
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Master's Sun OST: Touch Love (Guitar Ver.)


Danji woke up at dawn on Christmas.

“Merry Christmas, mom and dad. Merry Christmas, grandpa.” She kissed the photos and smiled warmly.

Danji quickly got ready for the holiday and placed all the gifts in the shopping bags. She locked up her house and first headed towards Exo-K’s home. The woods were empty of people. The snowfall from last night had left a pretty layer of white on the ground.

Danji arrived at the luxurious three-part cabin. She keenly listened for any sign of life. It seemed like the wolves were still sleeping. Danji treaded carefully to the front door. She placed their Christmas gifts in front of the door.

“Merry Christmas, Exo-K,” Danji whispered.

With a happy smile, she hopped off of the step and went to Minyoung’s and Uishik’s houses next.

After dropping off their gifts in their mailboxes, Danji went to Exo-M’s cabin. She pressed her hand against the tablet that read her fingerprints. The door unlocked, and Danji stepped inside.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Danji rejoiced. To her shock, no one greeted her back.

The cabin was dead silent.

What happened? Where is everyone? She wondered.

Danji placed their gifts next to the Christmas tree and headed to the back. She heard a soft snore and realized that the wolves might still be asleep. Danji quietly tip-toed to Luhan’s room. She opened the door and poked her head inside. A hooded figure was lying deeply under the covers. *He’s asleep, too.*

Danji couldn’t wait to surprise him. Giggling softly, she treaded closer to the bed. At the last second, she pounced on him. “MERRY CHRISTMAS, LUHAN!”

Luhan opened one eye. She could see it was bloodshot.

“Oh my gosh!” Danji gasped. Quickly, she scrambled off of him. “What happened to you?”

Groggily, Luhan sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. Wordlessly, he pointed to the calendar on the wall.

Danji saw the words “full moon” labeled underneath the number 25.

“Oh,” She cringed. “Tonight is a full moon?”

He nodded.

Danji sighed. *Why on Christmas? That’s so cruel.* “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’ll just go now. Go ahead and go back to bed.” She turned to go, but he grabbed her wrist.

“You can’t just go like that. You need to give me my Christmas gift.”

“I left your gift by the tree. Open it whenever you want,” Danji said.

“No. I want you to give me another gift.” Luhan tugged on her arm. She lost her balance and spilled onto his mattress. He rolled right on top of her.

“Mate with me. Now.” Luhan commanded.

“You just have to be so subtle, don’t you?” The sarcasm rolled right off his head.

“I need you, Danji. I need you now more than ever. I could smell your scent stronger than before.” He squeezed her wrist.

“Probably because I took a shower just an hour ago. Now control yourself, please.” She pushed him away and sat up.

“Why do you have to always play hard-to-get?” Luhan whined.

“I assure you that was not my intention.” Danji kissed his cheek. “I’ll wait in the living room until you’re done sleeping.” She left the bedroom and sat on the couch. She found a Rubik’s Cube and started to play with it.

The same hooded figure she saw before sat next to her. Danji smiled and held out the cube. “Want to try?”

Luhan gave her a dry look with heavy bags sagging under his eyes. He hit the cube out of her hand. She pouted and gave him a stern look as she bent down to pick up the cube. He grabbed her wrist and aggressively pinned her down on the couch.

“Luhan!” Danji yelped.

“I’m mad at you,” He stated. She threw him a glare. “Yeah, I can kind of see that.”

“Why can’t you just mate with me? I am your mate, aren’t I?” Luhan questioned.

Danji sighed, “Yes, you are. You know the reason. I’m not ready yet.”

“Why not?” He asked. She flushed, “I’m just not, okay? I’ve never been that intimate with a guy before, and I just don’t know if I’m prepared to go that far yet.”

“There’s nothing to be prepared for. I’ll take care of everything. You can trust me.” Luhan caressed her cheek.

“I do trust you. I just don’t trust myself.” Danji gently pushed him off and fixed her jacket back over her shoulder. *I’m afraid I might panic and black out or something. That would certainly be an interesting first-time.*

“Why? You think once you see me in that way you won’t be able to control yourself and be all over me?” Luhan grinned.

Danji rolled her eyes. “Sure, Luhan. We’ll just leave it like that.”

A big yawn was heard down the hallway. They turned their heads to see Tao entering. As usual on full moon days, Tao had black circles around his eyes. He looked like a zombie panda. “Oh. Mei-mei. You’re here early.”

“I came to greet you on Christmas morning.” She grinned.

“Merry Christmas.” Tao bent down with puckered lips.

“You better get your freaking lips away from her before I chop them off!” Luhan snarled.

Tao pouted. “You’re not fun.” He shuffled towards the kitchen.

“Jerk.” Danji lightly whacked Luhan’s chest. He caught her hand and lightly bit into it.

“LUHAN!” Danji yanked her hand away. “Why do you always like to bite me?!”

“You’re delicious.” He blew her a kiss. She made a face and went to the kitchen.

“I’m hungry,” Tao mumbled. “I’ll make you breakfast,” Danji offered.

Tao smiled, “Thank you, mei-mei.”

While Danji made breakfast, the rest of the wolves woke up one-by-one. Kris shuffled into the kitchen to get coffee.

“Good morning, oppa,” Danji smiled. He grunted in reply.

“I’ve never seen you less than perfect before. But now…” She giggled at his bed hair sticking out all over the place.

“What are you talking about? I’m always perfect,” Kris scoffed. He turned around and smacked right into the wall.

Danji chortled. “Quiet!” Kris roared.

She put her fist against her lips to stifle the giggles threatening to erupt. Cursing in Chinese, he headed to the bathroom.

Lay entered the kitchen. He pulled out the lollipop he was on and blinked at Danji. “Why are you laughing?” “Because Kris oppa is not perfect anymore,” She giggled. Lay smiled quizzically.

“Can you call everyone? Breakfast is done,” Danji said.

“Okay.” Lay grabbed another lollipop from the jar before going to call everyone to eat.

The breakfast menu was pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausages.

“Wow. You went all out this morning,” Tao awed. “It’s Christmas!” Danji beamed.

“Thank you for the food, Danji,” Lay smiled. “Yeah, thanks,” Xiumin yawned.

“You’re welcome! Eat a lot!” She smiled. She felt content knowing that they adored her meals.

When breakfast was over, Xiumin went back to his room. If he stayed around any longer, he would have become Grumpy, and he did not want to risk snapping at Danji again.

The others gathered around the tree. They opened up their gifts from Danji. She had given all of them a special coffee mug that had their pictures on them.

“I put the camera that Lay ge gave me on my birthday to good use,” Danji giggled.

“We love our gifts. Thank you,” He smiled.

“Yeah, I look beautiful on my cup,” Tao agreed. Everyone chuckled good-naturedly.

“Open your gifts, too,” Lay nodded.

Danji’s eyes widened. “I get gifts, too?!”

“Of course. It’s Christmas. Duh.” Chen pointed out.

“Go ahead. All those gifts under the trees are yours,” Lay explained.

Danji stared at the boxes under the tree.

“Open mine first.” Tao held out a box

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
748 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????