5
Chapter 7: did you changed this chap?/its been a month since your lates updated/
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 6: Yes, please update again and again. Am so far enjoying your story. Thank you.
genie1421 #7
Chapter 6: another nice n good story of YongShin.Lets spread YongShin love
Chapter 5: authornim please update faster... your story is one of my favorite... i like the nature of character of yong hwa and shin hye.. i cant wait also to read about the cnblue boys... im looking forward for your next update.. HWAITING...
mySamoanfan #9
Chapter 5: At last an update thanks chingu... Don't worry dear principal ms president will sure protect the new Look forward for the next update authornim just take all the time you want we will always be here patiently waiting HWAITING CHINGU
yongshin_lover #10
Chapter 5: At long last, you updated this one authornim. I thought you already left us here hanging. Thank you for this update! :)