Chapter 3

What He saw in Her...

Shinhye and Yonghwa had dinner at Grandma’s Ramen. After dinner, they were outside of the shop exchanging good-byes. Yonghwa flashed a smile and said, “Okay, see you soon then. Technically, it should be tomorrow because I am attending Seoul College tomorrow. The principal sent a message and informed me about it. I’ll walk you to the bus stop before heading home.”


SH: ah… I see. Don’t be late.

They strolled side by side to the bus-stop, with Shinhye leading the way as Yonghwa was not sure which bus-stop Shinhye needs to get to.

YH: so… which bus are you taking?

SH: um… bus 77. I live just opposite the bus-stop.

Yonghwa, mouth agaped, was staring at Shinhye. After regaining his composure, he said while stammering, “Are you sure?”

Shinhye looked at him, confused, smiled and replied sarcastically, “Yeah… why? Are you that interested in me?”

YH: nothing. Bus 77 is the bus I am supposed to take back home too. Yonghwa went to check and he nodded to reconfirm.

SH: well… uh… I guess the world is that small. But you don’t live opposite the bus-stop right? So that should be fine…

Yonghwa looked at Shinhye and checked his phone again and looked back at Shinhye.

He does not need to say anything, his expression said it all.

SH: You got to be kidding me… WHAT?! Are you sure? Shinhye was also that shocked. She looked on the screen and it showed the full address on where Yonghwa lives. She was taken aback. It was like there is a long string between them and they are just pulling the string until they reach each other.

YH: yes, I am sure. You saw the address too right? But is your block the same? Yonghwa looked at Shinhye after asking.

Shinhye was too shocked to even reply. She just took a deep breath and nodded. But it looked like a spasm. Well… that shocked Yonghwa too. He just looked up at the sky and let out a deep breath. Then, he said sarcastically, “I know you are shocked, but am I that unappealing until you have to give the expression that the world is ending right in front of your eyes?”

Shinhye shook her head and explained, “Hey… I am sorry. Please don’t think that way. I am just too shocked. I am truly sorry. I just can’t understand all the coincidences. It was like all planned.”

YH: nah… its okay. I could not understand it either. Well… look on the bright side, you have an extremely handsome study buddy to be your neighbour. Oh! We could go to school together, it will be fun!

SH: well… I am not too sure about the handsome neighbour part but going to school should be fine. Oh wait… better not, it would be a disaster for me. As you stated, you are a handsome guy, well… I think I’ll second-hand that first, and according to my sources, practically all the girls in the school are waiting for your arrival. So… once they know that you are going to attend the college tomorrow, they’ll freaking all wait for you at the gate. I would not want to be an overnight enemy with the girls.

Just then, the bus arrived and both of them boarded the bus. Shinhye greeted the bus driver and Yonghwa smiled. Both of them sat together and after awhile, Yonghwa broke the silence.

YH: so… in order to go to school with you… am I supposed to disguise myself? I get your point, but I want to go to school with you. Since I am new to the school, I have no friends, you are the first. My friends are attending college somewhere else but they are transferring to Seoul College in about a few months time. So… can you please let me come to school with you? I promise I’ll protect you.

Yonghwa smiled with puppy dog eyes. He was blushing a little and Shinhye noticed it. She smiled and replied,

SH: well… please do not disguise. I shall consider it, and stop with the puppy dog eyes. Oh, I noticed that you were blushing a little, have you never said those words before?

Yonghwa blushed again and nodded. Shinhye chuckled at his cuteness. That made Yonghwa blushed even more. Then, he said again,

YH: please do consider madam. I am really in need of someone to be by my side. That sounds weird but yeah… please… and for your information, you are the first person I have ever been like this. See what you have made me become…

Yonghwa also made a pout. That made Shinhye blushed and laughed.

SH: okay! Okay! Lets go to school together then… by the way… I feel so honoured. Haha. I think I should share that you are the first guy that made me agree with going to school. See what YOU have made me become…

Both laughed and shared smiles. They continued talking and sharing personal stuff until they reached their stop. They walked together side by side again and took the elevator to 8th floor together and laughed again as they realised their apartments was next to other. Then, they went inside their houses, took a bath, messaged each other good nights and slept.

They never thought that in a day, they became study buddies, friends and neighbours. But that’s not all… there will more coming out. The path that BOTH shall take, hands in hands.

A/N: Hey guys! I am so sorry for not updating for like eternity!! I was really sick and had to revise for my upcoming exams. I am so sorry! Hope you guys will enjoy this! I hope this update is good enough, had quite a lot of ideas but wasn’t sure whether it was nice… thanks anyway!



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Maihwa #1
Chapter 8: Eventhough this story is really short and only the beginning, but it was really nice to read Aurhornim :-)!
Chapter 8: Wooah a very cute story indeed...a picture of a wonderful friendship that will turn into a beautiful relationship :)
Hope to read more:)
Thank you!!!
mySamoanfan #3
Chapter 8: Wow... nice... not so long ago they met became study buddies and befriends and now they can buy food for each other and lend a hand to help another..... cute and interesting.... can't wait for another update.... happy new year chingu ah...
genie1421 #4
Chapter 8: still love their moment/happy new year author
genie1421 #5
Chapter 7: did you changed this chap?/its been a month since your lates updated/
Bebot7794 #6
Chapter 6: Yes, please update again and again. Am so far enjoying your story. Thank you.
genie1421 #7
Chapter 6: another nice n good story of YongShin.Lets spread YongShin love
Chapter 5: authornim please update faster... your story is one of my favorite... i like the nature of character of yong hwa and shin hye.. i cant wait also to read about the cnblue boys... im looking forward for your next update.. HWAITING...
mySamoanfan #9
Chapter 5: At last an update thanks chingu... Don't worry dear principal ms president will sure protect the new Look forward for the next update authornim just take all the time you want we will always be here patiently waiting HWAITING CHINGU
yongshin_lover #10
Chapter 5: At long last, you updated this one authornim. I thought you already left us here hanging. Thank you for this update! :)