
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Exo-M: Wolf


The days passed by uneasily. Everyone was on alert for the were-bears to come back.

It was already May, and yet, there was no sign of them. Instead of feeling relieved, apprehension only grew.

Luhan was edgy and extra vigilant. He never knew when the bears would strike, but he hoped to be ready for them.

It was a gray, somber day. There was something ominous in the weather, and everyone seemed extra jumpy.

Lunch was quiet.

Minyoung and Uishik could sense something was going on. “Hey.” She elbowed Danji. “What’s up with the guys? Did they fight again?”

Danji shook her head, “No.” “Then what is it?” Minyoung asked.

“It’s…complicated.” Danji looked at the wolves. None of them were touching their food.

Suddenly, Baekhyun and Chanyeol rushed inside. “The bears-“ Baekhyun stopped when he saw Minyoung and Uishik staring. He cleared his throat and motioned for the wolves to come out. “We need to talk.”

The wolves looked at each other. At once, they were on their feet. The twelve of them rushed out to talk privately.

“What’s going on?” Minyoung asked.

Danji gripped onto the edge of the table. She didn’t know either, but she knew it had something to do with the were-bears.


“What’s going on? You were saying something about the bears,” Suho said.

“We were out for a run when we saw them. The Black Sleuth.” Baekhyun stared at Luhan. “You were right. They’ve been here all along.”

“,” Tao cursed. Xiumin bit his lower lip, and Chen curled his hands into tight, tense fists.

Luhan clenched his fists tightly. Those damn bears, he thought. He touched the Moonstone underneath his shirt. “I’ll destroy them. Every last one of them.”

“This is the opportunity. We have to go after them now. All fifteen of them are here. If we hurry now, we’ll be able to catch them,” Baekhyun said.

Luhan looked at Kris. “It’s your call,” Kris said.

Luhan gritted his teeth. “We go after those bastards. We bring every last bear of that damn sleuth down. They’ll never be able to lay a hand on Danji.”

The other pack members looked at Kris. “You heard the prince. Let’s go,” Kris said.

Everyone moved at once.

“We’ll need your help.” Kris told Exo-K.

Kai smirked, “Of course. You thought we would let you in all the action? If we get the bears, I’m taking all the credit. I’ll tell Danji that I defeated all those wolves in her honor.”

Kris smirked right back. “Yeah, let’s just see if she believes that.”


Danji could not hold it in anymore. She had to find out what the news was. Danji got up and ran down the halls in search of the wolves. She turned the corner and rammed into someone. Instinctively, she released a frightened scream.

“It’s okay, Danji! It’s just me!”

Danji sighed in relief. “Oh, Luhan. You- you surprised me.”

Luhan grasped the tops of her arms. “I know I did. And I know why you’re surprised. You’re scared.”

Danji searched his eyes. “What did Baekhyun say?”

“The bears…are here. They’ve been here. They’ve been watching for the opportune moment to attack.” Luhan truthfully revealed. The color drained from her face. “W-what are we going to do now?”

“I’m going after them with the rest of the wolves. You’re going to stay here and finish school. This place is the safest for you right now,” He said.

Her eyes widened. “You’re going after them?!” Her voice rose up a notch and squeaked.

“Yes, I’m going to find them before they find you,” Luhan determined. He squeezed her arms. “Stay here. You’ll be safe among the humans. Bears are stupid, but they’re not as stupid to attack you in an open place with many mortals. Don’t go home. Just wait. I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.”

Danji nodded, “All right.”

Luhan kissed her forehead. “I’ll fight hard for you.”

“Be safe,” Danji whispered.

Luhan nodded, released her, and left.

Danji squeezed the paw necklace around her neck. *Please don’t let any harm come to him or any of the other wolves.*


Danji waited and waited. She could not focus on her schoolwork. She looked out the window in hopes that she would see Exo-M and Exo-K walking back towards the school. *Why aren’t they back yet? The school day is almost over.*

“Choi Danji.” The English teacher called. Her head snapped up. “Y-Yes?”

“Read the next line please.” The teacher said.

Danji looked down at her book. Her cheeks grew warm. “Um, I’m not sure where we’re at.” Minyoung gave her a worried look as Jonghoon chortled in the back.

“You should have been paying attention, not daydreaming.” The teacher disapprovingly chided.

