
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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2PM: A.D.T.O.Y.


The dramatic first day of school finally came to an end. As soon as the dismissal bell rang, everyone packed up and exited the classroom as if they could not wait to leave the campus. Danji and Luhan stopped at the gate and faced each other.

“You need to stay for detention, huh?” She asked. “Yeah.” He nodded.

“Do you want me to stay?” Danji asked.

Luhan shook his head with a soft smile, “No, don’t waste your time waiting for me. If you go home, I’ll be there tonight. Do you want me to ask Lay to take you home?”

Danji shook her head, “I’m actually going to Uishik’s house today.”

“Alone?!” Luhan gave her a queer look, “Because I’m sure that won’t settle well with Minyoung…”

Laughing, Danji shoved his shoulder, “No, you silly goose. I’m going with Minyoung. Uishik invited us to come over to eat and do our homework.”

“Oh. Okay.” Luhan nodded.

“Danji!” Minyoung called on cue. She looked back and saw Minyoung and Uishik waiting for her.

“You should go.” Luhan said. “Yeah.” Still, Danji did not move.

“Go. I’ll be fine.” Luhan assured. “Okay…come tonight, okay?” Danji requested.

“Nothing could keep me away.” Luhan promised. They shared a sweet kiss and then separated.


After two hours of eating a variety of delicious cookies and doing math homework, Danji came back to her cabin. The sun had just gone down. Danji placed her finger against the door, and it clicked open.

The house was dark and silent. She treaded towards her bedroom when a shadow fluidly passed by.

Danji froze and looked up with widened eyes. Was there someone else in her home?

Carefully, she moved forward as her eyes danced around the darkness. “Luhan? Is that you?” She leaned forward and peeked into her bedroom. Suddenly, a large hand clamped over .

Eyes wide, Danji completely froze. Her heart rate tripled with a sense of helplessness. Drowning in all sorts of fearsome possibilities, she felt her body being dragged backwards. It suddenly registered to her that this person was NOT Luhan. *What if it’s another coyote?!*

Before she could scream and shout for help, a low voice hotly whispered in her ear, “Missed me?”

*That voice.* Danji spun away from him. She slapped her palm on the light switch, and the house lit up. She was now able to see the trespasser clearly. “W-what…” Danji was speechless.

Kai grinned, “You weren’t expecting that one, were you?” He winked.

Danji’s face grew splotchy with anger. Now she was the one who was ticked off. How dare he infringe into her private space? This was her home. Nobody, not even Luhan, invaded her personal area like this. Danji grabbed the nearest weapon she could find, which was a rolling pin.

“Whoa.” Kai stepped back with his hands raised out. He stepped backwards as she confronted him. “I was totally not expecting that one.” Kai admitted.

“What are you doing here? In my home?” Danji demanded.

“That’s an easy question. I came to see you.” Kai grinned.

“How did you get in?” She snapped, not buying his charming grin.

“I have my ways. Just a hint though, your security might not be as tight as you thought it was. I would get new windows if I were you.” He shrugged.

Danji furrowed her eyebrows. Kai was so stealthy like a ghost. She never noticed when he was right next to her.

Kai eyed the rolling pin still clutched tightly in her hand, “Now…are you going to put that thing down?” His eyes traveled back up to her face.

Danji just stood there with a solemn expression. She didn’t want to let go of the weapon. It was her only defense if Kai decided to do something rash.

“Put the rolling pin down, Danji. I don’t want to hurt my own mate.” Kai said in a calm voice.

Danji shook her head.

“No? Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Before she knew it, she was pinned down on the couch with Kai on top of her. Eyes wide, she stared at Kai whose face was right in front of hers. He was so close to her that she could smell his minty breath. “I warned you.” Kai murmured. His eyes swept over her face. “You feel really warm and soft…and you smell great…like raspberry vanilla.”

Danji stared at him, breathless for a few seconds. Then she erupted loudly, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! GET OFF OF ME!” Danji struggled and twisted. She managed to free her arm and wave the bat around. “I WILL REPORT YOU FOR BREAKING IN, YOU STUPID-“


“OW!” Kai howled in pain as the bat landed on his head.

Danji gasped and opened her eyes.

Kai was rolling on the floor while clutching on his head. *Oh my god. Don’t tell me I did that!* Danji sat up and gaped at the bat in her hand. Then she gasped and dropped it as if it was a poisonous snake. Danji cupped her hands over and watched as Kai groaned in pain. “My head…split open…” He moaned.

Danji grew worried. She bent down next to him and touched his shoulder. “Are you all right? I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to really hit you though. Honestly. I’m sorry. Let me look at it-“ She gasped as Kai suddenly grabbed her. She was laying flat on top of him now.

Kai grinned at her, “Were you really that worried about me? Awww. I’m so honored, love.”

Danji scrambled off of him. She grabbed the bat off the floor and raised it in the air.

Kai quickly hid his face behind his arms, “MY HEAD STILL HURTS!”

Danji didn’t quite believe him this time. Breathing shallowly, she glared suspiciously at him.

Kai uncovered his face and pointed to the pink bump on his forehead, “See? You really did hurt me.”

Her expression softened with guilt. She realized she had really hurt him.

Danji put the bat down and got up. Kai cringed as she walked past him. He blinked when he realized she was not going to step on him. Where is she going? He wondered. Danji went to the freezer and dumped some ice cubes into a plastic bag. She zipped the bag up and brought it over. “Here. Put this to your head.”

In awe, Kai took the bag from her. Danji sat on the couch with a sigh. How in the world did she end up aiding the guy who gave her and Luhan so much trouble?

Kai slowly stood up and sat beside her. “You’re not going to kill me?” He asked.

Danji rolled her eyes and pushed his hand with the ice pack up towards his face, “Just put that to your bump, okay?”

Grinning, Kai saluted, “Yes, mam.” He put the ice against the swelling bump.

Silence swathed the air around them. Suddenly, Kai asked, “Am I doing this right? My bump does not seem to get better.”

Danji sighed and moved closer. She took the pack of ice and examined his bump. It was still pink, but the bump seemed to not be growing. Danji pressed the ice gently against his forehead. Kai watched her, amazed. Suddenly, he asked, “Marry me.”

Danji shifted her gaze to meet eyes with him. She thought he was joking, but she could now see he was dead serious. He wasn’t joking when he claimed that she was her mate. Danji went back to icing his wound, “Sorry. I don’t think my boyfriend would be too pleased if I marry someone else.”

Kai grasped her hand that was holding the ice. Her gaze jerked towards him once again. “But I’m your mate. I would be your boyfriend if that damn Luhan wasn’t stubbornly in the way.”

Danji pulled her hand away. With a stern gaze, she spoke, “I choose my boyfriend. And I chose Luhan.”

“But you and I are meant to be together.” Kai murmured as he gazed deeply into her eyes.

Danji shook her head. She didn’t fall for his tactic one bit. “Look, I didn’t say this to you earlier because it was our first meet, and I didn’t want to be rude. Also, I’ve never rejected a guy before so I had no idea what to do-“

“Reject? Who are you going to reject?” Kai demanded. Then his face lit up, “Luhan?!”

Danji gave him a stern gaze. *He’s impossible.* “No. You.”

Kai blinked, “You what?”

Danji shook her head. *I’ll just have to spell it out for him. “Kai.” She called.

He perked up when she called his name. If he had been in his wolf form, his tail would have

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story ...so wanna re-read this story...
748 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????