Chapter 4

What He saw in Her...

A/N: Hey guys! Back and healthy! Heehee? Anyways, here ya go… a new chapter! Apologise for the super long wait~



There goes the alarm…

“Uh… where is that clock?”, Shinhye groaned in frustration. Her hand made its way towards the clock as it kept ringing. She shut the alarm and planned on going back to dreamland, but her phone rang. “Who the hell is this?!”, Shinhye scolded the caller immediately.

“Oh Shinhye, you’re still asleep? Its already 6.20am, doesn’t school start at 7.15am?”

“Oh Yonghwa, yeah…Wait, what?! Its already 6.20am? Oh no! Sorry, but I have to go prepare now, meet you at the corridor in 15mins. Bye.”, with that, Shinhye leaped out of her bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Cute, Yonghwa thought to himself.


15 minutes later, Shinhye was all dolled up for school and she came out from her house. Yonghwa was outside waiting for her, he teased, “Hey sleeping beauty.”

“Hey, don’t call me sleeping beauty. Anyways, lets go.”, Shinhye blushed a little and walked towards the elevator.

“Yes mam!”, Yonghwa teased again by saluting as she walked by.

Both shared laughs as they entered the elevator.


20 minutes later….

“Oh My God! Who’s that hunk?”, a girl questioned. Yonghwa and Shinhye arrived at school. They met a lot of people on the way there, and by ‘a lot of people’, means girls. They were doing all sorts of things to get Yonghwa’s attention; twirling of hair, bumping into him on purpose, said pick-up lines, and many more.

These crazy girls, Shinhye commented in her mind.

And now, girls in the school are going crazy too, Shinhye added as she saw a bunch of girls rushing towards Yonghwa. And for him, he was having a hard time too. On the way to school, at least 5 girls wanted to take a picture with him. He looked at Shinhye with pleading eyes, seeking help from her. She mouthed, I cant do anything, these girls are crazy. Yonghwa snickered a little. Girls are screaming now, and Yonghwa and Shinhye are being surrounded by fan-girls. Guys were looking at Yonghwa in admiration.

Just then, one of the girls gawked, “OH-MY-GOSH! Isn’t that the new transferee? He’s so hot! Wait, what’s he doing with that girl? Are they a couple?! NO!”

That statement caused an uproar. Girls were sending glares at Shinhye and guys were sending looks of admiration to Yonghwa. Both were feeling extremely awkward.

“What’s the commotion about?”, a voice boomed. Everyone turned towards the source, it was the principal. Once everyone saw him, they scurried away back to their lockers and pretended nothing happened. Shinhye and Yonghwa heaved a sigh of relief.

“Oh, you must the transferee, please follow me to my office, I need to pass some things to you. Shinhye, please come along too.”, the principal smiled warmly at both of them.

They followed the principal to his office. On the way there, many pairs of eyes were glued to them.

The principal opened his mouth to speak, “Transferee, your name is Jung Yonghwa, am I right?” Yonghwa nodded.

The principal continued, “Good. I am Principal Lee. Nice to meet you.”

Yonghwa replied with a smile, “Nice to meet you too, Principal Lee.”

 The principal returned a smile to him and looked at Shinhye, “Ah, Yonghwa, I see you have met the president of the student council, Park Shinhye.”

Yonghwa was taken aback by surprise but nevertheless, nodded with a yes. Shinhye gave a polite smile to the principal. With that smile, they reached the general office.

Once they were in the office, a middle-aged lady noticed Yonghwa and flashed a warm smile at him. The principal introduced, “Yonghwa, this is one of our most experienced staff, Ms Rem. Ms Rem, meet our transferee, Jung Yonghwa.”

“Oh, what a good looking guy. Nice to meet you.”, Ms Rem stated as she held her hand out. Yonghwa took her hand and shook it as he replied, “Nice to meet you too, Ms Rem.”

“Okay, now, let’s go shall we, can I have the schedules for Yonghwa to be in my office in 5 minutes, Ms Rem?”, the principal requested.

“Yes, definitely. I’ll bring it to your office.”

After that brief introduction, the trio made their way into the office. Once they were in the office, Principal Lee took his seat and gestured Yonghwa and Shinhye to sit. Both nodded in appreciation and took their seats.


Principal Lee: So, Yonghwa, how’d you met Shinhye?

YH: We met in the library a few days back. We’re neighbours too.

Principal Lee: Ah, I see. That’s good.

*knock knock*

Principal Lee: Come in.

*door opens*

Ms Rem: Principal, the schedules.

Principal Lee: Ah, thank you Ms Rem.

Ms Rem: You’re welcome. I shall take my leave.

*door closes*

Principal Lee: Okay, lets get to business. Yonghwa, these are your schedules. I think most of your classes are with Shinhye. She can show you around and feel free to ask her for guidance in anything. She’s a smart girl, responsible and helpful too.

SH: Thank you for your praise, Principal, but I’m not that good.

Principal Lee: Add a humble and modest into that previous sentence I said.


*principal hands yonghwa his schedules*

YH: Thank you principal.

Principal Lee: Welcome. Shinhye, I know that you’ll show him around, please save him too. I saw him surrounded by heaps of girls and guys once he stepped foot into this school.

SH: *giggles* Yes Principal, I will try my best to save him.

Principal Lee: Okay, now, go along. Both of you have classes to attend. By the way Yonghwa, feel free to come to me if you have any problems, I’m so free everyday, I can lend a listening ear.

YH: Yes Principal, I’ll come. Thank you again. *bows*

Principal Lee: You’re too polite. Okay, scurry off now.

SH & YH: Yes. Goodbye Principal, have a good day. *bows*

-----------------------------CONVERSATION END------------------------------------------

Wow, such unison, the principal thought in amusement.



A/N: Thank you guys for reading!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I apologise for the late update. Theres so many things going on right now. Don’t worry, I’ll update again soon. Thanks for everything! I really appreciate the time you all spend on reading this. please go ahead and comment so I can improve. Byeeeeee



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Maihwa #1
Chapter 8: Eventhough this story is really short and only the beginning, but it was really nice to read Aurhornim :-)!
Chapter 8: Wooah a very cute story indeed...a picture of a wonderful friendship that will turn into a beautiful relationship :)
Hope to read more:)
Thank you!!!
mySamoanfan #3
Chapter 8: Wow... nice... not so long ago they met became study buddies and befriends and now they can buy food for each other and lend a hand to help another..... cute and interesting.... can't wait for another update.... happy new year chingu ah...
genie1421 #4
Chapter 8: still love their moment/happy new year author
genie1421 #5
Chapter 7: did you changed this chap?/its been a month since your lates updated/
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 6: Yes, please update again and again. Am so far enjoying your story. Thank you.
genie1421 #7
Chapter 6: another nice n good story of YongShin.Lets spread YongShin love
Chapter 5: authornim please update faster... your story is one of my favorite... i like the nature of character of yong hwa and shin hye.. i cant wait also to read about the cnblue boys... im looking forward for your next update.. HWAITING...
mySamoanfan #9
Chapter 5: At last an update thanks chingu... Don't worry dear principal ms president will sure protect the new Look forward for the next update authornim just take all the time you want we will always be here patiently waiting HWAITING CHINGU
yongshin_lover #10
Chapter 5: At long last, you updated this one authornim. I thought you already left us here hanging. Thank you for this update! :)