“I’m sorry,” Danji bowed. The teacher called on another student to read. Danji sat up straighter and tried her best to focus.

The last class of the school day came to an end. Danji took her time packing up and going to her locker. Her eyes nervously flitted around. School was over, and all the students and staff were heading home. Was this place even safe anymore? *Why aren’t they back? Luhan said he would be back soon. It’s been over three hours.*

“Hey!” Minyoung and Uishik came over.

Danji gave them a meek smile.

“What was up with you? It’s not like you to get in trouble,” Minyoung frowned.

“I…I blanked out,” Danji admitted. “It can happen to anyone,” Uishik comforted. Danji gave him a grateful smile.

“Well we’re going to the Sun Walk to get dukkbokki. Want to come?” Minyoung asked.

Danji thought about it. But then she shook her head. “Don’t go home. Just wait. I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.” Luhan’s words stopped her. “Luhan is supposed to pick me up. I’ll wait for him.”

“Okay then. See you later!” Minyoung and Uishik waved and left the school.

Danji stood near the iron gate. She kicked the dirt at her feet and chewed her lower lip nervously. “Bye, Danji unnie.” A few junior girls waved as they passed by. Danji gave them a small smile and waved back. She looked back at the school. Now that it was empty and dead silent, it appeared creepy and haunting.

Danji swallowed hard. She gripped onto the paw necklace as her eyes darted around uneasily.

Something bad was about to happen. She could feel it.


Danji stiffened. Someone- or rather, something- was here. Her head slowly turned, and she stared into the trees where the sound had come from. There was a rustling. Her heart clenched with fear. She felt as if her heart would burst from the anxiety building up. “Who…is there?” Danji asked fretfully. *Please let it be Kai playing a joke on me.*

An enormous, furry creature with black hair and black eyes stepped out.

It was a bear.

Her heart dropped as her last breath escaped her lips.

The bear stared right at her. He exhaled through his wet snout, and a white cloud puffed out from his mouth.

Something told her this was no ordinary bear.

*Were-bear.* Danji stepped back. The bear took a step closer.

*Oh my god…* She took another step back. He stepped forward again.


Danji listened to her mind. She spun around and raced back towards the school. The bear roared and ran towards her. Danji raced into the school, shut the double doors, and locked them. The door pulsed with the bear’s hefty weight. Danji screamed and fell back. The back of her legs became bruised after she bumped into the stairs. She scrambled up and raced up the stairs.

Danji locked herself in the senior classroom. With shaking hands, she took out her phone. Her eyes blurred with frantic tears as she tried to call Luhan. He was not answering his phone. *Come on, Luhan! Please have your phone with you!* Danji called him one more time. Still, he did not answer. Danji searched for Kai’s number on her contact list.


“Ahhh!” Danji gave a shriek.

The bear bellowed from the other side. His large paws fervently pounded the door, and his claws ripped through the wood. The door caved in, and the bear stood there on his hind legs. It looked at her with hungry eyes.

Danji dropped the phone. She began to back away. “S-Stay away from me. L-Luhan won’t leave you alone if you touch me.” The bear seemed to smirk. He got on all four legs and narrowed his eyes. He barred his razor-sharp teeth. Danji fled to the other side of the classroom. In four strides, the bear had caught up to her. He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and flung her to the other side of the room. Her forehead split and bled. Danji tumbled to the ground unconscious.

The bear traipsed to her and pushed her leg. She did not open her eyes.

The bear changed into his human form. Namgil, the prince of bears, smirked joyfully. *I’ve got you, mate of Prince Luhan. Your photo was very helpful. I’ll use you to bait him to giving me my Moonstone back. When he does, I’ll kill you both.*


Danji’s eyes slowly peeled open. Her head spun, and there was a splitting pain on her forehead. Danji touched her forehead. Crusted blood sprinkled downwards. *Where…am I?* Her vision was blurry, and she could not make out anything. Slowly, her eyesight cleared, and she was able to see where she was. She was in the forest; that much was apparent.

The sun was on the verge of disappearing. She was cramped in a trap made of wood, moss, and a sticky substance. Her eyes shot wide open.

“Oh, no…” Danji whimpered in shock. She gripped onto the trap and tried to look for a way to escape. There was none. Danji heard a l

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
748 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????